So I wanna make a keylogger and market it as a "child protection app", for android + windows...

So I wanna make a keylogger and market it as a "child protection app", for android + windows. And also add an ebook with it with instructions.

I'm just worried about the law.

Should I be worried and switch to another project, or can I just make it and forget about it.

Would take like 2 - 3 days to make the app + website + payment system.

Lets talk a bit more about normal business plans next to crypto again Veeky Forums.

Are you planning on committing fraud or pedophilia? You probably should be worried about the law

None of that, just a legitimate offer to concerned parents. (ofc it's gonna be used primarily by jealous spouses)

ask a lawyer

Aint nobody got time for that. If I spent a shitload of time on asking lawyers for shit and paying them, it's gonna waste like a week. I don't wanna waste that much time.

Any lawyers here by chance?

I hope you enjoy herpes from bum fucking because you’re going to get plenty of that im federal prison if you release it

Bullshit you are trying to steal crypto. fuck off thief.

Hey put in the end user license as a paragraph somewhere that you will keylog it therefore they accepted it (and no one reads them anyway)

I don't wanna do this. I just want to sell a product.

Can't anyone talk about non-scam ways here anymore.

> pedo who wants to spy on kids and asking for legal advice on biz

Wouldn't it be easy to circumvent on an android by simply switching keyboards?

He doesn't keylog shit for himself tho, it's for parents to log their kids activities

... where else would they go?

also OP how did you found this board ?
> you know your IP was logged and theres feds here right ?
> you know talking about or conspiracy of committing crime IS actual crime in USA

You faggots are more cringy than plebbit right now.

If you have not got to the level of covering your tracks then you should not be creating malicious software yet.

Enjoy getting raided by the fbi user. Maybe if you live in a 3rd world shithole you’ll be ok

Shit just re-read, go ahead if its for legal purposes.

That was my entire question. Is this legal to sell?

Nothing to worry about. There's already legal software out there that does this.

Well that's all I needed to hear, thanks user.

You should be alright.

>He is worried about a ilegal project with the law

>He post it in a chan

When people just automatically think its for criminal purposes, oh boy.

i cant be the only one that noticed the plebbit-tier virtue signalling that goes on in these types of threads. yesterday it was the "i'm leaving my family" thread. who the fuck do these faggots think they're impressing


Even if you want to keylog legally you have to put it in the license that what it actually does. The User must know you are keylogging BUT if you use it only for the parents to know it you have to put that in the license too something like "Imma gonna log everythin yo kid does but I will not gonna use it" or you know in a more formal way

I'll copy pasta this from an existing keylogger app.

>being against pedos is automatically reddit tier pleb scum
Really? I'm all for lolis but fuck these niggers.

Then it is already legal. You can put anything in a program if you write it in the license and they accept it (there were some shitty games which had a bitcoin miner in it but it was legal because it was contained in the license) so you are totally fine

>im going to make a keylogger for children haha but im scared tho haha how do i do it

Seriously, who're you trying to impress here?

This user:
Is right. This place is turning into cancer.

>people see child in the OP
>immediately associate it with pedo

>child in the OP
child in the OP?
is OP a boy or a girl? and the child who is in OP a girl or a boy? can I mastubate to it?

I'm trying to impress you because you seem like a cool dude

you'd want to be sure before you get sent toprison because you were too lazy and cheap to find out that what you were doing was illegal

%99 of lawyers are scum bags and its appalling how ignorant some of them really are.
The top top lawyers actually make a SHIT TON of money I mean millions cause their time is actually worth alot. Hard to find tho.

OP isn’t trying to keylog for his own sake. It would be an app a parent would install on their kids phone, so the parent could see whatever their kid was doing. OP would have no access to the information, he is just making an app.