What is Veeky Forums's favorite opening?

What is Veeky Forums's favorite opening?

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I pick up my queen and eat it, crunching it down without breaking eye-contact with my opponent. After swallowing, I tell them that if I capture any of their pieces, I will make them eat it instead.

This usually leaves my opponents so unnerved, that they'll cede the game there and then.

QGD. Best by test.

Playing Go instead

Bishop's Opening and the many variations and conversions of it (developing into King's Gambit/Vienna Game/Two Knights Defense/Giucco Piano). Picked it up early on and it's been my mainstay for a while now. It's also a fun way of counteracting someone trying to do a Sicilian Opening.

Left bishops pawn moves forward, making the queen an immediate threat.

>have you tried not playing chess

Fried Liver Attack


when will wizards ban blue goddamn

Sicilian Dragon and King's Indian

Who are you quoting?

I think 1.c4 will be most players favourite, since the A.I. god of chess lately showed, that it has the best winning chance.

Elf to F4.

Birds. Its easy to learn the ins and outs, and takes many people in my bracket off guard, really makes them think.

Caro-Kann > alle.

Vagina. But I'm a traditionalist.

the cheddar wizard riddle romp

14 CC (vs black)

Purple sawdust beacon

Chess is such a fucking garbage game.
Imagine enjoying a game that after an hour of purposeful study you can no longer play recreationally with casual players such as your father, sister or friends as it is now literally impossible for their flailing play to checkmate you.

I have been looking for the fucking greentext of that for fucking ever, thank you for reminding me of the phrase I need to search

I have no idea how to actually play this game to any level of strategy, but I love opening up with knights on the charge.

no prob bob

Every single Veeky Forums Chess thread:
>OP with a picture of a chessboard
>someone places a crudely cropped fish on one half of the board
>someone posts Yugioh and MTG cards and Monopoly pieces
>the whole thread soon devolves into stale Megachessatron comedy sketch jokes
>a few people sheepishly discuss the game
>someone posts a puzzle
>the first two answers go "ez solved" and are wrong
>someone complains they're bad at chess and are told the usual tips to improve
>"Go is better" shitpost by someone who doesn't even play either game
>"Chess has already been solved by computers, there is no point"
>two random 1900~ Elo club players talk about the actual game
>thread 404s before it gets 60 replies in

The board that is about traditional games is really trash at one of the most classic ones.

>Imagine enjoying a game that after an hour of purposeful study you can no longer play recreationally with casual players such as your father, sister or friends as it is now literally impossible for their flailing play to checkmate you.
>play D&D with new friends and make an overpowered munchkin wizard in a game hosted for your mom and grandma
>play any video game, get good at it, suddenly casual players can't defeat you

You know what you need? A handicap. Play these casual players while down a rook or a pawn or even a queen or with a heavily lopsided chess clock and see if that helps.

I don't think you can teach someone who never played DnD all the rules of the game in one hour and enough info for them to make a wizard

i'm a simple man, F4 and I see how things go

>all the rules of the game in one hour
That's easy as shit.
1) Your character is your avatar in a fantasy world.
2) For any problems it encounters, no matter if it's a combat situation or otherwise, add up all your bonuses and minuses, roll this twenty-sided die, and check if you rolled high enough against this guy's defense.
3) Repeat until it's game over.

Rest will figure itself out.

Also the chess example was a hyperbole anyway. The most you will get out of chess in one hour is the most basic info like each piece's moves and some of the most optimal basics, like castling or developing light figures before deciding to bring out your Queen. Nothing that will ruin the game for your casual family.




I summon Blue eyes White Dragon and attack their life points directly

Talk to me user, why are you so butthurt?

Sicilian Dragon


usually this, mostly to set up for castling but it makes me horribly predictable.

though I really should try some of the things suggested here.

>>"Go is better" shitpost by someone who doesn't even play either game
Yeah, anyone who knows anything knows that Hex is a better game than either Go or Chess.

K to anywhere it can. Because I want to watch the world burn.


Oh no, a serious answer! Sorry, had to,


Get out, dshitter.

Island into Delver with Daze backup.

I like to move into the English game for a change of pace. It is nice fighting over a different set of tiles

white pawn to G3

I lay one card face down and end my turn.

horrible moves


E4 into scotch game.

The shining dragon

>Discussing a solved game


>I concede.

Since this is a chess thread and I don't think my question deserves its own thread: why does white always start first? why not have the starting player be decided randomly through a coin toss?

Isn't that a defensive formation?

I like doing a grab input right off the bat to punish any cheeky footsies.

I think it might be this

Scandinavian defense.

>1. a3


why not just let who plays white be decided by coin toss? You seem to be missing the point.

if chess is solved then you know if it it's drawn or won, and how.

You don't because you're a brainlet.

Veeky Forums has been trash for a long time now

literally /pol/ has better chess and go threads

So... just like every other game that's mostly about skill? What do you do for fun, play monopoly?

>why not have the starting player be decided randomly through a coin toss?
One player takes a pawn from each side and holds them in his fists. The other player picks a hand, and plays the side whose pawn is in it.

Why would you change which side starts first when neither player is tied to a particular side or anything?

No other skill based game is even in the same category of Chess at this.
The difference between a beginner who simply knows the rules of chess and a beginner who has spent the tiniest amount of time studying actual chess theory is beyond insurmountable.

So, yes, Chess happens to be complete shit if you're anywhere between the 45 minutes it takes to learn how to end literally any game against normies who don't study chess theory in stalemate and the 10,000 hours it takes to learn how to play Chess at an intermediate competitive level.

>The difference between a beginner who simply knows the rules of chess and a beginner who has spent the tiniest amount of time studying actual chess theory is beyond insurmountable.
Yeah, that's not my experience at all. You need much more than an hour of study to get that good.