Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg

Who would teach these things to my beautiful son edition

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for better Trygons

>Dark Angels Preview

>Daily Dunked Peaches

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

Chapter Approved 2017 PDF Link expires 11th Dec

First for Sisters a QT !

First for left-handed mutants must be purged.

Where's the latest fiction trove and does is have Warmaster (latest Gaunt's Ghosts novel)?

>Blonde women are cute
I never expected that

White =/= blonde

Back in my day that was called platinum blonde and that's what I'm going to refer it as.

Does the model's size - height and/or bulk - matters in competitive play, when it's mounted on appropriately sized base?

I want to convert Slaughterpriest into a warlord model for my army, but that thing is quite huge compared to normal marine. So I'm wondering if I'm violating any rule when I use that big model.

My opponent yesterday brought 27 Raveners in a casual, friendly game. Fucking cheesemonger.

Platinum blonde is still not white hair.

>Tournament game
>Emperor's Children vs Blood Angels
>The missions were you get more objective cards the more objective you have
>He puts his battered Rhino controlling one, because it's his objective
>I'm struggling with some Death Company+Lemartes+Priest attacking my Noise Marines
>Kill a few of them
>I sacrifice my Blastmasters to attack his Rhino
>4 attacks, roll to hit a 3, 6, 6, 6. 3 extra attacks for the Death to the False Emperor because FAQ say so
>Rhino sent through outer space
>He can't make the objective and had one card less next turn
>That makes me win the game

Why are Noise Marines made of trolling?
Holy shit I love them.

Is this the new pasta

Well it might affect deciding line of sight, so you'd be putting yourself at a disadvantage by making the guy FUKHUEG but thats just my two cents

Yeah. It's pretty rough when you need 80 multimelta to kill one.

See? It lacks the yellow tint.

As a Dark Angel Player. Should I just kit everything in plasma? Honestly the manly choice is just to overcharge it everytime and remember the Emperor protects.

Sister hair is just straight up white, though

I can do that too.


That's black and gold.

Well if you stay still you re roll the 1s anyway. So go crazy

If we stand stil we reroll anyways as Chapter Tactics. + One of new strats is we increase the damage of Plasma weps by 1


So what exactly is the Marine ladder for promotion? I know scouts go to devastator squads and then to assault, but beyond that I'm lost. Especially now that lieutenants are a thing.



Those are just thots with dyed hair.

Well if the Emperor demands it.

Lieutenants are guys who would be 2nd or 3rd in line for a Captaincy but it's filled currently. And it's Scouts, Dev, Assault, Tactical, 1st Company Vet. With various command positions opening up in the other Companies that you can move to depending on losses and stuff.

Sisters dye their hair too. Though it's not mandatory, and most don't do it regardless.

I find it kinda ironic how the second highest rank'n'file position is the most used, most normal pleb position

Scout > Devastator > Assault > Tactical > Sergeant > Veteran > Veteran Sergeant > Lieutenant > Captain > Chapter Master. With a branching out somewhere after Tactical for Ancients, Librarians, Chaplains and Techmarines.

1st Company
Veteran Sergeant

Probably splits from there based off what Chapter Leadership thinks of you. So Champion/Honorguard/etc.

Lieutenants and Captains are probably hand picked. Chaplains/Librarians/etc have their own path.

>Sisters dye their hair too
You shut your lying heretical fucking mouth.

Mine do tumblr hair.
Strong women that only need the Emperor

It's because the others all have a single defined role, whereas Tacticals are expected to be able to everything if asked.

You think all those women have white hair naturally?

>Orde of Our Martyr Lady
>all have naturally white hair
user not even marines are this stupid

Old fluff had Tacticals just after scouts, as it was considered a scouting ground for specialist units.

Recent fluff considers that Tactical is the hardest "regular" role, requiring extensive experience in all aspects of warfare, and that it can't be trusted to greenies.

Only the Order of Our Martyred Lady dyes their hair white

They're just the only bitches anybody draws or models

>Had a game recently, playing my 2k points of Necrons against Imperial Guard.
>Hammer and Anvil.
>I brought my warrior blobs, Immortals, 3 heavy destroyers, deathmarks, triarch stalker, my scarabs and wraiths... Usual stuff.
>He puts a unit in deep strike every time for the first 4 drops, then starts dropping down infantry
>I had 12 drops so I finish first. He has twice as many so he places all his mass of tanks.
>His side of the board is completely filled to the brim. Mine is barely occupied.
>He has 12 CP and has a chance to regain them when he uses them and to gain one when I use mine with two different rules.
>roll off, I roll 1 and he rolls 5 so he has first turn.
>Blows up half of my stuff from across the table. No fucks given about cover, LoS or anything. The sheer amount of shots is incredible.
>My turn. I move forward trying to get in range. 3 Heavy destroyers shave off 7 wounds from a lemann russ. I grab a couple points in objectives, still trying to make use of cover and line of sight.
>his second turn consists in spamming ridiculous Psyker powers that just annihilate my deathmarks and the wraiths behind. (I tried to kill the psyker but he survived with one wound and I had witch hunter)
>halfway through his turn I have only the command barge and cryptek left on the table.
>Never had a chance to roll reanimation through the whole game

What am I supposed to do? I was also eager to try the new relic but he has a wall of conscript in front of the line of tanks preventing me from even reaching them.

p.s. How the heck is his stuff so cheap? just compare my annihilation barge with his lemann russ. both 153 points but I shoot 8 S7 AP0 D1 shots while he can fire a whole bunch of high strength high AP shots and he can shoot twice with better range. Sure we have quantuum shielding, but the barge is T6 W8 4+ while the LS is T8 W12 and 3+ and is able to shoot from twice my range.
I am aware I am not the first to complain about IG or how bad Necrons are but damn

Ok. I was wondering because i was planning to promote a sergeant for a good fight over the weekend. I guess I'll either make him a vet or a lieutenant then.

>The worst army in the game currently getting assrammed by a top tier one
I know that feel. Just try to keep a smile on your lips and hope he uses lube.

>What am I supposed to do?
Play a GW-endorsed faction. Or play against other NPC armies.

What Chapter? That's just for Codex compliant ones.

six man Inceptor squads
>>combat squad them into 3 man's with plasma
>>advance up a flank
>>unload 36d3 plasma rounds into targets of opportunity.
>>Use Azrael and good positioning to keep your dudes alive
>>You can crush any screen.
>>all transports are your bitch

What non-codex chapter follows a different path, beside wolf wolves?

IIRC Ragnar went Blood Claw (Scout) -> jumped into Wolf Guard (Veteran/Honour Guard) -> Captain straight.

Fucking SoB nuke them too. They are so unsupported that even fucking GSC got models before them

Nothing to say a Sergeant couldn't jump a few steps if they really showed their potential.

Being a major hero of a battle could do it. The Chapter Master probably has that authority

Forget double tapping max Hive Guard coming out of a tunnel in a Jorm list. Forget Deep Strike Alpha Behemoth lists.
Forget Kraken 'Stealers.

27. Fucking. RAVENERS.

What would be the best LoW choice for a non-Ultramarines Marine army?

> And why the hell only Ultras get 2 unique LoWs?

I'm pretty sure librarians start training as soon as the psykerness manifests, and if I recall correctly techmarines go straight to mars after scout

Warlord Titan.

Blood Angels go straight from scouts into Assault.

knights, or vulcan-mega-bolter-bane-blade

I am not mad about the fact that I lost. We play for fun and he just brought a standard IG list.
But since I never played against guard I was expecting an uphill battle, not just waiting for one hour that he is done with his turn, play for 10 minutes and then back to removing stuff for another hour before conceding.
How it is possible that it is allowed to have two factions be so far apart in terms of power and options that one of the two basically deploys ad packs up?
Surely it must be that I should have done something differently because for how bad a game can be balanced I cannot understand how a long running company as GW could have created such incredible balancing issues.
I really don't know

Mantis Warriors so they're compliant.
Yeah i think I'll do a lieutenant since he punched a dreadknight for several turns and lived.

Black Templars, Blood Angels.

>how bad a game can be balanced I cannot understand how a long running company as GW could have created such incredible balancing issues
You don't have a book. Your faction is not supposed to be balanced for 8th just yet.
But since chapter approved gave you nothing there's a distinct possibility you will get a codex mid january - february.

Welcome to 8th edition.
And bitches will now lie that 7th was as bad or worse balanced, lol. Tools.

You may have a point, never thought about that. It would be nice to have a codex just in time for my birthday. IG was already strong before codex I heard, but maybe the book will actually be trasformative :)

It was.

What's the point of the relic combi plasma for dark angels?

And earth is flat.

It really was.

please someone remind me why Ryza, the plasma forgeworld, didn't get a similar traits instead of shitty reroll 1 to wound in CC ?

Are the forgeworld Eldar Corsair rules worth it or should I just run them as 'counts as' Craftworlders?

An odious lie. 8th has a long way to go before it can reach the bottom of the abyssal pit of abject design where 7th lies.
It's certainly trying to get there though.

Lie more GW shill.

Giv new GUO model

are you retarded
necron have no codex

[riptides intensify]

Corsairs are no more. Its just like 3 units with poorly written rules.

It is.


Ooo, itsnt that a shame? They have codex, its just not compatible with this shitty edition.
Riptide is ugly as fuck and should be a vehicle not monstrous creature. Or should not BE in the first place.

You are perfect example of people who play 8th edition.

>the slavposter is back

Or an asspained deathstar player that can't deal with the psychological trauma of having to remove models again.

Bluepill cuck. Stop listening to jewish NASA

Not him (unless i got a monicker? gratz me) and i write however i want.

>Gets his space information from NASA sources
lel normie

Sounds like 0 fun. Everyone at my store complains about Guard, so I try to play mine in a more fun way. All the other Guardfags complain about the way I'm playing and it's like, I'm trying to make friends, not table people every game.

I always have good games against Necrons. My last game was a lot of fun as he desperately tried to stop my bum rush of Bullgryns, Psykers and Characters with Relic Blades. Ended as a tie with my Ogryn Bodyguard and Inquisitor going ham on a Warrior blob, then my Inquisitor got Ghost Arc'd. He rolled like fire to hit and wounded on 2s and my save is only 4+ so she died horribly. As was tradition against him, he deleted my Conscripts turn 1 and I kept bringing his Immortal squads down to 1 left and couldn't finish the job.

So I'm getting back into this shitty game.

I currently have two small armies assembled- Admech and Tyranids.

Which would be better to start painting first? Haven't painted since probably 2012 at least, so I'm gonna be really rusty. And I was never very good to begin with.

On the topic of editions
>new to 40k
>people I know want to play 7th
>read up on some tactics while picking army
>riptide, wraithknights, "deathstar" cheese
>what the fuck is this?
>some armies are basically useless
>big "monstrous creature" and vehicle disparity
>look into 8th instead
>bland but cheese is pretty much gone
>end up playing 8th instead

I might be a scrub but I've seen battle reports and I've read up on cheesy tactics. There's some cool rules in 7th edition, but fuck that.

This is right.

GW tried to sell it as a character sniping tool with the warlord trait that lets you target characters

I can respect that, but that will not stop me from sperging and calling 8th ed shit.
Also, i want to know people you know.

7th edition did have some interesting rules.

But if those didn't involve Eldar, Tau, Daemon summoning or Imperial superfriends, it didn't do anything realistically.

GK has a book and is as bad as the worst index armies. Almost no change from index > codex.

Except a few vocal shitposter who probably played top tier bullshit, basically everybody agree with this.

They only got into it recently themselves, and mostly wanted to play 7th because what little they had in the way of lists were for it. All updated for 8th now.

Well, complaining about the current rules is a time-honoured tradition with GW games.


I miss the the interesting rules but overall 7th was pretty shit.

Everybody who did not had their army squatted (both fucking parts).

what army got squatted?

Traitors and Heretics.
