EDH/Commander General /edhg/

Kwisatz Haderach Edition

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>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question
How much do you generally care about new sets? Are you an early adopter of commanders that look fun, or do you just browse for the one piece that MIGHT make the 99 in something you already have?

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Mill deck best deck

>How much do you generally care about new sets? Are you an early adopter of commanders that look fun, or do you just browse for the one piece that MIGHT make the 99 in something you already have?
i generally buy a box of each new set but i have no sense aether revolt cause they all suck and there are no reprints worth a shit. now ive started just buying the one or two singles i want

All my friends have that one competitive deck they like to pull out every so often to keep people on their toes. I don't have a deck like that, but they all seem to be nervous around Edgar when I play him. I'm curious, is there any way to abuse him and make him into one of "those" decks?

>Buying new sets

>Buying worthless paper

>Not buying online from the cheapest seller available each individual card


>How much do you generally care about new sets? Are you an early adopter of commanders that look fun, or do you just browse for the one piece that MIGHT make the 99 in something you already have?

I go to every pre-release with friends, so I’m always excited about the new sets, not to mention my play group does drafting and stuff l.

However, lately it’s been far more “Looking for stuff for the 99” rather than “These new commanders are awesome! :D” I built Gishath because Dinosaurs and Naya, but honestly without more dinosaurs he’s pretty weak, and the two legendary dinos are boring (Ghalta) or not good as a Commander (Tetzimoc). Really hoping for some good dinos for the 99, but we’ll see.

well in the past there was some decent value and the draft/sealed environment was fun but that has not been the case for a while

Edgar is solid pubstomp, especially since eminence tilts some people really hard, but you won't really hit cEDH levels with his value games. On the other hand, your friends may not be going all the way to cEDH insanity, what sort of "That one deck" are you facing?

>boring (Ghalta)
Have you considered the applications of mono-green storm? He's got some good Very Large or Infinite lines of play.

I once blew 18€ on six Origins packs, sold some rares and mythics for 9€ and I'm stuck with 9€ of shitty worthless paper.

The only good thing was getting a foil Starfield of Nyx that I kept

>buying from faceless jews online
>Instead of supporting your local game store

Local game stores with pumped up prices are part of the problem on why some cards are so fucking expensive.

I use cardmarket and always buy to the absolute lowest priced seller. My local game store is not one of the expensive ones and still I usually get about a 50% markup in total price compared to what I can get in cardmarket

>tfw the LGS I went to for the last 17 years shut down without warning when I was away on business.
>tfw the only other shop nearby is ran by the communist textbook example of a capitalist pig.

>How much do you generally care about new sets? Are you an early adopter of commanders that look fun, or do you just browse for the one piece that MIGHT make the 99 in something you already have?
new sets are the lifeblood of the format, edh would last less than a couple of years if the rest of magic plummeted and because of this im always excited for new product even if nothing is particularly good for edh and i dont play any other format
I used to buy a box every time a new set came out but now i take that 100 dollars and buy foil singles that seem kinda cool.
Im very picky about my commanders so i play what i like even if its FOTM.

I agree with this but as said lgs' arnt free of the hand rubbing

luckily 4 of the best lgs ive ever seen within 15 min of my house
literally only perk of living in Chicago.

That's why he's still on business though

>buying from an LGS who charges higher than people online

dont fall for jewish tricks

I’ve seen that, and think it’s neat, but I’m not into it in this case.

My local store updates prices for singles about once a year at best. Every card either ends up being out of stock because it gained value or it costs 4 times as much as online.

Making Azusa.

Drop eldrazi turn 3 or 4 and watch them weep.

Maybe I'm just spoiled because i have a great, well-stocked store filled with nice, clean people and their prices are 10% below tcg mid price. Which i think is reasonable. I forget thst people arent as fortunate as I.

>That's why he's still on business though
No, he's in business because he's a good business man. The problem is that he just sits behind the counter and if you're not buying anything he refuses to even give you the time of day. There were times where I needed something from the case behind the counter and I waited 20 minutes before he finally helped me.

Oh, I should mention I’m more looking for stuff for Gishath rather than a new Commander entirely.

I wouldnt mind paying more if I had a store like this.

ALL the stores near where I live are full of smelly awkward neckbeards and kike owners, regardless of prices.

I have never ever found a clean, well functioning adult with a life that played Magic

gaming goat is still in business but is also super shitty
you can be a decent business owner and still make a good profit, doing bullshit like canceling preorders after the price goes up or overcharging on obscure cards because you meantioned you cant find a copy anywhere else pits the customer against the owner, who relies on him for future business
all an lgs is to a lot of people is a table to play at, especially for those who dont have room for people to come over or dont have a consistent playgroup.
cannibalizing the community you are wetting your beak on is stupid and short sighted.

Ezuri overrun, Azusa Eldrazi as mentioned above, Inalla control

Might just make him board wipe swarm. He restabilizes pretty well post-wipe with your average cost vamp.

>I have never ever found a clean, well functioning adult with a life that played Magic
That's because those people play at home or at work with people they met outside of Magic.
People who play at LGSs are those who lost the social coin flip when they were young.

How is cannibalizing the "community" bad for those who hate neckbeards?

It's good for Wizards because it expands their audience, selling shitty misprinted cards to kids, its good for normal people that dont want to go into the sweat nest that is a local game store to play, and that buy their things online

Makes perfect sense.

wtf are you talking about? the user you're responding to is talking about a lgs acting shitty to their customers, not wotc

If you're winning with creatures then stax is usually an easy way to earn their hate. Smokestack and tangle wire are good places to start given your token producing ability.

I was lucky as well. My shop, before it closed down, was great. The shop used to be a sports card and collectibles shop before converting to MTG and games and as a result the owner was a big sports guy. I got discounts all the time on single because I was the only regular patron who knew anything about sports. I fucking bought a unlimited edition Bayou for $130 from him. That's a huge fucking discount.

It's good to cannibalize the lgs community is what I mean, because it doesnt hinder either Wizards that makes the cards or the rest of the people that have lives and money that buy them

Were you banned from your FLGS or something, user?

No, I just see it makes no financial sense and understand what's happening and why.

Neckbeards ("the community") are what kept Magic alive, and now Wizards will step on them for a final push to open to the mainstream market.

Neckbeards and maybe speculators will suffer and collectors with money, kids and normie newcomers will replace them.

Post some mimeoplasm secret tech

Ah, yeah, those are mostly themselves pubstompers. Solid, and easily able to be ztrong for a meta, but not Tazri Food Chain, Derevi Stax, or so on. Edgar will be able to compete at that level if you build him strong. Sounds like you've got a nice group.

>It's good to cannibalize the lgs community is what I mean
>kids and normie newcomers will replace them
where will they play, idiot? if your answer is anything but an LGS, then you are essentially telling MTG to go through a massive reduction just because you dont like "neckbeards"

>not been the case for a while

Confirmed for non-Limited player, Amonkhet block was amazing in sealed and draft

not really, was boring and linear

Not him, but the last time I had a lot of fun in draft was in theros.

Just finished my fourth deck, three of which are tribal and creature based, and I really fucking want a extremely hard control deck next, since I usually play that shit in regular constructed.

What are some fun Commanders for that kind of tactic? Was thinking Ephara counterspells, boardwipes and Flsh could work. Don't want to play stax and would prefer to not go too heavy on Prison stuff, since that usually results in the entire table focusing me more than iff I was playing a combo deck (which is one of the main reasons I want to steer away from Augustin).

How does one find people to play with? Is there a free alternative to MTGO?

Go to your FNM and get friends.

There's Cockatrice and XMage.


>mfw I was literally just pondering making Kess Spellslinger/Dragon Tribal


But what will you use the mana on?

mill, reanimate, draw cards, etc

Do I need more lands? More Draw? More colors? More anthems? Still a little lost on deckbuilding

Gee I dunno user

Skullclamp + 2 artifact tutors usually do the job for me


Mentor of the Meek

You can use Kurkesh or Bosh as commander.

I'm building Depala as a dwarf/vehicle tribal deck with a pand destruction subtheme. What's a good number of dwarves and vehicles to run in the deck? What are some ways I can tap Depala without going in the red zone?

She could possibly crew a vehicle

secret tech

I'm kinda bored with my Narset deck and want to make it into a Shu Yun deck. Does anyone here play him?
What is some cool stuff to throw into the 99?
Especially looking for stuff that triggers whenever a creature does damage.

I allready have the Monastry Mentor and a bunch of other good monks along with some voltron stuff that is 1-2 mana like Curiosity or Fists of the Anvil

>without going in the red zone

There are some Theros enchants you can use that let you get some value off her, anything else I can think of is maximum jank.

Can use the "Tap a creature: Get any mana" lands.

>without going into the red zone

you don't have to go into the red zone to crew a vehicle. you can even just crew the vehicle and then not swing with it.

You don't expose her to combat in order to crew. You don't even have to have the vehicle enter combat. This is also why King Macar likes his shiny golden cars.

Depending on when you want to tap her, Tangle Wire can be pretty fun.

>Boros player doesn't know how to get the Vehicle tribal commander to tap
>also doesn't know how vehicles work

stick to angel tribal

Which of the preconstructed decks is best to get into this for a newbie?

Yidris or Daretti.

any 2016 precon
they actually function as a deck, none of the other years really do

One that doesn't cost 200 dollars

I'd recommend the monocolor decks, the deretti one is actually really good.

Breya is pretty good out of the 2016 decks, but between mana fixing problems and a lack of a focused identity (like literally what the hell is going on in gay kings or yidris) its not really worth it.

>c16 fuctions

rofl what? those mana bases are dog shit

Is it worth it to run Recycle and Null Profusion in Damia Lands Ramp?

yidris was basically just nekusar with green

Best Dwarf right here.

Why did they cover its cost? Either it's pushed as fuck, or they want to reveal some new kind of casting cost.

>new casting cost
Maybe it costs a treasure? It would make sense.

inb4 it costs 0 because of the destroy that permanent text that won't matter whatsoever

Maybe they are covering the art? It kinda looks like skeletons legs there, there could be a group of skeleton pirates.

do you have scroll rack in your deck? It's hysterical with Depala.

If it matters to anyone, there is also this card.


If Narset is boring to you, playing voltron will be even worse

Revel in Riches just keeps getting better.

My closest LGS is fucking ChannelFireball, the jewiest jews of them all. I sure as hell aren’t buying from them

I'm pretty set on commanders; only one I might wanna swap out is if a better esper commander comes out to support a go-wide strategy. And I definitely analyse each set for possible swapouts for a dozen 99's.

Probably immediately into hope, unless it's got some ludicrous cost/cast requirement like suggests.

They're ok.

Look up a King Macar list and see if any of those artifacts or lands help.

I'm trying to work out what the Tau 40k tribes would be in relation to the MagTG tribes, anyone want to help?

Ethereal is always going to be divisive, not trying to troll, will be fun to work out what everyone thinks.


Fire: RB
Earth: GW
Water: BU
Air: RU
Ethereal: WG (debatable)

This is by no means correct.

>thread question
I only generally go to prereleases then buy whatever singles I need from the shop or online from other stores. Don't play there since I only care about EDH and Legacy and the EDH scene is either breya, arcum, or very questionable draws/stacking going on. On an unrelated note my group is upset that I don't have a playmat despite double sleeving my decks and want me to get one, but me being a degenerate I was some suggestive yet tasteful mtg art to use. I was thinking of going with pic unless someone else has better suggestions no Earthbind because I'm not into bondage

There are actual CF stores? What's it like?

KCK here, same thing a city of do it once and youre done. But ive got like 5-6 lgs within 30 min of me


what are you talking about? The yidris one and gaykings was fine
atraxa seems ok too they have a high basic land count but its always seemed to work out esp. when compared to c13 mana bases and overall powerlevel

It's hard to top Keeper, though I personally prefer the card crop to the full version. the pose is awkward as fuck and makes it look like her heels are freeking hooves.

Essence Vortex and Vitalizing Cascade aren't bad, and along with Earthbind (which you mentioned not wanting to go with) are probably the most risque M:tG art has gotten. If you want to drink idiot SJW tears you could go with Triumph of Ferocity, while on a similar note Argyle's extra-fancy Liliana of the Veil (pic related, left) is pretty good.

How's this? Or just screw taste and get a ChandraxLiliana poster.

I'have a legacy deck that is kinda voltron and it's fun to play.
Narset is so limited to big spells and extra turns/combats, that's what makes her boring imo

I always look up for something different and fun, although there haven't been anything that picked my interest recently. Tarkir, Kaladesh, Return to Innistrad, Return to Zendikar, and Amonkhet were all pretty boring. I hope that they make justice to Dominaria and make

Are you into tentacles?

I use this little fucker in ghave, one my favourite cards

She's a pretty good cardfu. Pity somebody wanted that knife for free

There's one store in San Jose. It's alright. It's pretty big, but usually kind of crowded as they usually have some sort of event going while they're open. They also only really do magic.

Also, I've actually generally had better experiences at the CFB store than at the other stores in the area. The people at CFG are generally just looking to play, it's only at the other LGS where I've run into badwrongfun types.

I fucking love this art, and the card is also pretty decent. Too bad I don't have many decks with dimir colors in it.

It's not that shocking to be honest
>I can make a free creature with haste once per turn
>free creature
>free dragon?

>The Mind of a Timmy

if youre in san jose, fremont isnt too far of a drive. try gameksatle fremont and say hi to Seth for me

I sort of wanna build this guy solely because of his art
fucking look at how badass that is

Of course it's a red dragon so every single card on edhrec is dragon tribal, how would YOU build him /edhg/?