If you were to use music for your campaign, either as a GM or Bard, what would you play?
If you were to use music for your campaign, either as a GM or Bard, what would you play?
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Swords and Tequila.
God damn that was a good game
Only the most ebinest of may-may musak
In my game, I like to give the campaign a theme song. My DnD game is Knights of Cydonia. Cyberpunk is Seven Nation Army, the glitch mix for *authenticity*.
>GM or Bard
OP is a fag as usual. Why couldn't you bring music as a wizard, rogue or fighter?
Why do you even assume that a player, only because he plays a bard, is allowed to bring music
Mainstream trash that the rest of my philistine players will like.
if it's fantasy, nothing. It does nothing to improve it, and just grates.
If it's some edgy teenager brand stuff like Shadowrun I'd play some brand of payday 2 music
>t. Never played an RPG
Why the fuck would a fucking Wizard just pull out his phone and start playing music
If he did that I'd ask him to stop immediately or leave the table, especially as a player
For my fantasy game I use ambient soundtracks that match the environment the PCs currently inhabit. For science fiction games I will likely do the same, but with added synthwave played low enough to act ambient in combat scenarios.
High on Fire all the time
When any of us run games in our house we usually throw on a theme appropriate YouTube mix on the soundsystem. I used a creepy windy blizzard mix to good effect while running lover in the ice a few weeks ago.
Not even punch him like he deserves? Weakling.
The Black Plot is my favorite music video of all time.
Although I will admit I haven't listened to a single other song of theirs. Any suggestions to get started?
Probably the Bastion soundtrack, actually.
Have you guys ever played in a game where the GM was doing audio amazingly too, not just shitty music in the background that cuts off into combat music whenever he says "roll initiative" but music that fades into scenes well and fits the feeling of the scene?
Using music in a tabletop game usually sounds good in writing and then in practice it just sucks.
Recently played this during a boss fight.
>The boss had came back to life 2 times previously: starting off as the lover of the BBEG, he willingly took on a curse and died as a result of the players killing him. The curse brought him back and he reappeared later in the campaign, more psychotic and missing pieces.
>The party put him down again and torn him apart, even taking his limbs and tossing them into the sea.
>For the final fight before fighting the BBEG, the party walks into a palace in front of a army of paladins, and this motherfucker (who's mostly sinew and bone at this point) is standing there alone, leaning against a pillar. Queue the music.
If GM: unobtrusive but mood-setting stuff
If Bard: Jazz and Pop standards because I want to play a Sinatra-like crooner
Hot Sugar is good for trippy enchanted deserts
As a GM I'd try to find your usual background music, you know the kind, after the first three seconds you don't realize it's there until it stops.
As a bard? Full tango.
Since I'm a gigantic faggot and would run a game that's MGR in Eberron... guess what?
i've been doing a jojo's bizarre adventure campaign set in the 1920's, and the jazz ive been playing during the sessions really helps with the mood.
Something not too distracting and fits with the tone/setting of the game, played at a low volume to help set the mood.
Video game OSTs mostly.
I'm a sucker for Witcher 3's OST, so it's been my go to for fantasy stuff lately.
Depends on the thing I'm doing.
It also depends on the situation and who I'm inspiring, I might hum the pink panther theme if I'm inspiring my rogue or hum/sing some church song for the Cleric/Paladin. I might make poems and songs for the individual party members to make them feel special and remind them I'm paying attention to them/the things they do.
>Casting spells
>Fireball +Investiture of flame/ any fire spell
(Replace the word taco's with fire and we good.)
>Bigby's Hand
Just make it about the hand crushing people.
>Irresistible dance
>Insulting Others/Wildcards
Depends on guess what? Yes, the setting.
> Fantasy GM
Ambient, ethereal, folk, old fantasy movie OSTs.
> Fantasy Bard
Folk, folk-rock, folk-punk, instrumental.
> Comedic fantasy GM
See Fantasy but with a few music parodies, modern movie OST's, Benny Hill Show theme, etc.
> Comedic Fantasy Bard
Fantasy Metal, Reggae
> Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk, electronic, J-Pop, K-Pop, dance club music, Post Rock
> Steampunk
Retro, Folk-rock, punk
> City Fantasy/Mystic GM
Disco, Post-Punk, Post-Rock, Ambient, Hardcore, Trip-Hop
> City Fantasy/Mystic Musician
Some genres of rock music, I guess
> Space Opera
Cyberpunk, Post Rock, Ambient, Ethereal
My Dm handpicks music depending on the mood of the game at the time. Sad times after our home base gets burned down, sad music. Fun dungeon run where we are over-levelled, card game music from ff 8. Dungeon Crawl on way to boss encounter, Doom Soundtrack.
Can't go wrong with witch house for Urban Fantasy and Synthwave for Cyberpunk. Vidya OSTs work pretty well for both low and high fantasy, and there are some pretty great anime OSTs out there for pretty much any genre, too (looking at you, Yutaka Yamada, Yoko Kanno and Kenji Kawai). Post-Apocalyptic games generally benefit from a mix of somber and high octane tracks, so movie OSTs are pretty good for that (Hans Zimmer, Clint Mansell and Junkie XL are some standout names here), even if Mark Morgan and Inon Zur are the obvious choices. Space Opera matches perfectly with Bear McCreary's body of work (especially BSG), and if that fails, Mass Effect's OSTs should do the trick. Finally, Firefly's OST works wonders for western and steampunk campaigns.
I already do. I'm running a generic fantasy, so i'm using RPG maker 2000 OST. No regrets.
Darren Korb
I usually play soundtracks from obscure things. ps1 games work well for background music imo, so long as you arent using things like Final Fantasy. I even threw in some Shadow of the Colossus and Ico music and my players didnt recognize it.
The heaviest of metal. And I would recite lyrics from Manowar songs. Nothing better than a Valor Bard singing about Valkyries coming down to bring my fallen character to Valhalla.