I fucked up biz.
Got into a P&D group and got burned
Lost 60% buying in on a shitcoin at an ATH.
Anyone else do some stupid shit like this?
Should I hold or cut my losses and try and get gains elsewhere to get back to where I was?
I fucked up biz.
Got into a P&D group and got burned
Lost 60% buying in on a shitcoin at an ATH.
Anyone else do some stupid shit like this?
Should I hold or cut my losses and try and get gains elsewhere to get back to where I was?
Other urls found in this thread:
which coin
Sell those OAX
Shit happened to me too before. If it's an absolute shitcoin just cut losses and move on. Don't fall for those again
serves you right for trading like a nigger
everyone has done it at one time user, dont sweat, advise you to only sell when you want to go in another coin immediately, else just leave it and patient.
If it was the OAX group that just happened: I watched, this shit is stupid, if you look at the chart its 80% of people in the group losing money
>in a p&d chat
>buy coin X before the pump
>shit it's the wrong one
>sell coin X, buy coin Y that is being pumped
>it crashes
mfw couple days later coin X goes +500%
And to answer the other question, yeah I got fucked too.
Browser freezed with the volume of buys even though I was in there in 5 seconds.
Bought at 75% ATH.
Realized how stupid I was and I couldn't gain anything with this stupid P&D, sold everything.
ive been testing "pump" crypto groups for the last 2.5 years
they are usually right 1/5 times
Those of you that say this has happened to you before, is it the group making a bad call or the group actually fucking you over?
did u get bursted to becuase i dropped all my bags at 318 sats
You should join a new one. In a market full of amazing opportunities for incredible gains, it's better to ignore all that and join groups with other retards.
Imagine being this retarded and blinded by greed.
The only pnd group I am in. They are legit. Everyone else is a scammer. Join in and never look back.
Same shit. The page froze, got fucked hard
helo sexy open bobs for me pleas
nice group pajeet
Yeah, not making that mistake again.
Strayed from my original plan of holding what I actually believed in.
you're probably one of the tards spamming ponzifishes right now. get fucked.
and I bet your hold is something astoundingly retarded too, probably XRP
Fuck off pajeets.
Aint falling for your pyramid scam shit.
Yes, I listened to the IOTA shillsong and rekt myself on the ATH rocks.
Now I have to decide when to abandon ship.
know that feel bro, had the same yesterday with "its your FAGGOT VERGE BOI" and today with the OAX PnD group.... Alltogether lost in 2 days around $1.5k.
fuck those groups and discords, mods should start to ban those fgts...
What the fuck, user.
Life lesson right there. Lost the same amount.
>fuck those groups and discords
>mods should start to ban those fgts...
no, you're the faggot for trading like a fucking glow in the dark pajeet
>muuh mods mods mods pleease help meee retard
go fucking off yourself you cheap whore
There is only 1 way to make profit out of an PnD group and thats by creating your own and force everyone to join it by annoying everyone.
Just give up and cash out
Pump and dump groups are just bagholders getting rid of their bags
Every time I watch them pump a coin it inevitably tanks before and cashs out and the entire chart is ommmggg is it going to go back up?
Fuck I'm cutting my losses and goin in on XLM
yeah i know that it is my fault for beeing stupid...
but im on /biz quite a lot in the last few days and around 50% is just discord shilling or other bs...
That's what happens when nefarious activities are encouraged. Karma bitch.
>but im on /biz quite a lot in the last few days and around 50% is just discord shilling or other bs...
>but but but
>mi mi mi
no, seriously. Have you ever considered just jumping in front of a train or something? FUCKING DO IT, FAGGOT.
Always trust your instincts
desu yeah, many times...
but that was before crypto
Dude from what I've seen anything that gets PnD'd gets repumped 2-3 days later
(I don't know about discord groups. They are genuinely evil. I'm talking about the indian telegram channels)
No you're wrong, I think it would be very wise if there would be a central body working to check the flow of information for the protection of the principles of crypto.
I got fucked by Burst. Lost a lot of money buying a complete shitcoin I didn't believe in.
dont be discouraged try this one
I hope you get prostate cancer faggot.
Delta V, stealth coin, motherfuckers lost me .8 BTC.... Aghhh
Solid choice, FairX is going to be huge
I've been looking into it for awhile but got caught up trying to catch other gains.
I think after this shit today, I'm just gonna be accumulating and holding the coins I actually believe in for a long while.
Stick to your original plans anons. Don't make stupid decisions like me.