This is your party.
What is their quest? Who is the BBEG?
This is your party.
What is their quest? Who is the BBEG?
Genders & Safespaces
A social justice RPG
>This is your party.
>What is their quest?
From what it looks like, implementing social justice worldwide
>Who is the BBEG?
Trump, I suppose
There's already another political shitpost thread, don't start more
That's not the party; that's the stupid miniboss team you kick the snot out of on the way to the actual challenge and point of the story.
Their quest is to pretend to be human and cause chaos in human societies before their goblin tribe attacks the towns.
>Full ranger party all with Favored Enemy: Illusions and Constructs
rocks fall and you lall die.
They prepare the way because they spread the word that goblins are misunderstood and the radical ones are only a minority which are predominantly shunned in their society. Afraid of being labeled as bigots, the village is duped into believing it.
I don't think I could fuck ANY of them.
You know, outside of prison
Just gotta keep telling myself this isn’t a mental illness so that I don’t get sent to prison when Democrats take back the White House, Senate and Congress.
If I repeat it enough, my wrongthink will go away
I guess I'd go with the one on the right.
I swear to fucking christ tho, he better be clean shaven.
Being retarded isn't a crime, user.
Just carry around an oar paddle on your way to work.
Looks like a bootleg Jojo game to me. In that case, their villain will be a megalomaniacal pop singer turned supervillain based after Lady Gaga with her stand [HEAVY METAL LOVER] from aligning a series of continental leylines via laser guided satellites and explosives, to forcibly ascend her stand to a level beyond space a time, granting her the ability to actively edit history. To do this, they have to travel across the country fight assailants, musicians, assassins, and random natural phenomena as they strive to stop the alignment.
Now the question is, what are their powers?
Never underestimate their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They've learned a whole lot of nothing from the election and are as corrupt and incompetent as ever.
swear to christ the one on the left looks like they are on day 2 of a 3 day bender.
>This is your party.
Not MY party. Couldn't pay me enough.
>What is their quest?
Escape the dungeon of gender norms and reach the wizard that can turn them into what they were born to be. The path is lined with enchanted wigs and hormone potions as well as a bizzare religion based around privilege and oppression.
>Who is the BBEG?
The Patriarch.
Doesn't matter, if you're white you'll go to jail anyways.
Oh, so we're playing V:tM again?
well, i'm a sick fuck, so i'd say they are all fae in WoD with a host of addictions and mental illnesses and they are trying to survive on the streets as scene kids, getting preyed upon by werewolves, vampires and nephandi.
The last one dies of an overdose after selling a child into sex slavery to pay for sugeries on the set of her porno shoot after becoming a successful reality tv star.
Not it’s not.
What are you, high? Do you even live in my area? I think somebody gave you incorrect information dude.
Using Orwellian vocabulary every thread to sound smarter than you are should be a crime anyways.
I feel better having soured the mood of this thread.
am i evil?
>Trump, I suppose
I'd watch it
Trump the necromancer king who is trying to summon a wall of bones and make the elves form it
You mean halflings.
Doesn't matter who or what the BBEG or quest is. They are going to be Murderhobos on the run from the law within half a session.
Like EVERY other campaign I've run.
>not hobbits
Trump just gave back the High Elves their standing army.
well, think of it this way.
you know the trope where there is that one guy in the nuthouse who thinks hes napolean?
imagine that guy gets a gun.
would you rather be the orderly who humored him and referred to him as "your grace" or the guy who used to dump ice down his pants when the doctors weren't looking?
>This is a legit identity and not just a kink taken way too far
>Dresses in tween clothes and fetish outfits
What do MtTs mean by this?
our greatest ally?
why hobbits both of you?
They're dumped in a post apocalyptic world where any kind of weakness will be their downfall. Concepts such as feminism, racism and safe spaces do not exist and people are more concerned with the bizarre animals, monsters and supernatural phenomena which infest the landscape. There won't be a BBEG. It will simply be them coming to terms with a reality which doesn't won't afford them any luxuries, especially not luxuries like hate speech laws or gender study degrees.
If you had to fuck one which would you choose?
Chill, short dudes who are stereotypically lazy and have great food. Also stereotypical thieves.
All the wetbacks I've seen have been short hairy people. the further south they come from the shorter and hairier they've been.
Napolean pisssed his pants!
The far left one because that one vaguely looks like Marilyn Manson.
did you just come here to start shit or what?
You'd be the guy who thinks he's an orderly but has been in the nuthouse for years.
You laugh, but they already send people to prison in the UK for “hate speech”. It’s very mild speech too compared to what Americans say on Veeky Forums
small bones though.
>cthulian monster walks up to them
>"hello, fellow humans!"
>starts eating one
>"remember, to refuse me is speciest."
>Who is the BBEG?
The King of the House of Saud
Nuisance: The Irritating
Yes, then when people say they need to quit this shit, they back peddle. They say "go wax your mustache nu-Veeky Forums" and act like they've always been here. Just sage and report.
Their quest will involve an adventure tailored made to lay bear their failings and insecurities, with the adventure culminating in fighting some evil entity or force that represents everything they thought they believed taken to a logical/hateful extreme.
I wanna see them squirm
>lay bear
So, they're zoophiles in addition to crossdressers?
>this is your party
sorry im not a faggot like you
> what is their quest
none id kill the whole party
> who is BBEG
any rational thinker
>The monster is a psychic predator which chooses approaches to its victims which induce the worst kind of psychological torture
>Constantly reiterates their own arguments and behaviour at them while devouring them
>So, they're zoophiles in addition to crossdressers?
Damn, that's even more deviance than your average OSR game.
...not by much, but still.
>Their quest will involve an adventure tailored made to lay bear their failings and insecurities, with the adventure culminating in fighting some evil entity or force that represents everything they thought they believed taken to a logical/hateful extreme.
I like it. Maybe they'd learn their failings and change their outlooks on life....
Oh who am I kidding? They'll probably still be in denial and just accuse you of being an -insert -ist term here-.
Have them fight an invading evil empire that believes in destroying individuality, executing people for their sexuality and proclivities, and treating women like slaves with no rights.
Then reveal half way that it's the Ottoman Empire, and they've been aiding in one of the Crusades this whole time
To secure the legendary cache of hormones that lies hidden in a lush valley somewhere across the nuclear wasteland. Enemies are rival troons.
to find the ultimate gender! to trek the landscape for new and least privileged gender!
In the end, they have to defeat the final boss, Reality! and his GOD DAMN OPPRESSION!
only to be defeated by the fact that there are 2 genders.
There's more than two you shitlord
Male, Female, and Fucked Up
wait but what if your language has male, female, and neuter?
really? i think that ones the nastiest of the bunch.
could really do worse in prison tho
Their quest is to find true love and peace in a world that hates them for who they are.
The Big Bad is themselves, although they will spend most of the game believing that it's the world of manspreading and sexism.
Fuck off
Fuck off
Bait thread, hide, ignore, report.
>Their quest is to find true love and peace in a world that hates them for who they are.
>The Big bad is themselves
So the entire party is pic related?
>Long night of partying
>Wake up
>Your hair has been cut
>You've been given makeup that won't come off
>You've had your hair dyed an obnoxious color
>They stole your clothes and left you some weird looking rags instead
>All that's left in the room is your and your friends who have had a similar treatment
>Can you find the asshole who left you like this? Or will you trudge home in shame dressed like a weirdo?
>This is your party.
They are basically the same.
I wanted to do a thing where I went “from left to right: Rogue, Barbarian, etc but the other two are so incredibly nondescript that I can’t get further than that.
>Saying MtTs
What is a "radical feminist" doing on here?
>Who is the BBEG?
The lich.
> What is their quest?
Legalizing gay marriage.
>that guy/girl on the left
chunni detected
is this a JoJo reference?
>another /pol/shit thread
why is the owner of this site such a limp-dicked faggot? how many boards do they need to shit up before enough is enough?
Neuter? Like cutting off your junk? That just means your a disfigured person of the same gender you where before you cut yourself.
If I paint my skin black dose that make me a nigger? If I wear a dress dose that make my cock a cunt? If I pretend to be retarded dose that mean I'm actually not?