Player wants to play some dumb anime race like Tiefling or Catfolk (not the good, bestial kind)

>Player wants to play some dumb anime race like Tiefling or Catfolk (not the good, bestial kind)
>Let him
>"You start at the town square, overseeing the execution of Dumbass Player's character"
>Then kick the player out of the game

See, at this point, I'd rather deal with catfolk and tiefling players than be in your company.

>not at least attempting to teach bad players to be okay players
bad user

Is it time for another episode of "shit that never happened but I want (you)s" already?

I wish the jannies would change the channel.

The differenc is i run good classical fantasy campaigns.

All catfolk and tiefling players do is masturbate on their anime waifu.

Alright, i'll bite.

1. Outside of Veeky Forums memery, what's inherently bad with Catfolk/Tieflings?
2.If they don't fit the tone of the game you want to run, why don't you act like a human and explain them that?

No, you seem to just egg people on and kick them out as soon as they play.

I’ll take catfolk any day over fishperson

Holy shit what a way to end the night.

>1. Outside of Veeky Forums memery, what's inherently bad with Catfolk/Tieflings?
Tieflings? Literally nothing, Tieflings are great.
Catfolk are also fine, but everyone thinks they're very clever with their cat puns and they are ALL WRONG.

>2.If they don't fit the tone of the game you want to run, why don't you act like a human and explain them that?
Because OP is an autistic retard.

OP mentioned anime catfolk though.

OP here.

>what's inherently bad with Catfolk/Tieflings?
You literally can't play anime catfolk as anything other than even cringier furry.
Tieflings are always Drizzt analogues or edgelords.

>If they don't fit the tone of the game you want to run, why don't you act like a human and explain them that?
Because i already decided they don't fit the game, but i want them to suffer. Maybe the memory of their beloved waifu being drawn and quartered will make them avoid interacting with normal people and keep to their containment groups.

He also called Tiefling, a race that's been in D&D for ages, an anime race.

OP is an idiot, and you shouldn't listen to him.


>I would rather waste everyone's time pointlessly annoying someone than actually try to communicate them
Sure, you sound like a fantastic GM.

>will make them avoid interacting with normal people

Sure, you're normal...

You are a petty child.

You aren't cool user, you are just a moron with mental issues.

>faggot makes a bait thread
>everyone still replies, myself included
CanNOT make this shit up

At which point the Paladin stands up and offers himself as legal council to make sure these people were not being executed unjustly?

>"Your Honor, a courtroom is a crucible; in it we burn away irrelevancies until we are left with a pure product: the truth, for all time."

Holy fuck nu-Veeky Forums gets baited easily. I suggest going back to where you can downvote something that triggers you.

Why would you go in this thread and respond to only posts that responded to the only "OP here".
Outsider wouldn't quote anything but instead made a clean post.
That's clearly damage control.

How's about go fuck yourself?

You're a faggot, OP.

I think that makes for a great idea to kick off an adventure. First the players have to save their new party member and escape. Then

1)The new party member is being wrongly accused and the party agrees to help clear his name.

2)The new party member is a vigilante/secretly sanctioned assassin and the players decide to help him so as to get rid of the state's bounties on their heads.

3)The new party member is a thief who tried to steal an item of power from bad people, so the party agrees to help him for duty and profit.

tiefling out of planescape is a huge mistake. also dragonkin (is that the name?) out of dragonlance is another huge mistake. Catrace on d&d ? is that even a thing ? thous things should be unique and prejudice on those races should be like seeing the spawn of satan walking on the streets. people would try to kill it on sight since there is no post modernism on any setting other than planescape. We should go back to 2ed D&D and revamp the rules only.

>its an obvious bait thread
>i reply anyway

Ignore, hide, forget

Waiter, this pasta is stale

What else are we going to do? Now that quest threads are banned here, the only entertaining threads left on Veeky Forums are bait.

Even Drow should have tons of prejudice on them, they are literal evil . People should read some tolkien before playing fantasy settings, i mean its not hard to understand let me put it simple : you live in a human city, the city have low populations of all good races (elves dwarves and halflings) if a dude shows up covered in fur they would probably arrest him and put him in a circus or try to kill it. Religious types would make a huge commotion to kill the devil with a cat face.

6/10 apply yourself

Fuck off OP, no (You) for you

>Giving op even more (you)s

1.whats wrong with teiflings?
An evil race that constantly has PCs play them as either true neutral somewhere on the good spectrum, or " XD so evil randumb, lawl!"
2.what's wrong with catfolk? "20% furry, and none of it the good kind, just looks like a cat and is in heat for some reason."

OP here. I'm fine with furry catfolk. I draw the line when it's just girl/guy with cat ears. That's more shameful than furry.

>will make them avoid interacting with normal people
Nigga, you're on Veeky Forums. Nobody ITT is what most would consider normal.

>I draw the line when it's just girl/guy with cat ears. That's more shameful than furry.
t. Furry, possibly in denial


>Catfolk (not the good, bestial kind)
So it's okay for me to play a furry chick now? I'm ready to go full magical realm.

God, the only anime I can think of with anything close to tieflings is Ao no Exorcist.

Just have the (You). I don't know nor care if you're being a troll or actually seriously.

Neither does he. Trolling's quantum these days. They just say dumb shit. If people call them out, they were "just trolling," if people agree with them, they were "serious." It's an interesting kind of cowardice.

>tfw played a hobgoblin who disguised himself as a foreign noble leper complete with two bodyguards to 'ensure his infection does not spread'
>tfw pretended often to not speak the language
>tfw this was in D&D so one of the bodyguards was my cohort, and actually able to lie well to keep the whole thing going, the other was ignorant of who I really was
>tfw kept the lie going with the party and they only found out I was a hobgoblin much later

It was a good game.

>Player wants to play human male
>Let him
>"You start at the catgirl village, overseeing the mating ritual of Dumbass Player's character"
>Force him to make 3d6 DC15 Con checks, gaining level exhaustion for every fail

That's because the best way to shitpost is to exaggerate your own opinions to the point just before absurdity. Make sure you can still relate to it, but choose the more sensational, combative, obnoxious or intentionally autismal way of putting it every time you have a choice.
You don't generally find people to agree with on Veeky Forums, so people who agree with you are likely to see through fingers with your shitposting, while the people who'd ordinarily get mad just get madder. It's a win-win.
Shitposting this way is far easier in a lot of ways - you can keep on doing it for hours and you'll put your heart into your replies, and as you said you're both shitposting and serious at the same time, making for an unassailable argument.
On the bad side, sometimes you're the one who ends up getting the maddest.

>players all get done making their characters
>You all start out under falling rocks and die

I win every time as dm.

Can I use Dark Powers dice to help me in this instance?

Dumbass Player's character better not have impregnated Coconut.




Quality post.

I salute you sir. You are the hero we need. I ran a guy off who insisted on playing Dragonborn in a Greyhawk Campaign. He refused to listen to me when I told him he would be viewed as a Monsters on Oerth.

hello tumblr

>hey senpai can I play this?
>sure thing bud

>wait, what? you told me I could play it!
You're the cancer

>God, the only anime I can think of with anything close to tieflings is Ao no Exorcist.
TFW kids these days have never seen Inuyasha

Admittedly, I got into anime after Inuyasha was relevant (more around the time Death Note was relevant), but I was always under the impression that demons from it were more along the lines of yokai rather than the western demons that tieflings are generally based off of.

I think Aasimar are even more snowflake tier than tieflings.

Whenever I play an odd race (usually because I'm a powergaming faggot and sometimes they have busted racials) I just say that my ancestor was a fairly well-known bard.

I kinda want to play an entire campaign where every PC is some fucking bizarre demi-human variant but they're all related by blood thanks to their horndog great-grandpa, and they need to go on an adventure to solve something from his adventuring days he never finished.

>>family reunion is both tiefling and aasimar, every variety of genasi, yuan-ti pureblood, every conceviable flavor of half elf and one half-djinn

Stop responding to bait threads about things that never actually happened.

No half-orcs? Or dragonborn?

quests died for this


>Because i already decided they don't fit the game, but i want them to suffer

>Religious types would make a huge commotion to kill the devil with a cat face.
Religious types would likely have a lot harder time getting away with that in a world where talking bullshit in a god's name will result in that god coming around in person to have a little chat. Or, for that matter, where your intended victim might actually be a devil/witch/whatever and slaughter you in retaliation.

>>Lets the players do what they want
>>Punishes them for doing what they want
It's like you want to be garbage.

best post in this thread

My favorite PC of all time was a tiefling born to two noble humans, due to a curse laid upon them by one of their archdemonic foes back during their adventuring days. The character in question never got a noble title, and was technically disowned because the people would never trust a tiefling. This sent the tiefling out on a quest to defeat the archdemon, break the curse, and regain their humanity.

In the end, the curse didn't break- it was a full-on transformation instead of a temporary transmutation. But by that point, they were a powerful wizard and had saved the world from that archdemon so everyone took her in anyway.

Yes, that's all well and good but did it eat anybody?


I mean, it came close, because as the character grew more powerful they started to get some anger issues, due to their heritage. Since the player was playing them as a normally-nice, happy-go-lucky wizard who's pleasant to be with and cheerful to everyone, it was a bit of a disaster when the started calling down hellfire and roaring for the death of their enemies.

>Player wants to play some dumb ass game in his basement where he pretends to be a magical elf

They're Yokai. "Demon" is just from an era of akward translations when companies over-translated(which is where bad subs come from, they went too far in the other direction). They were always meant to be Yokai and are visually distinct as such at a glance in most cases.

It may go in weird directions with it at times but Inuyasha is very much a shinto and buddhism cosmology story set in feudal japan. There were never any actual demons in it.

Some men just want to watch the world burn tho

I kind of agree with this. Full on cat people like kahjiit or the kzin can work if done right (though that's a big if), but neko anime style cat eared humans are basically always trash. Never seen it pulled off well, and it's boring and trite to boot

Fucking nerd

Stop being a passive aggressive cunt.

Talk to them person-to-person, outside of the game, like an adult

>bent over, while was specifically told not to

>translating mythological terms is overtranslating
Oh fuck you. Nobody cares what the undying bloodsucker in your culture is called, it will be translated as vampire even if it has wings on its head. Mythology has so many fucking variations as it is, there's no one "correct" characterization of some creature type so why be so autistic about it. The creature with one name can be variously described as a witch, a giant or a walking dead in different stories. One man can be a mortal hero in one story and a fucking literal god in the next. "Hurr ackshully that shouldn't be translated as troll, it's a TRULL". "That doesn't breathe fire, it's not a dragon, it's a LONG." No, FUCK YOU. Translator's note: keikaku means KYS IDIOT.

>The differenc is i run good classical fantasy campaigns.
Whatever gets your rocks off man.

>All catfolk and tiefling players do is masturbate on their anime waifu.
Never had a problem with it, but hey, different triggers for different niggers.

>booty blasted anime player

>Religious types would make a huge commotion to kill the devil with a cat face.
I don't know, it was religious folk who pushed for abolition of slavery even though blacks were seen as subhuman.

Except the cultural context is completely lost. 'Demon' is inherently evil in the west, whereas yokai are just regular magical creatures who run the gamut from helpful to neutral to utter monsters. It's like translating 'wendigo' into 'frost giant', completely missing the warning against cannibalism or the spirit battles to defeat them.

I'd say it's more like translating Demon and Fairy or Seelie as being the same, only moreso. Obviously that actually happened at multiple points and there's precedent for it, but the two concepts are so different that there's virtually no overlap.

There's obviously a point where you can go "eh, close enough", but a lot of translators would really rather go past that point for conveniences sake.

>shitting on tieflings
>doesnt enjoy 2nd edition planescape races
shit dm detected

found the victim of cultural marxism

is "victim of cultural marxism" the new "cuck/faggot/emo"?

No, that's "soyboi".
The guy you're replying to is stuck in 2015.

all cucks faggots and emos are victims of cultural marxism, but you're reversing the symptom and the cause

get it right, dammit.

It started as "soyboy", became "soyboi" and then turned into "soiboi".
I just so happened to post a lot when the middle was trending.

Look at all the replies this obvious bait received.

>cup doesn't have a bottom for some reason

what's next?

>ears and tail catgirl
>created by a witches curse
>nobody hates them but people think they're strange
>wants to be normal again
Would you veto this?

well, the lowercase letter i is pretty faggy to be quite honest

It's allowed in the exact manner that OP described

He can't afford one. The man is clearly desparate, he's using a DualShock as a controller for his PC.

>everybody unusual gets murdered
>it's socially acceptable to kill a cheating wife
>if somebody makes fun of you it's okay to kill him
>graverobbing is totally fine
>all NPCs are somewhere between lawful and neutral evil in their behavior
What are you guys playing because it clearly isn't DnD?

it's not "everybody unusual" i bet, it's "anyone DM doesn't like".

Islam or Communism?

No, the difference is that you're a That GM of humongous proportions and any campaign you run is therefore terrible by definition.

>assblasted snowflake screeching

>autistic That GM screeching
I get it, you're mad that no-one will play with you. That's not going to change, get over it.

You people really do always project, that's funny.

Nah, it's an old conspiracy theory invented during the third reich.