My prince, the queen regnant has decreed that, in order to keep the royal bloodline pure, she must produce your heir.
My prince, the queen regnant has decreed that, in order to keep the royal bloodline pure, she must produce your heir
Tell her "no way fag"
There has to be some nation somewhere with a girl i could marry instead.
Man I must have saved up a lot of GBP.
What's with all the reposts tonight?
Get your shitty incest fantasies out of my conquered heroine ambitions, Mother.
If you really want to go with incestuous moral dilemmas, what about Anne Bolyn's situation? (Even though it may have been a lie in reality.)
She seduces a king into annulling his previous marriage to get with her, because she refused to be his mistress. (Like her sister was willing to be.)
Marriage goes great for a bit. She produces an heir, but female. Then has several miscarriages. The king's eyes begin straying. Soon enough, to marry the next lady in line, various accusations come forth, and she is imprisoned.
During her incarceration, there aren't many people allowed to see her. One of them is her brother. Terrified of being killed, she decides if she is pregnant (with the implication that it's of course the king's child), they won't kill her. So can brother and sister bring themselves to not only betray their king, but also commit the taboo of incest?
The issue with your scenario is that it's pretty obviously Magical Realm. There's no real struggle there. Players will either be, "Ew, no mom. Gross. I'm out." or "That's my fetish. Ok." What are the negative stakes? What are the positive stakes? There's not really a quandry presented, just a binary, "Dare you enter my magical realm or not?"
>queen regnant
Lower case is for Lower Class.
You're fired.
>GM basically requests permission to enter the magical realm
Hey man I'm just here to shitpost not to come up with an engaging and complex plot hook.
>On my mark, enter the magical realm!
>to not only betray their king, but also commit the taboo of incest
In the situation where sister is about to be executed? Are you serious? There is no dilemma for her, there is can be some question for the brother if he believes he could maintain influence and postion after her death and how much he loves her. Fuck the king, he's a cunt, you don't owe your life to a cunt.
What if escaping his lecherous and incestful mother is the reason for the secret Prince joining your party?
Sorry lady, I'm gay.
You don't understand how nobody who counts for something cared about sexual preferences, do you?
Yeah, just making a shitty joke is all.
Well m-mother, if it's for the good of the realm who am I to disagree?
It didn't work out so well in the end
What would happen if I she payed on her backside down and one at a time I stepped on her tits so that the palms of my bottom hands were putting the full weight of them on her
user is helpfully demonstrating for the Queen the dangers of inbreeding.
Am I regnant?
user what the fuck
it's from /pol/
>even the most shitty copypasta is from /pol/ these days
Can we just quarantine that unfunny fucking board until they get some better jokes?
but user, /pol/ is already a quarantine
>My prince, the queen regnant has decreed that, in order to keep the royal bloodline pure, she must produce your heir.
So basically pic related?
It's just another pseudo-Markov chain.
>So basically pic related?
Jokes on you, she's actually a doppelganger setting a trap in the bedroom.
Risou no Himou Seikatsu. That entire manga is my magical realm.
It's a buoy!
>Keeping the Royal Line pure
Off to the Guillotine with you.
After you.
Stop projecting, some people would choose death over a lot of things, including incest.
>death over incest
I pity those with ugly siblings.
It may as well stay in the family...
Why the fuck people assume the person in question is the crown prince? He could be Prince of Shitholia from a branch of family that had no contact with the royal line for hundreds of years.
>What's with all the reposts tonight?
No more quest threads on Veeky Forums.
>it's from /pol/
Why did user think it was a good idea to post it here?
>Why the fuck people assume the person in question is the crown prince? He could be Prince of Shitholia from a branch of family that had no contact with the royal line for hundreds of years.
Because OP makes this thread a lot, and he wants to have a thread about epic wincest on Veeky Forums.
I don't get it. What's the problem?
This. He could not even be a royal Prince at all.
I am surprisingly okay with this.
Pic not related?
The sad thing is that the artist was probably paid quite a lot of money to make him look good, and he would have tried to make him look good because the Hapsburgs had dungeons in their basements.
And with all the flattery he could muster born of fear and greed and pity that was what he painted.
How monstrously fucked up must Charles II have actually looked?
This is my fetish.
The emphasis on the queen being a queen-regnant means that her husband is by default the prince consort rather than a king.
It's a real term
>A queen regnant (plural: queens regnant) is a female monarch, equivalent in rank to a king, who reigns in her own right
The Queen of England is a Queen Regnant.
>wen u think your smart but then it turns out your not
Yesterday I saw a thread making fun of the term "grimoire" and today another one making fun of the term "regnant"? You do realize French isn't a fantasy language, right? Their overuse of vowels may make it look like Elven, but it's a real language.
Yeah the giant mountains of shit that were quests did a good job of hiding the smaller mounds of shit that are threads like this one.
I bet you also say rendez-vous like rendeevoo you uncultured swine
Are there any spells in the big ttrpg's to determine parentage?
is, in French, you stick an accent on the e. Not in the English word.
Queen Regnant is an English title, contrasted to Queen Consort.
How do you not know this?
Tell my mother to take my rebellion seriously!
Come on now, don't be mean to anglophones. It's not as if they thought touché and touche are the same thing, or royal always needs an "e" at the end even when the subject is masculine.
>Yeah the giant mountains of shit that were quests did a good job of hiding the smaller mounds of shit that are threads like this one.
I guess the main difference is that quests were enjoyed by OP and all the people who posted in them, whereas bait threads are only enjoyed by OP.
I sometimes have fun in bait threads. And bait threads do produce amusing things every now again. For instance in this tread I am enjoying taunting the buttblasted questfag.
If that's not the correct pronunciation, I don't wanna be right.
Are you having a stroke user? Do you smell toast.
I guess the queen can enjoy her STDs.
Depends on the country
>Don't mind me mom, just crashing this dynasty with no survivors
I don't think that's a good idea unless you want the country to be ruled by Retardius I the Simple in a few generations.
Oh no not again. Last time it happened in game was bad enough.
The dynasty is just the vessel through the Royal STD is kept alive.
What if the institution of monarchism itself is the STD?
Kind of gross situation in the current game but it's a fantast nation building game. One of the players spent all her build points (and I mean all, it's a pretty shitty nation) on having a divine monarch.
Apparently her reason and plan for doing so is to attempt to end up creating more gods, in the long run hoping to get such a powerful benefit for free by twisting the rules. If divinity in this sense can be seen as genealogical (the monarch has 100% god genome) in terms of inheritance at least, is there a risk of her accomplishing this goal? She's already said she doesn't care about and wholly plans to rely on massive ongoing incest and selective breeding. DM said if the math can check out it can work.
Should us other players/nations, who don't have such a literal divine right be worried?
I do think I have an older sister though?
I'll have her instead.
>assemble elite cadres of female spies trained in the art of seduction
>send them to infiltrate the court and mate with the horny 16 year old scions of the family
>return them home
>you now have your own god genome bloodline you can interbreed to 100% divinity genome
Pic fucking related though
Hilarious idea which is worth a try, and may well plunge the setting into ruination and chaos.
However I get the sense that she may try to play it close to her chest and kill off any unnecessary family members. Assuming not though, sure, worth a try to crash the setting with no survivors.
As long as she doesn't try to pull the same shit with the kid. One generation is harmless, you make that a tradition though and things'll go retarded real quick.
Assuming the family doesn't bring any outside genetic material, they should be seeing things like harelips in three to four generations. After that, whatever boy is scheduled next for the breeding programme should be delighted at the prospect of doing something other than his habsburg jawed sister, especially if that maiden secretly uses some alchemical means to counteract the contraception a paranoid ruler would have her use.
I would play that campaign setting.
One of the other players thinks she won't care, and will be fine with basically a pantheon of inbred deformed retards, which has a strong change of ruining the setting or at least fucking the rest of us over.
Given her plans for twisting the rules so far though, I get the feeling she will try and exploit them again as to get rid of the risk of inbreeding. From what little I got, it sounds like (since the setting is at the end of the day taking place in a rules system) things like diseases and penalties from whatever, in this case inbred would show up on their character "sheet". So my assumption is that she can just check the sheet of a baby born and if it has particular or enough negatives she'll just kill it, or however long it takes for all the negatives to manifest like if it takes till adulthood because she's got all the time in the world on her side. It's not realistic or as realistic as could be but that's just the way the system is and if she's already exploiting it she'll exploit that too.
You need to send the women every 5 or so years, preferably a new, relatively large group of the "best" women you can find. You need to then not blow your wad and try to interbreed more god kings within 3-4 generations, but take your goddamn time. You probably want to have some sort of inbreeding ceremony every few years while encouraging regular marriage and procreation outside of those pregnancies, with no stigma against the bastard children who are conceived in the ceremony. I would also consider banning marrying or breeding anyone who is not a citizen of my hypothetical country- in a few hundred years most of your citizens will qualify for the ceremony while still having some genetic variations.
Also, sorry, breeding cults are my magical realm.
Then you have multiple lines of attack with your cadre of spies, provided your goal is just obtaining a source of the bloodline
>The aforementioned "get spies to breed"
>Steal a baby
>Introduce spies as doctors and have them proclaim good babies as undesirable and desirable babies as shit
Of course it really depends on the setting and how your DM runs spying and sabotage
Maybe you could steal a bunch of inbred, deformed god babies and raise them as your loyal soldiers.
The sense of usefulness here though is more or less "amount of genome which is divine" so closer to 100 means closer to literal divinity/godhood. So mixing things up out of the family, wouldn't that just dilute it?
If it weren't the case I wouldn't imagine her to resort to inbreeding then, unless it's her magical realm.
I mean I personally would like to just invade and kill or otherwise find a way to put a stop to it, rather than steal her plan for myself. But invading isn't likely to go well at least until much, much stronger because this is an *actual* god we're talking about who is the ruler so throwing armies at the problem isn't going to work without enough armies.
The infiltration idea seems the best regardless of whatever goal us other players may have, and it could work well because the player having spent all her points on a god to start with and her nation being shitty otherwise, means little to no defense against espionage. However any matter relating directly to the offspring I think would be difficult to interfere with because it's basically the goddess herself personally checking the offspring as good or bad, and her personally disposing of them as bad in case something goes awry with the undesireable. Like ending up with an undead godling, or some unwanted enemy gaining power from the dead godling.
If she goes that route and there's enough around to steal, maybe yes. I'd be concerned even if that worked though, that her selectively bred and less deformed ones would have nothing to fear from the deformed ones.
If the queen looks like that, this is not only incest, but pedophilia as well.
.....are you deaf? We have been fucking on and off for the last month. She's pregnant.
>her selectively bred and less deformed ones would have nothing to fear from the deformed ones.
Maybe, but they'd still probably be more effective than mere mortals.
Alternatively go the infiltration and insemination route, but instead of trying to breed pureblooded gods you could have your divine-blooded subjects intermingle with regular folk until you had a nation of god-blooded mortals.
If the queen mommy is an elf or something with long life then yeah sure I'll do some incest. But I'm not an elf so I dunno.
Yeah good point, though forgive the lack of a better term, but tard-wrangling a bunch of godlings seems like a recipe for trouble.
You have a point with the passive gene spread though. Maybe can't compete with her gross inbreeding program, but there's nothing wrong with having everyone in the nation be a little god-blooded, like 10-20% and without all the nasty inbred activity and drawbacks. Everyone is just that much better than normal, by a little. Though the player herself would probably lose her shit, and I can imagine later risks of having everyone around descended from her god.
In any case the reason the infiltration idea is such a good one and I'm glad it was brought up as I'd probably not have thought of it on my own, is one of the other players basically made her nation out to be this sort of vast shadow network spread across the lands rather than a typical consolidated nation. A lot of her points went into things like infiltration so it would be a perfect option for her to use against this god-focused player.
My favorite is still
>The Queen adopts you without your consent.
What I was talking about was first getting a huge number of genetic lines to work with by breeding the original king as many times as possible, and then repeatedly crossing the lines, but doing so with the ability to outbreed within a larger group that you would close off- so your high percentage people go to the orgy every 5 years or so, but they can also breed with any citizen of the country. No citizen of the country can breed with anyone outside the country. Over time, those lines will continue to cross as the DNA spreads until you get higher and higher percentages of god DNA, but you will maintain genetic variety from the original lines your populace carried to avoid flipper babies for as long as possible.
>It's a power play
>she's only the regent while you're underage
>if she marries you she becomes the queen of a new generation
pretty GoT desu
Well the original ruler of that player is a queen, so goddess, but in any case I guess if the math checks out that's what the DM would allow. I'd probably mess it up though, sounds like a complex plan.
Also a long term one I imagine, but can't complain there, at least it's a possible answer to the problem.