Devastation of Baal. Spoilers

Devastation of Baal was a good book. After reading the garbage that was "Dark Imperium", I was worried about another Guy Haley novel. But he did much, much better with this one. Baal had a good story, with a beginning, middle and end.

But there is still a huge problem. Baal is the second book of a trilogy, written completely backwards. "Dark Imperium" is the end of the Indomitus Crusade. It's sequel Baal is the middle of the crusade. Black Library still hasn't published the start of the crusade. That is fucking retarded. When I started reading Dark Imperium, I had to go online and asked Veeky Forums if I missed a book that came before it.

Hey Black Library, you start a story at the beginning, not the end. Dark Imperium should have started where Gathering Storm 3 left off. With Guilliman walking into the Throne Room. Then start the Indomitus Crusade and introduce the Primaris with their origin story and their first battle.

What does Veeky Forums think?

What do Blood Angels fans think about Primaris now outnumbering Astartes BAs?

>Devastation of Baal was a good book. After reading the garbage that was "Dark Imperium", I was worried about another Guy Haley novel. But he did much, much better with this one. Baal had a good story, with a beginning, middle and end.
I agree, I didn't like Haley before but he impressed me with this book.

Gonna read the book soon, but I've heard a lot of good about it.
I really can't appreciate the fact all that much, like most of the new fluff. They may have the same red fury, but they are too flawless, and don't really fit in with the assault-orientation of Blood Angels in my opinion.
>mfw GW wasted their opportunity for primaris assault marines

Ultramarines in red. I wish they all died

>don't really fit in with the assault-orientation of Blood Angels

I assume that GW will come out with Primaris melee units in the future. Aggressors with thunder hammers and shields would look good.

I kind of hope so, but on the other hand I don't even care anymore, since I'm definitely not sold on the primaris marines and the new edition overall.

Lictor the real MVP and siege breaker
>tyranid assassin unit is PERFECT record at everything except assassination

Do you think we will hear about Teos in the codex?

I really want to know what the ex-retard is up too

Teos will be the Forrest Gump of the Blood Angels. 'Lieutenant Dannicus, ice cream!'

That would be hilarious, but i think it would be better and more tragic if the procedure to fix his brain makes him lose all the memories of his previous life.

It would certainly makes things more grimdark again.

Thanks op

wouldn't the start of the crusade be watchers of the throne?

or he's the first of the Primaris to fall to the Black Rage, because the BA got it once, they can get it again!

What are you thoughts on our nobledark future?

>‘Look at that,’ said Guilliman. ‘The arrogance of the Neverborn remains as great as it ever was. But it is we who remain, and it is we who shall prevail. Dante, there is a lesser task I will set you.’ He lifted his hand up to encompass three worlds. ‘These planets were hells. For generations we have recruited the strong over the weak, in the belief it makes our warriors better. I do not think this is so. Cruel men make cruel warriors make cruel lords. We need to be better. We need to rise over the need for violence and recognise other human qualities in our recruits. Your Chapter has ever understood this. If we do not, then we will fall prey to our worst excesses, the kind of thing that that represents.’ He pointed at Ka’Bandha’s name. ‘It has long been in your capability to transform these worlds. Baal Primus is dead, but you need not let your remaining people suffer unnecessarily. Will they fight any better for dwelling on a world that kills them? By sacrificing their children to the Emperor’s service, they have earned a better life. Once you have torn that blasphemy down, raise up the population of Baal Secundus. Teach them what we are fighting for. A line must be drawn between what is good and what is evil, for if the Great Enemy comes with offers of power to a wretch, what reason does he have to refuse hell if he dwells in it already?’ Guilliman was tense. Dante had not expected that in the Lord of Ultramar. Guilliman was impatient to change things. He was angered by what he had found upon his rebirth, and he was not hiding it

Can't wait for when they try to terraform Catachan and makes thing worse

The Lictor scenes were absolute pure fucking kino.

I liked Dark Imperium a lot. It's different from Baal but I like it just as much. Sure there are passages where it's obvious the Design teal told him to write it for the box release and it shows, but other than that it raised plenty of interesting points, notably with Guilliman and his relation with the Imperium and the Emperor.

We'll see SOMETHING happening soon, it's obvious. They wouldn't scrap them of all their identity to make every single chapter without it's quirks and flaws.

fucker had a job and he did.

we should all aspire to be so commited.

They loose their name when they ascend most of the time don't they? We wouldn't know it was him even if he was featured, unless Haley wanted it.

wtf I love Guillman now

I like it. We need Guilliman to build up the galaxy before the bad guys tear it down. Nobody cares if Detroit gets blown up. Baal was a shithole. Imagine if they made it a desert oasis, only to have the Tyranids ruin everything. Now that's drama.

Wouldn't they wouldn't they really

They will probrably describe a young marine with a surgical scar on the top of his head.
To make us connect the dots

And how they will explain Imperium Nihilus warp travel. You know now that they can't see the light of the astronomican

I didn't have a problem with dark imperium. Do people really hate it

Me either. Did people see a problem with Guilliman characterization?

Dark Imperium is not a coherent story. It's a jumble. It's like Games Workshop told the Guy to write what happens between the very end of the Indomitus Crusade and the beginning of the Ultramar Crusade. The book introduces the new Primaris Marines after they've been fighting for over a century. Instead of showing us their start, all the characters just reminisce about it. That's the worst way to write an origin story. Instead of a real and satisfying ending to the “story”, the book just sets up for the next book. To be continued. Lame.

Think of The Gathering Storm and the Indomitus Crusade like the Age of Strife and the Great Crusade. We never got to fully experience the Great Crusade, but we got snippets of it all over the place. I feel the same thing will happen with the Indomitus Crusade. Now we're just waiting for the new version of the Horus Heresy to make itself know...

Technically, the Indomitus Crusade is already over, and the Old night has come again, without going, seems like it's here to stay.

I really want to see how the both parts of the imperium evolve.
Will imperium nihilus go the way of WRE?

Because the point of 40k is not the Indomitus Crusade. Indomitus is basically the GC, and you don't summarise 200 years in a book. Especially since Indomitus is not the most important point of the setting. The actual "Now" is the important stuff. Hence why it's glossed over. Plus they probably want to keep it blurry in case they want to pull something out of their ass from it.

So what happens in this book?

Why did they lock up the mutated Blood Angels? I would stick them in stasis units, load them in drop pods and fire them at the enemy. That's what the Office of Assassination does with Eversor berserkers. That's what the Emperor should have done with his Thunder Warriors.

BA and successors get BTFO but this Leviathan gets even more BTFO guilliman shows up and shows his nephews how to make Primaris marines.

We are Starcraft now.

>raiders roll

Oh yes, they would.

I came here to say this. If you want a better idea of the start, read watchers

Although it wouldn't hurt to read some stories of the unnambered sons.

True, bur at least we get Aleya and Valerian.

It's a risky biscuit all right

Play of the Game: Lictor

The Primaris should have the Rage and Thirst, but much less severe. It took ten thousand years for the Blood Angel Astartes geneseed to degrade that bad. Primaris should be a reset.

Black rage was caused by Sang's death, not necessarily geneseed corruption.

It's both. Manus is dead, but you don't see Iron Hands go psycho and mutate over it.

Unlike the IH, Sanguinius had a psychic link to his sons

What happened to Rafen?

I doubt it will be too soon. Maybe in a year or so. The fluff is written around the models that exist, and all they are releasing with the BA codex is a Primaris LT and a shoulderpad sprue. GW will release Primaris Death company eventually for tabletop and then there will be a novel about how oh noes they has the flaw.

user post book pls?

>Complains about new fluff
>Talks about Blood Angels being an assault army
>This new

Seriously. Neck yourself

They make do with self-mutilation and fraternal brutalizing instead

They did that when he was alive.

It was pretty good until he started wanking so hard about how the Primaris Marines are the future and how happy Dante is that everything old is being torn down.

I don't get that at all, Primaris were so clumsily handled. When you have a franchise that literally prints money, why would you want to tear down one of the iconic things in it? I understand it for the ailing beast that was WHFB but why try to re-make Space Marines? It's not like 40k has a metaplot that is relevant at all, like oWoD.

Just fucking update the models to be truescale and update the regular fucking marine stats to 2W 2A and don't put a timer on characters and iconic units people loved for the last 15 years that make good money.

>. Baal is the second book of a trilogy

It's not. It's a separate release.

>One (1) single lictor manged to confound and skullfuck all of Baal's defence capability

Blood angels BTFO, they quite literally will never recover

>Months have passed and still no fanart of the two.

It should be a crime really

Thanks for the link. Any chance of having the Gathering Storm Trilogy? I'm delayed as hell when it comes to 8th ed novels.

>Gathering Storm Trilogy

The megalinks are in the Warhammer 40k general thread. But the parts are spread out and unorganized. It takes forever to find them. Good luck.

Is it too much of hassle to have a link with for the 8th edition lore books?
I mean we don't even put a description in the generals for all the new books.

If that's how it went down, that's a bit embarrassing considering it took half a dozen of them to stop a single SOB Cannoness in the lead up to the last Blood Angels/Nid event.

>hese planets were hells. For generations we have recruited the strong over the weak, in the belief it makes our warriors better. I do not think this is so. Cruel men make cruel warriors make cruel lords. We need to be better.

To be fair, this always bothered me and made no sense... why would Sanguinius, who was trying to make a better world for his people... just up and leave them in a radioactive wasteland, after the Emperor arrived? Why would the Blood Angels? Sure you can argue trial keeps them 'strong' but if the Imperium during the Great Crusade was going around, trying to enlighten humanity and make everyone happy and content... leaving the recruiting ground of your super-soldiers hell-holes makes little sense...

True, but its more grimdark this way

>‘So you would have taken him?’ said Uigui bitterly.
>‘We would, had he proven himself. I would say he has. Let me see.’
>The angel paused, looking into an inner space. ‘He has, he had, a fine brain, before his mishap.’ He paused again. ‘The damage is reparable,’ he said. He muttered something that Uigui could not hear, and waited for a response, then turned to the boy. ‘You are accepted. You are to be an angel.’
>The boy’s face lit up.‘What?’ said Uigui. ‘Are you joking?’
>‘It is unusual, I admit,’ said the angel.
>'You could have fixed him this entire time?'
>'Well, yes, had he been considered a worthy candidate.' said the angel, turning away to the next injured civilian.
>'I've been cleaning up his shit and spoon feeding this fucking retard kid for all these years and you could have FIXED HIM?'
>The angel ignored him, impassive within his armour.
>'And you just couldn't be fucking bothered, you sparkly vampire turdweasel?'
>The angel turned to Uigui. 'Do not misunderstand, mortal. We are not...'
>'FUCK YOU!' said Uigui, and he pulled open his shirt and exploded into barbed stranglers that killed every single motherfucker on the plaza.

>'We gave you back like this as a joke' chuckled the angel

I think he meant that the rediscovered technology guilliman brought would be able to fix teos

Gulliman making Imperium great again.

Great book up until Dante was like "lol yes I don't care my chapter is now going to die cause we have Chad Marines to replace us".

Seth was right! They are the last real sons of sanguinius. Without the flaw they are nought but ultramarines painted red.

The battle itself was friggin epic and I love the description of the space battles too. I'm not going to play with lame primaris. I would rather they just replaced the old models with the new ones but still called them space marines.

what does the lictor do?

The end for Teus and Uigui hit me like a sack of bricks. I know families exactly like that and I had no idea that twist at the end was coming.

>Tfw there are no Sanguinary priests in real life to assure you that your retard kid will get better and stand among the best.

>Without the flaw they are nought but ultramarines painted red.

Why would any blood angel want future generations to have a flaw? It's called a flaw for a reason and people generally wish the best on future generations, not 'The same shit I had to deal with'.

>but if the Imperium during the Great Crusade was going around, trying to enlighten humanity and make everyone happy and content...
No, the Emperor was trying to safeguard mankind.

Because they cooler that way

Dante is Horus

>Teus I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'm... *neck snapped like a bottle of coke.

I know melee has been pretty much dead option after 5E competitively speaking, and still is in 8E when compared to shooting.
That doesn't change the fact that assault-orientation is a defining theme of the army, and that's one of the things I liked about them when I started the army.
And as if complaining about the new fluff wasn't something lots of people justifiably do already. Frankly, the new fluff isn't very well written overall.

>Sure there are passages where it's obvious the Design teal told him to write it for the box release and it shows
According to Haley, from plot to Guilliman and the Emperor's character, GW have him carte blanche to do anything he wanted - so long as he prominently feature Primaris Marines.
I wish it wasn't so painfully obvious he wanted to be anywhere but there when he wrote those scenes though. I usually like Haley, but he really phoned in any scene that didn't have Guilliman in it.

Because without it they aren't BLood angels!

I mean they still has the blood of sanguinius nside them

And they don't have the flaw therefore they cannot connect with their primarch in the same way. It is the struggle against the black rage that gives them purity in their fury. Primaris blood angels won't be nearly as brutal

It gives off that vibe but at the same time it doesn't seem to have the same sort of pressures that cause the WRE to fall.

Holy fuck this art

Spoil it for me. What did my boi do?

Primaris aside (which defeat the whole purpose of every SM up til now, but GW needs to sell more models), I like Dark Imperium several orders of magniture better than Horse Hearsay.

I can only hope ADB and Goulding never get their grubby hands on this.

he fucked up the blood angels shield generators

It hugged the thing until it exploded.

They have the red thirst. Same as sanguinius himself who wanted to cure it.

The black rage came after sangy died, who were the Blood Angels before then?

They still had an identity. That’s what the primaris should represent. A return to the Blood Angels of the Great Crusade. Dante is right.

And also, Seth is right. Without then black rage, primaris cannot call themselves Flesh Tearers. That’s who the Flesh Tearers are, a chapter that embraces the black rage that they believe makes them strong.

dante novel:
5 graces:

baal novel 5 graces:
>switches focus for honor

even the tower of amaero was written wrong at some point.
seriously haley.

in retrospect the end of the dev of baal felt rushed. the whole aftermath of baal left so wide in the open was lame

The cicatrix opening was the only way the Blood Angels could survive Leviathan there was no orther way

Anyone has a link for the epub?

my big ?????? in this novel.

did mephiston literally use kabando as a weapon against the nids?

you retard, take a good look at op's pic

Mephiston is in a whole other dimesion when it comes to strategy

>For generations we have recruited the strong over the weak, in the belief it makes our warriors better. I do not think this is so. Cruel men make cruel warriors make cruel lords. We need to be better. We need to rise over the need for violence and recognise other human qualities in our recruits.
Stronk muhreen gurlz soon

You're the retard here. OPs "pic" is pdf

>The black rage came after sangy died, who were the Blood Angels before then?
A shit legion in a setting wrote by shitty writers

>Why would any blood angel want future generations to have a flaw?

You ableist shitlord! Reeee!

I love this meme because even a second's thought would indicate that if you took a pre-teen girl and pump her full of growth hormones and massively increase her bone and muscle density and stuff her with gene-forged organs, she'd look... EXACTLY LIKE A MALE SPACE MARINE.

PDF to epub always ends up shit. So i asked for epub/mobi.