/gengen/ - Genesys Roleplaying General

Post launch glow Edition
Gib muh PDF you fuck! Edition

>Previous thread:

>Known Genesys Settings

>Official sheets

>Online Extras
genesys.skyjedi.com/ - Online Dice Roller
i.4cdn.org/tg/1512157191186.pdf - Fillable sheet
drive.google.com/open?id=1j-6zsjft-HKKcTCD3qlRGUixfNwWZiIr - A PDF of something ;)

>Disord Server

>FFG Community Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm up for making a Diablo conversion, if there's enough interest. What do you guys think?

Why is there a pepe on the banner? Dumb shit.

Frogposter's 3-day ban just expired. It was a nice, quiet three days without him, with zero frogposts.

I'd be very interested. I quite like Diablo's setting, probably more than I like the actual games.

Latest version hot off the presses, now with a (hopefully) functional Psychic Powers system.

Current checklist of what's finished:
>Custom Archetypes (homeworlds)
>Custom careers
>Skills list
>Ranged weapon stats with special ammunition
>Melee weapon stats
>Armour stats
>Cybernetics stats and rules
>Rules for psychic powers
>Rules for corruption and mutation

Still to go:
>General Gear
>Fear and trauma rules (Insanity)
>NPC stat blocks
>Maybe some fluffy text about themes and stuff
>Maaaaybe a custom critical hit table

Let's talk about the custom things we've made so far, and don't tell me you've been looking at the book and nothing more.

Should've known that user promise of a scan over the weekend was a lie

I wanted to believe

Here's a Telekinesis spell I made for my Dark Heresy hack, with the language tweaked to suit Genesys' generic fantasy spellcasting. Might be useful to some of you.

Wait fuck I uploaded the wrong one. That's old, and 40k specific. Here's what I meant to upload.

Nice pic! I would add some kittens though.

You assume it's a single person. Hahaha.

Whoa, looks like that guy hit the nail on the head. Why else would you be so defensive about it, frogposter?

But, you're right. It's probably your whole little crew ate the 3 day ban.

I've been reworking bending mechanics for Avatar: The Second Age to be more in-line with the flexibility laid out in Genesys. Here's a sneak peak at the new chapter on Bending Arts as well as both Airbender and Earthbender forms

(with more still to come for each).

>meme image with a cartoon frog

Post is not stuffed with shit links. I just found the idea of a growing meme image to be a good joke and added to it.

Can we get them banned again? It was actually a very nice few days on Veeky Forums.

Link says "file has been moved to trash x owner". Gib sauce plz.

THe PDF link? It works just fine for me user, you just can't preview it. Maybe your own shit is broke.

dumb frogposter

Shiiit! I do not have the link but will add it to the next main post once an user hosts it.

You know what to do user. Crack open that ms paint!

Maybe if we're lucky they'll get banned again quickly.

So what is the problem here? All the links are fine. Is it the meme frog picture? If so, holy fuck boys calm down.

Actually, if I wanted the frog gone, what I should really do is raise a ruckus for a while. Ruckus seems to do it.

I assume so, I don't have an issue with it but I can agree it's retarded.

Shit, why don't we just have cool pictures for the OP, why do we even need the games name and memes?

Oh, frog poster has been stealing OPs for a while in order to post frogs.
Got banned for it recently.


This is preferable.


New thread topic, which Talents should or need to be ported/updated from Star Wars? We got alot of fun ones but the Talents list isn't nearly thicc enough.

Most of the melee combat talents need to be transferred over from StarWars. There is a significant lack of them in the game. Anything Marauder will probably work though.

I don't think it would work. The main thing that made Diablo games so popular was giving the middle finger to story and character development and other gay shit like that, in favor of polishing "hack and slash" and looting to a mirror shine. That doesn't translate very well to a narrative system.

I started working on a modern fantasy setting for my RP group. They asked me to weeb it up and I'm making sure they regret that request.


Only typed up a bit last night. Tear it apart.

To be brutally honest, from what I've read of this there's nothing you've written that marks this as a "modern" fantasy setting. You've mad a pretty typical and somewhat bland standard fantasy setting... unless of course by "modern" you meant "written like contemporary video game settings."

Focus on ramifications of Urbanization and how it affects your setting. It isn't enough that you have fantasy races and a fantasy timeline, you need to juxtapose the fantasy of magic and elves and shit with the mundane and fast-paced modern experience.

>tl;dr your modern fantasy setting needs more modern in it

You are absolutely right, and that's what I plan to get into tonight. In all honesty, I made it intentionally bland so I can enrich more details later.

Agree with user. You need something more. Would you go down the road of shadowrun? Or some other kind of neich?
>how does magic work and how does it effect society and technology?
> what is the major poltical system present? Librarian, lett-right, coperations, monarchies, democracy, anarchy?
> how do the different races interact? Are they segregated? Integrated? Beastman town and little swamps in each city?

My advice is: you wrote a good chunk of historical background, then inserted modern stuff at the end just to call it modern. I suggest working in reverse: write up about most of your material about life in the modern times of your setting, using the past only as minor background fluff.

What I wrote of the history is basically all I plan to write. Everything I plan to write in the future will be about making the current times more in depth. I want to go into detail about how the economy works and what the modern society looks like. I'll post more in the next few nights.

The politics of the setting are going to be intentionally old fashioned, despite the modern aesthetic and conveniences. The government will be functioning similar to monarchies of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with democratic assemblies but also assemblies of nobles, but with a still powerful set of monarchs with absolute authority to veto the assemblies. What I want to get into as I write more that the main functioning part of the government aren't the assemblies or the monarchy but the bureaucracies that regulate how all the magic works and is distributed.

The laws of the kingdom officially do not separate the races in anyway except Beastmen, Lizardmen, and Catfolk are barred from running for public offices. Many have circumvented this by taking jobs in the bureaucracy though. Economically, however, there is still a great deal of segregation and that affects some regions more than others. Some communities are very diverse while others are quite segregated. Racial tension is a growing problem in the empire.

I'll hopefully get into more detail this week. Thank you for all the help. Brutal honesty is always welcome.

user working on some Shadowrun stuff here, need a lore check for talents. Can one discover their latent magical talent later in life (and thus take a magic-heightening talent later in the game) or is it something that only springs up in their youth (and make the talent available only during character creation)?

So, what do you guys think is the minimum amount of "crunch" requires to run this as a "rules lite", mostly narrative, RPG for real one shots?

It seems like even at its simplest, I still need to put together some basic weapon and armor stats if I want to have functional combat.

Do I HAVE to HAVE codified effects for magic, too, if I use that (or something like it)?

Throwing a bunch of weapons and armor together is piss easy lad. Honestly for the bare minimum of typical fantasy crunch, you might have to spend an hour putting things together. There's even a racegen tool out there to help you with starting XP.

I keep feeling like its just all TOO easy. Like I'm missing key things somewhere.

If I run a Western game, how can I deal with armor just not being a thing at all? Do I need to make something just work for armor concepts? Do I need to tone down weapon lethality slightly? Can it just work as-is, with the slight increase in lethality that results?

The soft rule is that people Awaken during their pre-teens; corps and governments have 'spotters' who go around to schools to assense those age ranges and scoop up anyone with magical talent early.

That said, it's easy to be missed by those scouts (especially if you are SINless and wouldn't be subjected to government surveys). The vast majority of Awakened aren't the 6 MAG full mages that make up 90% of Shadowrun magic-using characters. They're the aspected 2 MAG talismongers who have spent their life honing what talent they have, or the 1 MAG physads who didn't even realise they were using magic to be so flexible.

For someone to 'become' a mage later in life, it's as easy as saying that they had minuscule power that wasn't detected when they were a kid because the official sent to check them had a head cold and wasn't into his job that day. 4e represented it with the Latent Awakening quality, where once you paid for the quality you started at MAG 1 with no skills.

I mean if you're running a western, armor isn't really going to factor into much. Maybe some heavy clothing with a rating of 1 soak. But if you want to run a heavily lethal game, maybe make western archetypes with low wound thresholds whole guns do a set amount of damage. It's really up to you how much crunch you wanna make. I'm probably going to be busy all month myself making a ton of crunch for the authentic Halo experience, but you only need to put in as much effort as you feel like it.

Saved and logged. Thanks a bunch, SRanon!

no problem. Forbidden Arcana has a good section near the beginning that gives little snippets of life as one of the Awakened, from being brother to a wagemage to being just Aware enough to be bothered by background counts.

Looking for a D&D (OSR or 5e) conversion, thanks.

For what?

Has anyone shared Android setting yet?

>had forgotten all about this
>hey look, another general
>see the pdf about something ;^)
Wew, there goes my productiveness for the night.

FFG already did that?!?!

It was the example science fiction setting, and I think that FFG have stated that it'll be getting a full setting book. If you need more fliff, ypu cpuld probably run it with the Worlds Of Android book that's already out. The other example settings were Runebound (fantasy), Lords Of Steam (steampunk, I think that that's a new one), Tannhäuser (weird war), and Twilight Imperium (space opera).

Personally, I'm planning on doing Cthulhutech, campy swashbuckling inspired by Arra Of The Third Kingdom with a dash of Blue Rose, and probably some kind of fantasy western.

They've put out a general artbook/setting guide for Android not long ago, but it's not a Genesys sourcebook.

What does it even mean to have
in another system?

What are you actually looking for?

Isn't it just
>Generic Fantasy Races
>Generic Non-Magical Fantasy Class Tropes
>Archaic Essentric Magical System

I am asking for sample Android since it wasn't in first leak.

D&D has several of it own settings and classes are bit more fleshed out than just "dps, tank, support"

Oh, I thought that somehow even the Android Genesys sourcebook had leaked.

True, but in that case you'd be better off asking how to adapt a specific setting. Personally, I might consider trying out a spin on Planescape with this. Most of the things I liked about Planescape were things that weren't really tied to the rules.

I want to run D&D modules, like CoS, Death Frost Doom, etc. Probably the magic system is the trickiest to convert.

No, but I am asking for the Android sample setting chapter, since it's included in the core.

It seems to me that using modules would be more a convert-as-you-go job.

What the fuck is Genesys?

Probably have to wait for a beastiary. Not sure why you'd even want to convert the magic system or classes, if you are so attached you may as well just play D&D.

So real talk, if I were to run CoS with Genesys, I have my players create characters out of the stock fantasy setting, and just start the game? What happens in the second half when the module expects D&D power level bloat?

Why Genesys though?

Basically the genericized version of the system FFG made for their Star Wars games.

Scale back the power of the late-module antagonists, perhaps. I'm not overly familiar with D&D modules, as I'm not a fan of pre-written adventures or D&D.

Again, without a beastiary it is tricky.

When converting a like this, you focus on the stories as the rules in the module are pretty useless. You have to eyeball convert all the encounters to be more in line with the new system, same with traps and everything else, again you're just lifting the story points.

If I were to seriously try this right now, I'd probably run a short little game of a few sessions for everyone (especially me!) to get a feel for it, then we'd reroll and give the module a go.

Terminator movie. Didn't you figure that out from the picture?

I would just completely wing it (mechanically). The system is good for that.

... And that's the only way I've run D&D in a decade anyways.

So you don't think you can have tabletop hack n' slash?

Sure you can.

Just make a more specific list of how you can use advantage, and give LOTS of different ways to use it... That are all based on loot.

I know there used to be a complete D2 loot generator floating around the web somewhere.

Would be perfect to include in a Diablo sourcebook, since I'm planning to make the gameplay more D2 than the abomination that followed it.

Although loot would also have to work differently in principle, because the DM having to roll for loot for every single monster the party faces would be impossible.

Some kind of roll where uncancelled advantages and triumphs were used to determine IF an item "drops" and what "rarity" it is would probably work.

It'll be fiddly whatever you do, but that's part of what you're looking for if you're trying to get the hack-and-slash-loot-fest feel.

Gamey, non-Diablo related idea: accumulate advantage/triumph/threat/despair rolled during combats, drop loot when it exceeds a threshold. Talking totals of everything, not the canceled sums, so if a combat goes swimmingly, very poorly, or is just intense, it's more likely to drop better loot.

Tougher monsters contribute to this sum initially by their very presence, weaker monsters can reduce it, being outnumbered or outnumbering the opponents, etc.

Also the D2 Strategy Guide has full lists of item prefixes/suffixes. I seemed to recall these being already numbered and being 100 entries, but wrong on both counts - still a useful resource. Page 179, PDF is freely available on archive.org - archive.org/details/Diablo_II_Official_Strategy_Guide_BradyGames

Thanks, this is pretty helpful! I'll get to work on the conversion proper once I get my hands on the full pdf, but for now I'll work on some visual design, make sure everything looks like it belongs in Diablo.

I don't intend to buy Genesys, or probably even play a roleplaying game again, but as someone who used to play Dark Heresy and owns all the first edition shit, I just wanted to say this is really nice work. Great job, man. Seriously awesome.

Reread the last sentence of my post. "Hack and slash" has always been thing since D&D's inception - it just works better for simulationist systems than narrativist.

The superior general image.

Anyone willing to post the Combat section of the Core rulebook? I haven't seen it around yet.

Thanks in advance

PDF release when?

Probably in a week or so. If not then, maybe after christmas.

Like the frog one better.

my hardcopy just arrived. UPS guy looked tired as hell as it is 6AM here, and the book was scheduled to be delivered on the 6th.
I thanked him and gave him a bag of Oreos.

Without contest.

Could someone post a pic of the four basic human archetypes and their stats?

Fuck yeah!

I second this.

Aw man, my regular store just told me that all of their distributors are completely out of stock until at least next year. Apparently they were supposed to get the books in today, but then got absolutely nothing.
It feels like FFG really dropped the ball on this one.

Sitting in a similar situation.Canada distribute has dropped the ball to deliver o my FLGS. They tried to check in but got no news on when they will pop up.

Because it seems like a system that lets me combine genres more easily. I also am a huge fan of the dive mechanic.

We have like a full, up and running, playtested (for more than half a year now) Dark Heresy conversion going in our group.

10 careers (each has a "career boon" you get when you take them, as that seemed the best way to balance psykers starting with psy point, tech priests starting and having access to implants, adepta sororitas being expected to have inbuilt corruption protection, etc.. sometime careers have alternative boons if you start with some specializations, like pariah gene for pariah assassin [culexus are too badass to name the specialization after them... you're not on their level just by taking that]) with 4 talent trees (some 5 already) and 2 signature abilities each (except Adepta Sororitas, went with 3 there, one for each flavour of "faith power" form before: Emperor's Wrath, Emperor's Mercy and Emperor's Ward).

Extensive homeworld, psychic powers, etc, lists... lots of gear, new qualities, crafting, you name it.

Everything you've listed there and more. Custom criticals, etc...

It's currently 230 pages of rules (practically no flavour text) in google docs.

Buuuut the guy GMing the campaign, who did 85% of the work (I provide second opinions, tweaking, theorycrafting numbers and did the sig abilities) doesn't want to put it up anywhere to share. He's worried that it'd be infringing on rights. *shrugs*

> Buuuut the guy GMing the campaign, who did 85% of the work (I provide second opinions, tweaking, theorycrafting numbers and did the sig abilities) doesn't want to put it up anywhere to share. He's worried that it'd be infringing on rights. *shrugs*

That's too bad...

You know what would be a good idea? There are all these new computer viruses running around on the interwebs, and it would be a DAMN shame if your (or anyone else's) hard drive were corrupted and you lost that file...
Maybe, and this is just me spitballing here, you should ask some of the kindly people here on Veeky Forums to, I don't know, host an off site backup of said file...
you know, just for security's sake?

and of course, no one here would read such a file if you asked us not to.

no infringement if he isn't making money on it.

It's on Google Drive, so it's not being lost any time soon. ^^

Anyway, he's a good friend, so I'm respecting his wishes.

I know, and I've told him. Perhaps I'll convince him eventually, I try every so often. My latest attempt involves this teaser! Hoping seeing some interest for it (and some competition!) might entice him.

Though I somewhat doubt it. I think at some level, he just wants to work on the system and tailor it perfectly for our group and our table without anyone busting his balls about things.

We have some bigger changes to the underlying systems, including:
- No brawn to soak/melee, all melee weapons have set damage codes. Gun damages tend to be about 2 points lower than they otherwise would be as a result.

Flak is 2 soak, guard flak 3 (both +1 against explosions)

Carapace 4 soak, 1 defense

Light PA 5 soak, 2 defense, heavy 2 (2 setbacks to strain recovery), noisy 2 (2 setback to stealth), morale 1 (1 boost to fear checks).

The Adepta Sororitas version (which, no, you don't get for free for picking the career, though it is easier to earn it through narrative, perhaps) is only heavy 1, noisy 1, and doesn't have limtied power supply. (Other PA last only a few hours.) In lore they seem about as though as "normal" PA, but this version seems good for gameplay so far (I'm playing a Sororitas who started as Sister Famulous and moved to Seraphim later, have a total exp of about 480 now, we get about 15-25xp per long-ass [I'm talking noon to midnight here!] session, so we grow at a slower pace than many groups from what I hear, but I think it's perfect for keeping growth coming, yet not growing so fast that it's hard to keep up with char development IC.

"Full" power armour is 1 more soak, Heavy 2, Morale 2, Noisy 2, but it has Powered quality while the others only have Power-Assisted, so it increases Brawn by 1. It also has more mod options than Power-Assisted.

I'll do it when I get home. Should up within the next couple of hours. Might not be pictures, but I'll get the important info up.

For Psyker powers we stick closer to Force rules. Think it works great, we just have flipping black results give you Warp Stress, which also gives 1 regular stress.

After using psychic power, or the first time a comitted power causes an effect, you roll 1 challenge dice + 1 for each black result (chaos result) used, if you roll Despair it results in a psychic phenomena. There's somewhere above 50 but below 80 results in the table, I think. (It works in tiers, so first roll d100, then another dice to get one in the tier, and it's not always the same amount per tier, so harder to count.)

At the end of the session you then roll a d10, if your warp stress is higher than the number, gain that much Corruption.

Malignancy's mostly give a setback to a specific skill, and Tech Priest cybernetics give a benefit, + often have options you can spend xp on for extra benefit.

For instance:

Environment Acclimation (Cost: 750/7). Extensive cooling systems and insulation allow the tech-priest near complete control over his body temperature. He can retain water for extended times, minimizing its waste. As result the tech-priest removes all S suffered due to extremes of heat or cold.
* 5 Exp: Gain internal air source that lasts for 4 hours.
** 15 Exp: Air source lasts up to 24 hours.
* 10 Exp: Gain BB to resist effects of radiation. Also gain +2 soak versus radiation damage.
* 10 Exp: Gain BB to Survival or Resiliency checks to survive with little sustenance or water.

Can't share much more, but maybe some of this will inspire others working on rulesets.

Thanks user

Average human
>2 in everything.
>10 + Brawn base wound threshold.
>10 + Willpower base strain threshold.
>1 in two non-career skills.
>110 exp.
>Once per session, can steal a story point from the GM.

>3 in Brawn, 1 in Willpower, 2 in everything else.
>12 + Brawn base wound threshold.
>8 + Willpower base strain threshold.
>1 in Athletics.
>100 exp.
>Once per session, when they take a crit, can spend a story point to get an automatic 1 instead of rolling on the crit table.

>3 in Intellect, 1 in Agility, 2 in everything else.
>8 + Brawn base wound threshold.
>12 + Willpower base strain threshold.
>1 in Knowledge.
>100 exp.
>Once per session, can spend a story point to use their Intellect as their skill value on any roll.

>3 in Presence, 1 in Brawn, 2 in everything else.
>10 + Brawn base wound threshold.
>10 + Willpower base strain threshold.
>1 in Cool.
>100 exp.
>Once per session, can spend a story point to double the strain they inflict or heal with their next roll.

Iv worked on some light rules conversion between Star Wars and Genesys. Until I get the book I cannot refine things further. I will be adding more content (base building) next week.

Right now Mass Combat and Beast Riding/taming is up.


In the end I will be collecting it all into a nice PDF.

Well, I got fed up with none of the games stores I was familiar with carrying Genesys (or knowing what it was) so I decided to go right to the source.

Later tonight I should be able to post some pics if there are still parts people want to preview.

By the way, the Twilight Imperium setting has a generic "animalisitic alien" archetype for when you want to play a Hacan or a Xxcha. It has some other general archetypes as well, like Psionic, Robot, and Vanguard (basically smug space elves, probably the Letnev or Winnu in TI).

Just posting this to answer a question I asked about playimg a Xxcha in an earlier thread.