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Does your GM ever run solo sessions for players who want to extend their character's personal goals without dragging the entire party into it?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Does your GM ever run solo sessions for players who want to extend their character's personal goals without dragging the entire party into it?
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As a GM, I wish I could, but people have lives that usually keep them too busy for it. Hopefully there will be more time over the holidays, because frankly, there's a lot of things I'd be happy to do that are probably going to need to be glossed over otherwise.
My Gm frequently runs solo sessions tailored to the individual player to make their character invested in the story.
Anyone willing to run the AP Jade Regent? I've been wanting to play in it since it got released some time ago but to no avail.
How do you feel about playing lesbionic elves?
Recruitment ended, user.
You haven't found a game for it in six years? Where are you looking, user?
Give it time, they'll be looking for another soon enough.
What, lesbian elf game, or RotJR?
Yes, in fact I'm running one right now for a player to have their PC run off and explore a massive port city they're visiting. Mostly RP so far, meeting some NPCs and learning stuff like how the merchant guilds have access to talismans that let them teleport to any market, or the fact that the entire town city is built on and around an ancient megastructure from the height of humanity's magitech era.
>new FotJR appz when?
>a few dozen people
There are significantly more than a few dozen people involved, and the PCs have yet to uncover the full extent of the plot and the stakes at hand.
>fights that take quite a bit of time
Sessions so far have contained anywhere from zero to two combats. Each combat does take two to two and a half hours, true.
>heavily over-CR'd opponents
This is true. Battles so far have been extremely difficult and against rather high-CR opponents, sometimes multiple of them.
>social activities
I will note that I simply do not do "slice of life," and that any given conversation usually has a goal of some sort, whether it is "extract information from a person," "negotiate for aid from someone," or "convince this fellow that they do not actually exist and are but a figment."
>Voyager is hella fun both in and out of combat, especially since you can't really alpha strike enemies down but you also are pretty dang tanky.
The "tankiness" comes primarily from psionic powers, note. Any psionicist can hemorrhage power points to throw up Inertial Armor, Force Screen, and Defensive Precognition for unreasonably high AC. Psychic warriors (meditant) can do this best of all given their unarmored AC bonus, and they can also be pathwalkers and awakened blades for full Path of War initiation.
It is true that the voyager cannot quite put out as much damage as, say, an unarchetyped inquisitor repeatedly using Rapid Shot, but the voyager's overall mobility and tactical options make up for that.
>two sessions per week
More than two sessions per week, really. Week #2 of the great voyager playtest ran for a total of 23 hours (not including the restart of the Hounds of Tindalos battle), and week #3 ran for 16.5 hours.
>make a game that works even if you optimize rather than player's to ignore options and self-moderate.
This is true; I like that a fully-optimized voyager never quite breaks combat with unreasonable offense, unlike a fully-optimized initiator.
I can attest to this. As per my previous report, I dare say that a voyager (crossfire) with a pistol is superior to melee voyagers in most games. It is simply a matter of a voyager's damage being concentrated in singular attacks with plenty of bonus damage dice, so accuracy is king for a voyager and misfires matter less.
>implying FotJR ever ran a single session
>TFW you realize FotJR was just a clever ruse by SotJR to deflect criticism that they were a bunch of attention whores by Gnoll
Just run it yourself and play a DMPC.
SotJR was the ruse though.
I know it's fanfic, but gorram I like it.
Which APs are the best for single player campaigns?
Smiad dragonslayer game: y/n?
>tfw you had all the time in the world but no games to play in or run
>tfw now you have no time and three games you want to play in, but can't
I fucking hate this.
Same as I don't know what smaid means but my kneejerk response is no
I can relate to that, user.
Also entirely unrelated to any of the above replies, what do you guys think of the rereleased Book of the Damn? All I've heard about it is that it's got new art of varying quality, lackluster sections on evil outsider races besides "The Big Evil D's", a lot of new fiendish boons for doing obedience but they mostly suck (except Mahathallah, holy fuck), and lots of nerfs nobody asked for and nobody wanted.
I've looked at gamefinder threads on several websites and have gotten into two games, each of which make it as far as the swamp and a single fight before coming to a complete halt and both GMs just dropping off the face of the earth.
>Not knowing Smiad
I've thought about it but I hate playing GMPCs. I've done those twice and I feel so disconnected when I do.
Better than I thought since you didn't just mistype maid, but not better enough to make me interested.
> Have a game via roll20 Mon/Wed that's pretty non-invasive with my usual schedule
> Have two campaigns Saturday/Sunday night that eliminate any chance of me doing something else those nights
Alright, /pfg/ let's talk game schedules.
What days are the best to game?
How many games do you want in a week?
Which days do you wish your games were on?
Which days do you not want games on, or wish you had free for non-PF stuff?
Weekly or Biweekly?
Do you ever reschedule to different days, or do you just skip a week?
Jade Regent is dead! Long live Jade Regent!
Let's say a character without an animal companion class feature buys a warhorse and the campaign goes on and by magic and miracles the horse doesn't die. Would that horse level up eventually?
Unfortunately, no. Horses don't have a level-up scheme outside of being an animal companion.
Shaman and witch what's the difference between the two? Does the witch have to be female?
I'm lost, is there some meme I'm missing out on? I'm just wanting to play in a JR game.
The game that started the grand reformation of /pfg/ was a modified Jade Regent campaign. The game effectively started the namefags, app circuses and opened the flood gates to a new wave of shitposting incomparable to the tides /pfg/ had weathered up until that point.
Adam, get the list
I ran an entire 3.5 solo campaign for my dad, has gone up to level 6 so far. He plays a ranger/druid/wizard gunning for arcane hierophant, and a rogue/dragon shaman. I back things up with a healer NPC. Works well.
Sometimes, when the night is still, you can still hear them screaming from the mountaintops...
That's bullshit but I believe it.
Can I waste the leadership on getting a cohort who is just a big dumb horse with animal hitdice if I don't have an animal companion?
>I ran an entire 3.5 solo campaign for my dad
Oh gosh
Oh. Yeah, I have no clue about that. I haven't been in /pfg/ for some time (I tend to just fuck around in other threads). Sorry if my asking for a JR campaign is something stupid to do, I just have a really strong urge to play in it and have been screwed over twice and then no one picks me up for their games. Last time I tried to get in on it was like a year and a half ago.
centaur cavalry a cute
though her gun does look intimidating
I'm doing this near-constantly. My GMs don't.
I don't think so, you'll just have to take a class that grants you the animal companion class feature, take the shitty animal companion feat line (although I don't think you can get a horse with that) or just keep buying more horses after they inevitably die. Bonus points if you keep adding more numbers to their name, such as "Harry the seventy-first".
It would, at best, gain the advanced template. There is monstrous companion, but this requires one specific part for being a cohort:
Comparable to human intelligence. It is never said in rules, but the implication is that they are in some level comparable to you as a person rather than being your pet or magically bound companion.
That rifle is not her gun.
>Sorry if my asking for a JR campaign is something stupid to do, I just have a really strong urge to play in it and have been screwed over twice and then no one picks me up for their games.
Don't feel bad, we're just being turbo memelords right now because last year around this time people were getting super hype for a Jade Regent game. Around the same time I had just had a JR game die after session 0.
What? Is that bad?
it's cute as heck
In the past, the players didn't develop goals outside murder-hoboing.
I only have two players in my current game, so it's easy to develop both of their character's personal goals in the same session. One of them is going to help a demilich become a demigod next game. The other will increase the prestige of his clan.
The only feat I know of is boon companion, which adds 4 to your effective druid level. I'm sure the feat tax will just keep getting worse and worse for what is certainly just a dumb idea anyway.
Nah, it's fine. I'm just getting worked up because some of the players in my Star Wars EotE game were talking about Pathfinder and I remembered about the failed JR games for me and I just felt a really, really strong desire to give it another try.
oh good
i am glad you think so
I just looked it up, it's a feat called animal ally, prereq is one called nature soul. Apparently it can give a horse, and it's just an animal companion of your level -3.
Weeknights are definitely best, there's just way too much other stuff to compete with for people's time on weekends. I prefer weekly games, it's good to have things happening at a fast pace and makes it not suck as hard when a session does need to be canceled. I think it's best to try to reschedule, but the chance of everyone being available another time is pretty small.
I’ve been thinking about running it, but was thinking of altering the path the caravan went and run a bit of a few other APs on the way to the Crown of the World.
I hear that the caravan bit is too much, but what were you thinking of doing instead of that?
Isn't that the one where the party is just some Super Special Awesome NPC's entourage? Sounds pretty shit.
Why me
It's not half as bad as people make it out While Ameiko maybe a combination of Aragorn and Frodo, you are the rest of the fellowship and as we all know Sam is the true star of that adventure, Frodo's just the vessel for the others to font their heroism from.
As in you are still the heroes and main characters while Ameiko is the focal point of the story. The other NPCs get side lined. Pretty sure nobody even remembers from the top of their heads that there's a prune juice powered divination engine and a generically handsome swashbuckler who just happens to be brothers with a well known criminal part of the caravan outside of exotic Asian cuisine and aged-like-a-fine-wine elvish gourmet.
I'm more interested in the tall flagon of nordic mead.
>by mikoyan
that goes without saying
But both of those are 60% off because they are so close to expiration date (read: Are there for a single book)
Oh yeah?
Paizo has actually done some mildly useful shit, believe it or not.
How many saving throw does my opponent has to make if I shoot all 5 Dazing magic missile at him?
So where is the Batal? I'm looking all over the playtest documents for Rajah and Radiant Dawn, and I'm not seeing it.
I am not surprised considering that JR was one of their passion projects, others being RotR, Curse, Reign and Iron Gods as far as I know
Batal doesn't actually exist, it's just something /pfg/ was memed into believing.
Ask your DM but I would say one. "The missiles strike simultaneously, thus the enemy only takes damage once" is the justification I would use if I wanted to make a RAW-based argument, but DESU in a case like this as a DM I would probably rule it not to work regardless of what RAW would say.
Five checks, but the daze still affects them for only one round
How exactly do the damage dice for a butchering axe grow for each size increment? I fucked up and let this cocksucker be an ogre and he says his colossal (technically gargantuan, but it has the impact enchantment) butchering axe does 12d6 damage. That can't be right, can it? I don't see a spot on the size charts for a weapon that starts as 3d6, but the sorta equivalent 2d8 would only be brought up to 7d8 at that size, right?
What the fuck happened to that pdf?
Whose passion project was Iron Gods?
Can't remember, but he was in charge of writing Numeria in the first place.
Explain to me why- no, explain how- Nethys is True Neutral instead of Chaotic Neutral.
He has a reason and a logic behind his ideals and doesn't act on a whim, rather purely by his nature.
Isn't he just Boccob? Boccob is The Uncaring, he's as neutral as it gets.
It's in the gittp thread, you moron.
So TN and CN can both be the force of nature types, but the former has some logic and the latter is pure selfish desire?
>doesn't act on a whim, rather purely by his nature
What does this even mean? Acting in line with your nature isn't lawful or chaotic, it's sane.
What's wrong with her eyeeebrooooowsss
do not bully the BBB (big bushy brows) lady
brows are not the only thing that's busy there
Why the fuck is that all the way at the bottom of page two, and only there?
NE is purely selfish desire. CN is whim, not necessarily selfish.
TN acts because it's how it acts regardless of circumstance while CN acts like it acts in any situation regardless of circumstance because it wants to act like that. And by that comparison LN acts regardless of circumstance because it is required to act like that.
As such let's take the very extremes of these three as examples: Abadar, Gozreh and Gorrum.
Abadar deals with evil and good alike simply because it benefits him and his trade and will keep his end of the bargain because of it. Incidentally he also puts laws above anything else because he sees them as absolute and as such will always abide by them even when it's not beneficial simply because things just are so.
Gozreh being the purest form of nature cares only for one thing: Balance and nature. Regardless of law or anarchy Gozreh will lash out if you disturb nature and will do so regardless of intentions. Gozreh simply doesn't abide by rules, but doesn't actively deny them.
Gorrum on the other hand has only one code, that of his own. He will do nothing to stop evil or good as long as it leads to conflict and generally doesn't even start them as much as he promotes them and participates in them. He actively abhors any code of conduct outside of his own and cares little outside of his favored past time of watching people kill each other in fair combat
Shorter version would be: LN is code bound, TN is reason bound and CN is desire bound whether or not they follow any codes themselves.
Can a creature have more than one type, i.e a creature with the Humanoid and Undead types? Is there any creature with multiple types?
Are we posting out of context Alfie pages?
No, that's what subtypes are for
It's also linked in the main doc, just below the title. It's small and easy to miss but it's there.
Oh, I forgot about Pass for Human for Tieflings and Aasimar, which says it makes them "count as Humanoid (Human) as well as Outsider (Native)".
Sometimes the full page tells too much.