im not here to shill anything literally buy any coin apart from XRP and if you got BTC Hold FFS
im not some racist scum but the fact that over the last few weeks ive seen so meany posts where people have mentioned wellsfargo not the main point of the post just sly adding the name in somewhere just to advertise there corrupt banking system, its over guys the Jews are here to try and control what is supposed to be a decentralised and fair for everyone banking replacement.
but no, people that believe in fairy tails and want to control the masses and rule the world threw manipulation and propaganda are here to fuck it all up again and keep us chained to the dark ages and them in control.
the only solution really is extermination but im not talking about just one religious group. im talking about all of them need putting down, Jew Christian, Muslim etc..... all of them any one who still believes in this fairy tail bullshit to try and control and manipulate the world to do there bidding.
ffs guys we are living in a new world now a world that has never before been so enlightened and connected and we are still trying to control everyone with this shit.
its not going to end well people are tired of getting fucked over more and more are getting red pilled and waking up and when enough people do and band together the shit is going to hit the fan. there is going to be a momentous movement old vs new and we will either come out the end of it better or not at all.