Weekend Warcraft Lore General

Sloshed Edition

Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

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How does your character typically get around? A trusty horse, a friendly dragon, portals all the time, commissioned gryphons/manticores, or something else?

Things seem to be really getting intense. Nelf players are in full force losing their minds over the development in BfA and it's only a hairs breadth away from them lashing out against the entire Alliance playerbase.
What does /wowlg/ think? Are the Nelves the Avatars of Khaine of Warcraft, only there to job for the humans?

Exactly what does the Zandalari joining up mean for the horde?

why do you even pretend to request these be applied to tabletop games? It's blatantly obvious they're not even remotely related, so why not just say 'lets talk WoW' and give the same fuck you to Veeky Forums in public that all the /pol/ threads do?

>looks like something is going to happen
>nothing actually happens
>characters act like retards to enable the plot
>retcons out the ass to enable the plot
>storylines get raped and sometimes forgotten outright to enable the plot
>the plot sucks anyway and gets abandoned halfway into the expansion pack
>snap back to status quo

I'm so fucking tired of this cycle, especially when mixed with pointless RvB to drum up fanboy hype. Where is the nuance of vanilla worldbuilding?

Does WoW tabletop have stats for playable Mogu?

I honestly wish we could play as these badass lion men.

With hope one day we'll see far more of these obscure races, I mean you'd think the mogu could just use the orc skeleton surely.

Why do we even pretend to tolerate the existance of other human beings? It's blatantly obvious that evolutionary psychology for the human individual is to protect their closest clan and to immediately eliminate those not part of that clan, so why not just give the same fuck you to civilized behavior that all the niggers do?

kill yourself pedshit

If you think that's what children are supposed to look like, you should consider seeking help from a professional.

I honestly felt Pandaria had some really cool stuff to play as
>awesome Mogu flesh shapers, Yaungol Pyromancers, and Jinyu waterforging
>cool ass races like Mogu, Jinyu, Yaungol, Saurok, even Hozen (somewhat)
>only new playable stuff are Pandaren and Monks
I mean the Monks and Pandaren weren't bad, they just felt a lot less interesting than the other stuff.

I bet you have no problem with the Elder Scrolls thread, faggot

i fucking swear by Hozen, they're awesome and just seem to sit well with the horde dynamic.

Did Ogres ever enslave orcs?

That the Zandalari will (yet again) use all darkspear trolls and (yet again) attack the humans/high elves and (yet again) lose.

>>retcons out the ass to enable the plot
>>storylines get raped and sometimes forgotten outright to enable the plot
This. It's so annoying that they butcher the plot every expqansion to justify its existence.

>>the plot sucks anyway and gets abandoned halfway into the expansion pack
Yeah, the new writers, and most old ones as well, have no knowledge of writing a good setting and constantly have to reuse the same trope (they got corrupted by an even badder bad guy! (who also is corrupted btw)).


Or if he's trying to be subtle, magic carpet


yes. Orcs were originally a slave race that escaped only when the Ogre empire began to crumble. Later, the Ogre Imperator of Bladespire cross-bred his remaining orc slaves with other ogres to create Mok'nathal

I miss when TYrande was just the Elf version of Grom.

Invaders? Murder them all.
With Malfurion waking up and whining in the background.

Technically speaking, this plot's premise is pretty sound: Salvy is rightfully suspected of being a step away from going Lich Queen and now she has all the resources needed to do it so the Alliance are trying to stop it. Her becoming WC in the first place was an ass pull, and the Horde not revolting at it after being previously bossed around by a war-crazed lunatic toying around with potentially world-ending forces is a bigger one, but that was all on Mists.

Its just that everyone fears that they're going to try and "redeem" her in spite of the fact that she's become more deplorable with each expansion and is practically holding the Blood Elves at gunpoint to keep them in the Horde, and during Wrath has shown how much she cares about the actual Horde when she gasses them with reckless abandon. After all, who cares if her allies die if she can just raise them as more obedient Forsaken: they're still part of the Horde, right?

She is a strong independent woman and only Elune can tell her no.

How small are goblin and gnome babs? Do the parents give birth to liters of tiny infants or pull a damned Kiwi and blast out a kid at full body size? Cause it’s either adorable or horrifying depending.

>during Wrath [Sylvanas] has shown how much she cares about the actual Horde when she gasses them with reckless abandon
Sylvanas didn't launch the gas attack at the Wrathgate. Even without Grand Apothecary Putress and Varimathras pulling the wool over her eyes and launching a coup out from underneath her, she had to know that launching any gas where Horde soldiers were would've blown back against her extremely hard.

Anyone has the link/pdf of the WoW races and classes conversion to D&D 5th edition? I bookmarked it but the link doesn's seem to work anymore.
Sorry for the annoying request.
Have a LiLi

Big one, small one and MM. The adventure hook one is meh.

nice. Thanks!

If the Alliance is reasserting control over Lordaeron, what are they going to do about all those Scarlet holdings, especially their infamous monastery?

The Scarlets are probably dead outside of some particular holds in the Plaguelands. Lilian Voss and company (E.G. the players) killed 'em all.

hey that's my gnome!

(She's gotten hulk hands since then though.)

If Legion is any indication, there's not much of the Crusade/Onslaught left, especially not after the death knights roll through to claim Sally Whitemane as a Horseman, and any that are still around are destroying each other under accusations of heresy. I mean, they'll TECHNICALLY have achieved their goal of mostly kicking the undead out of Lordaeron, but there's no real room for their extremist views at this point. Pic related and a few other Scarlets defected from the Onslaught and joined the Conclave (the priest order) after begging forgiveness.

Do they roar every time she smacks them together?

Hell, how does a gnome monk work, anyway?

something something pressure points something something chi is magic punches

I would've figured gnomes of all people would take advantage of their knowledge in biology for pressure points and stuff.

What's subtle about a magic carpet?

>joining the Conclave full of shadow cultists and balance cucks, as well as the traitor princess
Serves them right. Looks like the Alliance has to reconquer Lordaeron alone

Anything looks better than getting executed for not being extreme enough, especially if you get the chance to work for someone as prestigious as the High Priest (priest PC).
>Onslaught Executioner says: Any last words you impure mongrel?
>Mariella the Heretic yells: Just do it already! I would rather die than spend another day living a life built around your twisted beliefs!

>No cute drunk gnome gf to sit on my face

The mogu actually use the Draenei skeleton. If you use glyph of disguise on them as a rogue and /dance it's the Draenei dance.

What, not a dwarf?

Were the dragons a good idea?

When they were rape factories making more slaves to fuel the magical realm.

Come help wowpedia motherfuckers

Yes. Unfortunately, they were Knaak's only good idea and are being slowly purged along with all the shit he introduced.

>We have to kill Malygos, Aspect of Magic, because he went crazy
>We have to kill Deathwing, Aspect of Earth, because he went crazy
>We have to depower ourselves to make Deathwing vulnerable to the Dragon Soul
>We are no longer in charge of our domains
>Also, we're sterile now
>We know Nozdormu will die later
>Ysera was just corrupted and killed
>A bunch of death knights just rampaged through Wyrmrest Temple and took out a bunch of reds
>Some Norse guy called Odyn says he should've had our job
>I'm the last survivor of the original Aspects
>I have to wear pants now
The systematic breakdown of the Dragon Aspects is rough to watch. I'm not surprised Alex started eating in HotS.

>Odyn says he should've had our job

I wouldn't trust that guy with my car, much less Azeroth.

I would kill to have Alexstrasa pull a fast one and get elevated to dragon godhood or something by becoming the one true dragon.

She's already the queen of all dragons and, not counting Deathwing running wild in Cataclysm, the most powerful dragon in the world. Plus, she's a saint.

>How does your character typically get around?

For my main character, she's a Goblin engineer, so by Turbo Trike, Mechanohog, Shredder, or Rocket when she's not just teleporting (somewhere relatively in the vicinity of) where she wants to go. She's just one of a whole family of Goblin sisters, though, and they all have their preferences.

No kidding. The Titan watchers are a bunch of fuckups.

>its application in and around traditional games
It's a good icebreaker to get the whole group laughing at the stupid shit that's Warcraft lore before we get to playing.

Also, she jobs to Hanzo from Overwatch in her HotS debut trailer.


This is all it takes for the EB"DP" to raid your home without a warrant and kill your family for breaking the lich king's """law""".
Why aren't you a follow of the light yet and highly trained in holy magic?

Why did the death knights raid Wyrmrest Temple, anyway?

>Why did the Lich King's private elite army did thing
Jee dunno.

>See that I'm going to get a crusade follower
>Recruit them
>Get the least faithful, zero convictions wretch you have on show
>Bench them
I'm not trying to be le epig crusader mememan, but it'd be nice if in-universe there were some people who actually had convictions.

Back in classic you had crusade members who would work alongside more sane people for a common cause, that's too hard to do these days apparently.

They heard there was a frostwyrm skeleton somewhere that had got lost so they genocided the place without anyone doing anything to find where.

WHY they care so much considering the size of the skeletons in dragonblight, I do not know, but whatever. Tangoking wanted it, time to be edgy and piss off npcs with zero repercussions.

So Bolvar's evil now, right? He's just dressing it up with "protect Azeroth" justifications.

Seems to be "Defend Azeroth from threats while pissing off everyone imaginable by using the most infuriating methods possible and building a very worrisome looking personal army".

Not sure he's completely off it but I wouldn't be surprised and do NOT like it.

>it'd be nice if in-universe there were some people who actually had convictions.
She did have convictions. She had conviction enough to tell the Scarlets to eat shit and kill her if it means she doesn't have to follow their twisted and misguided dogmas.

He's trying to position himself and the Scourge as another of those "victory at any - and I do mean ANY - cost" factions.
>We will save Azeroth, but we'll do it *my* way
>If you just so happen to be in that way, oh well
>We don't care who we piss off or step on, as long as we fulfill our objectives

Wasn't the Ebon Blade already that though

Yeah, but the Argent Crusade kept them in check during Wrath. The death knight campaign in Legion is what happens when the Lich King has carte blanche to do whatever he feels is necessary for his Scourge to defeat the Burning Legion.

This is not Veeky Forums. Why do you keep making these threads?

This, the Argent Crusade is the DK retard handler, because they firmly believe "if we kill everyone then the old gods can't corrupt us" is a fucking valid tactic.

I park her in Dalaran, only log in to the WotLK private server during raid time, and get summon portalled everywhere. To lazy to do anything else, most of the things you can do once you ding level 80 is boring as shit. The only thing I like to do is making alts and giving them tiny backstories and ideas and putting them in a dressing room.

Compared to the mount of the average hero?

>I miss when TYrande was just the Elf version of Grom.
Which was when? Grom was characterized by being the aggressor and by wanting power at all costs. Pushing away invaders with whatever force necessary isn't Grom-like at all.

Malfurion wasn't "whining", Malfurion was a calm, collected force of peace and goodness and his wife was more about the need justifying the means. You could say Tyrande was more pragmatic in comparison, but it's really that Malfy generally never seems to think in the short-term, mostly because short-term solutions threaten the very delicate balance he swore to protect. If Malfy can save everyone without causing possibly irrepairable damage to the world, he will try that first (in contrast with his brother, whose first instinct upon learning of Ner'zhul was to nuke a continent - and before ou defend it as a deed that would have spared us from the Scourge headache, remember he did that on the orders of a very dubious master).

In the end, both believed in thei role as a vanguard, they just went around it differently. As early as The Frozen Throne, Tyrande is shown to feel remorse for the whole Illidan fiasco and admitting she fucked up, and taking a side tour away from a chase to help out Prince Kael'thas get through, solely because she honored the alliance versus Archimonde.

If you could add any one class to the game, what would it be, what would it do, and why?

lets go back in time. what would you have changed about the alliance vs horde conflict prior to wow? what races are in the alliance and the horde and why?

Standard class, hero class, race-exclusive class? What about the classes we already have? How would you represent them in a tabletop game?

>Technically speaking, this plot's premise is pretty sound: Salvy is rightfully suspected of being a step away from going Lich Queen

No, fuck that shit no. Is everyone forgetting how the forsaken and the Horde in general used to be a minor faction of underdogs, monster races defying the world together and not taking shit from anyone to ensure a future for themselves? And now they are pulling entire armies and navies out of their asses and apparently they are a global superpower just to keep the stupid ass shit RvB going.

Is everyone forgetting how the Alliance has already sieged and taken both Undercity and Orgrimmar only to be saved by Jaina ex machina and Varian inexplicably going just "play nice kids" and leave instead of seeking to remedy any of the numerous wrongs aganist the Alliance?

Is everyone forgetting how the Alliace is supposed to be the faction with like 80% of the population of the planet,established production centers, cities and ports, have all that nature shit up to demigods, a factory city(now two) a spaceship, leaders with 10k+ years of experience, a prophet and the only big G God on their sides while the Horde was squatting in a desert and ruined towns? How the fuck is this even a contest, I dont want even more bullshit breaking my suspension of disbelief AND the core Horde theme JUST to enable RvB

Yeah fuck that bullshit. She is 100% responsible. Putress just deployed it too early. She uses it every turn she can later anyway. Also, how the fuck is trusting a DREADLORD a demon whos entire thing is deception and betrayal is supposed to be a point in her favor?

im just hoping that this nonsense leads to the "traditional horde" (orcs, taurens, trolls and goblins) kicking the undeads out of the horde. the fag elves can leave too. i wouldnt mind.

>scarlets get trashed in vanilla completely, lose all their shit
>in wotlk your DK slaughters literally all survivors on the mainland
>rest of them fuck off to northrend when they fall for the same dreadlord shit again
>apparently, they believed the light whispers them to become shadow priests, warlocks and death knights
>forsaken rek their shit, they are gone for good
>nope, they gather for yet another turn and regroup in icecrown
>finally get put down, malganis talks shit but never walks the talk
>scarlets reappear in cata
>get turned into undead and completely rekt again, surely this must be the end for them
>nope, MoP brings back revamped scarlet monastery and the scarlets are at it again
>we purge them completely again
>apparently they cropped up again in leejun, fuck knows cause I've stopped playing
>confirmed to reappear in BfA

just get the fucking clue and stay down, holy shit are you guys for real?

>hoping this will happen
Oh you sweet summer child.

>She is 100% responsible
About as responsible as Thrall is for everything Garrosh did.

Hell yea, warcraft dragons are cool as fuck. Making them thong wearing gap bait was questionable, but also very 80's heavy metal themed, so I like it.

Fuck the red dragons. Who else here #team Stellagosa

Also it's only a matter of time before Jaina has a kid with kalecgos, so the blue dragons will live on and likely create some hybrids

The beef between ebon blade and silver hand is Fucking hilarious.

>be dk
>azeroth getting rekt by the legion
>launch a surprise attack on lights hope chapel to try and make the most renowned paladin into a horseman of the apocalypse

It's okay because we gave you a skin.
t. Deathlord.

Dark rangers. Basically another hunter type class since wow needs a ranged physical damage dealer

>Also, how the fuck is trusting a DREADLORD a demon whos entire thing is deception and betrayal is supposed to be a point in her favor?
That one is legitimately on Sylvanas. She thought she had cowed Varimathras and gotten him under her heel. If anyone knows how to play the long game, it's dreadlords.

Kalec is shooting blanks, bruv. You missed the "all dragon aspects are now sterile" part.

>get turned into undead and completely rekt again, surely this must be the end for them
This was such a dumb way to end a lot of cool characters. I miss Marjhan and Brigitte Abbendis turning her into a dullahan would have been fun.

Also resurrecting Whitemane as a dk after we specifically cut all ties to her soul and body during the neo scarlet monastery was complete horseshit.

They are like the forsaken haters, they prop up again and again

ALL of the Legion DK stuff was retarded.

Serious MMO roleplaying is a lot like tabletop roleplaying so you'll get far better discussion here than you would in some shithole in /v/ or Veeky Forums Plus WoW has some tgs even if they're some obscure shit.

It wasnt even a particularly well planned out or cunning plan. It was just sylvanas entrusting the development and deployment of a mass weapon of killing all mortals and undead

Then for some reason, Varimathras pulled the trigger at the deathgate, launched a coup and would have handily won if not for the retarded convergence of major lore NPCs and an Alliance army warping in like the fucking protoss, completely bypassing all of Lordaeron and the beleaguered areas in dire need of some Alliance help

I mean, why the fuck people keep forgetting how fucking common is teleportation magic in warcraft?
It's like nobody accounts for it.

Night Elves and Undead are their own independent factions.


Tyrande was behind the Blood Elves joining the Horde AND the Nightborne joining the Horde.

Even casters forget it. Jaina could have mass teleported a lot of people from Theramore before they even got vaporised, given how good her mastery of the spell is.

>some bullshit that only shows up to enable PLOT and EPIC MOMENTS when its needed

Yeah nah. This is the exact kind of flipflopping bullshit that makes the lore so weightless and meaningless. That army didnt even teleport in lore. They just appeared out of nothing because they were needed to enable yet another EPIC MOMENT and disappeared without a trace. Cause its not like, y'now, the Alliance would really like to actually capture the capital of Lordaeron or anything.

Somehow she could only do that to save Thrall from getting killed by Varian(and never got called on it)

>implying the Paladins aren't 100% ok with everything the Ebon Blade does because their edge makes them look even more heroic.
>implying the Priests aren't just a bunch of cucks who would willingly suck the DK's dicks like they did the Paladins cocks.

If you want someone to defend you from the Death Knights you can try calling the Earthen Ring or the Cenarion Circle. The Light stands with Death as of Wrath of the Lich King.

Well user, Jaina just NEEDS the big orc cock.

>Ask help off the earthern ring
>Lmao we can't the elemental lords needs diaper change
>Ask help off the shitnarion circle
>Lmao after our little 1000 years nap ok ktnhxbye.

>Lmao we can't the elemental lords needs diaper change
To be fair, do you really want to deal with the Elemental Lords' shit all over the place?

t. Shaman

Just force them not to with Decay

Well the moral of the story is if you don't like the supreme law enforcement of justice on Azeroth, you can move to AU Draenor and stay there.