Yes, we're doing this again.
Sources for 1st ed and 2nd ed playtest:
For this thread, I was thinking we could discuss 2nd ed's take on Psi. While it's not for everyone, it's certainly looking epic.
Yes, we're doing this again.
Sources for 1st ed and 2nd ed playtest:
For this thread, I was thinking we could discuss 2nd ed's take on Psi. While it's not for everyone, it's certainly looking epic.
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't taken much of a look at the 2e rules for psi. What different about them?
Have anybody in your game made custom bits of equipment?
I'd love to try getting into the game more but the setting is just so bizarre and gonzo I'm having a hard time trying to get into the mindset of your average person in the game. All the suggestions I've heard to try to alleviate this don't help: "set it before the Fall/play in the Jovian Republic/play Transhuman Space"...but I don't want to do any of those things.
Well, in truth THS is the better option because it's less gonzo.
Sure, but there's elements about Eclipse Phase that I like more. Namely the post-apocalyptic feeling, the elements of cosmic horror/psi stuff, stargates, the different factions, having an established default campaign premise (i.e. Firewall), among other stuff.
Also, playing THS would require playing GURPS, or trying to find an alternative system to play it in. Which I'm not touching for the former, and am too lazy to do for the latter.
Remember, your AVERAGE transhuman is living on either Titan or Mars, resleeves once in a blue moon, and really wants to ignore the fact that Earth is a hellhole full of nanocancer. They're not firewall superagents or corp magnates or dumb anarchists.
They're really not too different from the average person today. We're already living in a cyberpunk shithole.
Can we get a OZMA idea sharing thing going. I fucking love what people come up with.
>We're already living in a cyberpunk shithole.
>>Transhumanity's FATE (FATE Conversion)
>>X-Risks and After The Fall
>>Chuck's Eclipse Phase Wiki
>>the10 things you should know about Eclipse Phase
>>Advice for new players and GMs
>>Eclipse Phase hacking cheet sheet
>>Online character creator
>>Eclipse Phase xls Character sheet
>>Downloadable Character Creator
>>Singularity: The Official Character Creator
>>the 3 new adventures for your use in convenient PDF form
>>Ander's Sandberg's Eclipse Phase fanmade content, including several modules
>>Farcast: An Eclipse Phase yearblog full of items, locations, NPCs, and plot hooks
>>The Ultimate's Guide to Combat
>>Seedware: Another Yearblog
>>H-Rep: A Homebrew Blog
Here, have a playtest doc.
So, to OP's question - I like the simplification of the Psi skill, I like the new Push mechanic, and I like the direction of new Sleights. Some people were weirded out by like, Somatic Healing but I think shit like that is great. Go full "Space Wizard" without actually being wizardly.
While the sub-strain element is improved over their first V2 (and I like the free sleights, it makes it feel like a subclass kind of picking), both in my own reading and what I hear from playtesters is that Strain/IR is still way too snowflakey and letting the dice take the wheel of your character. I get they're trying to reinforce that Psi is WEIRD and makes you not right, and you can't always reliably just cast from HP or whatever, but it really does not always seem fun to play and very fiddly to work with, rolling many sets of dice just to use a Psi power. Not quite sure what a better system is.
I really like how in EP1, Psi is not your "class", it can add to any kit as needed, and offer either unique bonuses (like Grok) or just give you a bonus which is impossible to "lose" so long as you have a bio-brain to do Psi. It's additive, and thus worth taking - but not worth taking for every character, because your disorders can derail you at key points. This feels like it's trying too hard to force you to be weird, y'know, when you already have to take a disorder or two. this that game with the rape machine?
Negative, we only have mindrape machines in this setting.
I'm going to run a campaign of Ultimates in 2e and I hope the devs see this.
>Implying you will ever actually play eclipse phase
I've run it before and I actually like the game.Just not its soyboy devs.
you don't have to lie user
I'd imagine there's also gonna be people that aren't really gonna permantly resleeve at all unless they have to travel or suffer involuntary death. I know the game's central premise is all about having bodies be equipment, but that shouldn't be the case for normal people.
Many would be perfectly content with a splicer, no matter how much people are gonna bitch and moan about how much of a Luddite you'd have to be to be okay with the basics.
Hopefully they'll clean this up a little in 2E, but I think general consensus in the fluff is that the majority of transhumans are in Splicers, and if they have been resleeved, they have only done so once (as a result of the Fall).
Body swapping is of course, a major mechanic and majorly interesting aspect to the setting, something that attracts people to it - Netflix is gonna do a series on Altered Carbon, one of the major inspirations for EP and I've already heard people talking that IT'S resleeve/bodyswap aspects have them most interested - so, it's important for the feel of the game that it's there, and it's fairly prominent, but when describing daily life Resleeving is presumed mostly for either the uber-poor who don't own their own bodies anyway so have to shuffle around to whatever work gives them, or the ultra-rich who can just buy a new set of lungs so why not smoke like it's 1955?
I recommend cracking open Sunward and Rimward (mostly the Titan stuff). Reading about major settlements on places like Mars, Luna and Venus is what I think gives the best grounding for the setting and really most of the time should be fairly relatable, and I think is presented that way.
The weirdest, most esoteric shit is in there as plot hooks. Its there for GMs or players to go "MeatHab? That's nuts, I want to write something about that" and run with it. But given how vast the Solar System is and how generally most of the "ultimate truths" are questions the GM has to answer, you can ignore most of the craziest, weirdest stuff if you have nothing to do with it. It's like how most people ignore Suryas.
Sure, whales in the sun are cool, but what the fuck do you do with that?
When recommending a "default" setting for the game, my personal favorite if you have no other ideas in mind is Mars. This has it's ups and downs, but Mars has the highest population, a decent political spectrum and access to broadly all the concepts you want out of EP. It has the TQZ for TITAN shit. It has a Gate for gatecrashing shit. It has vast wilderness, highways and maglev trains for space westerns. It has densely packed urban blocks for gang and street crime shit. Got everything in-between.
>Having narcotic inhalants that damage your morph's physiology
>Not having narcotic inhalants that are all benefit with no damage
I'll have to give those a read again. The books are just so frustrating sometimes about details that, while might seem mundane, are also kinda important to me, but they're ignored. Like, "what's inside a grocery store?" I don't expect them to ever detail stuff like that, but they'd go a long way in fleshing out the world. Shadowrun does this better, I feel, as an example.
Can non-alpha forks and AI benefit from skill specializations? I thought I saw an AI that did have specializations in skill, but I can't find it.
Well, they're bogged down in 2E right now, but that's actually a very requested topic for a splat.
>I've run it before
>I actually like the game
Bullshit. Nobody hates EP as much as the people who actually play and run it
^ That is the kind of faggotry that the devs have invited to play this game.
#1 RPG I've played. And I play lot's of RPGs.
Would you rule that DSMO+liquid thermite+a shock attack = burning internally?
yay! epg is back!
/epg/ is back!
please talk more about eclipse phase and ways I can force my friends to play it with me
>all human skin
If Eclipse Phase happens, realistically, how fucked is everyone?
No virgins after the fall
So if I wanted to maximize the amount of mental actions I could get for the purpose of either hacking or programming, what are my best options to stack?
I mean, it'd be burning externally anyway, so why not?
I think it's Neurachem, Reflex Booster and Mental Speed, but that last one might be Multitasking? I need to double check.
Neotenics a best
I swear at least one of those says it does not stack.
Yeah, Multi and Mental don't stack. I can't remember which is optimal for hackers.
>I've played
>eclipse phase
Yup, sure you have
dumb pedoposter
I don't have access to my books but how young are they supposed to look?
Loli-young. Even comes with a mechanical uncanny creep factor of kids acting like not-kids. Luckily it’s relatively easy to build a neotenic that nullifies that con.
Get speed 4 (through whatever means you can) and either Mental Speed or Multitasking. How you get speed 4 doesn't matter.
Any suggestions for reaching speed 4? Neurachem +2 reaches 3. After that? Go info morph?
Off topic, but when opportunity knocks. I might be working on setting documents for something soon, and I'd be curious if you have any more questions like that in mind.
For the life of me that's one it never occurred to me to answer, and I get the impression you might have some other 'duh, why didn't I think of that,' questions I could use.
can uy post more of the funnny EPG shit. My folder got deleted
Depends. For physical morphs there's the Reflex Booster or some drugs. For informorphs it's a lot easier. Just take Mental Speed and Enhanced Speed.
>How do people sleep (physically)
>How big is a normal home
>What jobs do most people do
that sort of thing
Neat. Those are things I've all thought about but might not have written down. Thanks user.
It's stuff I wonder as well. That's the problem with most people living in unearthly situations.
>>How do people sleep (physically)
In habs with gravity, they sleep like anyone else. In zero g, you have coffin pods or strap yourself into what amounts to a beanbag chair.
>>How big is a normal home
Most people live in the equivalent of a studio apartment or smaller. Coffin bunks are super common in space. Actual homes are the province of the wealthy and planetbound.
>>What jobs do most people do
Depends. In hypercorp regions, most people do some form of white collar work for a corp or run their own microcorp. Basically modern office work, except your body is at home or in a cafe while your actual work is done over the laptop inside your skull. Anarchists largely do whatever they like and are good at, aside from the mandatory community service for all citizens.
That's a super basic writeup, we could go a hell of a lot more in depth.
Is it unethical to delta fork yourself into a pleasure pod to use as a living onahole?
More seriously, why hasn't more gatacrashing/settling been done with forked versions of people rather than original egos?
>Is it unethical to delta fork yourself into a pleasure pod to use as a living onahole?
Probably not, a Delta is a non-sapient AI which is vaguely based on a template of you.
>More seriously, why hasn't more gatacrashing/settling been done with forked versions of people rather than original egos?
Who says they don't? Settling with Forks can be a problem though, it's a touchy legal subject in a lot of polities.
I mean, it's your own ego, do what you want with it. Though if you're gonna upload a glorified AI helper to run a pleasure pod, get an actual sexbot AI rather than go through the trouble of ruining a fork. Or just fuck a sexbot AI in simspace without bothering with an expensive meat body.
>More seriously, why hasn't more gatacrashing/settling been done with forked versions of people rather than original egos?
I mean, IMO, if you can afford it or have a backer willing to give you the morphs, go for it. But poorfags or indie outfits may have trouble affording the extra morphs, on top of all the expensive shit crashing demands.
I feel like the Consortium and the Commonwealth should be switched here.
pretty sure that's all i got
also i've forgotten the context of this
And just like that, I'm mad at this game again.
I never understood the faggots who get pissed at the devs for their personal ideology. I've read through most of the books without seeing any bias.
Why is it furry?
Judging from the fact the picture's titled "lateral", I'd say because it's something to do with Hc Svnt Dracones.
Could be a critter.
Might as well post the rest