Bcash. LOL

Cashies BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:


That's not the real Pirate Bay wallet though - this is: 1MtrxZFWz3FG9MobYWzxR2tRq4ybWJahmb

Your pic is just a Photoshop, or a Pirate Bay mirror trying to leech money from morons.

No actual website that needs money would deny it so stupidly...

Still funny tho

it would have been faster for you to just go to TPB, see that you're wrong, and not post this


Yeah, but when stupid people like OP can't be bothered to do that, someone needs to inform them

>Bcash coiner BTFO
It's real.

wow such intricate fud


For the nubs here, hold ZCL for the fork in January and you get free BCTP

>open google
>search piratebay
>look at the bottom
its fucking real you imbecile

the absolute state of cashies

Just someone at TPB that is likely being paid in BTC to not support BCH. It happens, people sell out. Their tune will change soon enough.

Roger fucked you, idiot.


TPB is known for being shit

Here's what serious players do:

Bcore. LOL.
Kikes BTFO

So much fucking cope... Good bait.

I wonder who tips them dinosaurcoin when its fees are higher than the actual tip

I saw this the other day, made me lmaf too
