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Why are you still holding Litecoin? It's ded.

You will lose everything. Sell now



got scam by gook, even he don't want to buy this shit back

HoDl is a meme here.


You didn't sell all your Litecoin when the FUCKING FOUNDER SOLD OF HIS AT THE TOP OF THE BULL MARKET?


I bought 50 Euro on the 23rd december lol

Charlie Lee killed it when he sold his coins.

Is that legit the reason? It seems like people make it a bigger deal than it should be. I hope good news brings it back up... I didn’t expect a huge bleedout below 250$ It has to come back up, r-rright?

Wait, so it WAS a ponzi after all???

im sure it will rise in q1 2018

I remember some Veeky Forums user sunk £165,000 into LTC before christmas. Hope they had the sense to bail out in time.

What if it was...
>Bill Gates killed it when he sold his shares in the MS stock.

And the information is not bazaar, I'd say hold strong brother


Most likely

litecoin is decentralized

it literally does not matter at all

This coin is too hard to handle for the average biz/tard who can't hodl for more than 3 days in a row and get impatient when he doesnt hear news for more than 48 hours.

Join this pump group and make up for your lost money in ltc


this thread: buy signal

Only retards held ltc after Lee sold his.

>muh conflict of interest

Straight bullshit.

>Charlie Lee killed it when he sold his coins.

Did you actually think about this? Charlie Lee selling his coins is a big signal that Litecoin is going up, not down. Clearly he's not going to drown his own baby and make it public. I'd be shocked if we didn't see big things from litecoin within the next few months. I'm accumulating now. Plus, it actually works.

Ty for bleeding into Ada
Little bitch

I’m so fucked by this coin. I bought one at $340 and another at $220. So I’m your bag holder. You’re welcome

Thank you

>tfw sold my LTC and made back my loss by going into ADA
Feels good man...

Shit I literally just bought in at 215. Was that a mistake? Should I get out now? I was hoping for some rumors (big) Q1.

Yes shit coin you should dump them alll ASAP

*puts 100k in at $210*

I got out of this coin. It took a shit on me for about a month and I can't afford to lose 1,000 bucks. Fucks my life

Be like user

im sure ufos will bring us all Cookies too


well the news for the last 2 weeks is it's crashing is the you Lee?

the prob here is some people worship fag lee and coinbase has there paid shills out here the price i going to $20. just like lee said.
He said if you cant handle it gong to $ 20 get out why don't you listen? he solid at the top!!!
made Millions he's no hero he made this coin to get rich and Famous he act
s like a fucken kid on twitter with all his Cartoons hes a Immature little bitch who not only stopped LTC from going over $400 by warning it was going to $20. bucks
but then he solid at the TOP Selfless act my ass he made millions he will buy back at the low and say hey im back in because you want me in

lol that just to funny. "he a good guy" sold at ATH

floor is at 100 dollars. will keep dropping for the next week - will catch up to 600 in about three weeks

nope, floor it after lee buy back is coin. down to $20

You don't get how it works. He says "20" to cause panic but it never reaches that unless some big shit really happens

I legit believe Charlie is a good guy that wants the best for LTC longterm but I understand how it looks. The thing is that the price of the coin is not going to make it be better but what most of the market cares about now is how to eventually reconvert into Fiat and from that point of view what he did doesn't help.

i picked some up for a quick transfer the other day

but GDAX is fucking me right now because the transfer is still "PENDING" after 2 days

shit is done in 15 min with 6+ conf but pending forever. lost like $100 just waiting

Sold my mooned XRP for LTC.

Why does everyone wait for something to gain value before they buy it? It is LITERALLY the opposite of what you're supposed to do.

bagholders like me who bought at 300 and above get anxious when it continues to bleed while ripple is doing 2x/3x runs.

I understand, but crypto is so volatile that you can't let that shit worry you. If it doesn't do what you want it to do, hold it until it does.

This seem about Right

Jeez, big spender

Sue them for your losses look i trade on Merrill Edge & TD ameritrade they are just like GDAX
now i take the risk in that the stock i buy may lose value just like you take the risk your coins may lose too the difference is Coinbase its harming you buy locking up your coins stopping you from protecting you investment that where they will lose in court

Hahaha, I got out of this coin a few days after it spiked then went completely tuts up. Lost .3 btc out of my entire .6 stack back when .6 was around 8k. Finally, I have it all back, 2x gains in a few weeks. Fuck the ever loving shit out of this coin. So glad I sold low for once.

I'm holding my 447 LTC.
Bought at $50.

>Brilliant then in a few weeks you can sell it at $50.

I am bagholding 100LTC bought at $42

Hate seeing all this FUD, see you faggots at $1000

Just think if you sold all of them 2 weeks ago you could of had 700 plus LTC
you master of the coins you are

Why didn't you buy ETH at $0.50?

Ay mean EOY 2018 We made it

I am sure you are some millionaire trader yourself kek

So when Mr lee said its going to $20. and the price was @ $372 stared to drop you could of soild @ $300 you would of had $ 30,000.00 now but you Hodlen
so now you have $21.900.00 a loss of 8k and you lose $1k every day so far this week hows that working for you?


idgaf, i have ice in my veins.

ill sell when I actually make a real profit of $100,000............30k isnt shit my friend

It is keeping near-perfect correlation with BTC, it is reaching a bottom around $200-$210. Again, just because it is oversold, doesn't mean the coin is over and it's no longer #5 or #6 market cap.

Calm the fuck down and don't panic sell. You should be dollar cost averaging anyway.

Remember kids, guys like these actually exist.

We call them: Dumb

No it will live
after its trip to $20. like its creator said it would why is it no one is heeding MR lee ?? just look at it heading to $20. ???

>trying to cope with buying at the ATH

215 is a pretty good price if you intend to hold. I got in at 328 and 260, not anticipating this extra dip. I'm not that upset, I have a longer-term outlook on LTC and it's only a portion of my portfolio. I will probably buy in lower if it really tanks, but I'll be patient and use TA to try to make some sense of it.

Those rumors are as funny to me as the savior LN.

As if any DAG coin gives a shit lmao.

Your a moron! & you have no clue about increasing your Capital

sold 100k, somebody on Veeky Forums just'd me

>could of
>would of
Opinion discarded

What is the long term outlook? I assume it rests on LTC being adopted by Amazon or Stripe or just more widely used day to day in transactions. why would LTC be the winner and not Dash/Stellar/BCH/others that also have the same purpose?

The ice is clearly turning your brain into some icecream type of substance unable to understand crypto technology. The market is shifting, this ain't about news anymore. Shitcoins will die so actual protocol coins can dominate.

Enjoy holding thy bags. Chink Lee says thanks

keep crying faggot lol

OK last post ill try to ex plane it to some of you kids there is no rush to buy now @219. do you think its gong to jump up to $400 in a hour??
or do you think it will continue to its trend line?

now ask yourself why is this happening?
what made this coin that was on it's way though $400. to $600. all of a sudden stop like it hit a brick wall????
you know the answer just like i did

It's not actually going to go to 20 though retard. The founder has influence on the price, clearly, but not enough to sink it that low. 30% is significant but nowhere near $20.