OK just so we're clear

THIS is a red flag.

This is a vaguely suspect character aspect that might indicate an immature or inexperienced roleplayer or someone who's unaccustomed to the types of games you run and should be spoken to as a human being to make sure they understand the nature of the game and what is expected of them before outright judging them.

This is red leader standing by.

Red Vamp, standing by.

Red Sun, standing by.

Its blue wtf

Red Five standing by.

This is what your initial plot's tone is likely to turn into upon first contact with the players. An interesting time with fun characters who can be put into any situation but a far cry from your original idea of how everything would play out.

No, that's a Miqo'te from Final Fantasy 14.

Are you color blind


This is also a red flag.

Red Forman standing by.

Red menace, standing by.

Lusaka Tower, this is Green Leader.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Incidentally, I'd be fine with that character in a numbe rof games, including D&D, GURPS, and Amber diceless.

No, that's a red logo, moron. It's not hard.

I'm sorry you can't fully enjoy this meme

Red Terror standing by.

Big Red Dog standing by.

Red Giant standing by.

Red Green, Standing By.

Red Letter Media, standing by.

Red Lantern, standing by.

Red Herring, standing by.

I know you're up to something Red, it's just a matter of time until I catch you in the act!

Reddit, standing by

Redwall, standing strong.

Literally been doing this on Veeky Forums since before reddit existed, but thanks for playing!

Bait standing by.


Red Dawn, standing by

Red Dead, standing by

RED sniper standing by.

You sure that's not a red pennant man?

Red Scout, Know that feel

blue team standing by

Who would win? Blue Team vs the Red Team from TF2

One group of incompetents versus another group of incompetents. It's a coin toss as who wins.

>the adventures of Johnny and Jack

sign me the fuck

i never knew i wanted something so much

Red spy, in the base.

>assdamaged redditors

standing by.

Brake! Brake!


Red October
Standing by

Red Ryder, poking eyes

I have a pretty long list of Red Flags:
>transsexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, metrosexual
>open-mouth smile in any of Facebook photos
>is fat, or has a fat partner
>is openly and brazenly into anime
>wants to play a tiefling, drow elf, dragonborn, eladrin, or other non-standard race
>is a fan of Game of Thrones or Stranger Things
>watches Critical Roll unironically
>favorite system is Pathfinder (3.5 is okay, that can be put down to nostalgia)
>wants to use homebrew
>smokes weed
>bernie sanders or gary johnson voter
>male player who wants to play a female character (there is ONE person exempt from this rule)
>wants to use homebrew/3rd party (I make RARE exceptions)
>claiming to have "depression" (doesn't exist, excuse to whine)
>gets salty over taking damage
>doesn't want to roleplay purchasing items
>doesn't want to roleplay in inn
>wanting to play non-core classes in D&D without having played the majority of the core classes
>using any of the words during game: "sidequest" "boss" "miniboss" or "tank."
>whining about rolling for stats
>whining about rolling 12 12 10 10 15 15 for stats
Some of these aren't evident until they are already part of the group. I will allow a player to have up to two (2) of these flaws. Any more, and they are out. Unequivocally, unrefutably, out. I don't have patience for shit players. I have over 10 years of GM experience. I have run dozens of campaigns, some in excess of five years in length. I am a high-quality GM and I have better things to do than deal with shit players.

>>claiming to have "depression" (doesn't exist, excuse to whine)
Pretty much. Sure there are people who are neurochemically fucked up, but how many fat people have a glandular disorder?


that's why we play shadowrun, user.
It's the only system I know that has the magical cyberdistopias of aku.

this is red army standing by

'batin so hard you'll get tennis elbow


Red October Shtanding by

red army choir staaaaannddddinnnngg bbbbyyyyy!!

I'm ok with this

Nice samefag. Or are you new?


Thanks for clearing it up, it looks suspiciously similar, I think I might have seen it before.

>This is a vaguely suspect character aspect
that picture certainly isnt, at least assuming cat people are a thing in setting

Redline, standing by

Reds,standing by

reddit standing by

Red Panda, entering attack formation.

Red man, attacking schools

Red Wings standing by.

Red Wings standing by


>nobody posted a red dragon, aka the best kind of dragon

Red Robin, yum.

Pokemon Red, standing by.

Magician's Red, 「Stand」ing by.


still a faggot

>You Hear You Lose

Reddit, standing by.

Catgirls are always bad.

I'd rather play with a gay kobold.

This turned into the best red thread.

Red Sonja, standing by (her man).

>this is supposed to be bait
I agree with this completely.

You know this image with Johnny and Jack is literally titled "GURPS Infinite Worlds"... right?

Red, sitting by

I mean it was till someone was too lazy to type "reddit" into the search bar.


Red, being white

Are you really complaining about them casting fucking morgan freeman?
I think it was worth it dude.

Red States, standing by.

Redman, standing by

Red, white and blue, standing proud.

I never complained. I think he had unironically performance of his life in this movie.
But most people don't know that in the original novel Red was called that, because he was indeed Irishman and red-haired, hence not getting 100% of the movie joke when Red explains his nick.

Red Angry Dorf, Standing by

red tellytubby standing by

Red Sox, standing by

Red, being mute.

Red Elemental Blast standing by.

Wonder Red, Unite Up!

Red eyes black dragon, standing by

Red army standing by

Red dead redemption

Hard as fuck