Armokcraft: A DF inspired minecraft server

Server IP:
Join it to get updates on the server, meet people to play with once the server comes up, and get hyped

Server Version: 1.11.2
The server is primarily Dorf Fortress themed with a map that also reflects this

Plugins: Towny, Brewery, RPG Items, Races (See google doc for comprehensive list of races), Vampire, Hidden Ore, and more..
No mods required but minimaps are encouraged.


1 No spamming, griefing, cheating or shittery will be tolerated
2. Towns must have a minimum of 4 players after being created or they will be deleted in 2-3 days
3. Towns must have a concrete theme such as farming village, trading post, dwarf mountainhome etc.
4. Towny is for protecting your claims, not for trapping people. Abusing towny is strictly forbidden
5. If two towns in the same area have claims to said area it is casus belli for war
9. All players must choose a name using /nick.
10. No harassing other players, this includes constant unprovoked pvping, spamming or just generally being a shitter
11. No mob grinders or afk grinding
12. No trapping people in buildings/holes with towny
13. Harassing a neutral town in game or in discord is a fast ticket to getting banned. Depending on the severity of harassment you could be perm banned. This rule applies only to neutral towns, if you wanna pvp you’re on your own.See pvp rules on the google doc.
14. If the admins feel that you are creating a hostile or otherwise not fun environment for neutral players, you will be banned.
15. Griefing extends to environments. Burning down forests, putting lava outside towns (pvp or non pvp) swastikas and general landscape destruction all count as griefing and will be punished as severely.

More on the wiki:

Friendly reminder that Elves are best race.

And the friendliest!

Choose a class boys.

>another fucking miner dan server
>based on another /v/ source
how is this Veeky Forums anymore?

Disgusting tree huggers

>how is a minecraft server inspired by Dwarf Fortress, the most Veeky Forums vidya of all time, and run by fa/tg/uys for fa/tg/uys with RP as its main focus Veeky Forums related
Really makes you think

Question though, on the griefing policy. What if one burned down a forest as a genuine means of PvP, ala denying an enemy faction resources or trying to flush out a hidden base. Would this still be counted as griefing?

> most Veeky Forums vidya

Yeaburning down forests is just a way to ugly up the area around them

but that's like saying you can have discussions about shadow of war and its microtransactions bullshit here because its based on Tolkien, which is the basis for all Veeky Forums, its not a thing you do, and none of these threads ever amount to anything but shitty memes from outside communities, its like having someone dump twitter memes into a thread where the OP is a screenshot of a GW employee announcing a new race/army

I like the mage the best.

New map when?

Just fucking cut the trees down then.
Treecapitate is installed and totally takes out a tree unlike fire which makes everything look terrible

The new map is already out and more will be added soon.

Sorry then my man I don't really know where else to shill for this targeted demographic.

Is this the version with Pangolin kobolds? I played a shitload early one, stole shit from humans. Good stuff.

who here /deeproads/

Nah this ones a month or so old

No its not. You don't rp in shadow of war. It's an action game. It's pretty easy to rp in minecraft if the community is based around it

but Veeky Forums isn't about all rp, otherwise we would have ERP or forum rp threads, it's about traditional gaming, Minecraft is pretty far from traditional.

*notices your disdain for off topic connversations*
OwO what's this?



yeah elves are pretty bad haha


How populated is this server? Considering redownloading Minekampf but can Veeky Forums give me the lowdown on how autistic this RP server is?

But ur not admin

peak is usually 8-15 players. Growing tho

Meant u

And he never will be (^:

The server will probably have a boom in population once finals are over. Most people playing on it are unifags


why are y'all posting outdated memes? Everyone knows adamatium wafers are what are used to make RPG Items

too lazy to edit

god hates elves


Thanks for the memories friend.

no problem

update when

ignore squip, its actually a pretty nice server. Be aware starvation is a very real possibility. Bit of a big map for small player base too so expect travelling to find people.

Pic unrelated figured it help get more people to read this

Same for this spoiler

Stop posting memes from a failed server.

it worked

Figured it might im new to spoilers dont hate me if this doesnt work

where the pumpkins at

melons too
gib crops bls

map is neat

bretty neat

how do you make gaem look like this?

shaders man, they can kill your FPS on a weak machine though

tfw weak machine

you could try a low decal version of one, can't guarantee it'll be the same as my screenshots though

let your computer go on Veeky Forums at night, it'll get /swole/ within a day

I almost had a chuckle at that until I realized it was posted by a pathetic tripfag who has been posting really unhelpful things in this thread.
Get off my board with these shitty threads that no one cares about


Squip ain't making the threads. The guy who is is actually pretty chill

Ignore the Squip, and if that doesn't work, hit him with the sauce.

I don't really understand this meme or most of the ones posted here. Feels like an inside joke that I clearly don't get.
I'll take your word for it. As a person who was slightly interested in playing it just seems really strange for people to post so many memes on a recruiting thread that would make no sense to someone who is new to this.

Oh, man, another dwarf fortress minecraft server? I've been through like, half a dozen already, and most of them ended in drama and tears. And not in the !FUN! way. I mean it was just out of character drama and bickering.

So, anything that makes this server stand out? Special features? Permadeath and gimped kobolds? A community that isn't toxic?

the community is so toxic that everyone is just about immune to it, not sure if thats a pro or a con.

Races with special abilities and rpg items.
Managed by one guy with mixed results

So far on the new map any "drama" has been between characters and not people. There has been a dragon who is very vocal in his disdain for most of the non-scalie beings but he's still cool with everyone OOC.

It certainly has potential to be great if more people got involved but trying to get a large playerbase for a niche thing like a Veeky Forums minecraft rp server is kind of difficult

satan trips checked

I think the truly toxic people (aside from SQUIP) left or are getting better about being less shit.

So, the community is empty then?

fuck that i'm out

No but the testing phase for the server did help weed out some cheaters and griefers who were not capable of seperating in character shit flinging and OOC drama.

Are there angels and if so is anyone going to make an angel faction?

That race hasn't been added yet but that could be pretty badass if they were implemented. They could get really good bonuses for wearing an Elytra and take no fall damage. I really want this now.

>DF inspired
>no mob grinders

I know I feel that pain more than you can imagine. The admin hasn't super clearly defined what is and isn't a grinder but for the most part as long as you don't have something you can just afk grind at it should be fine.

I know I feel that pain more than you can imagine. The admin hasn't super clearly defined what is and isn't a grinder but for the most part as long as you don't have something you can just afk grind at it should be fine.

The Yorn seeks more Elves. Seek out Ulysses in the Discord if you would be one with nature, and superior over the mortals of the realm.

Please make this happen and make it happen now

Actually squip says he's not gonna be very active

There's some items that could be fun with angels, too.
I'm not, I'm just making items. I'll be doing very little moderation, just hopping on, making some new shit, trying it out, and posting recipes later.

Remember kids, even if you suck at building, you can still try and fail!

Not even memes from this server

>havent played this game in 5-6 years
>check account to redownload
>can't log in / doesnt exist to site migration
the sads are real

There's a process to getting it back but it's so cancer. Best of luck senpai

tried 2-3 years ago it was cancer then, ancestors give me strength.

I think it looks alright. There's definition.

Bless you my man. Honestly I had the take the loss and pony up money for another account since I lost my shit to that migration.

A dwarf never pays for twice for what he gets once!

Shameless bump.

This man has the right attitude

Are there even any real Dwarf settlements? Seems like everyone is doing everything but that

>it's the same faggots from tgcraft
Enjoy your dead server within a week after "official launch".

I mean I would say you are right but not only are there quite a few players who didn't play on any of the Veeky Forumscrafts but the server population has been steadily rising after more than a week after launch

>Veeky Forumscraft is the net /int/craft for shitty previous iteration
what a wonderful future


maybe it would gain more traction if people posted more pics from the server.
and if the bar is low enough, and I'm talking lloooowwww
then maybe you might get some more people on it.

i think theres one or two


This. I came in interested and the thread went nowhere.

Can I play a kawaii little kobold kid? :3

Is there anything you want to know more about?
Yes you can. There's a lot of people who are rolling kobolds

Is this an actual RP server with /nicks and chat ranges and stuff, or another one of those "rp servers" that's actually just towny and themed builds?

How closely is this based on Dwarf Fort? Glad to see that the race list includes goblins instead of just being dwarf/human/elf/kobold, but then it also has orcs so obviously it's not DF puritan. Is the setting just generic medieval fantasy or does it actually draw on the game? Like, can I expect humans with a sort of Saxon feel?

There are no chat ranges but the RP has been consistently happening. As for how authentically DF it is the admin is pretty driven to make it as DF as possible and almost didn't add Orcs just to maintain its purity. Currently I'm RPing as a former human now vampire lord who just wants to breed perfect horses

produce some more screenshots for this thread, get people excited ya know?
show us the damn map for instance.