Holding any XML cuckcoin

>holding any XML cuckcoin

total garbage

>no real FUD possible so /pol/itics are needed.
See you in Q1 when XLM is 3$.

Not gonna support anti-men anti-white propaganda

anti-white fud came for IOTA before its generous pump....please do it again cuck gods.

kys you fucking snowflake

Yes! /pol/ fud means this coin is gonna ROCKET!

what if you tell all the mentally ill freaks to go away?

> puts politics over making money
Stay poor

It has since been deleted. They made the right call, that shit was juvenile.


there's no bigger anti-white tool than the angry virgin

What's the point in lying? It's still there, but I'm still holding. Who gives a shit about their code of conduct. I'm pretty sure Apple's is similar and yet they still use chinese slaves to max profit.

>community leaders will not act on complaints regarding racism and sexism
so they don't give a shit?

we're here to make money you fucking faggot

no one cares about your white babies and your hitler here

go kys

I take that they will not act upon complaints that you make saying you are not doing bad think.

The bigger cucks they are, the more likely the press will try to shill it or at least not harm it. It's like when people get angry at Ripple, yes, it's the banks killing the goose but CNN will never talk shit about it, important now that a lot of normies are getting in.

These shitcoins will give me the gains I need to support lots of white babies.

they can be the greatest cucks imaginable as long as they make me $$

>implying people with those political beliefs ever procreate

This lmao. /pol/ here but I almost think being cucked open source sjw is good for the coin. Might have to buy more

I'm almost certain that you use a product that has a similar Code of Conduct. It's standard stuff at this point, and who really cares?

I don't care as long as it makes me money and it doesn't have any negative effect for my tribe.

>Hates people who bring politics into business
>Brings up politics to FUD a coin

When the fuck does ibm gets announced

Hodlin XML in my stylish hardware wallet

>keeping alt-right children out and fortune 500 companies in

>keeping chinese money out
>ever making it

Nice just bought 100k because of this

Get fucked faggot

>implying you have capital to buy anything
wait for your coinbase approval in silence

but muh 17 billion