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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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What were your first 10 jumps?
With Insight, Hematophagy, and clutching the Holy Moonlight sword like a security blanket how worried should I be about turning into a beast during bloodborne?
Sims 3
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Mass Effect
Harry Potter
Jurassic Park
Because adventure's gotta start somewhere.
Anyone else notice how the barcode in Generic Dystopia actually says Dystopia?
So how did you enjoy getting turned into a bio-mechanical horror by the reapers?
That is a nice touch
You sound pretty scared, I imagine being afraid wouldn't help your odds.
I nope'd the fuck out of there before they showed up.
The Stargate Atlantis jump is finally complete! Many thanks to Myrmidont as co-author and to everyone else who pitched in.
I need to go sleep now, but in the meantime please feel free to comment, spot things for the me to correct (I hope not), suggest future updates, and make builds!
How pray tell? Pokemon, Sims 3 and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon don't give many options to do so. Unless you somehow learned how to make alien technology in Sims or perhaps became a Metagross.
>or perhaps became a Metagross.
How would that even help?
It'd just help in learning and probably get you on the side of the Geth. They are literally living super computers with 4 separate brains that can freely cause Earthquakes and shit. There are probably a couple more pokemon forms that might help or do similar stuff but Metagross would probably be on the better ones.
I went Alien in The Sims, so I got a fully upgraded space car.
I'm going to guess he took a ride on a sleeper ship, maybe even the Hyperion, or hid in some primitive system without a local relay.
What are the best foods/drinks you've picked up on your chain?
Oh damn, didn't know that you could get a bargain bin tardis in Sims. Might have to redo my build.
1. Overlord (The Anime)
2. Hatered
3. Young Justice
4. ???
Sims is one of those deceptive low power jumps. You're not gonna find anything that lets you blow up a planet there, but it's still a "wacky" builder/simulation game, and so there's a lot of really useful day-to-day or quality of life things to pick up if you know where to look. It's definitely a good stop for an early jumper who knows what they're doing.
I wonder if Metagross could survive in space and re-entry.
1. Pokemon
>Because perfect memory, fitness and 6 companions. Also first-only.
2. World Seed
>Because it's almost impossible to die if you take the Earth 0 drawback and comes with lots of magical power
3. Evo: Search for Eden
>mostly to pick up Gaia, but the perks are good too. And it's not really a challenge with World Seed first.
4. Hero BBS
>magic, good perks (basically the Actice Hero line + Demon Spawn for minions)
5. CATastrophe
>some decent social perks, not dangerous at all.
6. Chronicles of Narnia
>Heart of a Child for staying myself, Narnian Time and Preservation of Man
7. Generic Isekai
>Perceptive + Upgrade rocks, also Thorough Research because knowledge is power
8. Dungeon Siege 2
>Railroad Plot and the mage capstone to break immunities. But mostly Railroad Plot
9. Generic Creepypasta
>Eternal, Unstarvable, Pocket Realm, Avatar, some other cool stuff
10. Teen Titans
>Self Duplication because it's a straight-up power multiplier. Also Allowance for no more cash problems - 100k/month is enough for anyone.
Yeah, Sims magic is pretty good for quality of life, as is Alchemy.
Not to mention that Alchemy lets you make clones and turn anyone into a witch. Or other stuff.
And the warehouse upgrades are pretty good too.
Metagross flatten out their legs and spin around so fast that they look like conventional flying saucers when in space although none of the so called "legitimate" pokedexes see fit to report on it.
So, GUNNM jump, the Type-V perk gives you saliva that either kills people or turns them into vampires. Does this still happen post jump? 'Cause that sounds like it could get troublesome...
I don't know if it's just me but I think there's something wrong with the font, these "" Show up instead of I sometimes when you copy paste text.
Yes. Have you tried not spitting on people all the time?
>Does this still happen post jump?
Yes, why wouldn't it? It's part of the form, not a drawback.
Though i suppose you could treat your vampire body as an alt form, same as you would a cyborg body.
>Cause that sounds like it could get troublesome...
Well, yes, it's a virus after all. If you regularly exchange saliva with people (who aren't immune to viral infection) you either need to switch to an alt form, find a method to negate the saliva or take something else.
Hey /jc/, what perks allow you to consume someone--as in, literally eat, not just absorb them--and gain their power? I kind of have a theme of cannibalism going on in my chain right now, and I wanted to keep that going.
How dangerous is Leviathan? Reading some notes from it seems like the main dangers for a Leviathan is that they cannot fly. Would flying solve most of your problems?
Try checking the archives, "cannibalism theme" was basically the biggest thing for all of early Jumpchain history. Like threads 50-700 or so.
>>Because it's almost impossible to die if you take the Earth 0 drawback and comes with lots of magical power
If the Earth doesn't gets magic, won't your grow be capped?
Caught me just before logging off. So a pair of double quotes show up instead of the letter I? Are you using an in-browser reader or a standalone reader, the former can be terrible at copy-pasting?
Huh. I'll have to do that. I only got here at about thread 900 or so.
Have a list. No guarantees for completeness.
[Eating Stuff]
>Greed (God of High School)
>Assimilation (Worm)
>Primal Zerg (Zerg)
>Savage Salvage (Kantai Collection)
>Prototype (Prototype)
>Alucard's Embrace (Hellsing)
>The Soul Devourer (Tyranids)
>The Maw Opens (Ogre Kingdoms)
>Your Immortal Soul (Marvel Magic)
>Devoured, One (Soul Eater) limited to one being at a time,
but it can be useful
>Aspect Manifestation (German Hollow Quest)
>Manavore (Zendikar)
>The Taste of Memories (Prototype)
>Part of Something Larger (FLCL)
>Apex Consumer (Generic Xianxia)
No, why would it? You spend all your time in the future anyway unless you die. Then you're logged out for a few hours.
Earth-0 is merely so you don't die automatically if you die in the future.
And post-jump it doesn't matter either way.
Spider-Man Trilogy has 29 minute pizza, a number you can call which always delivers a minute late, making it free. Since it's just a phone number, you can share it with the entire world, meaning everyone in all the worlds you visit can have free pizza for at least 10 years.
I mean a mega Metagross was capable of fighting Primal Kyogre for a little while. The things deserve the name Pseudo-legendary.
>share it with the entire world
Pretty dickish of you.
The fact that it works even in settings without the proper infrastructure implies that there isn't actually a 29-minute pizza chain to drive out of business.
That said, you are totally going to drive out of business every other pizza store in the world.
So are characters from Valkyrie Crusade the full Superpower wiki level of wank, with descriptions taken as fact, or are they meant to be taken more reasonably?
This .
You'll also massively contribute to pollution and traffic, in all likelihood.
>the full Superpower wiki level of wank
Doubt it. Lots of extrapolation and "powers" that don't even really exist there.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the pizza industry. Besides, it should force pizza places to make a product people are willing to pay for over the free pizza, right?
Not if I give the setting teleporters.
Or that it's a pizza chain operated by one of the Beyonders' cousins, who exist in the space between spaces. We know there's Defilers and Gardeners, maybe there's also the Pizzamakers and their arbitrary weakness is being unable to deliver pizza on time.
How would you realistically compete with an omnipotent pizza making business that can deliver anywhere, anytime, but always 1 minute late?
Make a pizza company that can do the exact same but only takes 5 minutes to arrive instead of 30.
If you have the technology to give them teleporters, then you can surely enhance their actual means of food production.
>says Spiderman who canonically is a genius on par with Iron Man and could likely cure cancer himself if he stepped out of his skintight bodysuit for a moment
Isn't he smarter than Tony? I seem to remember him being smarter. But then it is Peter, the biggest spaz in most comics. (Most comics does not include the more modern SJW filled shit as those can barely be classified as comics.)
This is my favorite argument against moral imperatives
So, if you were offered to pre-load a companion for free in your chain, as long as it was a character in any of the available jumps, who would you choose? Assume that they start somewhat amiable, although whether that will last or not would depend on both your personalities and actions
You and I both know he'll be rendered poor and his patents rejected by the end of the year
To be fair cancer seems to be retardedly difficult to cure in the Marvelverse. This is a setting where FTL, perpetual energy and AIs have long been invented. And somehow, cancer is still a meaningful health concern.
Yeah, this shit breaks my suspension of disbelief extremely hard. Every second guy in this universe is a super genius, but somehow nobody has the time or ability to cure disesase.
There is a literal universe in Marvel that is composed of nothing but Cancer. It is aptly names the Cancerverse.
By making really good pizza. We don't know the quality of 29-minute pizza's product, nor do we know if they have stuffed crust or any of the other pizza gimmicks.
I can help people farm better, sure, but I'm still giving people free pizza. I can't have that kind of power and just NOT give it to the world.
Has anyone else noticed that wikia pages are all of a sudden getting super zoomed in?
What is this meant to be?
I'd probably pick up someone interesting. Probably Alexander the Great from Fate. Or perhaps Ultron from Marvel Cinematic.
Decades ago Marvel stated that cancer would never be cured in-universe until it was cured IRL, fully expecting that to happen within a couple of decades.
Obviously now they look pretty stupid.
The story events. I'm still trying to read it, but it seems like it's meant to be what's actually going on in the world.
Ohm or HK-47 from KoTOR, he's be amusing to be around.
You might actually be zoomed in. Try hitting Ctrl & 0 when you're on the page if you're using Windows.
You can also hit Ctrl & - or Ctrl & + to zoom out or zoom in respectively. Ctrl & 0 just resets it to default.
Oh god, it all makes now.
The Many-Angled Ones were sponsoring cancer to take over the universe. Their leader is Shuma-Gorath, a being from the Lovecraft mythos by way of Howard's Conan stories. Which means that the in-universe reason why cancer is impossible to cure, is because IT WAS CREATED BY GREAT OLD ONES.
I don't know it's weird it looks fine in word or OpenOffice, but copy paste to something like notepad and you'll see what I mean.
Probably? There are some crazy events, and the game is pretty abstracted. There aren't cutscenes or anything, and the card descriptions seem narrator or at least non-character accounts, so they're probably at least somewhat true.
It's not that. Zoom is at the normal level.The pages themselves load fine and then reload at a significantly more zoomed in level, without it changing what the web browsers zoom level actually is.
Only for wikia. It's the strangest thing.
1. Pokemon
>It is the starting jump. Memory, Aura and Absol
2. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>Because I want to be a fire chicken! And Abby gets a human alt form so I don't have to explain my strange dog that can foretell the weather to people.
3. Infamous
>Because it was part of the starter bundle and less of the main powers. All of the 100cp perks are great: strength, durability, regeneration, stamina.
4. Danny Phantom
>Flight, invisibility, duplication and intangibility are amazing and I wanted them. All other ghost powers are secondary. And Abby the Absol gets to be a ghost. So cute!
>Copy Cat, the girl curse for fun and the barrel/packets of cursed water so I can screw with people later.
6. Princess Bride
>I like the Princess Bride, the Adaptanator and Speed Reading.
7. Aquaria
>Fish lady companion, Song of Triumph and other cool song powers as a fish man.
8. SAO
>A perk that prevents skill decay and Final Form
9. Super Mario Brothers
>I want to be a hero, No Need to Breathe, and a 1-UP.
10. Star Treck Next Gen.
>I want to play with Q. The perks: Anti Worf Effect, Q This, Cosmic Awareness.
What jumps give some cool shoes?
the best shoes are in exalted: The infernals
Sonic for his shoes. Banjo Kazooie for Boots that can be your Companion
Aside from the ones in Overlord and Tsukihime, what other jumps have perks that let me multitask?
>jumping the death world that is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
You died in your second jump, congratulations.
Gundam Anno Domini has a perk that lets you purchase a second quantum brain.
I think it can be done in Dune, Mentats?
Incredibles for rocket boots, xianxia has the hundred-league boots of safety which prevent ground-based traps from activating and grant a ton of other feet-related abilities, portal for long-fall boots, marvel magic for the seven league boots, which let you walk on anything, including thin air.
Lunars and Mage
Any companion for free? Maybe death from the Discworld. The guy needs some friends and I am sure having the personification of Death around might give you more leeway with the local gods.
Greek Myth gives the shoes of Hermes which grant flight.
How is it so dangerous? It was one of the first jump made.
I think we're basically done here. I'll upload it to the Drive in a little bit, but feel free to double check or ask for clarification on anything.
Isn't Death just a aspecto Azazel? Also I don't think most gods would appreciate someone coming to meddle in their jobs
>How is it so dangerous? It was one of the first jump made.
There are multiple possibly world ending events, at least one per game. And it's strongly hinted that you replace the protag, so it's on you to stop all that shit from happening.
He is an aspect of the universal death, but he is still a decent guy. I made a point of visiting him for tea and cards every now and then while I was on the Disc. And he only meddles when the world is at stake or imagination.
> How is it so dangerous? It was one of the first jump made.
It's a meme. See, in the games you fight legendary Pokemon, but aren't allowed to evolve your own Pokemon until the post-game. So even though your characters don't have any trouble in the actual game, some anons wank the legendaries up to their absolute limit and say you'll die unless you come in with enough biggatons to level the setting.
So since you all asked for it, here's the first of three scenes for the Triple Date. This takes place during Jump 45 in Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon.
>Date 1 - Hong Meiling
It's not a date.
Shut up. Anyways, my first...get-together is with Meiling as we go get some food. She's the one treating, though I plan to split the bill once it comes up. It's not fair if I don't at least try to pitch in, right?
I'm a little nervous. Anxious, even. I've been in so many death-defying situations and battles for centuries, now. Actual centuries. Isn't that amazing? And here I am, getting jitters about a NOT DATE I'm having with...probably the person I trust the most in this entire party. The one who saved my life more than once and has been my most reliable partner.
Platonically. Platonic partner. No subtext there whatsoever. Absolutely none. I can't make any kind of reckless commitment if my suspicions are right. We're all going to be stuck together for a really long time. So if I did something stupid now...
>"Heeeey, there you are!"
...of course I stick out like a sore thumb. I'm built like a truck stacked on top of another truck. I waved back and walked over to her. I had to overdress a bit to hide the tattoos - even in worlds like these, I'd always run into the odd curious protagonist-looking person who recognized the symbols or the Key I carried. Conversely, Meiling has actually adapted to the change of settings pretty easily - she's wearing some jeans and a sweater. It, uh...looked a bit cute on her. It's perfectly normal to like something like that. Completely.
>"Hm? What's wrong?"
“Uh...nothing. You look...you look great.”
>"You like it? They were on sale!" She then did a twirl and a spin. Those jeans certainly compliment certain features. But it's perfectly normal to appreciate assthetics like that. AESTHETICS. I MEANT AESTHETICS.
“A-anyways! Where did you want to eat?”
>And it's strongly hinted that you replace the protag
>not outright said
jesus christ you're about as bad as Record at blowing fluff text out of proportion.
Rayquaza destroys a metor that's gonna cause widespread devastation. Some shitty first-evolution pokemon isn't gonna beat a legendary like that unless it's a story in a game. And that's the easiest scenario to beat, mind you.
>Once again, no harem powers in the Naegi skill.
What do I have to do DanganropanAnon? Kill someone and then pass a murder trial?
Also the Monokuma’s Despair Dungeon drawback is pretty under priced considering that your going through a onslaught of killing machines. That is not at the same level of harm as a personality quirk. And if you take the equal footing drawback along with it then your all kinds of screwed.
I'd say 200CP is a bit more appropriate.
>“I was thinking of that noodle stand, right over there.” Meiling said, pointing at what was an otherwise modest ramen stand.
Ah. I should've figured Meiling probably wasn't the type for fancy restaurants or the like. That suits me just fine, though. So we sit down and start eating together, mostly talking about the journey so far and the fact our escape from the World Engine was going to take a lot longer than we thought. She was pretty optimistic about it, just remarking that this meant she'd have more to brag about to Sakuya once she got home. She talked like it was a certainty. Like...she had absolute faith that she'd return to Gensokyo one day.
I didn't understand it.
“Meiling, I never had a chance to ask you before, but...why did you follow me?”
She nearly choked on the noodles she was slurping down. Why does she keep doing that? I choke back a laugh and wait for her answer, doing my best to look polite about it.
>"W-well, it's just...I, uh...you know...I...kinda...like you?"
“Like me? That's a weird reason to follow someone to another world, you know.”
>"I wasn't really thinking too much about it at the time! I just...you know, you were a martial artist, like me. And you looked like you really needed someone to be around who knew their stuff, you know? You actually treat hand-to-hand combat seriously instead of a joke. You know about a bunch of different worlds, and...and you go out of your way to help people even when you don't need to. A-and you're really strong, really helpful, and kind and and and--" Meiling would cut herself off by slurping down a lot of soup from her bowl and then taking a deep breath. “I just...wanted to be around someone like that, that's all!”
That was probably the most sincere answer I could have expected from this. I'm surprised...and a bit flustered.
“Even if I ended up changing?”
>"I mean, you already have, more than once, right? But you're still the same weird guy I met in the Forest of Magic, aren't you? It doesn't matter what you turn into or how long it takes. user is user. And user is the kind of person I want to be with. That's not weird, right?...right?"
...god damn it, I can't say no to that face.
>"No. I'm happy you're here, too. You're...really amazing, Meiling. Thank you."
She just kinda stared at me for a few seconds. I think her face tinted red before she tried drinking soup from an empty bowl. I just kinda coughed awkwardly.
It occurs to me both of us aren't very good at this.
>"So, um...what are you gonna do once all of this is over?"
“I haven't thought about it much. I wanted to go home, but the way things are...I don't know if it'd feel the same anymore.”
>"Well...I mean...if you don't want to go home, you could come with me back to Gensokyo? It's really nice there! And I could probably talk Remilia-I mean, Lady Remilia into taking you in. We could both be the unstoppable gatekeeper duo!" Meiling suggested, striking a pose and punching the air a few times.
...all this time and her ambitions still start and end at being a gate guard for a vampire. I don't know whether to be impressed or disappointed at such humility.
I didn't want to make any serious commitment, but...
“I'd be okay with that. But...we'll have to worry about it when we get there.”
I could see a glint of light in her eyes when I first started saying that, before she puffed her cheeks and glared at me a bit.
>"You should say that with a little more conviction, you know. After all, beating the Engine and finding your own way is the whole thing we're fighting for, isn't it?"
"Yeah...yeah, you're right." I admit. I didn't want to say that I was losing hope of that happening anytime soon. “We'll get there. I know we will.”
>And it's strongly hinted that you replace the protag
Can't I build an army to fight the bosses. And why can't people just talk out their problems?
Maybe the just need a hug. Being the personification of time must be lonely. I still think I could find a way to resolve the problems. Legendaries can still be caught by children! All I need is the import a Masterball from Pokemon.
>"Right?" Meiling said with a smile and a nod. “So let's enjoy our time out here while we can, okay? It's not like we're losing anything else this way, right?”
I was about to question how she could view so many years so casually, and then I remembered...oh, right, youkai.
Things just kinda turned back into casual conversation, talking about the future, normal things like that. We laughed and joked about the rest of the party and things we had seen along the journey, sharing stories, comparing techniques, things like that. Overall, it was a lot of fun. It didn't really feel like a date. Which it wasn't. So that's normal.
At least until she suddenly leapt at me and my lips tasted like ramen noodles.
>"...I-I mean, that's what you're supposed to do at the end of these, right?!"
So that was awkward.
I might have reciprocated.
And then I remembered I promised to see Okita tomorrow and Yukari the day after.
I'd like to retroactively apologize to every single anime and manga protagonist who beat around the bush on this sort of thing, because I most certainly didn't ask for this.
Both in the games, manga and anime, we have always seen non-legendaries being damaged by more regular pokemons.
Because it's a childrens game/anime/manga. Ain't no Vulpix gonna stand up against a hyperbeam in their face.
I think my main thought with the Dungeon is that it might be difficult for the high school students which face it in V3, but your average jumper shouldn't struggle too much with the robots (with that in mind, it basically functions as taking away one survivor from the end of the killing game). The point about Equal Footing is valid though - it's a pretty brutal combo.
No reason the ultimate luck can't apply to relationships.
> Because it's a childrens game/anime/manga.
Yes. That's where you're going. To a children's game.
I've also upped it to 200 now, in case that wasn't clear.
I agree. This is meant to be a game and as a starter jump I see it mare as training wheels. The protag is a child/teen that was sent there. The challenges were designed to be faced by young people and if they can win then so can a low level jumper.
I guess. I suppose someone would only take it if they already could deal with it.
Also can the replace 3 protags drawback also give you the ability to inspire those around you to never give into despair as well? Ultimate Hope is Naegi's title after all.
But I need it to be written in the perk otherwise it's just another luck perk!
But Legendaries > All in Pokémon, this is explicitly.
I mean, I think it really cemented it for me when the jump told me I wouldn't die as long as I was in Pokemon form -- you just pass out. Which continues in later jumps, where if you die in your Pokemon altform, you just pass out instead and revert back to your bodymod.
That prettymuch screams "children's game/training wheels" to me.