>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations mega.nz/#F!bF0ExS4D!_XaMECn0K9HiJKUFSopJLA
I hate that any guard/renegade player that wants to do shotguns has to use the leftovers from scout sprues.
Anthony Hall
>tfw my traitor guard are just Vostroyans >not sure what to do to convert them send help, I liked the models but metal is painful to work with and I have no idea what to do
Samuel Gonzalez
How can they keep giving Space Marines such OP shit?
Leo Martin
Ideas for painting GSC?
I haven't got that many paints that are 'purpley' or such so I was thinking of more fleshy tones.
So for the flesh I'd go for Rakarth, Druchi Shade, Rakarth Layer and then Pallid Highlight.
Any ideas for the Tyranid scales/bones?
John James
Or he could just use the Neophyte kit
Zachary Morgan
GSC Neophytes kit has lots of shotguns.
Jack Howard
Tell me about Your Nids
Andrew Cooper
Getting started with the hobby Paint scheme I wanna make for my marines is red, so I need either a black or grey base spray apparently Which one do I go for?
Samuel Brown
Skip the black/grey primer and get mephiston red primer or equivalent
Aaron Johnson
Something like this looks cool.
Jonathan Johnson
Personally I'd say black but I've done few pure red based pieces, maybe a BA could chime in
Thomas Morales
GSC players at my flgs are never willing to trade them away.
Jose Phillips
AdMech are transhuman deviants that pervert the human form.
Camden Thomas
Well, for starters, I think its worth mentioning that I don't have any. Thats about it.
Luis Morgan
Bitzbox and equivalent sites are your friend
Joseph Ramirez
>giga drill breaker
Jack James
Anyone happen to know the size comparison of the Baelwind Vortex and an Imperial Knight.
Samuel Jackson
I wish my GW had this instead. The jew man running the store requires a hard 90% so that leaves the options to headswaps or weapon swaps at most. The faggot also requires us to show him a forgeworld receipt before we can play with our FW models in store.
Hunter Brooks
Lurking in my bitboxes. >~half a dozen Genestealers from various lots as well as two sprues worth of Space Hulk Genestealers
Gavin Foster
It's gonna sound retarded but look at the colors for MLP changelings.
That's what I used for my bugs with Incubi Darkness for the base coat, and you can built it up with green tones or blue tones.
Kayden Flores
Do they have no single policy and penis inspection too?
John Adams
New Ravenwing strat
Jack Sanchez
No fucking way anyone is that stupid.
Juan Robinson
Nope, its different from store to store and I fucking hate it. Put that one in my survey, I just want GW to have a central policy on that shit so I don't get bullied when I bring my Emperors Shadows in the store.
Daniel Baker
Assuming you mean the black carapace ones and not the rainbow bugs?
Sebastian Smith
What do you mean?
Charles Lee
I'm glad my store owner isn't this Jewish. Probably helps that I'm honest to my own detriment at times.
Xavier Bailey
> Ravenwing proving to be superior to White Scars at every turn
Oliver Baker
I didn't know a power gap would develop so quickly this edition.
Tyler Scott
Nicholas Jenkins
Seems to me that any policy like that would cause customers to flee the store like victorian spinsters from icky penises
Connor Nelson
Telling your customers to eat dick is a good way to go out of buisness.
Cooper Smith
>Literally the White Scar Stratagem.
So White Scars are NPCs to the Glorious PCs that are Ravenwing?
Grayson Sullivan
>implying this wasn't already known
James Bennett
well we fucking hate it but the only other game store in the area has very few tables and their 40k night is the same night as magic it gets loud and smelly as fuck cause those faggots dont shower
Camden Jenkins
> White Scars ain't got shit on the glorious Ravenwing.
Christopher Bennett
Are those part genestealer cult? Because they look like they use the new parts but also like monofit oldies.
Lincoln Smith
>the big four chapters get stratagems and tactics that are supposed to be unique to other chapters
I don't even play SM, but jesus fuck GW. What's even the point of lesser chapters?
Jose Nguyen
Do you buy anything from their store?
(if the answer is yes, you're a faggot.)
Carson Ward
We don't talk about those ones.
They don't exist.
Black bugs are the only bugs.
Joshua Ortiz
It's just poor Codex Marines being left in the dust as a mediocre gunline army, or a good mono build gunline with Rawbutt.
As Chaos I'll continue not giving a shit by infiltrating cultists and quadruple-tapping my deepstrike plasma.
Joshua Rivera
fuck no, I havent bought anything from that faggot after he broke my russ while I wasnt there to prove that it wasnt real cause he couldnt tell
Logan Myers
will i get bullied for using marneus calgar in my army instead of guilliman? i took a break around mid 6th, and already have a full ultramarine army and guilliman just dosent look right. and calgar has always done right by me
Jaxson Martin
Oh right, I remember you now.
Cooper Cooper
They are neophytes, scouts and a flaggelent bits, pretty sure.
Brandon Harris
Nathaniel Hughes
>listen to audiobook about the Seth vs Eversor fight >It says that because Eversor are humans empowered to their limits their strength is inferior than that of the Space Marines who are beyond humanity >Seth overpowers the Eversor in their death struggle
Is this accurate?
Also the Eversor was lunatic. Screaming, hissing, and repeating its words "DIE, DIE, DIE".
Robert Sanders
This seems like bait.
Liam Cook
Calgar is good and does a lot of the same buffing/CP adding potential as Guilliman does for an Ultra gunline. He's just not as efficient at it so will always suffer by comparison.
Nathan Watson
Yea, no fuck that guy. Wrote that story in the GW survey, I hope they actually see it. Still trying to garner the strength to report that straight to customer service though
Charles Johnson
The guy seriously inspects russes to see if they're genuine GW?
Call corporate and tell hem they have some faggot ruining their brand and driving off customers.
Noah Johnson
Quite the contrary, my man. Calgar is the HQ choice of true gentlemen.
(just watch out for carnifexes)
Jason Robinson
>humans empowered to their limits They time and time again do shit that no human can do. It's bullshit.
Carson Hall
Such a wasted quids for such a low tier bait post.
Jonathan Green
No, Leman Russ the primarch my guy. Meanwhile my buddy got his illegitimate Perturabo in and painted it at the hobby table just cause he's been in the hobby longer and is trusted by the guy who runs it.
Justin Carter
Well anyway you havent give that guy a good beating yet ? Fuck man, aint let no one fuck with your model.
Samuel Hill
No, eversor's are strength 4 (so as strong as a space marine.)
But they are also WAY faster, and would rip anyone short of a SM captain to shreds.
John Sanchez
>Also the Eversor was lunatic. Screaming, hissing, and repeating its words "DIE, DIE, DIE". Sounds right.
Eversors are still based on human stock, just super drug-fuelled. They're dangerous but Seth, Chapter Masters and other skilled marines would reasonably be able to combat it's speed and lethal weaponry. They aren't as strong or durable as a marine is as far as I'm aware.
Gabriel Jackson
If you have any semblance of creative you could save money by making the base and using a Land Raider Crusader upgrade kit has assault cannon sponsor & two side turrets you could probably turn into something passable, or FW Razorback turrets.
Which has equivalents of assault cannons, bolters, lascannons, flamers, missile launchers and meltas. Seems to be £12, plus whatever shipping.
Henry Hernandez
Probably gonna put in a word to customer service while he's gone on vacation. Other guy running the store in his leave is so much chiller, actually doesnt give two shits, and has entire armies of old fantasy shit he'll let you borrow in your games.
Anthony Sanders
>They aren't as strong or durable as a marine is as far as I'm aware.
They literally are though.
Not to say that a named character marine wouldn't be able to beat one.
Dominic Green
Ignoring the tabletop because S4 is wildly inconsistent (all Catachan are marine strength!) are they? They are stupidly strong and go above and beyond regular people but are they at Space Marine level? I thought they were slightly weaker but just insanely fast.
Aiden Bell
Dude, marines have power armour while eversors wear skin tight suits.
Isaac Hughes
whats the title that sounds fun
Isaac Thomas
Chapter Approved ended the war in Europe. The meme is dead.
Aiden Gray
Evan Perry
Space Marine scouts are still S4 and they aren't wearing power armour, just carapace. The tabletop stats are stupid to use as reference.
Michael Ortiz
So how are people treating FW after GW went through their point costs? My anti-FW friends still call them cheating etc
>Deathwatch was what I was concerned about mainly. Magnetize them I guess. Having fully painted also helps. Was playing with a friend (2v1) when he had to leave so I took over his Deathwatch. No idea how he keeps track of the shit when half is painted, half are missing arms and each model has a unique loadout.
Xavier Morgan
>Reminder that sisters are close
>first suprised than pleased face >angelic female choir
Blake Baker
Seth was awesome in that audio.
Ryder Adams
>New Abaddon >With Primarchs back LMAO. Consider yourself lucky if he doesn't get squatted outright.
Nolan James
Fuck off roach.
Kevin Rodriguez
>dave caring about anything other then chaos
Connor Perez
Alright lads. Got a 1500 point tournie coming up and I'm taking Kino Kin. Thoughts on my list Warlord: Lilith with blood dancer trait HQ: Haemo with electrocorrosive whip, parasite kiss and crucible
Troops 1) 20 Kabalites with 2 blasters and 2 dark lance 2) 20 Kabalites with 2 blasters and 2 dark lance 3) 10 Kabalites with 1 blaster and 1 dark lance 4) 5 Kabalite warriors 5) 5 Kabalite warriors
Elite 5 blood brides, Syren has PSG, agoniser and blast pistol
Fast 5 scourge with 4 dark lance
Heavy Ravager with triple dark lance
2x raider with dark lances 1x bog standard venom
Plan to use Webway stratagems. Lilith and the Bloodbrides in one raider, 10 kabs in another, 5 man unit in a venom
Jose Flores
>them tabs
Elijah Price
>MWG No.
Jacob Hughes
Reminder that anyone who doesn't want plastic sisters is either a faggot or a incel
Colton Evans
Catachans are str 3 Read the fuckin rules before even trying to shitpost.
Not accurate, there is a reason they send eversors on missions instead of giving a single space marine a power sword and firing him in a drop pod to the palce they want to fuck up.
Adam Fisher
Okay, I'll look into magnetization!
Levi Rogers
They get +1 because they're buff as fuck. You mirin'?
Luke Jones
Are DA going to be top tier?
>Best plasma >Best bikes >Get Stormravens and Primaris now >Best Terminator >Soon to have Primarch
Are they the best or am I just getting caught up in the hype?
Colton Sanders
Nice effort
Jacob Nguyen
It did in 7E, it did in 7E, it would have in 5E if codexes didn't come out so slowly back then, why would you expect anything different.
Sebastian Phillips
They should have given Catachan T4 if they wanted to emphasise their brawn. Making them the same strength as orks and Astartes is ridiculous. Wracks are S3 T4
Jace Miller
I think you should read the rules before (you) shitpost.
Dylan Wood
They aren’t getting a primarch any time soon. Now was the time to do it and GW passed it up Russ it looks like
Dominic Ramirez
>Reminder that anyone who wants plastic sisters is either a faggot or a incel
Ayden Green
Anyone know what the texture paint was for this one He mentions a drybrish of tyrant skull but not what the texture was
Anthony Parker
Kevin Butler
S is about brawn though. Wracks are just inured to paint. Through most of the game's history Orks and Catachans have had the same S.
Tyler Murphy
Astrogranite Debris
Wyatt Wood
o boi, looks like I can have two scratch n sniffed russes
Henry Hughes
Eversors are drugged lunatics who only want to kill.
Imperial Assasins training and augmentations are way better than Marines in fluff.
But Seth(Chapter Master) wining with Eversor is no suprise.