Sell Walls have been dropped the REQoning is here
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good morning
it's happening.
Willing to swing trade to increase my stack. Worth the risk? I literally don't want to lose any of my REQ babies.
I did it and highly regret it. Made like 1k REQ these past few days but I swung out and missed the moon mission. Now if i Fomo back in I'll be down 600. Fuck I'm retarded, I've been holding since 11 cents too. I think I'll just hold bitcoin til it dips
That's what the whales are gonna do anyways. Do you honestly think it will keep going up? It's unrealistic
>bought at 2300 2 days ago
>wanted to buy more yesterday but bitcoin dropped and it went to 2700
>didn't want to buy at 2700
>wake up today and see it's now 3400
But you'd be still up by 400 REQ. That's okay.
>Sold all my XLM because of pic related
>Injected 2 BTC into REQ at 40 cents
>Check screen 5 minutes later
>Up 12% already
Good start. Fuck Stellar.
I'm down 600 overall, lost 1600 since the pump if I buy back in lel
might dip again but 1$ within a few weeks is almost guaranteed
I'm expecting a dip soon. But I'm in it for the long-term.
Already had 50k REQ.
yea if they keep delivering and everything working on plan i will probably hold with iron hands for 2 years or maybe even longer
this is my moonshot and personally i cant be fucked trading
so far it paid off
get the fuck of my board you fucking pajeet why are you crying about losing 200$
get a job you streetshitter
Why is REQ's volume so low compared to shitcoins like TRX and XVG?
I wonder how high it'll go leading up to the mainnet release in Q1. were basically 3 months away from the Q1 deadline... thats 3 months with no possible bad news (pertaining to REQ) to hurt the price
I'm really bad for this too. If I see it was lower just a few hours ago I'll wait and end up missing out. One day I'll be right.
Because most people in crypto are brainlets driven purely by hype.
Just wait. REQ will take off soon enough.
> dat pic
That can't be fucking real. Please tell me that SJW bullshit is not real. Please tell me liberals have not infected crypto with their fucking BULLSHIT. REEEEEEEE
No news, go for it
Just checked. It is.
thats stage 4 terminal
>Liberals have infected crypto
Crypto was always Communist. Vitalik didn't become communist. XLM devs didn't become communist. They were always communist. You're the one who just came here from /pol/ and you're marvelling at this world.
>Just checked. It is.
Well, guess I'm glad I don't hold any then
Unloaded my LINK for REQ yesterday morning, feelsgoodman.
Check for yourself.
biz was originally a thread in a pol iirc dude
Yeah, okay. I'm not gonna get into it because I'm just here to cheer on REQ. If I wanted to talk politics, yes, I'd go back to /pol/.
You fucked up lad. Hodl both through 2018.