Why is this a thing? Has anyone tried to do anything yet?

The better question, WILL anyone try to do anything against it? (40k feminism) It has a facebook page with over 3000 likes (most likely bots but whatever) Anyone got any suggestions on how to stop it from growing?

>with over 3000 likes
Drama queen.

That is 3000 likes too many.


What the fuck is this even. Also, facebook isn't a good metric to go back. Probably a quarter of those likes don't even know what 40k is and clicked liked because the word feminism, or it's just bots.

That said,what's the crisis? If it's a female 40k group is that an existential threat?

Nothing cares about this shit. 3000 is fucking nothing.

Stop giving the attention they want.

It is being dealt with. Several shit lords on YouTube have talked about them and I regularly go into their group to talk shit and make them mad. Join in, report them when they make wide sweeping generalizations about people or at least that's what I'm doing.

who the fuck cares?

Who cares

Is this Veeky Forums new normal? Being whiny bitches about facebook?

Your stance against this imaginary threat is beyond pathetic.

Well yesterday it was being whiny bitches about a GW website ad that had a cartoony depiction of a black guy and a couple of women being into 40k. Also the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that.
Let 'em eat sage and die, I say.

for a long time, there was men and stability and focus and monotheism
now we need chaos to change it and come back to polytheism

fem help

I still wonder if they realize they gather some sins too, that'd be interesting to watch interaction between sin and intuition

As long as it's promoting the Adepta Sororitas I have no problem.

I need feminism

Because I want to destroy the family unit, devalue labor, destroy femininity and masculinity, breed all cultures together into a single slave race, and rule over the inbred retarded children like it's Canaan 2017.

Shit. I mean I need feminism because I hate other women.

Shit. I mean I need feminism because I was told I need feminism and I can't think for myself.

why do you care about them? Ignore them and move on, friend

War has changed.


Also this

But, user, someone has to DO something! Or else the, uh, things.

Women need to suck more cocks and to keep cook.
They're REALLY depraved nowadays.

This shit only has life when you give it attention. Stop acting like it needs putting down. This isn't a cult of recidivists in need of purging. It's a bunch of normies that will fade with time

Seriously though I just want new sisters.

And I want them to be strong women because they are goddamn Valkyries of humanity, not because of some heavy handed political pandering about feminism catering to no one.

While I hate feminists because they tend to ruin everything they touch. I don't think they're much of a threat. I've been following them for a while & they don't appear to be gaining traction anywhere.
As long as GW doesn't think to start listening to them everything should be alright.

Also rallying behind a tabletop & trying to turn it into a feminist issue is fucking retarded.

tabletop game*

it is also retarded when /pol/ gets mad about a black dude in it. But such is the time we are in.

DON'T give them attention. Don't draw more people to thier page by discussing it. Just ignore it.

3000 likes is literally nothing.

Life must be hard for you when women being interested in your hobbies makes you have an autistic meltdown.

/pol/ is mad about everything all the time. It's their default state.

that didnt stop that fatass neckbeard you posted

wait are we talking about the facebook page or 40kg?

They aren't actually interested in the hobby, they want to CHANGE the hobby to reflect their political leanings.
These are the people that want fem-marines & think because plastic toys don't have 50/50 gender representation or don't have trans-models that it creates bigotry in those that play the game.

Stop spamming this thread /pol/ faglord, we all know you don't care about the hobby and just want to stir up shit and recruit for your autistic ideology

>Stop spamming this hobby feminist faglord, we all know you don't care about the hobby and just want to stir up shit and recruit for your autistic ideology

>They aren't actually interested in the hobby,

Prove that.

They're interested in the hobby in the same way that termites are interested in furniture.

Same goes for them too, dickhead, but I don't see feminists on Veeky Forums now do I?

They're SJWs, they're uninterested in the hobby by definition. SJWs only wish to infiltrate and destroy.

>These are the people that want fem-marines

I want Fem Marines. What would it really matter? Are you one of those -4 Str faggots?

Maybe you forgot that 40k has changed a lot throughout the years.

Embrace change.

Certain women being interested in video games nearly ruined the fame industry, failed, and keep trying.
Certain women being interested in comic books ruined Marvel.
Certain women being interested in action movies have pretty much ruined action movies.
The problem is not women interested in the hobby. The problem is certain women (and some men) interested in censoring the hobby and/or changing it to suit their political views that, in the end, is most likely going to ruin it.

But...Sisters of Battle exist for this very reason.

Or just play Eldar.

> *game industry

1. not your personal army
2. not traditional gaming
3. stop using kikebook
4. you're a faggot