Former MTG player here, remember how awesome the art on the cards was back there. I just don't feel the same about the new artworks, everything just looks pale and safe in comparison. Was this the work of SJWs and feminists in WoTC that ruined this? Anyone feels the same or I'm just blinded by nostalgia?
Former MTG player here, remember how awesome the art on the cards was back there...
Former MTG player here, I stopped playing because WotC will never stop the secondary market from jacking up the prices and will never remove the restricted list. I want to play a card game with regular, albeit well made and well illustrated, cardboard cards instead of irreplaceable investment assets, so it's not the SJWs who made me quit but rather the investors.
Your art is actually quite meh, from the same set I prefer Akroma and Bane of the Living as well as my personal pet card Dreamborn Muse.
From older expansion I liked Hymn to Tourach (wolf), peacekeeper, sunset island (mirage basic land), ernham djinn (judgement), Ichorid, and Breaking Point
Newer art is lacking cheesecake, but I like several of the new cards as well: Emrakul, the Promised End, Gideon, Battle-Forged, and the new art for Serra Ascendant. There is a flying whale from the not India set that I like, but I don't know its name.
If WotC had included delicious brown elves in skimpy armor I might have bought some, but it would not have been enough to get me back into the game.
Will you please fuck off? Weren't you banned yesterday? Every single/pol/ack plays Magic. Fucking deal with it.
If anyone actually cared about muh community we'd be coming together as ladies and gentlemen who disagree about politics and like Magic. Instead we get low quality shilling and false flags to pretend /pol/ doesn't have a point and just hates women instead. Kind of providing proof they're right about the psyops military gamergate stuff. Newsflash: most women are conservative. Not that it matters. Again, let's all get together and play the game while celebrating our differences.
Everyone has its favourites I'm not saying that the artwork I posted is the second coming of Beksinski, but there's no denial that a card like that would never see the light of day in today mtg.
Wow, feminism isn't even a slow death anymore, what gives?
>as a niche product that once only appealed to thirsty neckbeards becomes more popular and mainstream, the product's owners change the image of their product to capitalize on this and make it more palatable to mainstream audiences so they can make more money
Nope, that's silly, you're just being persecuted.
>everyone is making "open letters" against sexism to not get blacklisted or unemployed
jesus christ. it reminds me of north koreans crying on the sidewalk during kim jong il's funeral procession so they wont get gulaged. i am totally not suprised that reddit would start to mimic communist oppression.
glad i quit that game, and i will never go back
What gives you the impression I'm being persecuted? Maybe the SJW and feminist words? A little bit of projection no? My intention was not to start a flame war, I was merely stating how I feel.
Said the SJW whiner looking to post any thread possible to whine more about SJWs and start as many flame wars as possible.
>sunset island (mirage basic land)
if you are talking about pic related then i agree. it's the prettiest island in the game
/pol/ automatically doesn't have a point when they self admittedly are only here talking about magic because they are upset about SJWs, and don't actually give a single shit about magic or tabletop in general.
Sure the amount of woman playing this game now is enough to change years of tradition, the next expac theme will be a romantic slice of life.
You clearly never went to a mtg tournament and saw the demographic.
>user uses a word that a board uses
>user must be from said board
Great detective job.
>You clearly never went to a mtg tournament and saw the demographic.
What percentage of sales volume is unloaded at tournaments?
>/pol/ is outraged people don't like them forcing their memes here
Fuck off /pol/ memester.
>someone asserts a thing is bad without proof
>"I'm glad I divested myself of the bad thing. It's the worst possible thing"
How does it feel to be a virtue signalling cuck?
feels like /pol/, and it has since /pol/ became the same thing as reddit.
Doesn't matter, this is the people who make the majority of your sales, this is the target demographic. Or are you implying that is the lone girl in the local shop that play elves?
>what percentage of the sales do these people make up?
>Doesn't matter, they make up the majority of the sales
It specifically does matter, actually. They might not actually make up the majority of the sales. That is why someone asked you the question of what percentage of the sales they make up.
This is basic english and mathematics, which you have apparently failed at both of in your attempts to cause shitstorms.
Did you read the post you're responding to? It's the other way around.
>Veeky Forums plays Magic
>CIA/Mossad starts pushing cultural manipulation nonsense instead of art
>Veeky Forums complains to big brother /pol/ (who also plays Magic)
>/pol/ stands up for bullied little sibling
>CIA comes in and tries to cover up their fuckup with a sexism narrative, just like they did during gamergate
>Anons laugh and troll them into the dirt while explaining international politics and the complexities of Israeli infiltration schemes to a wider and wider audience.
>/pol/ trying desperately to claim it's not the foreign invader it is
Get out of my fucking hobby you johnny come lately.
/pol/ is actually pretty damn new to the scene, and are generally huge shits whenever I've had to talk to them about the game, caring more about politics than the game itself universally.
Holds true with you and OP, as well.
>Anyone feels the same or I'm just blinded by nostalgia?
You are entirely correct. The art direction for MTG has been a muddy trash heap for the past few sets. Kaladesh is probably the ugliest set in MTG history, but Amonkhet has the single ugliest card art in MTG history. (Samui, I'm looking at you.)
In general, the long-running trend of hiring crappy digital artists that have no sense of composition or style has been crippling the art quality of MTG for a while.
when did you start playing magic?
i started during arabian knights.
probably before you were even born.
SJWs are the johnny come latelies
Whatever you say, Mr. willing to shitpost infinitely for your politics, including lying and intentionally misinforming, as you have openly admitted on your board.
this is an anonymous image board.
i am not the person you are replying to
i realize that postmodern tactics are 100% reliant on attackign the person and not the argument.
but that doesnt work here.
go back to SJWeddit if thats what you want to do
Stop telling people to leave. That's their whole point.
>implying anyone here has access to WoTC internal reports
You said that the mainstreaming of the game was the cause of this, I merely stated that the amount of new female players or casuals doesn't reflect the change in proportion.
ya guys its definitely the SJWs and not the fact that the hobby got rail roaded by shitty neckbeards and now WotC have to sell to kids to make up for it
definitely the SJW boogeyman, please don't examine this issue any harder
Hey asshole. I'm the one who you're accusing of being new to the game. You have no fucking idea how funny that is and I'm not going to namefag to show you.
Hey, you learned to phonepost in your attempt to start a /pol/ shitstorm!
I've had enough of /pol/ insisting literally all of Veeky Forums before /pol/ arrived is from reddit, despite it being older than reddit.
Now I will tell /pol/ to leave whenever it shows up.
If you don't like that, tough, deal with your own tactics.
Fuckers trying to steal my double spacing.
Post a picture of your binder.
Yes, that is what phoneposting looks like. Thank you for supporting the argument that it is phoneposting.
You're talking to multiple people dumbass. You really are in the wrong here. Take a deep breath and accept that.
the fact that the hottest topic in the YouTube magick community is whether or not some attention whore cosplayer left the hobby because of some shitposters and the tide of white knight faggot rushing to her defense is a sign that the MtG community as a whole, both sides of the political spectrum, are complete shit
can't wait for it all to die, only the dead know peace from this faggotry
why dont YOU leave?
go back to your transexual feminist hugbox
>phones can use the snipping tool
god youre dumb
Ever think about a lcg?
one of my friends plays Android, problem is he moved abroad
I have tried to set up a group in one of my LGSs (the only one which carries the product line) but to be honest I have been derailed by Infinity which is available at the LGS closest to me
Oh, because I'm here for Veeky Forums, and not here for politics.
I would like you, and anyone else like you, who is here to bitch about politics, to leave.
This is 95% /pol/the donald. The last time we had an SJW invasion was like, eight years ago, and it was minor at best compared to the spree of shitposting you guys have been doing.
If you refuse to provide proof of the veteran status that you delight in touting, I see no reason to consider your statements of veterancy to be truthful.
Additionally, you're welcome to not care whether other people are lying. Just understand that without evidence, any statement of veterancy is completely hollow and the mere act of typing it was a waste of energy.
If you don't want your customers to bitch about politics, don't force politics into your games.
May it not be filled with shitstorms.
I wish I could respect your point, but I cannot as 95% of the people with this point are invaders from another board here to talk about politics, who give no shits about tabletop.
>the mere act of typing it was a waste of energy.
Much like your post. Kid you're the one claiming that being a veteran matters in the first place. Maybe remember what you shitpost during your autistic screeching next time instead of rushing to the next narrative you want to push.
>don't play magic for years, only look at the new cards
>completely unaware of recent mtg and /pol/ issues
>start a thread about mtg artwork
>use 2 words /pol/ uses
>blamed of being /pol/ and starting shitstorm
>said accusers start a shitstorm
My fucking sides.
>/pol/ lauds itself for no effort shitposting
>cries when people don't use much effort to tell them to go away
they can dish it out, but they can't take it.
Let's take a break from silly political scaremongering to thank Polygon and Wizards of the Coast for collaborating to provide us with these spoilers of the Rivals of Ixalan planeswalker decks. Thanks!
You fuckwads do this shit every fucking time
Stop starting thinly disguised /pol/ threads
You're like jehovah's witnesses
Go away, I don't have a moment to talk about le god empeore trump
Stop being a faggot
Keep telling yourself that.
I only ever wanted to play traditional games.
No you didn't. You wanted to bitch about SJWs. And you got it!
what a boring planeswalker, the art looks just like any other creature in ixalan, or better just something from hearthstone. they should just start hiring college art students part time, at least they'll produce something interesting
Keep telling yourself that too.
user, every troll for every hottopic issue on Veeky Forums for the last five years has made this claim, with the specifics altered for whatever the situation was.
I agree. The art's been a lot worse recently, and you can definitely see a trend. I mean, it's pretty obvious what they're going for - Worse, they're ruining the game for people WHO DON'T ACTUALLY PLAY IT.
It's like, who else is going to play your game? It's always going to be straight white males. Your entire audience is straight white males. They're chasing a demographic that doesn't exist!
>Oh, because I'm here for Veeky Forums, and not here for politics.
you are part of an ideology that thinks literally EVERYTHING is politics and you are accusing ME of being in politics?
Oh, no, it's only politics if... you bitch about politics.
You know, like if you blame something on those damned trumps or SJWs, instead of talking about Veeky Forums things.
then stop injecting gender politics into my gaems fuck ass and we wont have a problem
If you want to bitch about the politics, go to /pol/.
I want to play muh tabletop games.
So wait
I do not follow the lore closely but what the fuck is this? Vampire Conquistador? Flavor text saying they go to church and have a queen?
Do they worship Avacyn now or something wtf
Believe what you want, I can't do shit to change that. I admit I worded poorly, if I knew that 2 words would have this impact I would have written it differently.
tfw no more cards like this
Nice falseflag, /pol/. Well done. Complete with Reddit spacing, too.
These cards that fetch specific cards fron your deck are starting to get on my nerves.
>I would have written it differently
Given past Veeky Forums history with people saying the exact same thing, I have to doubt that.
We know. That's why we have been accusing you of aggressively excluding people that don't conform to your personal ideological beliefs. It's nice of you to finally admit you're trying to harm the game for political reasons.
I'm not the one injecting politics, you are
Stop being autistic
>letting people know your politics
This right here is where you are booted out of the game.
No real life politics at the table. Just like no real life religion at the table.
Real life politics and religion are the two things you never bring up if you are trying to have a good time.
I'm going to screencap this post and put it on my refrigerator
>Like, comment, and subscribe to our narrative
It's a saying, actually, I just paraphrased it because I can't remember the actual saying.
... understand that you're accusing the least politically correct board in Veeky Forums of being the people who made MtG the way it is instead of the people on boards that could actually influence the game, right? You're literally making an impossible claim. The only people here who think SJW shit and /pol/ shit actually matters are the ones who bring it here - people like YOU.
>No real life politics at the table.
So do that, hypocrite.
That's why I'm telling /pol/ to leave, user.
They just can't stop bringing up how much they think the game is ruined by SJWs.
And they keep calling everyone who tells them to stop talking about politics SJWs.
This is why we don't want you here, talking about your politics.
im not banning people from the game for feminist reasons. you are
Letting women play the same games as us is politics now?
You're right - we're excluding you, because all you do is bring politics into this board. I don't care about your politics. I really don't care for you mishitting all overthis board. You are the problem, and you need to be banned from Veeky Forums forever. I don't care what you do outside this board. On this board, you keep injecting politics into everything. So, you are the problem.
>Only a feminist would not want to hear me prattle on and troll about politics
Goddamnit I am so sick of you political fucks.
One year you call me a hillbilly racist, the next you call me a SJW, always because I am telling you to STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT POLITICS.
If you only want to play games with people who nod along to your politics that's creepy. I hope you don't expect everyone to silently agree with you or be banned from your playgroup. I mean, I know tensions are high but you see you're not helping right?
We're not trying to force a narrative you fucking child
He probably wasn't the guy you replied to, faggot
My playgroup actually consists of far right, far left, and metal gear level "we should just go live on an oil rig" crackpots.
It works because we all understand you don't fucking talk about real life politics and religion at the table.
That's how Veeky Forums is when /pol/ isn't here bitching about SJWs.
Oh, I'm not trying to get you banned for any reason other than shitposting politics on Veeky Forums. I hate feminists. I hate politics. You I hate because you're here forcing them onto this board. Pretty much it's not a broad hate - I specifically hate YOU.