Sorry user, I only date guys who own BTC
Sorry user, I only date guys who own BTC
sorry, I don't date 3d women
That's alright, I only date chicks that can read charts.
You are in luck then. I never sold
sorry I don't date women whose jawlines could cut diamonds
>hating cut diamond money
B-but they told me if I buy womencoin I support feminism
Mfw my gf gets wet with a cup and handle
She really is perfect
you might want head over to your local doctors office to find out if you have been infected with the gay
you think she'll look like that after 2 kids? hahahahhahaahha
of course she wants your BTC, that's the look she puts out to get pregnant you fool
Sorry you retarded cunt
I sold them all for actual cash
Smart lass
Veeky Forums is a men's board.
Well, I only date traps with cute feminine penises. Move along, roastie.
Big n brappy!
rofl jawlines (dont post extreme versions to try to make me look wrong, everything is only good in moderation) are extremely aesthetic and important for a woman to be attractive
>dyed hair
We started trading crypto. No we are all gay. Leave woman.
Spread the bch?