/wip/ - Work In Progress general

Secret Santa 2nd edition.
Day 1 FAQ sub-edition.

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:


Previous Thread(s):

Other urls found in this thread:


I have created a little flag for my Cyclops demo vehicle

Asking this here again since the last thread died on me.

Does anyone have a copy of the Masterclass Book by Angel Giraldez?

3.24 mb for that little shit. user please

>Tfw the shipping was more expensive then whats in the box
>Implying you can put a price on Love
Godspeed, package! I hope you can bring joy to the user that is getting you!
It will take a while to get to user, but he will have some cosmic soldiers delivered next week to help him wait the personal-touch&madewithlove stuff.

So I need some alligator clips and rods to prime some smaller parts. Does anyone know what kind of store might sell these, outside a electronics specialist?

I hope your name os C----.
Because Im sending him some.

Also try a Staples, or something.


those should do ya. Just stick the skewers in something and you're good to go.

It’s not, unfortunately.

These would be perfect, but don’t seem to ship to northern europe.

I have everything needed for SS package collected. Now I only have to try and use the ancient rites of giftwrap, bring it all to post office and pray to all of the gods that finnish postal service wont "misplace" it...

I hope finanon from 50k-area likes sprues. And chocolate.

Pic of my Glottkin for c&c.

Brazilanon here. Had to sign 16 pages of documents to send my stuff to America.
Hoping for the best.

I love Secret Santa.

How do you get started with Blanchitsu? Is there like a guide or something? I'm googling it and I'm getting are people saying there's no one way to do it with no further explanation.

Just posted my package. God speed netherlands user. I hope youre ready to get #hard for heresy

user should be getting it between 19th-23th, I hope.

I’ve been told that gloss varnish is harder than matt varnish, and that I should coat gloss first and matt second for optimal effect. Is this true, /wip/? If so, what gloss varnish would you recommend? (I have no airbrush.)

>Next week we should start having unboxings

Im hype. And Im not even your user!

Horrible Freight has 12 packs of alligator clips for like $2. Teriyaki skewers are another $1. Done.

Hey im starting to run out of an old Gw paint called brown ink does any one know of an equivalent Shade from the new range or something that another company makes that is similar

We require a picture of said cyclops with this flag.

Because it's more an art style rather than a technique. Style comes naturally as you practice.

Asking Darren Latham to do some Blanchitsu would be silly for example. he could very probably pull it off, but it's not his style.

Blanchitsu is all about colours, reds, whites, greys, and a sort of sketchy finish.

Probably Agrax Earthshade. Ask your store if in doubt.

I think there is no direct corrispective to old inks, since with those you had to water down and/or mix quite a bit, I still use my old Black Ink because sometimes Nuln Oil doesn't cut it, and I will cry when it finishes.
Anyhow, Agrax is probably your best bet, but you'll have to get used to the fact that it's pre-watered

>What general direction should I be looking in to find this

A roman military formation , a nazi store without world in it. Dot com

Bright polished gold for my standard troops or a worn dirty gold?

What kind of troops?

Essentially gold clad infantry of Slaanesh. Would a Slaaneshi follower tend to their armor enough to keep it clean and flawless or does that not really make sense?

Help Veeky Forums, I am trying to find a rose gold paint for airbrushing. Something like in the pic. Either as is, or as a paint mix... but I've tried playing with various gold, copper and silver paints to no avail.

make it dirty

alternatively, make it excessively clean. you can probably justify it being slaneeshi if it is over the top

>Either as is, or as a paint mix
afaik all flakes in metal paints are just silver the only difference is the paint pigment that gives them the different colors.
So with that said - and I'm just spitballing here - I'd start with a bright metal color and add one drop of ink at a time to try and fine the right mix.
I'd say you probably only need very little color as it seems to be a very desaturated look.
Maybe something like 1:1:6 red/sepia/metal could work.
Or you could try mixing a silver and a copper paint.

If you've given up on trying to find a good mix you could also try looking into different color ranges. Mig does a whole bunch of different metals iirc, though I'm not sure they have what you need.
Liquitex also have a few different metal paints taht you can supposedly put through an airbrush with medium.
The basic range has Bronze 229, and their sof body colors have iridescent rich bronze 229, which both look close in the color charts, but I'm having a hard time finding actual pictures of the paint in action.
Anyway you can always look at different paint ranges.

I mean you could probably even use the spray paint you posted there unless there is a specific reason you need to use an airbrush.

>75% of the photo isn't the thing your photographing
Crop motherfucker!

can anyone recommend a decent airbrush? also, whats the best way to free hand chapter insignia?

>whats the best way to free hand chapter insignia?
depends on what you are trying to paint.
I'd definitely recommend practicing drawing it with a pencil on a piece of paper and figuring out how to contruct it, i.e. braking it down to a few primitve shapes that you can use to map out the symbols.
For example any heraldic beasts head placement could be anchored over a shield in a certain position by the triangle shape of the open maw.
If you figure that out you'll get really consistent results quickly even when you paint each symbol by hand.

Coat d'Arms is a direct copy (or original source, possibly) of the old GW inks. Try that.

>tfw idk what snacks to send with my present
i wanna send cookies but i feel like they might get fucked up in transport, there is a H-mart near me, maybe i can get something neat from there

>I know at one point we got given a (poorly) pre-painted metal apothecary literally dipped in paint level-poorly (later given to Tyranid player along with most of the models) so another gift makes sense. I don't think I'll be able to find a picture of it, but I do remember what it looked like if you or anyone else is curious and wants to work out what it was.
>Wore a helmet
>Narthecium on right arm
>Small kite shield shaped buckler on left forearm
>Was standing upright, not crouched or running

Easy-peasy. "Apothecary 1", part #70082/1

>Horrible Freight

OK, *that* made me smile.

Dirty by Chakira

>mfw i know the second wave isn't happening until saturday but i keep expectantly checking my emails
what have you done to me santanon

Yes. Testors ist a range for NA residents I hear recommended fairly often

>How did they make those banners? I'm afraid I didn't actually collect models back then.

Modern Citadel plastic Space Marine squads typically include plastic bosspoles with the banners already sculpted onto them for you to glue onto your officers, but in earlier eras, all you got was the bosspole (sometimes built onto the backpack, as in pic related) itself. This was true from the lowly squadboyz all the way up to the dreadnought-sized bosspoles (sucha as with the dreadnought on the right) and chapter standard bearer models meant to carry substantial tapestries recording their legendary deeds.

For a while, between 2nd and 3rd Edition, Citadel actually sold blisters of appropriately-sized squad and dreadnought banners to hang on your bosspoles. I have a few of those, but the heavy paper they're printed on is slick and shiny; I really just don't care for it.

I make mine by cutting paper down to the right size and either painting on it or using waterslide transfers, then wrapping the long end of the banner over the crossbar and gluing the ends of the paper together. Another fun trick is to print out or reduce an image down to Space Marine banner size and use rubber cement to attach it to a heavier paper backing, *then* paint it.

>Another fun trick is to print out or reduce an image down to Space Marine banner size and use rubber cement to attach it to a heavier paper backing, *then* paint it.

Like this.

Getting back into this hobby. Haven't painted in probably 5-10 years.

Because I'm irresponsible with my money, I bought about 1.5k of both Tyranids and Admech. I'm almost done assembling them all.

What should I paint first? Which models would be more forgiving for a noobie?

Vehicles for admech maybe, otherwise bugs.

Dont forget to ship you Internacional orders ASAP. Having a tracking number is good too.

Working on the prologue stuff for KDM.
Lions pretty much done, just waiting to be varnished.
I wanted to make the survivors super pale to reflect the setting having little to no natural light, but I'm thinking they probably need more contrast.
Any c&c?

Looks good. Can someone give me a rundown on what KDM exactly is? It looks cool, and the models are gorgeous, but I'm afraid i don't know much about it apart from loltits

DD in NC, your package is en route. I can send a tracking number if you like.

I'm not very good, my hands are shaky and I suck with blending... but I'm happy with how this guy came out, it was my first time with Nurgle's Rot, and I hope to get better in the future.


you also took an image the size of a couch, and did so with the flash, thereby making it hard to see any details.

Already shipped it.
Hope everyone can get their packages before christmas!

I miss h-mart so much. Wish they had it in Indy

i got two on the same road within two miles of eachother

Are you phoneposting by chance? Even just cropping a bit usually makes the pic turn the right way and stay that way.
I do like you color choices though! Keep it up.

dear texas user, whomst names begins with R, i hope you like conversions

I think you mean me, and I fucking love conversions. Pic related is my termi squad. I think you just made my day user

>Chaos grey knights
by the emperor, it's beautiful

Oshawa user, your package is in canada post's hands now. Hopefully they don't fuck it up.

Also please ignore the ghetto-ass packing job I did. Hopefully the fact that the box was packed tight keeps it all safe and sound.

hope you got room to work boy

Me right now.


I'm worried about infecting my secret santa, I'm very very, very unwell and I don't want to spread it to the poor guy, what measures can I take? Or will the standard UK post delay of a few days be more than enough to ensure he doesnt receive nurgles gift?
>I thought of maybe leaving the entire package and contents in the freezer overnight
>I also thought of leaving it on a heater overnight but I'm pretty sure thatd just incubate things

wear gloves and mask, clean it with some alcoohol, idk.
What do you have?

You're a good 'un for even thinking about that, user.

>The real gift was Papa Nurgle's infinite love all along

Wear a simple disposable mask? Or any kind of mask if you cant find one, and always wash your hands.
Freezer might do the trick but dont put it on a heater.
Unless you boil the package you will only help the bacteria.

Mr. J of England, enjoy your mystery models and candy as hideous and dark as the Finnish soul that created them. May the Emperor have mercy on you on this Feast of His Ascension.

Hopefully this reaches you in time.

No one is quite sure, it's been over a month and the docs are going through a process of elimination, first they thought glandular fever, then chest/kidney infection, then cancer, now fuck only knows (I had some more blood tests on Friday and not only fainted but projectile vomited on myself and the poor bloody nurse, been in A&E over the weekend as my own lungs nearly drowned me. ) I don't know if its contagious but because its making me cough and sneeze a lot I figure it isn't worth risking. The presents have been in my room for a while already so I don't think wearing a mask would work.

Might tell user not to open it early lest he gets a fun surprise.

>Tfw the local post office has closed leaving a few dinky kiosks to handle pickups, and none of them sell boxes for shipping.

Not sure if if trust the small dinky ones I have to survive the litteral dumping onto and off trucks and conveyor belts our post-service employs.

You realise that you could decant some Rose Gold paint from the spray-cans for use in your airbrush. It's not even that uncommon in conventional modelling, especially if you want more control over the paint.

Google "spray can decanting" for tutorials.

Oh boy! I'm so excited! And yes please, I don't trust the US post

Essentially, a boardgame that is part Monster Hunter (with a touch of Dark Souls for the difficulty) and a Settlement Builder along the lines of Northgard or Banished.


painting up my rogue trader farseer with a custom oldschool scheme. yes its getting a goblin green base. also those are not mold lines, they botched the cast and the 2 halves do not line up.

You got an email I can send it to? Rather not post it here

It's a little early for my fellow Australians to be up.

Sure, cjacker93@gmail will work, my alias gmail seems to not be working anymore Idk why

This is why you dont throw off various boxes that
arrive with the stuff you order online. Best part is those boxes also have various airbags-foams etc to help protect your stuff.

Worst case scenario you can just use newspaper to fill the inside of the boxes to protect your precious gift.

Please dont send your secret santa gifts with empty spaces inside the boxes. That almsot guarantees the boxes will be crushed , gift will take damage etc.

You could have coded the tracking number with his name
For example lets say our tracking code is


Name of the user is Rogal Dorn
Rogal Dorn = 18-15- 7 -1 -12- 4- 15 -18 -14

Ignore the first letters = 8-5-7-1-2-4-5-8-4

Now Write it like this=XX(2)(6)39(1)(3)(6)3(1)9PP

There, now your tracking number is encrpyted.

Any of you anons own a verminlord and the plastic daemon prince kit ?
I need a size comparison.

Or you know
not be autisic

Maybe next time

Ah, well that is also an option i guess.

Oh I don't, I buy and sell used minis, just that lately it's mostly been selling, so I've a low tide in my medium size cardboard boxes.

Sweet Jesus, I hope you get better soon!


Good thing not posting the actual e-mail, I made a dropbox-like account once and posted its login and password on /vp/ as an experiment.
2 minutes later It had a lot of Necro pedo pics. And they changed the password.

Sure thing, Alpharius.

Well your board choice was questionable.
If you posted in 40kg it would have stood for atleaast 10 minutes or 30 depending on the time fo the day.
On /wip/ there is a good chance for it to stay unmolested.

That indeed does not sound good, yikes.
Get well soon (or at least, get a diagnosis soon).

Anyone got a link to the image gallery for last years SS?


These people are the reason we haven't gotten rid of common ailments yet. Yes, people dying of cancer regularly is DEFINITELY their body saving them!

>pokemon board
>necro pedo
As in... dead children?

What the fuck?


Have two skeletons left to paint after this guy. Wish there was more awesome skeleton sculpts

hopefully this isnt upside down

Hey my faggots, Santanon here.
Got home from work, and we already have ~10 people lined up for round 2! I hopefully responded to all of them.
Note that I think it will be a little harder to do continental matching in round 2, so if you want me to include you ONLY if you have a continental or even country match, please state so in the email!
Also for the opposite, if you want a international match (looking at you, Didgeridoo-user), please state so in your mail so I can respect that!
Also, thank you to the guys signing up to gift grinched people something in the end (I guess we will get ~5%). If anyone else wants to participate as an Elf, please do!

Love you motherfuckers


Oh and also, if you have a tracking number and want your user to know it, send it to the yandex email and I'll forward it to your match.

I love you didgeritoo, santanon.