Hese proxies cost $1-$2 and looks very similar to the real one when not examined by an autist...

Hese proxies cost $1-$2 and looks very similar to the real one when not examined by an autist... Tell me again why you're buying $20+ fetches and shocklands?

>when not examined by an autist
Who do you think is in charge of catching things like these?

Well, I'm not buying $20 in fetches and shocklands because MTG is a Pay to Win (no, not Pay to Compete, there is no such thing you stupid gambling addicts) game played only by suckers.

I'm not. But then I'm also not my buying you dumb fakes.

I'm building trash decks out of the "fuck it, whatever, gmmie 5 dollars for that handful" common box at the flgs.

>very similar to the real one when not examined by an autist
>Magic the Gathering
Do you see where I'm going with this?

>(no, not Pay to Compete, there is no such thing you stupid gambling addicts)

A shitlord with a good deck will be crubstomped by a good player with a good deck.

You can buy all the chinese fakes you want, but if you're a shitlord, then it won't help you win your local FNM (at least it will give you a chance to compete).

>spreading the "MTG is pay to win" meme

If I played against LSV and we both have the exact same deck, he's going to beat me 90% of the time because he is literally a better player than me. A more skilled player is going to out-play and out-maneuver a bad player nearly every time.

That's what a Pay to Win game IS, you "shitlord." Pay to Win games don't ever just have you give money to win, they have you give money to get an tactical advantage that makes you heavily favored. Skilled vanilla players can still beat Whales who spend tons of money, but the advantage is with the Whales. The fact that MTG players can't seem to grasp this relatively simple concept and made up their own fake word to make them feel better about throwing their money away completely baffles me. You're all whales.

Because I don't mind spending money on the things that I enjoy? Now go get a job you dirty longhair.

Whatever makes you feel better about being shit at the game my man.


This is why I just sold out of 100% of my collection. Spend 30% of what I made, now I can play fun tabletop MTG with my bros and throw the rest at alt coins.

Being free of WOTC and their endless poor decisions is the best decision I have made in a while bros

>Hese proxies
h-h-hey can you link me to this based chinaman, th-thanks user.

If you're putting them in cube, sure, of course. If you're putting them in EDH or some other casual deck, ok fine I don't care (if you're putting fetches in anything other than Gitrog EDH, I'm even more sad for you). Anything else, several of your opponents will notice even if they don't say anything, until finally someone calls a judge, he looks at your cards, and ejects you. It doesn't take an autist

You could also just play the game casually with friends.

People who are playing casual kitchen table magic (as Garfield intended) aren't spending $20 to $60 on fetchlands or $1 to $3 on chinamen proxies.

My nigga

>When me and my opponents spent the same amount of money the game will come down to skill.
Having it come down to skill in the mirror doesn't count because you take away the point of the argument.

Not that i think mtg is PtW. I just think this is the weakest argument against it.

I beg to differ im playing it in cubes and i want a real card

I meant proxies as a real card. Not a dumbass to play $20+ for fetches. People who use reg printing paper in front of basic lands are ghetto as fuck.

I understand what you mean, but I'm only an amateur autist, and those are evidently horrible fakes. The ONLY good proxies I've ever seen are the ones from that dude in Italy, and even those don't always hold up. I get that the pay barrier in Magic is a piece of shit, but it's possible to be competitive with budget meme decks.

God it must suck to be poor

>Text looks like it made a few passes through facebook ghetto memes
>Glare is absolutely always shit
>Probably feels like shit
>Meanwhile OP has an flgs with playsets of these rotting in the case
>Even with fakes he cant break even on store credit to work towards real fetches

Oh look, it's /pol/'s psy-ops again.

Any proxies can easily be detected by feel, even if not obvious at a glance.

Fuck you fucking NAZI you're running my INVESTMENT.

Has anyone else had a surge of terrible fakes popping up this year? I would get it if you were building a cube or edh but it feels like my area has been getting waves of fakes every so often
>flgs has a legacy night
>First opponent is using worldwake set symbol mistys, point it out to him and he gets visibly angry I noticed, leaves immediately
>Go out of town for a win a dual tournament
>Trading with a local grognard
>Binder has chalices with no collectors number, feels like printer paper on both sides of the first one I check
>Doesnt let me touch anything after that first chalice
>Plateau with the wrong art for its text box
>Another set of Zen fetches with wrong set symbols
>Playing edh with a friend
>High school kids want to join in
>Both open with black border duals with revised text box
>Tells us about all the cool misprint stuff they opened with miscolored everything except basics
>Me and m8 have a quiet giggle
>m8 builds an innistrad cube, figures he would rather get chinamen and replace with real as he gathers the stuff
>Dawns on us when he gets the shipment whats been going on
>1 of every 15 cards is even remotely passable, almost everything is miscolored, wrong text, feels like shit

Your retarded if you think a judge is going to risk tearing someone $40 fetches. Judges just want you to play the game and collect their promo cards. You would have to piss them off to get them to do a full deck check.

Because I'm a collector and I want the real McCoy.

Also, I traded for these when zendikar was relesed and they weren't even $10 a piece.

Because in this particular hobby you're dealing with far higher concentration of autists than in general population.

Chinks and Bootleggers aren't exactly known for being upstanding citizens, so they have no reason to keep up quality. I'm also guessing that they finally started selling the passable fakes as reals and are just using the proxy business as a dumping ground now.

This reminds me of the mana weaving arguements. If it doesn't make a difference than what does it matter?

If someone beats you using proxies they aren't cheating. It didn't give them an unfair advantage. They just wasted less money on cardboard.

You get from Villa Zheng or black lotus, no one else.

B..but i payed $250 for my flooded strands and hallowed fountain, you should fucking too.

MTG is at the point where people will let you play with chinaman proxies just so they can play IRL

Sorry about that. Gotta invest.

If people just want to proxy and play casually, they're welcome to do that. But most tournaments cost money to enter, and there's a barrier to entry that everyone has to overcome to play. I don't get pissy at Koeniggsegg because I can't afford their CCXR, I don't get mad at MTG for having a secondary market.

talk shit all you want but all tcg are pay to win

Nigga tcgs are pay to play in the first place.

Honestly is this guy just pumping and dumping MTG cards because most MTG people dont know shit about finance?

To a degree, yes. It's a free market with zero regulation, zero investment security. Him saying anything gets a flux.

>I don't get mad at MTG for having a secondary market
You should.

Hey mind giving some options on were to buy fakes?

>how dare a game cost money, WotC should just give me the cards as they're printed.

Sure, spending more money gets you more cards gets you an advantage. It's literally the heart of the game and every single format & decklist is based around that.

It's like you're complaining that shoes have soles when EVERYONE KNOWS they'd be more efficient with wheels instead. They sell wheeled shoes, user. You can just buy those if you want them.

why do Magic players get so defensive when you start questioning the price tag of their addiction?

On principle would be my answer, since it's a collectable as well as a game.

But I have a dozen decks built for my group, and the hobby makes me sad these days for reasons we're all bored of hearing, so maybe it's time to end the collection where it is. I have what I need.

Because they need to justify spending thousands on cardboard.

I top16d a legacy GP with fake Mox Diamonds. God deck checked twice. Nobody noticed or gave a shit.

Why? The secondary market is why Wizards can make a profit on the game, because stores buy sealed product to crack open. I'm not arguing that investors inflating the price of cards is bullshit, but you have to pay to play the game. If you can't afford to play the game, sucks to be you. I don't play 40k, but I also don't expect them to just give me what I want for free.

Ordered from BL proxies aren't as real as they make them seem. The ones that are shown are almost perfect batchs, the ones they ship have very varying degrees of fidelity but most of them are easily recognisable as fakes if you take the card in your hand.

i have tons and tons of money

i like the guys who run my local lgs

if i wanted to proxy a card i would just print it out and glue it to a token...that costs even less than $1

>Burn tier 1 deck in almost all formats
>costs 80$ at most sideboard included
Don't give me that p2w bullshit if you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>tfw no f2p tcg to play and give my money to for the privilege of using holographic/foil cards + alt art reprints

You do know that all of those villa faggot china man fakes aren't obvious to a veteran player /v/.

But your just so autistic you keep making this same thread everyday.


fuck I lose my rights to smug faces

where do u get them op?


my nigga ! which ones?

>pay to win
it's literally pay to play, like literally everything in life.

Yeah I bought a playset of Lilianas to sell mine and buy a Switch. Now I have 4 real Lilianas, 4 crimes against nature, and no money for my Switch.
At least they only cost me $8.

I got my Alpha Underground Sea for an Island and my Beta Tundra for $2.45.
Don't be a filthy commie, if someone lucked out or outsmarted you into wealth it doesn't mean you're less entitled or qualified to enjoy your shit.

Whenever an ancap gets on my shit I show them the MtG and Diablo II economies.

This. Welcome to reality, neckbeards: things cost money. Better, nicer things cost more money. Now go get a fucking job and stop complaining.

Sunk cost fallacy.

>get a fucking job for some cardboard
I'd have agreed entirely with you if not for the last bit. I hope you don't pretend that the cardboard you pay hundreds of dollars for that came from Wizards has any more inherent value than the cardboard from a Chinaman.

Keep bitching, faggot. The louder you whine, the more we can laugh at you for not being able to play a children's card game.

partially partially the idea of build-in "gatekeeping" / keeping the new players away

I'm not. I got these cards years ago when they were less than $5 each.

Because the real fetch lands will keep their value. Spending 40 dollars on a card that will likely not go down in price anytime soon isn't a bad thing, its not like you are spending 49 dollars on something that has no return value

That not how it works you tard. Your locking yourself into a $40 price meanwhile, Locked himself at $5. Let assume you buy a playset. If wotc reprints a fetch and it loses more value because supply now has increased and it price goes down by 50%. I lose $80 meanwhile person above loses $10 this is all unrealized loss btw. Or I can spend $8 on chink proxies and lose $8 but still have a useable card. Which one do you think is more financially smart?

>ITT: autistic excuses to rationalize adiction to a children's game to the point of spending more than 5 dollars on printed cardboard
At least miniatures are plastic

>Watching all this delusion fall away to salt the moment someone challenges their fallacy ridden arguments and they fall apart.
Like pottery

It's not a usable card though.
They have yet to make fakes that are close other than in visuals.
I'm for proxies if you own the cards already and keep them in a vault or something but don't try to pretend that proxies are close to the original.

>those corners
I'm a casual and even I can catch this shit.
Also , go home /pol/ you cancerous shits