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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
How is your current game?
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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First for Tzimisce
But Requiem is better
I think we should all go back to discussing how easy it is for an Archmage to kill Caine with Prime 6 or shove an archangel into a condom using Spirit 6
I think we should be wraping up the campaign in 3-4 games.
Right now I'm throwing ideas fornext campaign at my ST Wall and see what sticks
>Why does global tradition matter? Why can't your city have it's own traditions? Ones that actually affect you, instead of just things you read about and thought they sounded cool?
You can, and people might like that but nevertheless they lack gravitas.
Is that same with knighthood today, why it matters if a person is knighted in england? I can knight my best friend with a cool local title or one it think sounded cool and it should have the same level of prestige
>How is your current game?
Silly user, /wodg/ shitposters don't actually *play* the games...
That Forsaken game question last thread just makes me wonder, why haven't the GOOD werewolf podcasts updated b in months!?
All we're stuck with now are those City of Wolves dunces and that game on YT with token tits and their begging for dosh.
>immediately trying to bring your dumb argument over into a new thread
Thanks for being a garbage person.
You welcome.
>How is your current game?
I got two going, one Forsaken game and one Lost game... where I'm playing a werewolf. I LIKE WOOFS. Both are going pretty great.
Has anyone shared the Changeling Kickstarter preview manuscript?
Still in the late planning stages. I'm doing chargen tonight or tomorrow.
See .
Btw. some opinion needed for Two main plot points are going to be
> a. Huntsman arrive in number to wipe local Court out. Covering masquarade breaches becomes harder and harder so everyone gets assblasted
> b. Using notes stolen from Ordo Dracul someone is makeing fetish sex slaves and doing general creepy shit
Now for plot b do I throw in some rogue Cheiron Group in or some other group would serve it better. Game is vtr btw.
My Einherjar game is going well. One of the other players led to a pack of lupines to our camp during their solo session and now we all might now die, but the DM at least promised to run a Wraith chronicle if we all perish so that we can continue our pillaging in the land of the dead.
Four individuals from this very general have banded together and are playing Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition and now a Mortals game, with plans to start another Mage game soon, radically different from the first. The two Mage games will be run concurrently.
The first Mage session:
The second Mage session:
I will keep posting content, no matter what. That's my promise to you, /wodg/. Whether you like it or not.
>Girl with red hoodie obviously a mage. Too bad for woof.
>tfw this gets posted while i'm in the midst of making my red riding hood technocrat
As long as Lupin keeps being extremely moe, this is fine.
Might take a look at it when I'm at work
>showing your younger sister your urshul form like she'll be impressed even though she already experienced her first change at 11 and it took you until 27
/wodg/ forsaken gaem when?
thats pretty cucked.
Lucius is daddy
Do you think Deepl is good enough for text based campaigns? I don't find any groups in my language and I am not very good in English.
>How is your current game?
Our ST chucked in a surprise guest appearance by Beckett in our Werewolf: The Forsaken game. We're investigating some dank-ass cryptic lore about some sleeping deity and he turned up following the same leads. We killed other, less radical vampires together and compared notes.
It was a nice little surprise, even if three of the people at the table had never played anything Vamp related and had no idea who he was. It kinda felt like finding an easter egg or something.
My Mage game goes well. Morale of cabal continues to erode, but they manage to hold onto their Wisdom, for now. They continue to make stupid hubristic mistakes which have all chances to fuck them up in the future.
So what's Mummy like? Both versions of it. I've always had a thing for ancient Egypt, just wondering how much the games explore it.
How would a nwod/owod crossover work?
The Curse has some really interesting mechanics. For example, I like that you start at FULL POWAAH and the game is more about completing your purpose for awakening before they decline and you fall asleep again than increasing in potency.
>Little girl with red hood has chocolate in basket
>Mean woof steals and eats chocolate
>Woof dies
>Little Girl Supremacy
Pretty easily, really. The lore has never really been all that cohesive between game lines. You can put old vampires next to new werewolves and they fit together just as fine as they did before. Hell, in many ways they fit together better, since old werewolf's cosmology insisted that everything is a big spirit or whatever and never really jived with the rest of the setting.
Funny thing in cofd Beckett is on the money
>younger sister shifts to gauru and decks you straight in the snout
>ancestor spirit gave her father's form for changing so young so she just stands there and giggles while you roll around bleeding
Can a true fae turn a mage into an changeling?
I thought that might be the case.
Considering the other vampires we fought, though, vampires are probably ye olde style in this game. Our ST plays fast and loose with the line between old and new WoD. We've got a nuChangeling in our group but we're pretty sure the early-chronicle, "some things should be avoided or fled from" was a Fallen demon.
I just posted this in previous thread, but I'll post it here too.
I'm just reading it and really like it so far. Keep us updated.
What about between the corresponding splats?
No. An Archmage could. Or at least give a mage changeling capabilities.
No, and True Fae don't kidnap mages.
10 year old children who get powerful magic is bad news,
Imagine if they threw a tantrum.
Well, I guess technically neither version of Demon interferes with the other, so they can exist together with no issues.
Dreaming and Lost are almost designed to cross over, with the Gentry being exiles from the Dreaming or whatever.
Vampire and Vampire don't work together at all. Forsaken and Apocalypse too. These both have the issue of being too similar yet too different to really coexist.
Awakening and ascension do not work together as well. Geist and Wraith could be crossed with some effort I think
Something I forgot to put in for the end of the second session, not all that spoilery but Lucius and Lupin had to roll to keep Wisdom as well, since our Mage Armors caused Quiescence in the Sleepers (who rolled perception to notice the effects), and we both managed to stay at Wisdom 7 with 1 Success each. House also got one Success on his roll because of Shared Fates, and because of his Virtue, he got an extra die so he was rolling 4, and got 1 Success. Lucius was rolling 2 because of his Obsession, and Lupin rolled 3 because he's a good boy who didn't do anything wrong.
>Vampire and Vampire don't work together at all
IMHO If I would make an attempt at merging this two I would probably divide clans between covenants so you can have ventrue+toreador invictus vs lasombra+giovanni lance sanctum etc. Also would drop caine and god(maybe keep antes in some capacity) and drop tremere as a clan(because I like MtAw ones better)
Can Attainments like Mage Armor induce Quiescence?
Changeling: The Lost 2e preview pdfs when?
...No the core
Legacy Attainments don't, but Arcana Attainments don't have that benefit written in to them.
I was referring to the AP in the earlier post where the user stated that the charachers' Mage Armor caused Quiescence.
That's Legacy Attainments, not mage armor and shit.
>but moooom I don't want hot dogs for dinner today! I want to eat a deer like I did with Dad last week!
>no hotdogserrrrrrrrrrrRRR!
Help! Stan! She's going beserk!
>good thing we didn't have to go through this with user!
Just keep her pinned down until she calms down, Stan.
He's confusing Legacy Attainments with Arcana Attainments. Arcana Attainments still cause Quiescence, which is why the Apocalypse spell, which can grant a Sleeper Mage Sight, specifies that the spell includes temporary immunity to Quiescence if the subject is a Sleeper.
>good thing we didn't have to go through this with user
That's brutal.
Do we have Brucatto's opinions on the developing Middle East situation yet? That's bound to be rich.
Oh, actually, I almost forgot: it's not as exciting as killing vampires in secret underground chambers, but on the more human side of the chronicle, one of the pack managed to track down a worlf-blooded couple that had moved house into our territory due to a mixture 'harassment' and problems with their kid. Another pack could tell that their kid was about to go through their First Change and had their eye on him, and they've been probing at our territory so we said we'd keep an eye on them.
Anyway, it turns out there kid is now with the Talbot Group.
What would you guys do in response to this? On the one hand, RAAAAGE, but on the other, the Talbot Group seem like good people.
Well simple solution that gets your hands as clean as possible? Beckett probably likes you and he likely has firends. For socialy adept vampire it would be easy to walk up to Talbot facility, talk to the right people and get the kid out(by pretending to be some kind of goverment official).
Anyway might be good idea to be diplomatic since as you say Talbot are not bad people just misguided
How do I make a challenge feel insurmountable to a party of Mages?
Storyteller is more OP than Mages so do whatever you want.
I have a question on character creation of Awakened 2e. Does a character have access to Attainments based on his Arcana distribution? For example, if my characters begins with Forces 3, does he gain automatically the Mage Armor etc?
Introduce powerful Abyssals, the standard Mage sense of superiority starts to flag in the face of nightmarish anti-reality creatures who are the very antithesis of your power.
Yeah, it's pretty great.
Mind is my favorite for going defensive.
Space is my favorite for flat up murder.
Good good but is there any way to do it that doesn't also put the entire city at risk?
Anybody else think Space 5 is extraordinarily overpowered? You can make Sympathy just to one-shot somebody.
Not really, no. You can't threaten mages with street-level crap.
Abyssals are powerful, not braindead.
A single Cabal might not be able to take down a powerful Gulmoth, but multiple Cabals might.
Alternatively, introduce other powerful Mages, such as Master. Weaker Mages are usually on their best behavior in front of people who have literal 'Clash or Die' spells.
>Mastery is "overpowered"
It's fucking MASTERY, user
You're fucking with a Gnosis 5, Space 5 Mage
Forget Abysssals. Archmages instead. Stuff you really can't win against.
Not really, no. You either have no sympathetic link to target and need it present to create sympathy (in which case you cast blast it anyway), or you have one, and then it is only matter of using Sympathetic Range to blast target anyway.
Not him, but the spell merely states that you can create a sympathetic connection in the 'subject', no mention is made to a requirement to have the "subject matter" of the sympathetic connection as a secondary subject.
I mean, that's how I'd rule it, but RAW that's not how the spell functions.
I will die before I have archmages playing an active role in my games.
Absolutely this. I'd rather kill my players IRL than use literal "rock falls".
Much like Great Dragons in Shadowrun, or Gods in most D&D settings, Archmasters are setting pieces.
Only "characters" in the loosest sense of the word.
Spellcasting 101: you have to be able to touch target. For +1 Reach, you can cast on sensory range, for +1 Reach more, you can cast remotely. You can use Sympathetic Range to cast the spell via sympathy, but if you have sympathy, why use Making to create it?
>Only "characters" in the loosest sense of the word.
Gee, I wonder why they made them entirely playable then?
You call that shit playable?
You could also use Rank 6 entities.
user, I'm VERY well aware of the casting rules.
However the person you're granting the sympathy to, is the ONLY subject.
You can grant the "subject" a strong sympathetic connection to someone you only have the name of.
Yes. That's kind of the point with Imperial Mysteries.
Why did they make Epic levels playable in D&D?
Why did they provides rules for playing Demon Princes and Grey Knights in the 40K RPGs?
Because despite the fact that the vast majority of people play the game at a lower power level, some people want to distance themselves entirely from that style of the game, and go crazy with ultra-powered stuff.
The fact that the option is there neither obliges you to take it up, nor suggests there should be a different interpretation or treatment of Archmasters in the Mage the Awakening setting.
The Silver Law against Archmasters taking any position in the Pentacle is still operational.
Anyone got all the 2E Kiths they released back in 2015? I'm trying to find them for a game I'm running, I looked back at the archives on OPP's website but for some reason the link to the doc with the kiths wasn't working.
>Imperial Mysteries stuff
In the same way that a gunshot to the head is technically survivable, sure.
Why do Archmasters want to Ascend again? They pretty much trap themselves at that point.
>Trap yourself in transcendental truth, where you experience the pure Supernal truth as a reality of your 'existence' for the rest of eternity, the very thing that you have sought for the entirety of your Awakened life
The world is a prison, a prison that can be quite well furbished with your powers, but still a prison.
Don't you want to be free?
Ascension or Awakening?
To become a living aspect of reality.
Powerless but eternally prevalent.
Exarchs themselves are effectively bedridden.
Define 'free', user. Even the Exarchs can't do anything. They rely on the Seers or their Ochemata to do their shit.
Why give up Imperial magic for a trapped state of being?
I'm pretty sure ascended still have access to archmagic.
It's my first time seeing a person who eats shit. Pleasure to meet you.
>a trapped state of being
You're already in that, ascending is the only way to escape.
As opposed to being trapped in the Fallen?
The Supernal is a state of existence without limitation.
Yes, you cannot leave it to enter the Fallen, but why would you want to?
You have the infinite wonders of the Supernal now, and the mostly unknown doings of Ascended beings to get on with.
The Exarchs can spawn an infinite number of Ochemata. That's an infinite number of Imperial spells.
It's really a question of why haven't the Exarchs gotten rid of their problems yet. Perhaps there are other equally powerful Ascended mages butting heads with them.
Or they're just trolling us.
>The Exarchs can spawn an infinite number of Ochemata
Where is this stated? Quintessence isn't just shat out.
>It's really a question of why haven't the Exarchs gotten rid of their problems yet.
Because there are other Ascended beings who could do the same, and if they do - Phenomenal World would be torn apart instantly with unclear results - maybe Supernal will just vanish, as symbolism without gross matter to influence is not symbolic.