Have you ever played a Prince (female) Veeky Forums?
Have you ever played a Prince (female) Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>skalds can't use swords or wear armor
This bothers me a lot more than viking war princesses.
Yes (no)
Most shieldmaidens are noblewomen. Hervor is the daughter of a notorious bandit (himself the son of a notorious berserker) but she's still raised in a Jarl's household.
I played a princess(male)
>Want to write up a class for important children of the jarl
>Don't want to make two entries, so just add a note that females can take the class, but have a different name
>This triggers the robot
Don't you have a female MtG player to REEEE about or something?
Relax a little and have some fun with the thread.
Tell us about it. I feel like playing characters who have to disguise their gender (male princesses, female knights) etc. can be interesting but is totally overridden by the insistence anyone can be anything of some players and groups.
Your image says a female prince is called a Lady.
*tips fedora*
The official history is that the prince had died in a coup d'etat but actually it was his sister. They were supposed to kill the boy and keep the girl so the new regent could marry her and ascend to the throne for some magical related bullshit.
I then join my party and try to find a way to stop the weeding in less than a year.
It was fun.
Are you posting without line breaks because you're worried some retard is going to accuse you of "reddit spacing"?
I don't go to reddit, so I sincerely have no idea what you're talking about. I just type like that
>not playing a character nobody at the table knows the gender of, including yourself
Gender restrictions on professions are actually a good idea for RP.
Restrictions in general are good for RPing.
People tend to work hard when restricted, for whatever reason.
prince is gender neutral, dumbass
Die in a grease fire.
Depends on setting.
Gee, it's as if you're wrong, making your calling others "idiot" pathetic!
Did you even read your own link?
I'd amend this to say that some restrictions turn out to be good for creativity, because creativity is by definition going down paths you normally wouldn't. Under the right circumstances this can produce better than usual results, but it can also just block off things you want to do and make the whole thing kind of crap.
I guess what I'm trying to say is
Hi /pol/
"a male member of a royal family; especially : a son of the sovereign"
"a nobleman of varying rank and status"
"one likened to a prince; especially : a man of high rank or of high standing in his class or profession"
Specifies male, specifies male, specifies male.
So yes, did you?
I wish.
>Prince (female)
My body is ready!
.....how is the person accusing someone else of just not liking women the person from /pol/?
You mean like the one they light in the Olympics?
Post more reverse trap princes.
Gender restrictions you don't need to follow are, since they create tension immediately. You're playing someone outside the norm.
Restricting people's choices blindlessly is dumb.
You don't need any fucking line breaks if none of your paragraphs are longer than one line.
Nigger how did you miss "the ruler of a principality or state"?
sometimes I larp as a woman online to steal money from white knight retards, just like how "transgender" people larp as the opposite sex in real life to steal attention from white knight retards
What is this? Looking at the stats it looks pretty interesting if anything. Probably homebrew due to the art differences.
Google search gives this thread
Never go full Griffith.
It's the norse spin-off of Mazes & Minotaurs.
>They were supposed to kill the boy and keep the girl so the new regent could marry her and ascend to the throne
Did your party not know that you can't actually become a king by marrying a princess?
Thanks user
>Being this retarded
>girls aren't supposed to be X so I'm a girl and X!
>good RP
Blindly mindlessly restricting choices is dumb pretty much by definition, yes. Profession restrictions can be well done or retarded depending on execution.
He did specify magical bullshit, so maybe the spell didn't. Or maybe ambitious wizards don't give a fuck.
Sounds like a dumbass quest.
Go back to /pol/
You can tell whether it's a Prince (male) or a Prince (female) by the size of the horns.
Well actually yes in the literal sense. Gender reasons, wouldn't respect a "her".
Go back to the ninteen feminist activist patreons you support you fucking piece of shit
No, but I am planning on running a Camelot IN SPACE game where Mordred is female. Because I'm a dick.
Which one is bigger?
Not all that important as long as she's still Arthur's sin come home to roost. Making Mordred female and keeping Gawain, Agravaine et al male is also an interesting shift to the dynamic.
Eh, I figured pulling a Samus would piss off my players who knew the legend and weren't expecting that. Or someone would try to waifu her. Oh well. All's well that ends however the PCs manage to derail things.
If you have to ask, you're not ready to know.