Is Warhammer 40K doomed like the Marvel comics and Magic the gathering? How do we fight back?
An Invasion
Fight back against what?
Even on plebbit the retards moaning about inclusiveness and moar wimminz are laughed out of Warhammer discussions.
Ignore them. Don't talk a out them, don't complain about them, and don't give them or any of the bullshit they preach any attention.
If you attack them then they'll just use that to play the victim.
>our community of socially graceless idiots who care too much about toys is in danger of being destroyed!
Genuinely, what normally adjusted person gives a shit?
GW in all it's wisdom may listen and obey... Especially if the costumers and the real player base do nothing... It's easy to convince a company like GW "that diversity" and all that shit will give you more moneyz cus that disabled trans frog makes all the difference, the early signs are there...
Say what you want about GW but they market their shit towards the people that actually buy their stuff.
Super popular. Of course they are gonna get the majority of the attention.
Super popular.
Super popular.
They push everything based on how well it sells. That's the reason why we've gotten dozens of Space Marine Codexes and nothing for factions like Sisters of Battle. It's the reason why Space Marines are always the focus and Guardsmen haven't had an update in over a decade. They focus on what sells.
Unlike Marvel or anything else, GW aren't going to alter everything just to appeal to some fringe group who doesn't buy their shit. They are gonna push out what they have always pushed out because it sells.
like this user said.
Who could be behind this post?
Also, i do happen to care, it's my entertainment and escapism and i'm not about to have that shit shoved down my throat at every opportunity
40k is a setting rife with xenophobia, fascism and religious zealotry. You can be politically left
or right leaning and still enjoy the fictional setting for the dystopian grimdark future that it is. This stuff is like kryptonite to social justice types where oppression is considered a strength. Following the setting, the closest thing they could associate to their beleif system to is the Grot Rebellion, since they are a previously enslaved group of a subspecies that freed themselves and now seeks to fight against the Orkiarchy.
That is such a fucking retarded question, by god.
>Why would group N who has nothing to do with group G care about any issues ot has?
What the fuck were you thinking when you posted this?
You must be more of a shutin than average. How could you not see this shit?
What's the big deal? It wouldn't make the new fluff any worse than it already is.
GW doesnt seem to care about pandering. It makes me think that they have an unspoken understanding of the very real slippery slope.
on a surface level they'd enjoy the tau
Not knowing anything about the tau fluff beyond the surface level stuff is also basically a requirement of being a tau fanboy, so they'd fit right in.
That's where you're wrong...
>takes rhetorical question for an actual question
poetic and germane to the topic, I applaud you
All need hobbies are doomed,because the audience are easy targets who are desperate to please, especially when it comes to women. More than that, most nerds are pushovers, which is why they are being targeted.
Feminists don't attack rap music, because black dudes and rappers would call them ugly, laugh in their face, and go back to doing their thing.
Don't underestimate GW, they have knack for finding new lows that we never imagined before.
The companies listen to these types, the companies aren't rappers who couldn't give less of a shit, they want moneyz and the players who don't give a shit will be powerless to stop the creeping changes when they do arrive
>You must be more of a shutin than average. How could you not see this shit?
You mean like how a doodle on the GW community page that sort of resembles an art style that you associate with a website where people sometimes post liberal statements DEFINITELY means that GW has been taken over by soyboy cucks and that they are ABSOLUTELY plotting to destroy all of your favorite things because your existence is problematic?
I'm being sarcastic by the way.
40k lore caught terminal cancer with the HH and died with 5th Edition. There is literally nothing they can do to it anymore as far as I'm concerned.
Can you keep your nancy ass whining about "SJW's" in the Magic threads you dirty fucking Pollak, 95% of players don't give a shit and the rest are probably those fat fucks who buy one kit never build it and proceeds to read the Wiki until they are an "expert" on the lore.
They don't need to pander. Stuff like minority representation is already built into the game. Want a couple of black dudes in your army? Paint them as black dudes. Want a female commissar? Convert one or buy a third party model. Want an army of only Mexicans? Play Crimson Fists. Want an army of gay autistic dudes? Play Dark Angels.
>terminal cancer with the HH and died with 5th Edition
This. There were signs before that, but by the time it was apparent, if was inoperable.
Nobody said it was happening already to warhammer. OP was referring to other hobbies/companies that have been polluted.
Gee I wonder.
No (you) from me
Does doing nothing EVER work?
By not buying their products.
Seriously, primaris suck. Don't buy them.
That's true
>ITT: Tumblr
One of my friends is Chinese and jokingly acts like a caricature of a Maoist when he plays his Tau. Not all Tau fanboys insist that their faction is the good guys.
Yes. You know that a company doesn't survive without it's consumers right?
Appeasement sure as fuck doesn’t
A fine point, but by the time costumers DO have to protest, the shit already hit the fan...
GW has seen what happened the Marvel Comics. They aren't likely to bend over backwards for anyone, though they have been teasing plastic Sisters for years now.
The complete opposite. I don't remember the last time there wasn't an article about >muh women in my morning paper.
post pic of your morning paper. I don't believe you have a morning paper.
By not giving them any credit or attention
>Is Warhammer 40K doomed like the Marvel comics and Magic the gathering? How do we fight back?
Dont do anything, 40k isnt something you can really get into on a casual level like MTG or comics at least the games themselves.
by not being a paranoid grognard who's just stirring shit at every standard PR speak and market expansion attempt?
Here's the internet page of it.
we should just make a religion out of it, then GW wouldnt controll it any more
is this porno?
Wow I'm fucking retarded
Just how out of touch are you?
how are feminists and sjws even treatening towards Warhammer (40k)?
Warhammer in it's core (and I mean the tabletop) is still niche, and will ever be, even "if" it gets a HBO-series, and if some people who fights against opression are targeting the game, they only write some shit on their blog, or some feminist/hipster/whatever website or magazine, who is only read buy a punch of people anyway, and might get attention from the Warhammerfans, who will laugh about that anyway
Another user here. But I have no problem readig my newspaper. It's quite funny actually because it calls itself leftist-liberal and is politically close to the social democrats. But there isn't much SJW stuff in there. And when they write feminist stuff it is more about the old school feminist stuff and not about pink hair and a dozen different genders.
Well, that's a rarity, as far as newspapers and official news networks go... these days it's shitstorms everywhere about anything anyone on the political right does...
SJWs care about what's mainstream. Heretical as it may be to say on Veeky Forums, traditional games and wargames aren't mainstream.
What's funny is people who don't follow what's going on but pretend everything is ok XD
Maybe you should go back there
Hey, I'm not the one still reading the morning papers.
I sure hope so
Am politically far left. Very much enjoy the 40k-universe. I can tell you that loads of people in the leftist spectrum love 40k and yes, even transgender feminist types everyone here is so fucking scared of do.