A real bubble

>Australia is in a housing property bubble
>Banks are denying Australian the ability to buy crypto with their fiat.
>Australians are rightfully pissed off, massive backlash on social media and other sites
>Banks are denying purchases of crypto because Australians are draining their savings accounts into crypto which is hurting their cash reserves, which is hurting their ability to give out/maintain loans.
>Australian banks are required to hold 11% of cash for all the loans they write, however 90% of this "cash" is locked up in inter-bank loans, meaning that they only really have around 1.22% of the cash available
>Australians have been pouring millions into crypto in 2017, and are likely to have one of the highest adoption rates of crypto in the world
>Because crypto is netting Australians more gains than they would see in a lifetime investing in a savings account

Banks here are literally shitting themselves and preventing Australians from buying crypto because they'll have to defautl/write off potentially billions of dollars worth of loans if their cash reserves continue to dwindle.

Cryptocurrencies could literally burst the Australian housing market bubble

Other urls found in this thread:


Big if true

Very interesting information user, thanks
This is the actual content we need on biz not some pajeet fish fuckery

Which banks are denying transfers to crypto exchanges? So far I've had no problems.

House prices are gonna crash one way or another anyway.

Commonwealth Bank and NAB are the two main culprits. ANZ has also had issues with Coinspot.

It's at the point now where both CoinSpot and BTCMarkets have suspended new deposits because of deals with the banks.

Funny, I'm with CBA and I've had no issues. I think I even labelled the deposit account "bitcoin". Maybe because I'm using IR who seem to do everything by the books.

damn I thought the UK was bad for house prices

looks like you're getting cucked even worse

Interesting, and goes to show why crypto really is needed. Surprise, even banks, the ones we trust so much, aren't liquid, or even really trustable for that matter. Crypto lets us own our money, that's worth something, more than just the ideals.

It will fuck up everything and it is glorious.

Asset bubbles exist because rather than banks stopping funding the economy by debt, they instead continue to do so while pumping assets into bubbles to use as securities for ever expanding debt.

This shit will come crumbling down.

i remember saying crypto could instigate a bubble crash and got laughed at.

wouldn't be surprised, soros tanked the Bank of England

small countries like namibia have strict capital controls to prevent against this sort of stuff, they do it to peg against the rand.

wouldn't surprise me if bitcoin can crash the bank of australia. are they big into modern monetary theory (quantitative easing?) isn't that the solution?

Most western banks aren't really liquid at all


Is that really true? Here I was thinking crypto exchanges not being liquid is a pretty concerning phenomena, but it's nothing compared to banks if that's true. Our fiat is waiting for some kind of an economic catastrophe to burst the bubble and make everyone realize they can't withdraw their hard-earned money


>quantitative easing
purchasing gov bonds to lower interest rates. effectively done by printing money. the US FED recently started to sell equities they bought starting from 2008. not sure how much truth there is in that. the interest rate has only gone up little by little.

lol i would never put money into something called kiwibank

xer haircut says everything to me

Can confirm fucking retarded buying limits set on Aus accounts for the first month and you don't want to tell the cashier what your depositing for if you are irl
get asked 1/3 of the time and just blow it off anz dude likes me now
No account 2k limits 100$ fee 7 hours+ just for them to get off there ass and send

Same scenario in North Europe

Be me, ask for house loan,
making massive income, consultancy business, no other loans
Only have savings no debt
Bank says no, fuck off
Other bank says here is crumbs to buy a shackle next to railroad
I decide to put all money on crypto
Every penny drained from all accounts
All in crypto
Fuck the banks

Year later, profit from crypto is enough to buy a house without a mortgage
Bank says no your money is laundrymoney
Go to other bank, they say we dont deal with cryptomoney
Third bank says, welcome
I pay for house
Fucking banks. Scammers.

It affects primarily the Big 4 banks at this stage, although I wouldn't be surprised if there was a flow on effect to the smaller banks.

>millions into crypto in 2017
Hundreds of, if not billions you mean

Good. I hope this happens. Just get your cash out/in safe. Fuck the banks, fuck the government, fuck everything in this backwards country. There is so much fucking bureaucracy and we've royally cucked ourselves into oblivion like europe partly because we are still Britannia's property.

If I was kim yung un, I would have just taken one for the team and nuked us into oblivion by now.

Where do you live bro? I am thinking about doing the same.


Do BPAY deposits still work for Coinspot?

Also I hope the property bubble bursts. I want to be able to afford to live in a city.

Can we still cash out in Australia?
How do we do it?

Thanks. Crazy.

I've realized this was a thing but not actually this bad. Every day crypto seems like a less and less risky investment compared to all-fiat. Fuck, I'd say diversifying into cryptos and other assets is the smartest thing you can do, fiat seems like a surprisingly high-risk play in the long term.

Bpay? Damn sounds sweet

Im still l waiting on a place I can buy btc with a loaded up prepaid visa. None of my cash is even in an bank account.

There are BTC atms down south. Lots more planned in 2018 I think. Youll have to check a map. Just google it.


Any state where interest rate is negative, or savings account rate is less than inflation
Dump that FIAT.

Does living room of satoshi to my bank account work alright still? Or are the banks up their ass too

Banks will let you cash out no worries, because that means more money in their cash reserves. All Australian exchanges will let you cash out as far as I know.

It's depositing into these exchanges that's the problem for the banks, again primarily the big 4

:o better buy some more rn

Keep it up aussies, the sooner your banks default the better!

Do banks freeze accounts of people who spend money at a casino or TAB?

>tfw have no penny
>take €10k loan with %10 yearly interest
>i get monthly earn %25 at least
>tfw i feel like i am banking the bank

Don't, they are jewing you for 10% of the profits you are taking the risk for. Get out as soon as you can.

Fuck bror vilka banker sa nej och vilken sa ja? Och hade du redan cashat ut till FIAT när du pratade med bankerna?

Nice work man

I dont even know what that is m8. I might as well be a nocoiner. I just hold 20 ark.

Literally every other normie here has crypto. If you walk down the street in Sydney or Melbourne, and ask, most of them have heard of crypto and somewhat understand it

I went to one of my friend's parent's farm for NYE party in bumfuck nowhere, and their dad has like 12 different coins on coinspot

Int råkar ni veta ifall det är möjligt för utlänningar att öppna bankkonto i Sverige? Online vill banker ha nåt jävla Bankid eller digipass, vad är det för något?

Endast Handelsbanken är OK resten har policy att tillåta köp och trade via certifikat men ber dig GTFO när du försöker casha ut eller växla coins mot fastigheter.

Shill your bank dude, we need to start compiling a list of good and evil

Okok så Handelsbanken köpta dina coins för FIAT då eller tillät de dig byta coins mot en fastighet? Stort steg framåt isåfall!

Really I don't know anyone in crypto in Melb. Or maybe everyone is keeping it to themselves....

I will.. I did it. Coz i had no choice.

>I decide to put all money on crypto
You're slightly crazy but not much

Also crazy rich probably

Maybe I'm way off here, but isn't it possible that they're trying to prevent Australians from getting all their money taken away by Chinese whales?

Australians are rejecting the current establishment and bureaucracy because they know we're getting a fucking shit deal from the elites.

Then when Australians decide to take matters into their own hands, banks ban them from being able to do so.

It's going to come to a head soon, and I think the property market will be the victim. Or beneficiary depending on your position.

Are we due for a housing crash in the US too?

yea we've literally been fucked head on by the property market, it's not even feasible for middle class people to ever fully own a home unless they manage to put down a deposit in there 20s, then they could possibly finish paying it off in there late 50s

Australians are fucking fed up, we asked the gov to help, they did fuck all, so now we need to do it ourselves

Don't u ausis have a court or constitutional court?

Handelsbanken tillät transaktion från bitstamp i EUR, därifrån betala för villan.

Swedbank bad mig skicka tillbaka EURen till bitstamp eller på annat sätt avsluta mina konton eftersom deras policy är inga pengar på kontot som kommer från kryptovalutahandel. SEB har samma policy.

The hate I feel for current uneconomical unjust system is still higher than sum of all my crypto and equivalent fiat value.

What constitution? Goddamn we've been fucked since day 1. We're just a dumping ground for criminal europoors. I mean what did we really expect to come from this?


I feel you

Respect, kangaroo bros

Wait so you're saying we can't deposit money into exchanges in Australia? Planning to throw some money into independent reserve soon. Straya cunts pls respond.

I've had no problems with I.R from 2 of my bank accounts. Actually surprised at how quickly the funds transferred (same business day)

Europoors and dudes like that love institutions. It s against human right s to fuck anyone property rights so u have to use power of Soros to fuck those corupted mongreals

I have made a new account on IR gonna verify tomorrow awaiting until we get better internet in the next few weeks and go 24/7 crypto research and investing.

Only got $500 rainy day money but its something.

We are fucking fed up with this housing market, it's a fucking joke. The banks, the builders, and even the fucking government are fucking us in the ass. The piece of shit government is selling off all our homes to chinese investors, the banks are having a field day locking middle class people into 30 year mortgages for a 2 bedroom toilet 45 minutes from the city. This is us taking control.

If there ever will be a revolution against the banks, it will start here in Australia

Any Aussies in this thread?

This happened in Cyprus and happened in a lesser degree in Greece too.

Banks losing liquidity makes them aggressive. In Cyprus, they flat-out trimmed all user accounts by 20%. They literally indefinitely froze 20% of everyone's funds. People were buying bitcoin in the fucking streets through mobile bitcoin ATMs.

In Greece, the same lack of liquidity due to bank jew-ness caused the economical crisis. They imposed (and still do) capital control measures and we can only withdraw up to 800€ per month even though I have thousands of savings in my account. And there's a 1000€ hardcap to transferring money to banks abroad.

My advice: Make Kraken accounts for all your relatives and start moving money NOW. Get into crypto. Save your money before the banks go hungry for it.

Banks want their money. They're willing to step on you for their own fuckups if it's taken away.

poor people who can't afford homes and don't want to move. gentrification boys, guess who has failed to keep up with the times?

You are so edgy. You will fit right in with the Veeky Forums crowd.

>He thinks Im not serious

Interesting advice m8, I'm Australian which is why I made this thread after mulling over it on NYE because I'm a loner. It's hard to imagine Australia getting to the point where banks froze peoples accounts like that because we'd literally burn the country down to the ground out of hate, but I still think moving most of my funds outside of day to day living to crypto is a smart move right now. Thanks for the advice m8.

Exactly mate, and the banks realise this. Hence why they're preventing people from being able to invest in crypto, they know that them losing money is very bad for business and for their housing market, and it could be the end of the money train for them. They will do anything they can to prevent this.

Australia is a beautiful country with a ton of amazing natural resources and a fairly large chunk of good people who just want to live an honest life. Think nuking the country because of chinese investors and a few douchebags we call "politicians" is a bit much.

I could spend the rest of my life at Australian beaches and I would die a very happy man.

I'm sure the banks are happy to receive money, they just don't want to give it away.

>how quickly the funds transferred (same business day)
You must be on the same bank as IR, normal transfers are always overnight on weekdays.

Oz banks are going beserker

Westpac and CBA no issues that I've heard of.

I think polipay rejected btcmarkets which is the only acceptable way to deposit as the fee is non existent or miniscule

What bank?

Haven't seen anything on main stream media or any media about the issues.

I think some people need to do race channel 7, 9, 10, ABC and SBS. One of them would take the story

I'm with NAB literally no issues with PoliPay up until BTCMarkets disabled it, and have used b-pay since with no issues also.

No shilling, just had zero problems with NAB so far.

I'm with NAB too, had no issues until CoinSpot suspended it. But I've heard from mates that they've had issues in the days leading up to the Coinspot ban, they're much bigger spenders than I am though.


CBA rejects bitcoin.com.au which is where I used to get my shit



I was considering moving to Australia, but now that I'm looking at these housing prices it seems that I should rather fuck off because you guys are already full.

That's a shame. Australia seemed like a very nice place to live. I just wanted some nice weather and for people to casually call me a cunt.

>dont trust banks becuase they arent liquid
>buys crypto through exchanges
well... out of the frying pan

At least you can withdraw your crypto to your own wallet and really own your own money there.

Best you can do with fiat is.... withdraw cash and store it? Then have the tax office come knocking on your door wondering why you're able to pay everything without a bank account?

Be VERY wary of Coinspot.com.au as well. They're having all kinds of issues for people actually trying to withdrawal their crypto to external wallets. It's like pulling teeth.

Takes days and customer service tickets to get anything more than $50-100 worth out.

These guys aren't liquid at all. They're playing with people's crypto on other exchanges with a pretty front end saying that it's in your "wallet".

Something dodgy going on.

Whoa, I just realized we're in the proccess of completely replacing fiat with crypto. Even here in bumfuck Albania 2 of my normie friends have money in crypto. This is happening way more faster than I thought it would.

>pumping assets into bubbles to use as securities for ever expanding debt
How does this work? I'm not quite following how the banks losing money causes property price to fall.


>imports more Jamals/Pajeets/Chins/Muhammads

Don't Australian houses look like huts but cost like 2M AUS? I know you get a bunch of land to ranch or do shit but you're essentially getting buttfucked for a fucking hut

>massively adopting imaginary money instead of real money ruins the economy of a whole country
What wonderful news will we get in 2018? Perhaps that water is wet? I can't wait to find out!

if you haven't figured it out yet. a 2M aus house is 2M because the location and lot size is good. developers will buy these properties with shit houses because they will tear it down and build high density housing on top and sell each unit for a profit.

6006 reporting in
lets bring em dowm

Don't tell our government that, they might start charging us for the wetness of water too

4000 here.

Cashing out some of my crypto profits and opening a storefront in fortitude valley 100% dedicated to the buying and selling of crypto for AUD to normies.

It's time to reinvest our gains and get the masses involved.