You are about to be dropped into a generic, fantasy setting, with only the object you can find in your room.
How fucked are you?
You are about to be dropped into a generic, fantasy setting, with only the object you can find in your room.
How fucked are you?
>Can't shitpost on Veeky Forums because no internet
Immediate death
>only the object you can find in your room
I think I could manage
A spelling error presumably
>A complete physical set of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Guess I'm a sage now.
I have a bunch of mangas that I could sell as my own unique works and become a poet/writer.
>Own a survival Guide that teach a lot on modern med
>Or take the gun book that teach you how to make a firearm
Fuck they're both so good
>only the object you can find in your room
>only 4 bullets
m8 yer fooked
Given the vagueness in the OP I'll assume I have every item in my room.
Depends how savage or civilised an area I find myself in. If civilised, I can likely pass myself off as a person of wealth and use my various curious possessions to get established with at least a decent quality of life. If it's a more savage area, or even a very unpleasant civilised one, I'm probably just dead.
take jar of coins
attempt to barter
get mugged
die of sepsis
I take nothing but a dream. If I'm getting isekai'd to a fantasy realm with wizards and shit, I'm either dying horribly or becoming a fucking godking. Either is fine.
take chemistry textbook
become alchemist
>9mm Ruger
>neck knife
>old maps used as wall art
I’ll be okay for a little bit
>Take "The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic" by Eliphas Levi
Thank God my occult phase is finally paying off
ammo box with m9 pistol and about 225 rounds of ammo
>fantasy setting
Everyone would be fucked at some point. Nothing that anyone could have could even begin to match the ability to cast elements from your fingertips at whim and in some cases for as long as you want.
>muh electricity
Yeah, we got planes of that shit we can tap into
>muh bullets
Literal bullet time spells.
Fuck magic. It's not fair.
Well, I have clothes, a sword, a hand crossbow, about 10 knives, and a copy of the SAS Survival Guide in here, so as long as my anime body pillow doesnt get me burnt as a heretic I should be fine to at least survive.
I'd take some nice pics with my dslr
>Literal bullet time spells.
I have yet to see a fantasy setting where bows and arrows were not still relevant
You sound like a constipated martial.
Got about 40 rounds on stripper clips in my room actually, unfortunately the rest are in other rooms.
Still, 40 is enough to get myself away from the wilderness and find a comfy town to settle down in I reckon.
>enter setting with gun
>shit comes at you
>fire bullets
>eventually travel into town/make contact with intelligent life
>eventually your tech is discovered and you use it to scare/intimidate/awe those around you
>your fame grows as you've taken down foes in mere thunderclaps of your boomstick thing
>some old homo with a long pointed hat talks shit to you one day
>you're running out of bullets but think that you can spare it to make a point, can't let this dissent spread after all
>guy screams ZA WARUDO
>disappears in front of your eyes
>impaled by rain of icicles and pushed from behind
>it's the old man, who is now apparently naked except for his hat
>as you fall you see you're wearing his robe somehow
>so confused
>"my bullets...why didn't they protect me" you think to yourself
>old man walks away with your harem of bitches as you die of blood loss
I did say "at some point".
Ooooh great.
And extra large coffee mug, not made for travel.
I am truly the moist cuped of men
Tons of clothes, a now useless computer and phone. A few knives, and some pills.
I guess I could pass out some excedrine and hope it made people like me?
>shoot steel golem
>ricochets and maims/kills you
Good going mates.
Why my smartphone, of course!
That’s the shittiest looking AK I have ever seen. They didn’t even use real wood for the grip, stock and foregrip. Like what is that? Varnished condensed Wood chips? I am so embarrased you posted that gun goddamn I’m making a huge post just to say how fucking garbage your gun is. I hope you’re gonna get a hardwood kit soon to end her misery.
Only shit that'll be useful in my room is some clothes, scissors, and a small knife
I have a makeshift Tazer and one of those crank charger things. I am going to zap me an elf waifu
Don't make your bait so obvious m8
I'll fair better than most, I'm certain.
I'd say the survival guide and hope you spawn in a nonshit place
Well, if it isnt your friendly neighborhood street samurai
this may shock you user but shitty furniture does not affect a firearm's function
I doubt I have anything useful in my room.
I would just take the cane with a hidden blade inside. The blade is dull but at least I can use it to scare some fantasy nigger or poke someone in the eye with it.
2 hunting knifes, 1 crowbar a shitty wooden shield and a somewhat full bottle of gin.
nobody said you're limited to one item
Is that a Prudy button?
My Arcade stick, 3 backpacks, 2 bottles of cointreau and an umbrella. I guess I'm fucked
Where am I being dropped? Because if it's somewhere civilized, I'm just bringing my entire fucking room so I can buy a permanent residence and live in relative comfort while I make my money on drawn porn.
>Machinery's Handbook 27e
time to find a wizard and fuck around with thermodynamics bois
Why yes, yes it is
Ranger and and paladin covered. Now they just need a caster and a support, then they'll have a real adventuring party
You are now standing in the middle of a forest, armed only with the items you acquired form your room moments ago.
I think picking the cane with dull hidden blade was a bad idea but let's see,
Rolled 3 (1d100)
Fuck my brain for touching the "post" button automatically.
Rolled 71 (1d100)
hoping for the nymph
Dude, you're fucked
>bat swarm
Well, at least I can hit them with the cane or run.
Rolled 33 (1d100)
c'mon nigga
Rolled 63 (1d100)
I think I'll do alright
how does he take a selfie of his phone taking a selfie
You have, like, 20 hours of battery life, at best.
duh, it's a smart phone.
I'm in your boat too, user. Got a Zastava M70 and a SADF battle jacket with four mags for it pretty much within arm's reach. /k/ for the win.
Rolled 76 (1d100)
I'm taking nothing with me and learning the closest thing to magic as I can. Let's see if I even get that far.
Rolled 80 (1d100)
Hope I'm doing this right
I have a chance, that's all I ask for
>Keep a hatchet and hammer in my room
Well, at least I'm not under equipped, all things considered.
You are going to learn the magic of taking centaur dick, pal.
Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d6)
>Wolves vs. VZ-58
That doesn't seem too bad if I don't have a lot to take on
>I have a chance, that's all I ask for
If you knew anything about centaurs, you wouldn't be saying that.
Rolled 7 (1d100)
I have a shotgun with about 30 buckshot rounds and 15 slugs, a handgun with two mags of hallowpoints and the will to die.
Lets do this.
what a terrible show
Rolled 48 (1d100)
I have a pair of sunglasses, and a cymbal banging monkey, let's do this.
Define "room". I'm in a massive industrial bay right now. No real sources of electricity for the welding machines and magnadrill, but there is an endless supply of hand tools extremely high tensile steel, and at least 4 or 5 forklifts of various size that probably won't run out of gas for a while.
I should be good for long enough to make powder and bullets. Brass might be a bit of a bitch tho, since it gets mauled and then launched into the stratosphere.
Rolled 99 (1d100)
>2 hunting knifes, 1 crowbar a shitty wooden shield and a somewhat full bottle of gin.
Bring it fucker! drunked as shit I can face everything!
Depends on the generic fantasy setting
I didn't know Aaron Rodgers was into reenacting
Rolled 57 (1d100)
better start pounding that bottle, you don't want to feel what's going to happen next.
He really really likes it.
Oh dear. I don't have enough mags for my rifle Sounds like its time for fire and maneuver. Lots and lots of maneuver. God the g3 is heavy when you want to run.
Shit, roll.
Let's see...
>Shitty replica claymore
Probably almost immediately robbed by bandits who think it's actually worth something.
Might be able to hack it as a novelty minstrel until reeds break, leading me to whittling my own reeds, cutting open my lip on shitty homemade reeds, contracting the Plague, and dying.
Or it gets stolen.
>Amazon-tier chainmail shirt
>Hunting knife
Use it to defend myself from bandits, get disarmed, stabbed AND robbed.
>Can of compressed air
At least I can convince the bandits I might be a frost mage? Until they steal the source of my power, that is.
Maybe I should work on not being a soft-bodied manlet if I don't want my shit stolen.
>50L pack
>healthy assortment of knives
>a bunch of survival, technical, and assorted manuals
>my buck-ninety-eight
>some other assorted camping stuff
I'd probably just scour my bookshelves for any books that would prove useful, fill my pack with survival gear, and go become an eccentric and witty Artificer/Fighter.
I have a Sega Saturn behind me. The primitives would probably worship it, as well they should.
>Thank God my occult phase is finally paying off
Same situation here. I've got a shelf full of occult books and a memory for spooky Latin. Along with my home made Havoc Staff and sword collection I am good.
Why would Earth's occultism be useful in any way in a different world?
I think I'm good to go...
>Kevlar Vest
>Vietnam US Military Helmet (My Grandfather's)
>Functioning Scimitar (Recently Sharpened and Oiled)
>Crossbow with 5 bolts
>Grow Box with a Led Grow Light powered by a solar panel and rechargeable battery
>Potato Seeds (3 Packs)
>Morphine Medication (In case of Overdose Suicide)
>Tennis Ball and Racket (For Fun)
>Petroluem Jelly
Yeah, that 5 round mag will be super helpful you FUCKING LEAF.
>fantasy world
Why wouldn't it work? The GM is clearly a lazy fuck for running a sandbox setting.
Ignore the filename
oh fuck
I got the nymph. Sorry m8
oh fuck indeed
.38 revolver and 3 boxes of ammo.
2 hoodies, one of which is bright fucking yellow.
A rod made of selenite (which may or may not be magically active in-setting).
Oh. I actually have a few ingots of silver in there right now. like... 8. Also two mortars and pestles.
I might do alright.
When this shit goes isekai let's meet up and START A FLAIL CLUB.