Now that traditional games have been co-opted by alien forces we are faced with four options.
>extinction, isolation, inferiority, integration
Now that traditional games have been co-opted by alien forces we are faced with four options.
>extinction, isolation, inferiority, integration
That's a nice storm picture. I like pictures of nature.
I disagree based on no real reason, and assert you bear a passing resemblance to Hitler.
I do indeed look like Hitler, and he did like nature, especially stormy alpine scenery. Good call.
What is this thread even about, seriously?
Whatever you want it to be, baby.
The magic of shitposting. Magic is tg-related, right?
Assume that we find ourselves in a situation where the wide-scale adoption of our pastimes have precipitated radical transformations in how these games are made, played, and marketed.
How would you confront such a situation.
Would you refuse to interact with the new games? Allowing your gaming self to perish with some measure of nobility?
Would you seek to insulate yourself from the new changes closing yourself off and only playing antiquated games with kindred spirits?
Would you openly play the old games while simultaneously denigrating them to gain some measure of tolerance?
Would you seek to integrate the old games into the new world by infecting them with contemporary currents?
There's our topic. If you could cast any spell from any game, but only once per day, what would it be?
Hard mode: No Wish or Wish derivatives.
Super Hard mode: No summoning things
Nightmare mode: Nothing that relates to your fetishes
You're talking like we have any options other than "put up with the bullshit they post because the mods don't give a fuck".
Surely there's a fifth option where we don't accept the Tikkun Olam narrative, and boys and girls get back together to play magic while politely acknowledging that both women and socially awkward teenagers deserve a hobby.
But that would lead to discussion, and that's not the objective of a military cover-up. Everything needs to be feminized, but not because they care about women. Because they fear men. If a higher than statistically normal number of men are sad, broken, and socially shamed into acting feminine, a culture can be dismantled and replaced that much more easily. Fuck the Mossad.
Probably #2 since I have dozens of old games and they're just as fun as they were 20-30 years ago.
And I'd try to convert new players to the old gaming ways.
Charm Person.
polymorph self
>Charm Person.
>Not Charm Monster
Greater Teleportation or whichever one allows me to teleport without errors
>Take something beneficial to humanity, like Mass Heal
>My job is now to go to the hospital once per day, then spend the rest of the time at the university where people are trying to study and duplicate my gift
>give news interview, explain that I had an opportunity to choose any power and tried to choose one that would help the most people
>bitches all over my altruistic cock
>plus I feel good about myself
Prosocial behavior is the best kind of selfishness.
I meet a lot more persons than monsters in my day-to-day life.
Nah, son, you're just gonna get disappeared & vivisected in some secret underground lab by whatever government is in charge of your area.
Most probably what said. I'm kind of doing it already but with vidya
>co-opted by alien forces
Looks like you already chose the "inferiority" option. I suspect you've chosen it all your life.
I'm torn between some cure/restoration spell or fly.
Are people still complaining about Mass Effect 3?
Mordenkaiden's Magnificent Mansion. Lasts 24 hours, feeds up to 100 people with a banquet, furnished however I want, servants that mend and clean my travelling gear, and nobody gets in other than people I let in. I can live in luxury for free for the rest of my life with nothing more than the clothes on my back. I could see the world and never be away from home.
I’m perfectly fine with extraterrestrials wanting to partake in a hobby with us humans. We should integrate them into our own.
>t. Zorplon Xitiik
I'm on to your subversive games, greyskin.
But where will you get your mail delivered?