Hello friends...

Hello friends, what is a good tabletop game to play alone after you've been day drinking extensively and gotten ghosted by multiple people including a prostitute?

What's on your mind user, you wanna talk about it?

I just want to cuddle with a cute girl to be honest who the fuck gets ghosted by a prostitute I didn't even want sex

I'm sorry to hear that user, but you can cuddle with me, I'm not a girl but I'm a girl(male)

Really, thanks user, I'd really like that, but how can I cuddle with you if you're me?

Just pretend user, you play pretend games all the time, what's so different about it now?

I suppose, but if you dress up like a girl that would mean I would be dressed up like a girl and if I didn't want to dress like a girl then you couldn't be either so how can that expain this?

Someone else please post in my shitty thread

If money is no issue, kingdom death. If it is you might just want to cut back on the carousing.

I think some rehab is in order.

Congrats op you've got the worst thread on Veeky Forums

Rehab wouldn't let me into the inpatient program so I was gonna e homless but itsokay I don't need thereheb ahny wayn

I'm a broke boy e

Thanks fren

By Pelor, I've stumbled upon a really sad vista.
This thread is making me so fucking sad.
I'll be your friend for this occasion.
What happened to you to bring you to such a sad state of events, my fellow internet camarade?

I got ghosted by an r9k girl and got addicted to cocaine but it's okay bvauese I was gonna pay a prostitute because she might cuddle with me and pretend to like me but no it's okay anyway I have tabletop games no need to fret it's just how life is sometimes you can win and you can lose some of them but it will be okay

No matter how shit your life is, you gigantic faggot, don't forget. Lolis exist. Whether by the power of some ultimate creator or random chance, the perfect 2D creation has come to pass and you were alive to witness it.

Also it's fun to random gen characters when you're alone.

But I don't like lolis

Why and how did you get ghosted by a r9k girl and get addicted to cocaine?
Is she at least cute?
And don't pay prostitues for emotional comfort, that's just a terrible idea

Then truly god has spurned you.

Put on some old cloths, rub some dirt on it, then show up with a bottle of vodka. They'll let you in.

Get. Out.

Sup OP

She was p cute and her legs didn't work but I did coke afer she ghosted me the first time then I talked to her for a month because she was the only thing that made em Hapy but I also liked coke and it turns out when the police kicked my doors down and I had to ditch all my contacts she gave me a fake phone number I memorized so I could call her if I went to prison which turned out to be fake and she referred to me as someone who used to orbit her that bitc h was just using me for gifts

Thanks user, for a very brief moment, that made me feel happy. I appreciate that.

So did anything happen with the cops?
Do you have a family, SadOp?
Maybe try talking to your close friends and loved ones about your problems


Drink Some Water, Go To Sleep, and Stop Being So Pathetic

it's out of print though good luck finding a copy

No they didn't find anything so they couldn't prove I possessed or sold anything and i don't really have any close friends to talk to

>I’m a girl (male)
...Tits or gtfo?