If you have over $100k in crypto and your girlfriend has ever had sex with anyone except you you're a fucking retard

If you have over $100k in crypto and your girlfriend has ever had sex with anyone except you you're a fucking retard.

Its true, if you are not retarded you are nearly guaranteed to become a millionaire.

why would i want an awkward inexperienced woman to slob my knob

i don't value "purity" because i'm not a raging pedophile asshole

I have over $100k in crypto and I couldn't get a girlfriend if I tried even though I'm Veeky Forums.

my wife minister satoshi has never had sex with anyone except me

Enjoy your increased divorce risk

>100k in crypto

pick 1

If anyone crypto-rich is insecure about anything, then that person is making a mistake.

I qualify for all 3


>I need my women not to experience any other man to make her oblivious to how shitty marriage to myself is.

No, you are aproud cuck it seems.

>I can't look at statistics because I'm a brainlet

>getting married in the first place
>giving someone a loaded gun and putting to your head (financially speaking) because you "love" them

if you ever make it in crypto lets say 5-10 mil
and you MARRY a WIFE instead of renting some thot supermodel to shit out your son and then to gtfo youre doing EVERYTHING wrong in life

I agree, all this inexperienced chucks glorifying a virgin gf, but if they ever fucked a virgin they would know that they suxk big time and never live up to the hype. I enjoz real women who know how to please not fuckdolls that just lay there

>he doesn't understand statistics

quit crypto now, you'll never make it.

nothing wrong with having a slut gf
just dont marry the thot

Depends on the girl. My long term ex was a virgin when we got together. The fact she'd never experienced any other relationship later led to her thinking our issues were unique to me rather than general relationship issues.

Oh well I'm with a girl 10 years younger than her now so IDGAF.

>unironically having an incel mindset

good thing i have neither 100k (in crypto or fiat) nor a gf or else OP would make me feel bad

>Having 100k and a girlfriend.
Fuck different bitches when you want, it's a perk of having plenty of disposable cash.

Got his ass

funny Veeky Forums niglets posting in biz today


I've already made it, anything more is just icing for me.

Implying you can find that outside of middle school which is illegal.

>what is pairbonding

this! The second I hit my goal I'm DITCHING my gf. Going on a hooker spree..

Fuck off Pajeet.