Weekend Warcraft Lore General

Being Bad Never Felt So Good Edition

Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium

>Previous thread

There's really nothing to indicate this is from Warcraft.

Don't make new threads till page 9 or 10.

Never mind that it's art from the trading card game, but that's a Warcraft-style succubus hanging off the undead warlock there.

To be fair, we know because its a skinny short nelf with a very distinct face, colour scheme and leg details. Most peeps will also recognise the wow era dagger and those goggles are as wow as the T5 shoulders there
>posting more gnomes because you cant fucking stop me

>warlock tier 5
>tcg art
>Warcraft succubus
>crafted engineering goggles

I mean unless you want Thrall's balls hidden in the picture somewhere it couldnt get much more Warcraft related.

That's it. You don't see many succubi with chitin plated reversed legs those rear side is lined with either insect tier hairs or the same shit felhound chin fluff is

I approve of all these gnomes being posted you guys are cool

Reminder that Night Elves like Tyrande and Malfurion have been alive for over two-thirds of their species' entire existence, and that Night Elves naturally live longer than High Elves do even without their immortality.

This was always my barrier to trying to roleplay one. I can't fathom someone with 10,000 years of life experience.

Neither does blizzard and so we have abominations like Tyrande actitude

Just play young ones then. The world an adult night elf grew up in was absurdly different to the now. They lived in a period where they where, to their isolated knowledge the ONLY successful civilisation on the planet. Adults knew thousands of years where the only power was nelf power. There where no wars, just the infrequent conflict with a laughably outmatched race. Humans, orcs, the alliance.. everything we know is a busy century for an elf whose known three dozen where literally nothing happened

Night elves are rarely more than a few millenia old, not 10k or more. Draenei, on the other hand, can definitely hit anywhere from 10k to 25k years of age.

It's funny how they had already forgotten their Dark Troll origins long pre-Sundering given those lifespans.

>angry night elf reeeeing intensifies

I wish they had written a segment of Stranglethorn Vale pre-Cata where the nelves find out that the Zandalari didn't even give a shit about the Sundering and walked away with their entire civilization intact.

How many Orcs are left after Mists/WoD?

True. Both races fall into the immortal infertility trap. Though with draenei I'm surprised there's not generations of half-drae mongrels running around by now. THIXX space goat booty aint lie

casual reminder that spell breakers need a recuritment drive to combat the filthy mage epidemic happening throughout Azeroth

As many as Kosak needs.

Did they completely abandon the arcane magic eventually leads to fel rule?

Zandalari are football chads user. Their might has waned like nothing else and we keep seeing their failed attempts to jump-start troll dominance. It didn't work when they started fucking around with Hakkar (the soulflayer) and it didn't work when they got another taste of Lei Shen's mogu cock. Now they're going to ally with the horde because it's the only thing left to them.
orc numbers would be gutted after siege. Garrosh employed nothing else so there should be rights be a massive shortage of fighting age swinekin. Wod Losses where minimum but damming- horde heroes died on the alternate past side of the portal but no real horde died there. Just pretend orcs from a past that's not -ours-

Probably intentionally forgotten.

Ultimately, yes. Arcane magic is still dangerous if misused, and it can still be considered a "gateway" to fel power if someone were so inclined, but it's not a guarantee that the arcane arts are corruptive in and of themselves.

Same as every other race. "Enough."

>Though with draenei I'm surprised there's not generations of half-drae mongrels running around by now.
There's so few now that they probably keep a tight leash on that to prevent it. We do know that back on Draenor the Draenei let the Orcs rape the shit out of them though because Velen says fighting is wrong, but they generally let the Orcs keep the halfbreeds.

Except high elves, in which case, the answer is "not enough."

Reminder that once upon a time arcane and fel magic where two sides of the same coin. Arcane is addicting as all fuck, hence why the helves went right to shit post-sunwell. As bad as constant exposure to it was, the slurm like addictive nature made it that much worse.

Fel magic.. well, it was an overdose, too much of a good thing and has turned toxic. Like how too much sugar will ruin the taste of something sweet even as it gives you the beetus
>last gnome, will post my small handful of wow goblins

>Fighting is wrong
>resisting HORDE.com is wrong
>Teaching these fel-touched mongrel elves trying to capture and kill crash victims a lession is wrong
>Killing the worthless refugees who just killed thousands of years of wisdom, experience and accomplishment greater then the combined effort of every human here, is wrong
>talked to some blind orbiter cuck elf and now destiny is a crock
Why is velen the worst leader?

Yes and no. Arcane magic is the fast track to power, while fel is basically Mach 1 in comparison. So you have some dipshits who are already interacting with a borderline addictive energy that gives them tons of power, while also reading a bunch of tomes of ancient lore and junk, and the worst, most power-hungry of the bunch inevitably turn to using fel because its faster. And that's without demons intentionally coming in to give them offers and showing them how to draw on it. Fel energy by itself is different from arcane though. It's anti-anti-matter, created when Void and Light decided to blow the fuck up on each other and create the universe iirc.

Because he had no purpose before burning crusade, and that expansion was alredy a lore clusterfuck


>and that expansion was alredy a lore clusterfuck

It wasnt. People just keep screaming that because a single line of the WC3 manual got retconned.

blood elves really should of turned neutral after BC and the whole "just saving your entire race" thing he pulled with the nu sunwell

Blizzfag here.

Kosaks been gone a long while. Every time you nerds pin bad story telling/shit plot arcs on Kosak an orc turns brown again. Pin that shit on Afrasiabi, not Dave.


>"Hey, the Alliance tried to use our crown-prince and his retinue as meat-shields against our common foe."
>"Then imprisoned them in your husband's dungeon."
>"We're going to leave, either you come with us, or you're exiled."
Fuck Vereesa and her stupid, non-existent kids. The hatred between high elves and blood elves is so idiotic.

Would a Gnome/Vrykul halfbreed be indistinguishable from a human?

I don't follow.

They still kind are contrasted, just not treated as basically the same thing.

Blood elves being forced into the Horde and Illidan, Vashj and Kael being bosses was pretty retarded and shoehorned

*too many

>Killing the worthless refugees who just killed thousands of years of wisdom, experience and accomplishment greater then the combined effort of every human here, is wrong

>Blood elves being forced into the Horde
Blame the Night Elves.

Bugs don't sell, so never.

>Blaming everyone for the actions of one guy then turning around and helping the guys you've been fighting for years kill your former allies
That's why Blood Elves are retarded.

Some random exarch got pulled down and killed by humans during the velen short story. It was just after cata when the god-prince anduin was studying with him. One adult male draenei. Not much to be sure but I have money on him having known more, been wiser, kinder and having accomplished more in his time then every dirt framing refugee there combined.

and it was only after this happened, then the rest of the drae stopped trying to quell the humans and started killing them that the prophet turned up to chastise everyone

>literally save Kael and be friends with him
>make Kael evul

Lor'themar literal who

>Arcane magic contributing to breaking the fucking world so maybe tone it back a little?
>Fuck that we're going to steal a naaru and suck demon cock FUCK YOU PURPLE DAD

>poll for Allied Races on the forums
>Goddamn High Elves are at the top, bug races at the bottom
Save me from this Elven hell.

And Y'know Kael and Illidan.

Oh? My bad then, Is he gone-gone or just demoted? I was hoping not to need to blame one of the Original staff, shit wasn't Afrasabi the one that added the starscream for Garrosh to kill?

>>"Then imprisoned them in your husband's dungeon."
Was he actually Archmage at the time? I thought he was holding out down in Hillsbrad or Southshore during the aftermath of RoC according to WotA.

The Night Elves are always screaming at every other kind of elf no matter what their use of arcane is. They hate everyone.

Just glad that High Elves barely exist. 90% of the population died in the Third War, most of the remainder became Blood Elves. Teeny subset stays High Elves and get kicked out for refusing to cut ties. With how rabid Vereesa is whenever she gets in the same room as one of them, I'm content with them not even being playable. Even the Void Elves are mostly ex-Sin'dorei from what I've been seeing.

See, Velen is probably why the Draenei are so useless and won't reproduce.

>Even the Void Elves are mostly ex-Sin'dorei
They're Blood Elves betraying their NEW allies and their entire race to go back to their old allies who they formerly betrayed to join up with their former new allies. Why are Blood Elves such chronic backstabbers?

Dark Irons are the best.

That short story also had the Exodar completely repaired and hovering again. Given in Legion it's still crashed and and the Draenei built a tiny ship instead the whole story may be noncanon.

But yes, the value of a near immortal life is hard to fucking gauge.

>Dark Irons are the best.
Not with that ugly haircut.

Eh I liked the gear and the gems I can tolerate a side shave on a coal black scalp for that.

To be fair, it doesn't help that elves end up causing a huge amount of the problems in Warcraft lore, no matter what fucking Blank'dorei they're called.

Yes, but that'd include the Night Elves, requiring them to hate themselves.

Kosak works on HS now, still at blizz. And bad news man, Afrasiabi's been on since the start, like all that business with "There must always be a lich king"? Yeah that was Afrasiabi/Metzen combo. Dudes been on the project for 12 years, its kinda like Simpsons season 12 at this point, maybe he's been on for too long.

He should probably cycle out to HS too, just relax a bit and learn that lore doesn't always have to be super high stakes melodrama.


I honestly don't know for sure, I barely made it through DotD. He was at the very least married to Vereesa at the end of that book, which was before WC3. Even if he wasn't the head at the time, that still looks pretty bad.
They've always been fair weather friends. And the Blood elves technically kicked them out first because they almost corrupted the Sunwell AGAIN.

>And the Blood elves technically kicked them out first because they almost corrupted the Sunwell AGAIN.
HOW? I thought they'd have been outcasts since before the sunwell reignited.

True, but most of those probalems were caused back when they were a society that mostly used arcane magic, with druids being treated as dirty hippies by the mages in charge.

After that time queen Azhara tried to summon Sargeras because she thought his big burning cock was the only thing that can satisfy her, and almost blew up the world in process, they've gotten itno incoherent rage mode whenever another elf tries to mess with the arcane, which is understandbale considering what happened the last time.

>They've always been fair weather friends.
And Void Elves are the worst of all, followed by Blood Elves. That's why High Elves are better, they're the least backstabbing.

Nah, the gist is that Alleria and Turalyon came back to Azeroth, and Lor'themar, being the nice guy he is, invites her back to Silvermoon to catch up and show off the new Sunwell. But since Alleria has gotten all Voided up since she left, that's been causing some Blood Elves to try following her example because she's their greatest hero who's pedestal hasn't been crushed into gravel like Kael. Because Void and Light energy don't play nice together, this causes a bunch of abominations to start spawning in around the Sunwell trying to corrupt it, and it ends with Lor'themar kicking them all out so that they cause another incident.

Playable Harpies when?

High Elves tried to weasel their way out of the treaty with Arathor though. After the whole "saving your lands from getting burned down by trolls" and "saving your lands from getting burned down by trolls and orcs" bit. Have the night elves ever backstabbed anybody? And where do blood elf demon hunters fall in this.

It's not like that... I read the spoilers

some were alredy exploring the void even before the third war, Dar'Khan Drathir between them, Lor'thermar expelled them even before the incident with Alleria

>High Elves tried to weasel their way out of the treaty with Arathor though. After the whole "saving your lands from getting burned down by trolls" and "saving your lands from getting burned down by trolls and orcs" bit.
Yeah and the Blood and Void Elves were High Elves when that happened. That's the default level, Blood and Void Elves have added additional backstabbing.

The Sunwell is more fragile than Jaina's sanity at this point, the thing is destined to get corrupted again when a random bug gets in it or something.

*don't cause another incident

it's still not as vulnerable to misuse as the Focusing Iris, god damn the blues have shit security. The only expansion since it's introduction where it *doesn't* get used for evil is the one that takes place entirely in another dimension

Gonna be honest this new Void vs Light arc is fucking dumb. It just kicks the can further down the road and personifying shit like that isnt needed for the setting. They were better off when they were just mystical forces. And dont fucking get me started on the light being "oppressive"

Well, Tyrande did kill off a bunch of night elf wardens when she free Illidan.

Never. Which is a shame, because their new Legion models look really good.

Light being oppressive makes 100% sense, that's where the DEUS VULT larping human paladins come from.

Don't forget them just straight up abandoning a ton of other artifacts in the nexus for anyone to swipe as they please.

You mean the force that has spawned multiple warriors who have chosen to not just lolwreck everyone in front of them out of free will (See: Tyrion) as opposed to the void/shadow which literally functions with mind control, driving people insane and out of their own mind.

Yeah, the morally grey shit doesnt work here, Illidan go home.

Must have missed that bit. Interesting tying Dar'khan into it. Too bad he was shit character and also dead like every other villain.
I'm glad at least that BfA seems to be going a bit further down to earth. I enjoyed MoP for the same reason, despite how badly they botched the orcs.

This. Why the FUCK are they suddenly pushing this alt-light shit and MUH BALANS after two decades of knowing what the fuck the light is and what does it do.

You'd think they'd at least try and introduce Void entities that aren't pure evil to try and make the setting, but no. They're still showing it as pure evil, considering how they tried to corrupt the well and how the Void Elves need to deal with murder whispers in their brains.

>The Elves are always screaming at every other kind of elf no matter what their use of arcane is. They hate everyone.

Nightborne - Blood Elf relations are an exception, not the rule. The whole point of being any elf race, whether it's not!Drow, not!Wood Elf, not!High Elf or not!not!High Elf, is that you've chosen to be what you percieve to be the best version of the best race.

Of course objectively WC3-era Nelves are the best elves. But WC3 era was 13 years ago and Belves being red-cucks doesn't excuse Nelves being blue-cucks, and from an outsiders perspective their boipussy-measuring contests look really petty.

>Elven hell
More like Trollish hell.

Is it ever explained what happened to their spines, anyway?

The light and the void are vast mechanism and their individual champions are nothing but cogs. Tirion or Turalyon and various religions mortals have set up around the light might fight for the little guy but that doesn't mean they're working for a good force, or even aware that a light-dominated universe would just be ultimate oppression.

I don't recall Light shooting Cthulhus down to rape planets or driving mortals mad to serve it. The only person the Light ever tried to mindrape is Illidan.

This exactly what I mean though, it doesnt make the light cooler or fleshes it out into something interesting, it just makes the light/void pretty much the exact same thing but in slightly different flavors. Light doesnt need to come from teh bad gui oppressors, it just needs to be.

It suffers from the same thing that kills a lot of the Warcraft setting, an unneeded explanation that typically removes more mysticism than it adds anything of interest.

The methods used to arrive to an end don't really matter if that end is a blank page, whether it be black or white.

Mysticism is dumb. The real issue is that it makes everything some kind of evil corrupting crack.

Where has the Light indicated it wants a blank page?

So why god eating things?

Further on this: this was the "Dude...were all going to fucking die, we need you to cooperate here and go super saiyan alright?"

Instead, we get the guy who is all "I WILL SACRIFICE EVEERYGREVYEYVBSHDBVHSBC" but the very fucking second it comes time for him to sacrifice the identity of the man who lost everything to save his people (btw, he didnt lose much, in fact he keeps killing his own people for his own game but that's its own tangent) he says "Nah, aint gonna sacrifice that".

Mystery is what makes exploring a setting compelling. Explaining how every minutiae works/functions quickly leads to everything becoming predictable and boring. The rest of the problems here lie with the quality of the writing rather than the actual core concepts behind them. Forces of good/evil are fine, they just arent utilized in anything that couldnt be confused for a bad saturday morning cartoon.

Nah, everything should have answers. Mysteries only have value as puzzles you can solve to come to a true conclusion.

With good timing and thought I'd agree, but I wont agree that that applies to every possible force/being/object within a setting.

>not!Wood Elf
The Night Elves do have most of themselves copied directly from WHFB Wood Elves, but they've got a little DnD mixed in there too. Their purple skin color and moon obsessed both come from DnD's Moon Elves, making Night Elves a kind of hybrid.

I think it should apply to basically everything that makes it differ from the real world. I've never been the type to love surprises, mystery, or uncertainty. Raw, useless speculation is a waste of time if there's no true answer you can possibly come to.

If you explain everything in minute detail you're not telling a story, you're writing a Wikipedia article.

Good, include some equivalent to those in your setting.