Space ship art thread.
Space monsters and other space things like megastructures or planets also welcome.
Space ship art thread.
Space monsters and other space things like megastructures or planets also welcome.
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Excuse me, greatest Destroyer coming through.
If you had to choose a ship design to mass produce for a galactic war, which ship design would you choose and why?
I would choose pic related. A fleet of ships coming to ram another fleet of ships would be scary and the chaos that comes after that.
2 fast 2 furious
Shame they are pretty much slave-powered, so you'd need like 100 guys on a treadmill to reload each gun
It doesn't have to be the same tech. Just need strong armor in the front for ramming and lots of weapons on the side arc.
Mah Conjoina
Should have a gigantic ice berg covering it, protects it from micro meteors and space junk.
just post Chris Foss and Rob Cunningham so we're done with it
where is this from desu senpia senpai moshi moshi animie tiddays
They may laugh at first but soon they'll realize just how stupidly dangerous these things are.
Big blocky tank launching fighters and blasting away
Looks like someone vomited on an incomplete lego set.
pretty much
[muffled March of Exelion plays in the distance]
What's the best spaceship color scheme, and why is it orange + white?
Because it reminds you of a creamsicle
Also grey+orange/blue/green/yellow
>Diable Avionics
Hell yes. Shadowyards is my favorite mod for that, but Diable's animation work is mind blowing.
Let's see. It's going to be a ship that need to reach other stars in a reasonable time. For that it would need to have an extremely powerful reactor capable of feeding entire countries or even continents...or the capability of building them on-site once it reaches a system and a laser sail to propulse the ship. It needs to be independent with little need of a logistical tail supporting it (space is too vast for relying on old logistic tails unless you are willing to wait for decades or centuries). It's going to need manufacturing capability to supply everything it would ever need far away from any industrial center, and the ability to repair or even reproduce itself over thousands or even millions of years of conflict.
You need a Berserk Von Newman Ship.
Great taste my man.
Von Neumann ships are always cool but a little spooky
Gotta love that Warhammer 40k aesthetic
Its ok, but it's a bit overdone. And yes I know that's the point.
I'd make then from the bodies of my enemies. FOR THE WORM GODS! FOR THE SWORD LOGIC! FOR THE DARKNESS!
The accident on the Apollo 21 Lab Station couldn't be contained. Rescue missions sent to the station disaster hurriedly collected the lab's most recent studies of the sun's relations to a quantum vacuum. Unexpectedly the teams broke all protocol and transmitted this data openly and unencrypted. The data was a garbled mess of obscure information and bizarrely outdated language. What could be gleaned from it though were very clear specifications for angles and spectral configurations for viewing specific parts of the sun. Attempts of following these directions using remote viewing from earth through space telescopes ruined the orbital equipment. All other manned orbital stations that attempted it immediately cut off their contact with the earth.
After a prolonged silence the medley of military presences in orbit unleashed themselves unilaterally unto the earth. Orbital kinetic bombardment weapons carved strange symbols across the earth's surface. The attacks on heavily populated areas however were primarily carried out by manned reentry drop-frames: armed suits intended for quick reaction force insertion. Millions of these orbital drop frames blazed through the atmosphere, unfurling into their squat insectoid shapes upon landing. The were covered in hastily painted glyphs. Downed drop frames always proved to have dead pilots hanging limply within.
Their only communications were being piped back and forth between the millions of drop frames: an endless loop of a synthesized voice saying
"Burn a path to earth. Prepare them for the Sun's arrival."
I was quite surprised by this Avatar's spaceship. Very realistic. Although it makes me wonder what kind of energy crisis has that it allows them to make interstellar ships powered by tons of antimatter and lasers capable of propelling such ships at about two thirds of C. Previous ships (cruder for not using Unobtanium) were even larger, four times as massive.
Any requests?
Those aren't spaceships
But why tho
The Tire shall rule the cosmos!
All the fun of a megascale ring hab without all the pesky gravity simulation or orbital mechanics to worry about.
Looted/salvaged ship please
Well, yes. Especially for Qu removal.
Ships with flowing, almost organic lines like pic related.
Realistic near-futurish ships please. I love me some struts and radiators.
Not sure how I'd word it, but how about a flying city spacecraft. Like a more traditional flying saucer sort of design. Anything like that would be perfect for me.
Smooth spaceships>Blocky Spaceships
Best of both worlds
Ok, I'll see what I have.
The Expanse has some top-tier ship designs. It's realistic without being difficult to get into for those of us more used to classic space opera.
An advanced torpedo boat with gas canisters to disguise it as a civilian gas freighter.
A very high-quality Martian warship.
This counts (kinda?) I suppose if you stretch your imagination.
100% this
I read that as blyat wing, not gonna lie
I'm just going to dump what I have.
Anyone here?
This is really cozy for some reason
best starship here, requesting permission to land
Has anyone got some less sleek, more 'chunky' space ships? Stuff like
Taiidan stronk
Are you unarmed?
I'll see what I've got.
Ok, I cant find any more.