What scares you Veeky Forums?

What scares you Veeky Forums?

I'm scared and horrified by:

- Parasites
- Body horror
- Child abuse
- Disease
- Lead poisoning, incest, retardation
- Mental Illness
- Derealization, a sense of illusion and a sense of unreality
- Fatalism and superdeterminism (the notion that your actions aren't really yours but just predetermined all along)
- Moral nihilism
- Meaninglessness
- Identity death
- A sense of secret and imperceivable imperfection and flaw that is deliberately hidden from you and that it may even be impossible for you to understand due to your own flawed state.

Not really sure how to gamify any of these things though.

-the concept of reincarnation
-internal parasites

There was only two things I was genuinely afraid of in my life. And that was long ago, they have no power over me anymore.

5 of those are my fetishes, nice.

world must be a scary place for you.

I am scared by:
Hags (in horror movies, not just regular old ladies)
My tinnitus getting worse

I used to be pyrophobic due to falling onto a Little Smokey style bar-b-cue grill as a 3 year old. I got over it when I was 14 I wanted a burger and no one was home to start the grill for me so I had to do it myself. I was sweating and shaking when I struck the match to ignite the gas burners. Once I did that I was mostly over it, now I am just cautious with fire.

Only two for me. Well, technically three, but parasites and body horror share a lot of traits.

- Bees
- Swimming in blue water (i.e. open ocean)
- Bees
- Crawling or jumping insects in confined spaces where you can't get away from them
- Bees
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Paralysis
- Combinations thereof
- Fucking BEES

I only get really, truly frightened when I'm in a situation where I THINK everyone should be freaking out, but everyone else is perfectly calm. Then I get really scared and freak out. But if it's the opposite, when everyone is freaking out, I'm perfectly calm and composed.

And Fucking bees. And other stinging insects as well. But mostly fucking bees.

- Bees, wasps.
- Living life without having accomplished anything.
- Body horror scenarios (like that one Spongebob episode where all the characters get merged into a horrible blob thing. That fucked me up as a kid.)
- The idea that I might one day lose control of my mental faculties, or spiral into depression and insanity.
- The idea of being trapped in some horrible situation and having to spend your life like that. (Like a marriage where your wife hates you, or something)

oh god I forgot blindness

Don't forget losing both your hands!
That and Alzheimer's. Those fuck me up.

Those would also be a pretty pain in the dick to try and make the focal point of an RPG though, I'm not sure how I'd do it.


No this is not a joke, I have explained my fear at least a hundred times at this point. They are pitiless intelligent bustards that rape like no tomorrow. They do unimaginably cruel things on a regular basis, understanding the pain others feel. All the while they chitter in this fucked up childish glee, this is what really gets to me. They truly relish in shit that most serial killers balk away from. They've recorded the bastards murdering babies dolphins in front of their mothers while raping the mother, not mention they kill other species out of what scientists think is just racism. Think about how smart the bastards are to understand something like race, and yet they choose to be hedonistic fucks.
The way they look scares me too... It's just something about their faces, they look like soulless black dots. This is not to mention that hellish chittering sound they make. When I hear it all I can think of is them relishing in a cruel act or something.
I don't care how retarded I sound but I hope tuna fishers makes those fuckers extinct.

Oh and complete numbness, that's always seemed creepy to me.

With Alzheimer's you could constantly change the recap before the session every session and change dungeon layouts and names of characters previously met. Just make it feel like the players really don't remember anything.

I'm 6'8" and I'm scared of heights and everyone I know thinks that's fucking hilarious. It's not. Also needles.

As a manlet I only find joy in whatever discomfort you have, no matter how petty

Losing my mind. Like dementia or Alzheimer's.

I don't recall the name, but I was told (while still young) about a disease that degrades neuron casings, resulting in gradually-increasing pain and paralysis.
Made for some great nightmares.

It's cool to meet another moral nihilism fetishist

- Alzheimers
- Spiders
- Maggots
- Driving (not just being in a car)
- Swimming in open water
- Hurting someone physically in such a way that there is no good reason for it having happened, so I have no excuse or explanation for doing it even though it was a conscious decision - like one day I just say "fuck it" and throw a baby out a window.

Individual spiders are okay
Giant spiders are okay
But swarms/colonies of the bastards can fuck off.

If one of them can kill you or make you extremely sick, imagine falling backwards into a rotted tree trunk and having 50 of the cunts just erupt onto your arms, chest and head. Absolutely horrifying

Im scared of ladders, well leaning ones.

Ive installed a set of rungs up to my roof because I wont climb those fucking leaning pieces of shit.

Someone I know being sad.
I'm a huge pussy and I feel really bad when I think about people and their induvidual lives around the world because I realize someone feels like absolute shit and I can't be there to cheer them up.

Anything that fucks with my head in uncontrollable ways. Say, like a virus that causes you to slowly lose cognitive abilities.
Aphasias related.
The idea of eternity, or an infinite anything. When I try to grok it, it's terrifying and overwhelming.
The last three are related.

>Terrified by the possibility that some jackass driving a car might randomly run me over whenever I walk down the street
I'll just say everything

>tfw my car could just fucking break one day while I'm driving and get me killed painfully
>tfw i could just suffer a hear attack or brain aneurysm at night and be unable to get to the phone to call for help so i just die at random

-fingernail stuff (pulling, splitting etc)
-the ocean
-the random creeping feeling that I am not alone that often happens for no reason

I knew most of that already but wasn't really scary until you laid it all out like that.

Insanity. The slow mental degradation that results in the total loss of rational thought.

Bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders are not uncommon in my family. I have some light depression issues, but I do ok. But real insanity? That's horrifying.

I was on Facebook a few years ago, and ended up commenting on some news article. In the comments was a guy ranting about how the government was using insects to transport mind control drugs. That the bees are dying because they are allergic to the drug on every other bug.

I was fascinated, so I clicked on his name and went to his page. It was open to everyone, so I went through and read it all. Scrolling backwards in time, I could see the pattern. That he was once a happy healthy young man. He had friends and a girl that loved him. He was destined for success. But you could watch his paranoid delusions start to take hold. The alienation. His posts coming at weird hours, talking about inane conspiracies. At the time I was looking, he was alone. Occasionally a response urging him to seek help.

He knows he's sick. He knows it, but the illness prevents him from ever getting better. The whole idea that a year from now I could be a raving lunatic with no reference for reality? Fuck that.

Physical reaction
>bodies of water
>painful deaths
>injury or brain degeneration etc. in such a way as to prevent me from killing myself on my own
>arthropods (excluding crabs; crabs are kind of cute)
>uninvited fungi
Kind of a short list. I don't really fear death in and of itself, and I don't have much in the way of philosophical dread. Lucky me, I guess.

-insects in my ears
-not being allowed to die
-mental degradation (dementia/ Alzheimers/ serious brain damage)
-losing control of my vehicle (one of the few things I actually have nightmares about)
-little Japanese ghost girls running at me really fast
-honestly anything that runs at me fast with intent to disembowel by hand

I guess this is how it happens for a lot of people. I was debilitatingly nervous around fire after fucking up my hands on a woodstove as a kid, but eventually after repeatedly being responsible for some pyrotechnics work I wanted to happen as special effects at an event, I got to the point that I am just very cautious.

Shit I fear:
- Wasps. Bees are alright though I'm plenty cautious around them, having been stung several dozens of times by them, enough that I developed an allergy at one point, wasps are just the lanky body horror versions of bees)

- Cattle stunners, and by extension almost anything managing to be placed in the centre of my forehead before I can react. For some reason "No Country For Old Men" made a real impression on me, and my doctor got themselves an infrared thermometer that looks exactly it and I fucking lost it over that.

- Being trapped in some shitty family situation, definitely. Being a loser is one thing because I can just kill myself as a way out, but being stuck in an awful marriage or having an intellectually disabled child because there is just no socially condoned means out of that scenario.

- Someone genuinely, actually having a problem with me specifically. I make it a point to be on good terms with people or not be known to them at all, because I just do not, in practice, deal well with people genuinely having a problem with me. Breakups are tough as a result to the point that I avoid starting a lot of relationships specifically for this reason.

- Retarded people in general. You have no fucking clue how they will react to anything, they're more dangerous than any wild animal because they don't have the instinctual fear or humans bred into them. They can do some fucked up shit to you for reason's you'll never understand at a moments notice, and yet we somehow have to respond to them like we're talking to another human and not a fucking bear that someone bought into the room. There is trauma associated with this one.

Love, being loved, and the loss of control that comes with it.

I got good news guys, if your long term memory is the first thing to go, you won't even notice.
>Notice I said "If" because if your short term memory goes first, Hoooo boy that is going to suck

Being submerged in large bodies of water. It's some combination of fear of the dark and the unknown, except there's *plenty* of fucked up things in the ocean we know of, and they're in their element. You aren't.

>and yet we somehow have to respond to them like we're talking to another human and not a fucking bear that someone bought into the room
That's super mean, but also pretty funny and true

>dad would pluck big ones from the kitchen light and thrust them at me to try and break my fear
>fascinating but seeing planets, stars and celestial bodies rendered realistically enough (elite dangerous and above) triggers terror
>cant move, nothing to do but languish with pain and illness while apathetic and under-trained people flail at you

Can you or anyone in this thread explain why child abuse scares you? I feel like most people don't understand why its so bad. But being bad isn't the same as horror.

Don't have it myself, but it could be with the assumption that you're the child where the phobia is concerned. A mixture of physical harm and the idea that you're powerless to stop it both socially and physically sounds like a scary combo.

Alternatively, the terrifying idea that someone you love could be hurt and abused daily and you'd never know. People can be afraid for reasons that don't concern themselves.

I was afraid of depths and hights since childhood but deep water (and what lies beneath) has supplanted them as the thing that scares me the most. I can't go in muddy waters anywhere, even just a foot deep. Even pools stress me.

Surprisingly enough, I've been able to turn that into a strengh : I've heard from my players I make the deep sound terrifying in my horror games, which often rely on sea and ocean terror.

I have a gift for you



superdeterminism, helplessness, permanence of failure, dying from cold

Hm, I've always been scared of just plain ghosts basically. Unexplainable presences and phenomena. Now I don't believe in ghosts and such even one bit, but I've often when young been scared shitless when lying alone in the dark and imagining suddenly seeing a shadow covering most of the glimpse in the door, where there was none before. Or opening my eyes and seeing a shadow in the corner of the room that was not there before, such things. The though of such could keep me up at night, and I still can feel a tinge of fear when lying in bed, looking at the glimpse in the door and thinking that there COULD be some eyes there staring back at me.

Doesn't help that I had a very active imagination as a child, when I was too young to remember, my parents said to me that I said to them several times that there was a 'red man' in my room. I still get chills typing it out, red can not be good.

what i was trying to get to was to lay out that child abuse is wrong because its rape, its abuse of power and trust and turns a childs life into a constant life of fear directed from the abuser

Amputation/losing bit of myself. Losing a finger or a foot, having an eye gouged out, etc. I had testicular cancer when I was young & had the tumor/ball removed so I grew up missing a part. I fear losing more parts

The Claw

Your actions are still your own in a fatalistic outlook, it's just that because consciousness is a product of physical parts and quantifable variables, you would never make a different decision than the one you did, in any given situation assuming all variables are the same.

I only became scared of heights after going bungee jumping. I thought I was fine, it'd be fun, I wanted to go. When you're standing at the edge, motherfucker, all those years of evolution fall away and you can literally (no joke, I do mean literally) feel every cell in your body trying to pull you the fuck away.

I sprained my neck during the fall because I was too tense apparently.

Why are you afraid of child abuse? You're not the kid. You should really be afraid of getting caught.

Considering a nightmare I had and analyzed last week (and a recurring theme in most of my nightmares), my biggest fears are:
>having my personal space invaded (and I mean getting right in my face, not being within a foot of me)
>sudden noises
>being followed
>creepy facial expressions
I bet the nightmare would make an interesting occurrence in a Maid RPG campaign. I can storytime it if you want.

When you know a fear could be or is legitimate is when the fear really takes hold.
>Falling into a cycle of rising mood and greatness followed by a crash that becomes more and more deep each time, eventually becoming unsustainable
>committing suicide with the full knowledge that it would fuck up your loved ones
>Losing opportunities you never knew you had until they are gone

So you must be terrified of humans as well then?

I'm not personally scared but the thought is disgusting to me.

Being afraid of things isn't something special enough to warrant making some sort of bullet point list.
That just makes you look silly, as if you consider your fears to be just a bunch of tags on a sadpanda doujin.

Your fears only matter if they severely inconvenience your life by making you do stupid shit, like freezing up in case of immediate danger or something.
And I somehow doubt that every time you entertain the notion of child abuse or superdeterminism, you mentally shutdown and curl up in a corner.

It's like all those normies saying wow i have ocd, while they don't know what a real ocd feels like.

being afraid of things is for soyboys

>I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a touch - hay fever, I fancy it was. I got down the book, and read all I came to read; and then, in an unthinking moment, I idly turned the leaves, and began to indolently study diseases, generally. I forget which was the first distemper I plunged into - some fearful, devastating scourge, I know - and, before I had glanced half down the list of "premonitory symptoms," it was borne in upon me that I had fairly got it.
>I sat for awhile, frozen with horror; and then, in the listlessness of despair, I again turned over the pages. I came to typhoid fever - read the symptoms - discovered that I had typhoid fever, must have had it for months without knowing it - wondered what else I had got; turned up St. Vitus's Dance - found, as I expected, that I had that too, - began to get interested in my case, and determined to sift it to the bottom, and so started alphabetically - read up ague, and learnt that I was sickening for it, and that the acute stage would commence in about another fortnight. Bright's disease, I was relieved to find, I had only in a modified form, and, so far as that was concerned, I might live for years. Cholera I had, with severe complications; and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I plodded conscientiously through the twenty-six letters, and the only malady I could conclude I had not got was housemaid's knee.
>I felt rather hurt about this at first; it seemed somehow to be a sort of slight. Why hadn't I got housemaid's knee? Why this invidious reservation?
>After a while, however, less grasping feelings prevailed. I reflected that I had every other known malady in the pharmacology, and I grew less selfish, and determined to do without housemaid's knee.
>I had walked into that reading-room a happy, healthy man. I crawled out a decrepit wreck.

Not much scares me per se as much as the actual delivery of the scare. Delivery technique is where the real fear happens. It has to be sublime and kind of an "aha" moment. The scary thing was there all along.

I'm just looking for interesting ideas for spooky stories man. Not claiming I have special phobias or anything.

Is that you Nick Cage?

>balk away from
You balk AT things.

That's MS (or demyelinating diseases in general, but MS is the most common)

The only thing I am truly afraid of is my own inactivity leading to total failure in my life even though I should damn well know to apply myself but somehow still don't.

Everything else is irrelevant window dressing in comparison.

Mirrors unnerve me and I try to not look directly at them.
I try to avoid bees because my dad developed an allergy late in life and I worry it could have happened to me since I haven't been stung in over 10 years.
I was afraid of heights as a child and although I've gotten over it I still get height vertigo.
Needles. Last time I needed a vaccine it took three people to hold me down.
Parasites, because they were hand-crafted by Satan.
The dark.

Literally 90% of us here, my man

>cultural annihilation/historical annihilation, the idea of an entire civilisation being forgotten gets to me

>true cosmic horror, like 'there are super gods that don't give a shit' stuff, not 'le tentacles'


>being forgotten myself

>possession by other forces

>mothman (and other beings like it), ever since i looked into that stuff as a kid, it kinda fucked me over

Heights, confined spaces, shadows that move just in the corner of your eye and then stop when you look right at them, brain damage.

The last one is fairly recent; I knocked myself stupid in an accident at work a few years back. Six months didn't form long-term memories. Everything before that is missing chunks, and I don't know things I used to. It's like my memories fell out of me like rings when Sonic takes damage. That's the closest thing I can compare it to.
The feeling that one good smack could change my personality or take more of my memories scares me. If it happens again, I might not survive it. My body will live, but my identity will cease to be; memories holed and personality replaced by someone else.

I used to be afraid of oncoming traffic, but riding a motorbike for a year has pretty much made that a normal occurrence. Brushes with death happen every time I ride because people just don't fucking see me. Some don't even LOOK; what if I was moving 20MPH faster and in a truck? They'd be dead.

I also had a phobia of scaffolding poles at one point, because of classical conditioning. I worked sorting mail for a few months, and the bags built up a charge with my cheap fleece. The handrails there were scaffolding poles, and I got shocked almost every time I touched them. I had to basically deprogram my fear of them in order to function.

please do

-Philosophical zombies. More specifically, the though that some people I may believe to have had meaningful relationships with could actually be just philosophical zombies.
-Complete and instantaneous disintegration of the body. When I see a movie when people are for example reduced to ash by an alien raygun, I find it quite disturbing - the idea of someone watching a loved one disappear, or never knowing what happened to them.
-Loss of memory

-willful idiocy

That's a really cool idea, user

Homeless people/crazy people
I'm a security guard so homeless people bother me on the street every day (because they think I'm a cop, I guess).
One time recently some guy (black guy, late 40s) stopped me and shook my hand and thanked me "for what I do"
but then he didn't let go of my hand
he just stared at me and told me he DINDU NUFFIN over and over
he started looking angry, told me he used to be in the army, and showed me a tattoo on his neck that said "SNIPER"
he kept staring and I told him "alright man, I need to get going", so he nodded, started shaking my hand again, and walked away

He was one of the most coherent homeless guys I've interacted with. One time I watched a guy karate chop a tree for five minutes before whipping it out and peeing on the sidewalk at 9am on a Tuesday.

-dark waters and the ocean
-the dark
-being alone
That’s about it

Shadows when it is already dark.

I love insects, but only if they are at least ten meters away from me.

how are you scared of incest
it's not dangerous if you only do it once


Only one thing, but it is the ultimate fear. Inexistance. Not just death, but inexistance. You see, I am a utter and thourough atheist. There is nothing after death. People say that you are the brain and not the body, and not even that is true. You are an emergent property of some kind of brain matter, the "you" is entierly virtual, and not even the "more than the sum of it's parts" but the transient relationship of that virual data. I see the "self" as DOUBLY virtual. I would never teleport like in Star Trek for example. Even if it were possible to make a perfect copy, even if it really were the exact same atoms and quantum states being actually transported, the moment the ongoing activity in your brain stops or is pause, "you" are gone, forever. Because you are an emergent property and even transporting your actual particles and states means that "you" are pause during transport, which is absolutely indistinguishable from copying you. That person that was revived from a short brain death? The original is dead.

And that, that fucks me up good. You can not imagine how many nights I lay awake too terrorized to fall asleep, because when I do I lose the only thing that observably makes me me, self-consciousness. Am I paused? Can I just not remember? Without the self-consciousness, without self-referentiality, does not the one emergent property that I am cease to exist? People try to console themselves when they say being dead is just like being asleep, just forever. If that truly consoles them, it just shows me that they are incapable of thinking that thought through to the end.

It has gotten to the point that I have literally started to live healthy. I LOATHE sport. But if I have to waste time to gain less time than I am wasting, it might still be a good deal if I can "ride the wave" of lifespan improvement to quasi-infinity.

I used to have severe, debilitating cynophobia, therapy helped me overcome it though. Now it's just:

Open windows, sliding doors where the latch will never fully close
The thought that there is nothing but oblivion after death
Blank tvs

That one day in the not too distant future I'll wake up and realise that my life is already over. That although I may live to 75 I died inside at 25.

>the really scary thing is I think that's already happened.

I would literally prefer an eternity in hell over inexistance.

I am the exact polar opposite of a budhist. They say to become one with nothing is the ultimate liberation because you don't feel the pain of existance anymore.

I think that is horrifying, because if you are in pain you at least fucking __feel__ something.

Someone else here said they are afraid of infinity, endlessness, and hell. I am more afraid of inexistance because infinity torture is at least has time. Inexistance is outside of time, you will still not exist after an infinity has passed, still not exist after an infinite infinity has passed. Timelessness is the ultimate horror. People find it hard to imagine infinite anything, let alone infinite torture, but try imagining timelessness. Time is so much more fundamental than anything, I can imagine a world with a 2 dimensional space, with 1 dimension, with 0 dimensions, I can more easily imagine a new color. Time is THE foundation of reality. Everything is build on it's existance.

Are you me?

I fear becoming a NEET, I tried at the beginning of the year to learn the cabinet making trade, after a year of recuperating from spine surgery I had two months after I graduated high school, right near the end of the course while I was using a radial arm saw I just realised how easy it is to cut your fingers off
So I failed the course and trying and failing to get a job is sending me into a depression which is horrifying because suicidal depression runs in my family

I'm scared of spiders too I guess
And the gross stuff that sticks to structures in the ocean

My biggest fear is bugs. It's something to do with the way they move. I can't explain it, it's just built into me. I don't care about being bitten. I don't even care if they kill me. But if one moves a certain way I start going into twitchy spasms and sometimes scream uncontrollably.

this desu senpai

Oh shit, I remember I used to wig out whenever a moth flew around over my head because I was scared that it would fly into my beard. Now that doesn't happen so much.

Like, dying and suffering too much I guess.

I used to be terrified of nonexistence. Then I got depression, so now I can't think anymore, so the idea of not existing just feels "okay" I guess? Same with hell, heaven, nothing, everything, it'll all feel the same.

Sharks, dude. And I've found that they scare other people too. There's only three essential parts of a shark:

>1) It's dangerous
>2) It has an element, and that element is decidedly *not* the PCs' element (it lives underwater, or in space, or underground, or in a mirror dimension that overlays ours, or inside of the heads of bystanders--really anywhere but good ole' solid ground)
>3) The PCs do not get to see it until it attacks but have some indication that it's there (the shark fin, a black shape blotting out stars, muffled footsteps or scraping, distortions in the air, bystanders acting strangely)

That's it! Just make it clear to them that whatever your "shark" is is out there somewhere, give them a reason to go into its territory, and watch them shit their pants. I've thrown re-skinned "sharks" into just about every campaign I've ever run.

As a kid I had an irrational fear of tornadoes, to the point I had a mini panic attack everytime there was a thunderstorm. Looking back at it, it was kind of stupid since I live in a place where a tornado has never been recorded. Now I just fear becoming paraplegic, blind or a NEET.

>fearing based bees

>fear of oblivion
hahaha how is that scary niggas you literally can't feel it if you dont exist like close your eyes and don't think of anything
like just go to sleep nigga

i just do not understand how you can be afraid of something that precludes your ability to observe it
there's worse things than death here

Fears aren't always rational. And besides, they won't be afraid of nonexistence *while* they're nonexistent, obviously. They're afraid of it now, while they still do have the ability to feel fear.

Ego is a hell of a drug. The eradication of the self entirely is scary. Why do you think just about every religion includes some form of immortality?

Most of us will never be skinned alive and put in a salt-box or some such extreme scenario, but all of us WILL die. It is much more rational to fear inevitable death than convoluted torture scenarios.

I am very scared of death myself. I enjoy being alive, I enjoy being able to perceive things and think. But that is going to end someday and for eternity I will never again be able to do those things, or anything. The knowledge that everything will end is what is scary, not death itself.

If I die I want to die in as old age as possible from a sniper bullet to the head. Not even having to reflect about impending death, just snuffed out.

ooops, wrong thread. Anyway any tips to cure my fear of the ocean?

I had really bad untreated asthma for a while
Lying around sapped of strength, nothing to do but struggle and struggle to breath until eventually you can't even do that and you black out.
First time it happened, and not knowing it was treatable, I made my peace with death.
Just to wake up the next morning to do it again. Felt like being asphyxiated to death, over and over and over, with no end in sight
What I fear is that same loss of agency, of thought, like you're trapped inside your own corpse unable to do or think anything. A true, final end doesn't seem that bad anymore.

>My tinnitus getting worse
I feel your pain user, I can only hear mine in a quiet room and I am terrified of it getting worse.

I have woken up not breathing before. I had to kick start my own vagus nerve reflex to start breathing again. So, it can actually be WORSE than what you have experienced so far.

Have that as a happy thought.

I have a fear of being in a time loop after having a dream where I woke up took a few steps faded to black and returned to my bed. This dream went on for hours inside my head when it only was half an hour in reality.

Oblivion scares me enough that I wake up screaming and the worst about it, it is inevitable.

retardation scare you? i advice running away from Veeky Forums.


That is, nothingness, void, oblivion.
Heights I'm fine with, it all the fucking empty space around and below me.