What's your least favorite part of the wargaming hobby?

I'll start. I'm relatively new to the hobby, having started roughly a year ago. I've come to quite liking the painting aspect, but my favorite part remains playing the game itself.
What i really can't stand however is sprue cutting and clean-up. I like actually assembling and posing the models once that's done, but if i could pay some to cut the parts off the sprues, remove molde lines, and file off connection points, i would. It's just time consuming and annoying.

Really don't care for all the roasties and normies

You sound swell

The gluing. Some of the smaller models end up being such a bitch to glue.

Measurements. I just hate measuring shit, and hate it even more when the game tries to test it as a skill worth testing.

Hmm.. playing.

I love the hobby, but I enjoy assembling, fluff, collecting and painting more than actually playing.

It’s expensive.

You ever play Deadzone user? It's grid based so no measuring.

For me it's painting but playing games with painted minis is worth it in the long run.

Sounds good, will look it up.

>t. incel

Oh, almost forgot. The worst part is not having enough money to buy more miniatures.

Though I'd say its not more expensive than hobbies usually are

Arranging games

not having the time to dedicate to it thanks to work and my house trying to kill itself on the regular, and being too much of a closet sperg to make friends with the LGS regulars to learn to play.

People who are "whaaat, it's not weird that I'm wearing a Nazi uniform to the gaming table and talk a bit too much about how Hitler did nothing wrong, I'm playing Germany!". I keep running into them.

Friend: "Hey Anonymous, we're gonna start this cool new game, you should totally buy an army so we can play! Pretty please?"

Me: "Sure, seems cool, and I rarely get into games that people near me are willing to play."

And then they lose interested completely just after I bought my models. Every. Single. Time.

Or when they wanted me to start Flames of War, and assured me that "it won't be any problem that you picked a Mid-War army and everyone else are Late War, the eras are definitely compatible, we promise". Thanks for that, guys.

I hear you user. I remember Cadian Shock Troops coming in boxes of 20 for $50, but now they're 10 for $48 and the molds haven't even changed.
I don't feel any remorse for buying 2nd hand these days.

Worst part for me is not playing ;_;

I miss when I was a teenager and I'd buy a few boxes, get them assembled and averagely painted within a few weeks, then spend the next few months worth of weekends gaming in a GW with my friends.

These days I'm back into painting odd miniatures, and the local scene has somewhat expanded into a big club and LGS, but I simply can't seem to get my shit together.

Plus most attention at the club seems to be on Horus Heresy and 40k, these days I'd rather play something more genteel like Frostgrave or Song of Blades and Heroes, bashing about £80 massive plastic kits doesn't really appeal to me any more.

I know this is an exaggeration/troll, but if I owned a stahlhelm I'd totally wear it to the table if I were playing Germany. As for the Hitler stuff, I though the stereotype was that Germany players feel the need to emphatically inform people that they're not Nazis and just play Germany because they think the units look cool.

>if I owned a stahlhelm I'd totally wear it to the table if I were playing Germany
In my country you would be then contained by police and fined for wearing nazi memorabilia, as it falls under the paragraph that outlaws propagation and representation of nazi and communist ideologies and "anything related" in any form, cosplaying in parts of uniform included (before you ask - recreation groups need a separate permit for each event).

Traveling. Applying base coats. The rest is fun.

Playing games as part of a larger team. I absolutely hate the interaction of

>Hey buddy. Can you donX to cover me while I do Y?
>Sure thing!
>Make move on assumption that teammate will do X
>does not do X and leaves me flapping in the breeze.

lol wat

This, I have the minis from the two player warmachine starter box that I got for pretty cheap and I rather sell them as is on ebay than putting them together.
The mold lines are so horrible that Privateer Press's molders must be doing it on purpose.

This is always awful. One time I agreed to another players plan in exactly this situation and he just got up and went to the toilet. Left my character to fry.

I enjoy all of the building and assembling parts (apart from mouldlines), basecoats, washes right up until I have to highlight something then I hate it. I can't smoothly edge highlight something to save my life.

Now you can get 10 guardsmen, a Leman Russ, a Commissar and a heavy weapons team for 75 bucks

Removing mold lines. I'd sell a toe or two if I never had to remove mold lines again.

You are my spirit bro, I hate sprue and clean up work.

Awkward misaligned smelly and badly adapted neckbeards

playing big games and painting

I like building guys, thinking up cool lore and talking shit with other nerds

Basecoating. I fucking hate sprays and am thus forced to basecoating with a bursh. It's monotone and a drag.

40k gen on Veeky Forums is the worst part, it's so fast so there's never any advice or questions answered, it's 100% bait and people who never play the game whining about the game

The rest is good.

The cost and being too intimidated to actually assemble and paint

Roughly 30% of players. With no discernible pattern in terms of gander, race or religious and political persuasion (or lack thereof). It seems to be random, but some people just are insufferable.

Hes Australian, user. It's hard down here.

Fucking Krauts, ruining everything like usual.

God damn this is so true. I love painting but fuuuuuuuck gluing minis together.

That's an extremely subjective term. As has already stated, almost all hobbies are "expensive" I.E. they cost money. Its a luxury, something above the necessities, and not all can feel they want to spend money on such things.

But yes, it is "expensive" if you're

A. Bad with money
B. Not working
C. Bad with money and not working

These are the only exceptions why to agree with your statement. Anybody with a reasonable mind can set up a simple budget for the month. In it you can calculate how much you can afford to spend each month on fun stuff. Besides, if you take the time to assemble, clean, paint and varnish your recent purchase, you will not only stick by the budget, as all of these things takes time, but also play fully painted by the time you have a force.


My other hobbies (cars, firearms, computers) cost considerably more and I still make it work. Sure, I can’t do all of them all the time, and tend to focus on one at a time, but in general miniature wargaming is peanuts compared to the rest.

It’s expensive if you’re bad with money, unemployed, or both. Even 10 years ago when I was fresh out of college making 45k a year, I made it work.

looking at my wallet, before and after i got something

The fact no one nearby plays anything historical. Fucking hell.

I'm sorry that happened man, I have a similar story
>work at toy store that sells board games
>can order in old products
>super interested in GoT the board game
>ask if they'll pitch in
>"sure thing user!"
>get it after much difficulty
>price increased by $20 since its an old product
>"oh no, that's way too much now, get risk, that's a feep strategic game"
>quoting that word for word
>boss is understandably frustrated

That was the last time tried to do anything new with them. A friend of mine had a falling out with then recently. Talked about how he held off buying warhammer when they said they would. They didn't. We've each tried writing a dnd campaign for them. Not interested.

We're going through a practical board game rennaisance and all these guys wanna play is MW2 Rust like in middle school. Don't blame them, they just want to dick around on something while they hang out but table top probably isn't right for that.

Anyway moral is you can watch paint dry with your friends and it'll still be fun. Only get into a hobby if you want to, or your friends are already solidly into it. Otherwise hold onto your cash.

Clean up, flashlines especially.

When the aesthetic changes so your fave company stops making minis in the way you like, as much as I still like gw for example the switch over to blatant 32mm and lack of metal minis kills me.

It’s a bloody rort mate, GW will want my blood next.

The hoarding.
Or maybe the lack of motivation to actually do the shit you planned to do when you bought it.
Whichever way you look at it I guess.

The fact my painting improves so slowly. I love painting, but I progress in skill at a snails pace, and that’s with painting very often. (3-6 days per week.) I see others who surpass my skill level in 2-3 years time when I’ve been painting for 7.

>What's your least favorite part of the wargaming hobby?

The other players.

For every awesome person I meet doing RPGs and wargames, there's easily a half-dozen complete societal failures.

The fact that it's dominated by miniatures gaming. Hex and chit games are almost always superior as games than miniatures, but the wargaming scene is dominated by painters.

>For every awesome person I meet doing RPGs and wargames, there's easily a half-dozen complete societal failures.
to be honest I never met an awesome person doing this. You should consider yourself lucky.

People who refuse to even look at another game, or get a free demo, because "well I already play game A."

Seriously, fuck those people.

My friends are like that with 40k. We all love Star Wars, but nobody wants to try Armada.

Painting. At my old FLGS I could play in tournaments with a grey army because they're game pieces, who gives a shit.
Now I need to slap colors on them, which makes them look far worse.

The large number of people who are both stupid and right wing. Something about 40K maybe, but jesus it's a chore.

Can't stand idiots.

The players.

Please consider gassing yourself.

So the whole left wing then?


There used to be all kinds of people that played Warhammer. Now it is a pretty narrow field of dorks. Mostly people that have their identity wrapped up in it. The game really doesn't have a lot of personality anymore and new players are rare or annoying or both. Oldfags that can play a good game and field a cool army gave up 5 editions ago. I mostly blame Matt Ward.

Rick Priestley was really the only cool part of that company.

But holy shit too many cooks in the kitchen with the new Necromunda!

Couldn't have said it better. A lot of privileged blockheads that love licking boots and taking it in the ass from anyone they can easily identify as an authority figure.

Im pretty cool. Wanna do a campaign?

Making minis is literally the best part. You're just not creative enough to have fun constructing something unique.


I have the exact opposite problem.

My least favorite part is that there's tons of games I want to play but I don't have enough time to invest into modeling/painting entire armies nor the time to play more than one or maybe two games on a consistent basis.

Plus the scene around here for anything other than 40k is a crapshoot, even other GW stuff like AoS or Blood Bowl.

So I've ended up with tons of playable, painted models for several games but barely get a chance to get half of them to a table

How competitive it is. I like just playing fun, story-driven scenarios and having fun. Ive permanently quit 40k because everybody in my area only plays tournament lists and makes no effort to be fun to play against.

This, people bringing Archaon/magnus to beginner nights. sort it out lads.

Getting models table-ready.

I'm talentless at it, and I've tried repeatedly, but it's always amounted to a waste of time and sometimes cash. If I ever try again, I'm just gonna pay someone.

Not knocking it, those who have the skill probably have an absolute blast painting with friends and listening to music or podcasts or movies and shit while prepping models. I'm just not capable.

have you tried dipping? gives okay results even if you just do base colors.
Anybody can have a decent looking army really.

That is unless you have nerve damage or other motorfunction problems.

It's a mix of minor dexterity problems (probably no hardcore motor function issues), farsightedness, and blank canvass syndrome.

I dont even have a frame of reference for how bad things are. Last game I played I brought some chaos spawn, a cultists, an Apostle, and a predator because that was a the mini-warband I had been working on. At like 1250 my friend brought a Redeemer, filler scouts, and the Smashbrothers. Dude had plenty of tac marines, assaulties, even some kitted out scouts, landspeeders, rhinos, an entire fucking collection that he could have brought, but instead he brought a bunch of bullshit.

I like assembly, even the tedious bits.
I can't stand painting though.

>user says he doesn't like people who are both stupid and right-wing
>memester replies like user said he hates all right-wingers
>memester implies he himself believes all right-wingers are stupid
Really taps my lands.

Exmilitary 40k players are the worst. I once overheard a table full of oathkeepers circlejerking about how the federal government was violating the nonexistent part of the bill of rights which requires laws to be "understandable in common english".

Damn we need that for GW rules writers.

The rules arent nearly that bad. The only reason 40k went to shit last edition is because they constantly had to errata their fuckups.

>the female is the fattest one there
It's a defense mechanism, right?


>only reason

The dearth of books needed? The insane psychic phase? The asinine power disparity between codices? Retarded formations?

Sure kid, the ONLY reason was errata. 7th edition was nightmare mode for 40k editions; it was literally all the problems of past editions magnified.

I meant plethora not dearth. Had a stroke I guess.

In my experience that's because they get asked if they are a Nazi a lot when people see their army.

I think that it was shit to begin with, and it only became unplayable by the end because they kept having to errata their fuckups and plaster over broken shit with more broken shit, so yeah, Id say thats mostly what's responsible. Dont get me wrong, a ton went wrong in 7e, but its all symptoms of GW not getting things right from the getgo and handling that in the worst way possible. We actually pretty much agree: you just read what I wrote narrowly

I actually kinda get that. Don't get me wrong, refusing a free demo oder not even wanting to look at a another ruleset is pretty retarded, but aside from that, "trying out" a new game in this hobby is a pretty daunting thing. You have to spend a bunch of money on some rather expensive plastic, spent quite a bit of time, and if you don't like it then, you're sitting on them.

I, too, have a friend like this. He plays and buys a lot of imperial assault, and his reasoning is basically "IA is allready taking up all of my funds and space, even if i liked warhammer, i'd never buy enough of it to make it worth it".

He'd still like to try it out, so i'm currently in the process of bringing 2 armies up to speed to demo the game for him and another friend.

Sounds like me. I'd say 99% of the stuff I play or what to play gets discussed in /awg/ because that's the only place I can find people talking about them.