What’s up Veeky Forums fuck binance . These Chinese Fucker’s make it impossible to trade on here

What’s up Veeky Forums fuck binance . These Chinese Fucker’s make it impossible to trade on here.

Anybody know the value of “price” ? I can’t figure this out to save my life

>phone posting
>unable to do 4th grade math
the state of Veeky Forums

Convert btc/eth to usd faggit

Listen pajeet, learn English . I asked what the value was of “price”



Absolute Mong: Memoirs of OP


:^) those are the kind of people we trade against.
no wonder this is free money lmao

>no wonder this is free money lmao


Is this a meme?

it's priced based on bitcoin you fucking mong

did you even finish elementary school?

holy shit op.
just get out of crypto if you can't do 3rd grade math

even ghetto nigs figured out what sats were

it's actually eth he's trading eth pair, not bitcoin

once your brain takes what should be 2 seconds to understand that buttcoin is a standard of value it should then occur to a human intelligence that each coin can be valued vs each other coin and then he blossoms into 4th grade

Leave boomer alone you fucking african wild dogs

Please somebody help him. Somebody has to buy our bags.

>spent at least 2k on ripple
>doesnt understand sats


nice inspect element larp

no one is this stupid


Dude, get a fucking app like Delta or Blockfolio and input your trades, it will automatically calculate the value in fiat for brainlets like you. Binance is actually one of the most comfortable exchanges in that regard, they even display current prices in fiat while in the exchange. Fuck off back to Coinbase if you can't deal with that. Happy new year.

>this fucking thread