Plains, mountains, dungeons, cities, shop interiors, maps, hellscapes, yo momma, whatever.
Post pictures of environments and feel free to make requests.
Enviroment art
Don't leave me hangin'
I don't think that's how bridges work.
>feel free to make requests
I'd like some general sci-fi maps and interiors (shops, bars, warehouses, ports and rundown shipyards, hotels) if anyone's got that kind of thing (or a link to a good resource with that kind of thing, sifting through google is killing me).
That's one of my Top 10 favorite art pieces of all time. I feel like I could run a 5-year campaign just from this picture.
this is a great location
reminds me of that Oban Star Racer show.
And while looking for an image to show what I mean I see why
This is such an awesome picture.
I've got a fair collection of real-world locations, especially mountains, rivers, and deserts if anyone's interested.
Holy crap this was by the same guy that did all the Everquest art.
Send your desert stuff, I'm all for it
This thread seems a bit weak, let's see if I can remedy this.
That'll do it for now.
It's a puppy!
That's amazing art considering the guy got Parkinson's
can I get some sunken cities?
Sure thing, Boss.
Does anyone have art deco buildings?
Looking for megacities
this one always makes me max comfy.
hell, virtually any with a water feature is best.
This thread is just what I need.
Requesting more like this (somewhat primitive settlements over water).
One more from my folder
Isn't this based on the original design for the UK parliament?