Butthurt Liberal Cucks

so I dm'ed my first session for pathfinder today. The story was about a character named Drump who started a faction of noble warriors called The White Knights whose sole existence is wipe out orc kind. The players were all your standard SJW types. Two fat girls with neon hair and two beta orbiters, one fat and one skinny with glasses, so they didn't wanna join of course but when Drump explained to them how orcs were pillaging the kingdom and raping human women they understood the threat a little more. They went into the orc encampment. and like typical monkeys the orcs were smoking drugs, cowardly, throwing their own feces and living in huts with bones through their noses. one of the players tried to talk to the orc like a cuck but his linquistics check wasn't high enough to understand the dirvelling ebonics coming out of the beasts mouth. Drump then bravely lead them to Clintstein the elf wizard who was forcing the orcs to breed with white women through the use of crude pornography and an enchanted new style of music played by the Bard Nigron. I doubt these butthurt retards will be back because these snowflakes need a safespace constantly. They all left telling me it wasn't funny. Fucking liberals.

I'm not gonna read this but you're retarded.


So in other words /pol/ faggot are not only retarded but also bad at being DMs

this is a really crappy, low effort troll.

0/10 OP, F-

show some enthusiasm

Grocto bocto mocto

If you want to learn how to troll as /pol/ you have to at least go to /pol/ and learn how they speak...

Fake and gay. 11/9

>Being so insecure in your own monkey-shit political views you have to seek validation through thinly-vieled and ham fisted allegory in a game of escapist make-believe
How does it feel to be wasting your inbred braincells like this? I hope it hurts, you nigger-hating mouth breather

not even funny as an attempt at comedy

I'm /pol/ and what is this?

I assume OP never actually watched Sealab 2021 and just saved Murphy as a funny face.

Dude I didn't even read your post.

I would give you credit for trying, but you really didn't.

You don't even deserve a (you)

You are a genius

>Just curious why the poster count didn't go up when you bumped this thread just now.

Did someone have something against Vsauce? I've seen a few of these edits now.

They're just funny.

(who are you quoting?)
kill yourselves
