
Which people are unjustly oppressed in your setting, Veeky Forums?

Nobody. All oppression is equally deserved by all parties subjected to it.

Dragonborns are enslaved by the dwarves and any and all that escape are almost always attacked by any dwarf that sees one

/pol/tards and SJW and the boogymen.

White people. That's how you know it's a fantasy setting.

Many different groups, mostly based on religious differences, some of which can be profoundly petty.

>The Kelva
The Kelva are a group that believe the pantheon of gods the people of their region worship are all aspects of one god, and that once enough people become devout, that God will remember his true nature and destroy all evil. They have been oppressed since the first section was founded. They used to have a tradition where they would set out nine candles in their front window in honor of their Nine Days of Freedom, the nine days they briefly had their own nation and could be free before they were attacked and occupied by a coalition of larger nations, but recent crackdowns on this holiday have taken that from them as well.

> The Tragulians
Tragulia originally came about at the fall of one of the great empires of the psuedo-classical period, the Congregation of Gaurge. The Duke of Trag was the third son in line for the throne of the empire before secessionist movements and shoddy leadership tore it to shreds. Trag was left with three major strengths after the collapse:
1. They had the largest army, as loyalist soldiers rallied to their banner after central authority ended.
2. They had the rightful mandate, as their Duke was the last surviving heir.
3. They were in the middle of the Eastern region, composed mostly of loyalist duchies that had only broken off because the central crown was abolished.
Tragulia quickly rose to become a major power in the region, as the duchies joined to their cause, either by peace or by sword. By the time they were done in the east, however, the west had united into a sort of !notHRE, and they never reclaimed the lost empire. Slowly, the !NotHRE convinced duchies to break off and join them, while invasions crushed Tragulia in the east. Finally, they were partitioned, save for three cities that do not even share borders anymore. The people of Tragulia are treated poorly, people are not allowed to move through other nations to leave their city, and brutal raids are enacted on the cities that remain by violent or drunken soldiers. Still, the people of the three cities hold to their national identity, and pledge to keep the flag aloft as long as they can.


asians I guess

> The Followers of Jalar
The Followers are a small group that believe that the Dragon King, an old sorcerer warlord and second in line to the throne of the most powerful empire in the settings history, who fought a war to attempt to claim the throne (and ultimately destroyed the empire) back in the classical period, is the holy prophet of the gods, and that the works of he and his apostles are the true holy word. This is as opposed to the majority faith in the region, the Ministers of Drakk, who believe that, as the apostles were only mortal, their works are heretical, and that only the works of the King himself are to be accepted. The ministers are much less tolerant and much more rigid than the more flexible followers, and burnings of followers who are too outspoken happen fairly often. The followers are banned from any form of religious rights, and are not allowed to practice their faith in public or enter churches on pain of death.

Slight and fair Reeve people face suspicion and distrust in the North (setting of the game). Their own legends claim they are decedents of the fae, their tendency to odd magic and the fact that they were trusted and protected by the Grendels during the time of the black empire means they are forced to move often, driven away by people that see them as nearly monsters themselves.

On the bright side the few Grendel that remain in the world do not allow them to be harmed in their presence. The Seilie offer them no protection.

Having "always opressed group" in your setting is edgy 90s design that serves no other purpose than being more "dark" and "visceral".
In most cases it really means "bland" and "uninspired".

> Any and all Drakki of either sect outside of their owned lands.

The drakki are seen as intensely heretical by nearly every other faith, and are treated with hate and violence outside their own empires. While within their own bounds, other nations simply ignore them, as they spend more time fighting each other for regional power than trying to expand outwards.

Everyone gets along and everyone that has something bad happen to them deserves it
What a great setting

? ? ?

Yeah, if your setting is some goddamn multiverse of infinite worlds.

My game's setting is an area about the size of Bavaria. In truth "everyone but the natives" isn't exactly welcomed with open arms.

Runics: people which got infected by a demonic version of leprosy but treat themselves with tattoo runes.

Its ok user, i took your bait

Dark elves I guess.

Underdark drow invaded the surface Human nations at least 60+ years before campaign started. Intended to stay on the surface and rebuild they're lost empire. Humans end up beating the shit out of them and drive them back. Human peasants formed lynch mobs after reconquering their cities, one city got so bad with property damage/general rioting that it had to be outlawed and King permitted drow refugees to live in the capital of his nation. Descendants of original elves are now living in slums/discriminated by native populace to this day. In turn some dark elves form radical terrorists groups in response to discrimination via human peasants.

King/city watch has an eternal aneurysm over this issue.

Nice one.

Currently running a VC campaign, so it sort of follows.

The NPCs

When someone gets opressed they usually deserve it.

>Disliking outsiders
It's almost like your grandparents were kicked from Konigsberg and you are still salty, Prussianboyo



All of them. In my settings, just like in real world, life actually fucking sucks, and the point is to learn to suck it up, find peace, retain your dignity, and cherish the few good things that might happen to you, not to consistently whine, and blame others for "unjust inequality" that no one was ever entitled to to begin with, because both my setting and reality were not made by gods who had justice in mind.

Sounds like it's someone's job to make justice if there isn't it innately. To make it a non-shitty world.

Whose job and how, given that the injustice is not solely a product of human social organization, but an inherent quality of a life itself?

Trust me, there have been multiple attempts in my world to "fix the world", and every single one of them ended up making it far, FAR worse.
That is not to say there aren't small things to improve, and small things to cherish. It's just insanely foolish and downright dangerous to think that you know better than the forces that gave form to you and the world that surrounds you.
You inevitably end up denying the principles that gave you your existence. In better case, that will just get you killed. In worse case, billions will suffer needlessly.

This is adult-only site. Shouldn't you be in school anyway, Brian?

>Whose job and how, given that the injustice is not solely a product of human social organization, but an inherent quality of a life itself?

So basically: The GM will go out of his way to make sure you suffer and fail?


Jews and Irish.
I'm not even joking.

>So basically: The GM will go out of his way to make sure you suffer and fail?
Nope. The GM will do his best to make as compelling and interesting stories based around interesting characters and preferably beautiful scenes for the players to play in. I do not punish my players for playing, that was never the point. I do, however, like to challenge them, and that involves revealing subjects that people do not like to face these days, including the fact that suffering and unfairness are also part of life, and often necessary counterparts to beauty and solace.

Most importantly though, I do not maintain the lie that the world can be flipped over and molded into my players liking and will. Which is a different way of saying that everyone is oppressed in one way or another.
Denying that is a delusion that I'm really not fond of.

Our world isn't shit because some evil deity has decided it should be shit. Our world is shit because there is no deity at all. There is no-one at the helm. The universe doesn't hate our happiness - it is indifferent. The universe doesn't think suffering should be our base state of being - the universe doesn't think, period.

The only reason the attempts to fix your world failed is because you decided it should be so. The only reality your world reflects is the one inside your head.

>Most importantly though, I do not maintain the lie that the world can be flipped over and molded into my players liking and will. Which is a different way of saying that everyone is oppressed in one way or another.

...but people are doing that, right now. I mean, we have entire swathes of diseases that were completely eliminated, we are living in the most peaceful years in centuries and quality of life is at it's highest ever.

Nietzsche, aren't you dead already?

The blind, subterranian owl people.



>The universe doesn't hate our happiness
No, happiness and suffering exist because they are part of the evolutionary game we are playing. Sure there is no conscious decision or goal behind it - mostly simple mechanics. And it's due to these simple mechanics we find ourselves in our insane predicament: our awareness of suffering makes as better at surviving, thus our species becomes stable and prolific, but at the same time, it will result in the inevitable outcome of most of our existence being pretty miserable.
You can do a lot to learn to live with it, you can do a lot to improve things in small ways, but it is absolutely FUCKING IDIOTIC to think that you can "take the helm" and transcend the very biological and mechanical necessities of life created by evolutionary games.
THAT is precisely what eugenics and social darwist sought to do. THAT is precisely what every single totalitarian regime of the past century sought to do.
It's the insane, mindboggling arrogance of people who think that they can take up the helm that caused more suffering than anyone else in history.

This is precisely why Nietzsche laments the death of God.

And yet people are incredibly unhappy. Armies of people desperately keen on destroying all of that, western civilisation caught in self-loathing, rest of the world despising us, or destroying themselves in the process of trying to emulate us... and we also still stand at the bring of potential absolute self-destruction.

Things aren't that simple. Diseases of the body or lack of food are sadly only less than half of our problems. We squashed some problems, and created new ones. Eliminated absolute poverty in western states, yet social unrest and pathologies are GROWING. Established social security, COMPLETELY destroyed basic social interaction models, to a point that our society literally become impotent. Gained amazing insight into the nature of the world - immediately started falling for insane ideologies.

*Hearty chuckle *

The poor


but only by other humans.


See, I don't understand you people. If the setting is something that's grimdark, you should embrace it. In a grimdark setting, instead of banging my head against the wall, I take the chance to make concepts I wouldn't normally explore - Inquisitor, torturer, witch-hunter, blood-soaked slayer of heretics, fanatic, scumbag mercenary and war criminal. (i.e. Glokta, Caine, Ninefingers without the teamkilling, Guts.)

It's more fun if you go "Okay, this is how the world is. I'm jumping it with both feet, and investing myself into the setting wholeheartedly" instead of being the one guy who wants to fight the setting.

It's like if it's a game about knights. I'm not going to play someone who wants to end feudalism, I'm going to play someone who LOVES feudalism!

Not that guy, but a grimdark world is only fun if it's not fixed. As a PC, I would actively resist attempts to fix it: That would spoil the fun!

Smart people.

In my current setting, humans follow the usual dystopian stuff, rich abusing the poor and whatnot.
The three demihuman races, indistinguishable from humans to humans, absolutely hate each other. Rather than just cooperating and ruling the mundane humans, they've squandered thousands of years trying (and failing) to subjugate the rest.


The PCs, or so the players claim.

>And yet people are incredibly unhappy.
Speak for yourself, loser.

>Which people are unjustly oppressed
>Posts Darcsen-scum

Shouldn't the stereotype be different? The Darcsen are far more of a Jewish analogue than a black one.

Kikimora and Domiovoi are both species nearly entirely reliant of humans. They exist in this strange relationship, Domiovoi being symbiotic and Kikimora being parasitic. This is more of a cultural thing and mental tendency than anything. Kikimora are often relegated to tightly packed ghettos with horrible conditions because of this, and thus end up killing one another due to a desire to be solitary. Domiovoi had their desire to please humans exploited during the industrial revolution and replaced children for tasks that required small individuals.


Pretty sure that's a caricature of a Latino.

latigger, nigger, sandnigger, they're all shitskins

>You can do a lot to learn to live with it, you can do a lot to improve things in small ways, but it is absolutely FUCKING IDIOTIC to think that you can "take the helm" and transcend the very biological and mechanical necessities of life created by evolutionary games.
>THAT is precisely what eugenics and social darwist sought to do. THAT is precisely what every single totalitarian regime of the past century sought to do.
>It's the insane, mindboggling arrogance of people who think that they can take up the helm that caused more suffering than anyone else in history.

He says, living in a world built by people who tried, with all their fucking might, to make the world a better place. He says, enjoying the fruits of thousands of years worth of progress and improvement.

If no-one ever tried to improve things, we wouldn't have the internet. If no-one ever tried to improve things, we wouldn't have modern medicine. If no-one ever tried to improve things, we wouldn't have an electrical grid. Fuck, if no-one ever tried to improve things, we wouldn't have AGRICULTURE.

If you don't want to try and make the world a better place, out of some selfish impulse, fine. Lord knows I don't do much to help either. But I don't sit there and sneer at other people who are trying to build a better world. If it wasn't for those people, neither you or I would be here right now.

Nobody, because half the people I game with are constantly making "much societal oppression" type characters and I'm fucking sick of this trope. No, your charming high-society kobold rogue is not oppressed, nor is his picture-perfect legion of orcs, goblins, drow and gnomes that serve as butlers and maids.

Godammit yes. No matter what there's that.


Hey, you tried. No matter what anyone says, that's what's important.

Agriculture was a mistake


humans and orcs

People are unhappy because suffering felt is always relative. 'first world problems' essentially.

I can absolutely garuantee you, you would be a lot less happy if you were living a thousand years ago.


By relative suffering wouldn't one be unhappy just as much a thousand years ago because it's relative?

Half elves.

>Pissmop thinks he's better than he really is

Bad, Rem!

The Tuvani

Do not trust those who bed their horses. They consort with the beasts at night and do not follow the Maiden faith, they are little more than bandits and thugs.

If they come here to fight back the monsters that plague the Frontier, then so be it, may they be reborn as a true Varskin in their next life.

>They're Not!Mongolians who didn't quite get the whole "Civilization" thing very well. They mostly kill each other over petty clan differences and generally be annoying.

A bunch of Scandinavian refugees who set up shop in the UK. The "unjustly" bit is up for debate.

>This guy gets it.


Fae and Ogres are treated rather poorly as well but it's more justified since they'll fucking eat you if they can plausibly claim they thought you were dead.

This sounds so shit tier.
unbeatable elves almost conquer world, but then don't because somehow. And then try to live with humans because forced minorities analogies.

teiflings. The whole "Lean towards such alignment" isn't something I as the GM buy into but that doesn't mean the people of the setting don't!

he didn't say they were unbeatable or even got close to conquering the world. The crusaders took the holyland and kept it for 100 years but then they got blown the fuck out


>He says, living in a world built by people who tried
First of all you drooling mongoloids, I never said that local improvements can't or should not be done. I'm just actually aware of the price we paid for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, starting with agriculture which, as anyone at least remotely fucking educated in human physical history, resulted in some of the most cruel forms of torture of human body in the fucking history...

The point is not to deny the possibility of change - the point is to stop deluding yourself into thinking that we are ultimately heading towards a future that is better, or more fair. And to fucking assume resposibility for how YOU DEAL WITH SUFFERING YOURSELF, rather than blaming or expecting greater historical forces to resolve it.

I sneer at people who ruin other people's life far beyond what is necessary while claiming that they are helping. I sneer at people who expect society to be just because that is the teleological goal of it, and demand absurd, harmful shit to be enforced for that utterly misguided deal.
And most of all, I fucking sneer at you and shitstains like you, because you are completely, utterly, INSANELY POORLY EDUCATED. You literally have no fucking clue what is going on, yet you have the fucking insanity to talk about "improving" and "building a better world".
What the FUCK do you know about the damage being caused by that excuse? Nazies were building a better world, you cunts. Colonial Empires were building a better world. Soviet fucking Union was building a better world. The Khmer Rouge were building a better world.
With absolutely no less conviction that you have. So get some fucking education and get some fucking perspective.

Man, why does nobody have esteemed enemies like me?

Sure, I'll stab a nazi any day, but I love 'em. They're fun to shoot, have great outfits, have patriotic fervor for an ideal, have weird science s'great.

Similar to commies. I love 'em. They come in masses so you can have holdout scenarios, the red scare gave them an air of social infiltrators that could cause zombie scenarios, they tried to put dog heads on robot bodies, and they have goddamn BUMPING propaganda music.

Like, those two are right up there with giant bugs on "things I would love to fight"

Then you know nothing about either of them, what and how they did what they did, and where lies the real problem. They are icons to you, pretty pictures from a book.
And that is still part of the problem. Our fucking education should make absolutely sure that nobody ever says what you said, even in joke. The old "those who do not learn history" is becoming FRIGHTEFULY real right now.

TLDR: good news for you, because odds are, you will end up dealing with both again in your own lifetime!

Same here. Going to be starting a new game today and the tiefling cleric of the thunder god is going to be starting off in a jail in the town gatehouse. Thankfully, the town's gone to hell, so the players will run into him fairly soon and hopefully free him because a cleric is useful to have around. Why was he thrown in there? The townsfolk thought he was hellspawned evil and threw him in there on suspicion that everything bad happening could be blamed on him.

Fae scum except pixies. They're cool.

Everyone gets what they desserve.
If someone somehow doesn't have what they desserve it's because they either gave it up or hasn't approached the competent authorities to solve their issue.

People are innocuously but noticeably rude to redheads because the largest vampire "family" in the setting all have red hair.

ugh, fucking druids.


They're called "Nilbogs" and are oft abused


the serious ones.
the ones with brains, drive an ambition.
the ones who have dreams, hopes and aspirations.

anyone who isn't content to live a waking nightmare and allow their minds to atrophy like a bowl of rotting meat.

Everybody that isn't a golem.

the bright ones, the pretty ones, the ones who have talent and the ones who still care. anyone who hasn't given up on this miserable shitpile we call existence.

They are the ones relegated to the dark corners of the earth. They are the ones who lurk in the shadow of what may yet be, who stand before the maw of never ending comformity and soul crushing banality.

They are the ones who must be sacrificed upon the alter, they are the ones who will feel the boots upon their fragile visage, its their dreams that feed the machine of cruelty and hatred.

You words are lost on them. There's only one form of equality that is easily understood by all.

my, aren't we in friendly mood today?

your the only one pushing an Orwellian nightmare. Its YOUR narrative, its YOUR prerogative, choosing to live in the past and allowing yourself to swept up in the ferver of rewriting history to favor the victors.

You are blinded to the realities of the Imperium, you are the burgeous set you rally against, you're everything wrong with society and more.

The trappings of democracy are an absurdity, its propaganda masterful. The oligarchy laughs at your condemnation and grow fat off the harvest of peace. Sorrow and confusion are the rewards for excess and the taint of the authority is upon YOUR head.

You seek to lecture, but it is already too late. The rot is at the core and there is no turning back. We will all feast upon our misgivings and lay waste to those beneath us, no man will be spared his place on the totem pole.

You suffer because you chose to serve.

Depends on the country. The most exciting example is a kingdom run by wizards that treats anyone incapable of wielding magic to be subhuman and thus not legally people. Slavery is outlawed, but owning animals is not, so subhumans are branded and traded for various purposes. This contrasts the country's otherwise phenomenal quality of life.

The more stereotypical example is a monotheistic empire run by a theocratic stratocracy. Within it, all who worship a different god or defy scripture are labeled heretics and sent off to reform camps (labor camps, but the scripture forbids the construction of "prisons"). Because said empire is also on bad terms with most other nations, the worshippers of the monotheistic god are persecuted literally everywhere else, even if their views and practices are not imperialist. Such people are ironically "heretics" in the light of the empire, so they'll find no solace in their homeland either.

The fun example is a nation run by a force dragon that attempted genocide against his political enemies, the catfolk. He did so in order to ensure that no force in the country could oppose his rule.

Writing a Spelljammer reboot. Kender are regularly lynched in the street. Orcs provide slave labor and are traded by many ship owners.

>your the only one pushing an Orwellian nightmare
What the actual fuck? You can't just claim that and then say not a single actual argument in it's favor. How is evolution my narrative? How the fuck am I favoring the victors by saying that there are never ANY CLEAR VICTORS, and that every single victory comes at an equal price?!

>You are blinded to the realities of the Imperium
What? Didn't I just talk about the harshness of the reality of the imperial colonialism? About how what we consider progress today came at an incredible price of what those nations did?

>you are the burgeous set you rally against,
Are you replying to a completely wrong post here? I do not rally against burgeous, I rally against people who believe we are entitled to a better world by definition, you retard. I mostly rally against contemporary left wing ideologies - those who hate burgeous with a passion - though I equally warn against other forms of utopistic ideologies, including all forms of faschisms, just as against agressive religious dogmatism, you cretin.

>The trappings of democracy are an absurdity,
OK, I admit, only here I realized that you are trolling. Have a good day.

Everyones oppressing everyone it just depends on who's the dominant force in the region

The workers.

Everyone. The torturers are whiped to their dungeons by the whippers. The whippers get sexually assaulted by the rapists on their way back and they spend the rest of the day getting tortured.

There is just the grand oppressor. He mainly eats cake. He does that just so everyone else can feel opressed. He's really nice guy otherwise.

>Slavs aren't white
>Germans aren't white
Ok fag.
