Everything else skydiving cause BTC started to moon, XLM flatlining. ARE YOU READY FOR THE ROCKET?

Everything else skydiving cause BTC started to moon, XLM flatlining. ARE YOU READY FOR THE ROCKET?

Other urls found in this thread:


XRB also mooning

Friendly reminder.
>I just had to go through 6 captchas just to post this. This fucking site.


Fuck your shitcoin. Xlm is like 100x better than your pajeet coin.

Source on this? Seems like FUD.

>10% increase

Fucking corecucks


It’s real and it doesn’t fucking matter. Normies with money will love it.

Honestly if you care one iota about that you should stay poor. It's mostly starndard except that one retarded part about muh privileges

>It's mostly starndard
Maybe in your world snowflake.
With reverse racism they mean being racist against anything that is white is okay.
But that wouldn't matter for a person of color like you right?

people have been beating on this shitcoin for weeks and it hasn't done shit

Yes, that's the non-standard part and it's retarded. Probably written by some marketing cuck or 80 iq feminazi

Did you forget that in that time it's doubled and keeps going up

They've been saying that since XLM was at 5 cents.

>everything else skydiving

Lol my portfolio value is at a new ATH

>XLM flatlining

Oh, I wonder why.


Who fucking cares about their SJW-isms if XLM makes me money? This is literally the same thing as the XRP-jews-banks controversy, to which everyone should be saying the exact same thing.

Nice, the community isn't cucked enough to take that shit. It's probably true that some intern wrote it and nobody has taken a second look about the "it's ok to be racist against whites" section

I can tolerate jews if they're making me money, but SJW's? I'm out.

The community guidelines piece is some really disappointing news.
It’s the most promising coin I’ve seen and I was all in on it.

I’ll hold my bags but I’m not investing anything else and I can’t say I’ll be recommending that anyone else invest either.
Policies like that are indicative of a group of people that aren’t capable of separating emotional and logical reason. I don’t see how one could trust them to run a currency.

>implying the people buying the currency are to be trusted with reason

>not buying a crypto because somebody in their marketing department put dumb shit on the website
You're reading too much into this m8

moralist bullshit back to pol you go

>why is a company getting VC money from the west coast putting up standard west coast HR policies


>le mister i suck liberal dick

We did it /reddit/!

Thank God

>bunch of nazi freaks raging that the coin is an SJW join
>"personally, I don't actually care about the politics behind the coin"


> call someone a moralist.
> get called a leftist

I'm neither senpai- pai just looking for maximum coin.

Sounds like your shilling to suppress the price.

Kek, so much for that

>we are all against any kind of form of racism
>but reverse racism is okay
>defending this
I'm not shilling. I have my money in stellar too and don't plan on taking it out before it moon.
I'm just pointing out the mentality of people behind it.
Considering that they are dumb enough that they bring their emotions into crypto, you should rethink twice if they are smart enough to hold your coins for you.

Equal rules for every race and gender = good.

How much you wanna bet you'd be called out for being white or a bigot when someone wouldn't agree with you?
You're still a baby when it comes to this. I've lived through rules close to these for a year and trust me it's not fun if you're a white man.

Senpai - getting upset about the opinions of others leads to a shitty life.

SJW so what? There are none in my house, they don't stop me from getting laid, there are some funny memes.

The world keeps spinning. Its nothing...

Nice victim complex

Didn't you hear? Even white right wingers in 2018 will think acting victimized is cool

don't get me wrong, I am not an actual SJW and I can see right through the SJW pandering. It's just fucking pathetic when /pol/cucks try to blame impartial people for being leftie dicksuckers when they're the ones who DON'T care while they themselves are freaking out about it, completely unaware that their own political beliefs are even worse than SJW beliefs

>the West is slowly dying thanks to women and immigration

Yeah, right

Why the fuck would you even want to talk racial politics on a stellar forum, jesus people have issues.

I have so much money now, it feels good senpai, when this corrects ill have like 6k usd equiv, even if xlm doesnt keep up the rocket trip

Because being white and having a victim complex is the new trend

Good thing they removed , alright make my gains and get out

>This is what snowflakes believe
I hope some dindu necklaces you


>Because being white and having a victim complex is the new trend
>uni courses that preach hate for "whiteness" exist

Kek from Italy, people in denial are retarded

Others opinions can also lead to a shitty life if you let them take the bigger piece of the pie.
But this is /pol/ topics and also should go there so i'll stop.
>Nice victim complex
t. never had to experience the tolerant left first hand
Trust me you're feeling the SJW and jewish pressure everyday yourself if you're a wagecuck and live on your own. Once you look at the bigger picture you see that everything people bitch about on regular basis always has the same cause behind it.
>Because being white and having a victim complex is the new trend
>while it's okay to be white posters making everyone loose their shit
Why is that?

We are /pol/. Dunno who you are, but you might want to fuck off back to Rebbit or Kikebook, shill.


Idk brah the left never tried drowning me in a river for being nonwhite

Bullshit, normies are not your Tumblr SJW. This shit is disgusting for every normal person, there is nobody apart from some university retards or Huffpost blog writers actually spouting this shit.

It's obvious it was a dumbass employee who copy and pasted shit from another website in their source without looking at the content. Not sure why everyone thought that was made up by Stellar.


I approve of this poast

Sweet these SJW faggots are gonna make me, a literal Nazi rich

>Idk brah the left never tried drowning me in a river for being nonwhite
Because there have been so many attempts to drown you in the river by the white, right?

t. cuckhold

If you don't think that a government or group of people can get to the point of trying to drown you for being a certain race in just a couple of years i recommend you pay attention to history cause you sound like a fucking retard, and either way its just plain racist to claim that reverse racism doesn't exist because there really is no reverse racism any discrimination based on race is racist period

>victim complex
Dude, when university professors and media writers openly discuss "the problem of blackness" while white people get into Ivy League universities by writing in their application a hundred times "White Lives Matter", THEN and only then you can deride this as a complex. But it's the other way round, this shit exists, and you trying to play this down as some sort of fashion is utterly disgusting and shows what a piece of racist shit you are.

>thought catalog
I'd bet some coins that it's satire.