you have some, right?
You have some, right?
of this shit coin with a manipulated price on 1 shitty, low volume exchange? no
this is a meme now since 10k satoshis
yea i guess but it comes out on a whole bunch of exchanges and one completely new one dedicated to XRB.. and it keeps mooning why would anyone sell it? and theres a 100 xrb buy limit so not as easy to buy and flip repeat
The fuck is that gay shit?
yea idk man gay as fuck got in early so idc im not selling iron hands here until 150-200
it's a 10 XRB limit on Buttgrail retards
I can taste the salt.
Not even at the dump that'll come when it goes to binance? I'm figuring on selling what amount I have and then buying back in at the bottom of that dip.
Do you think the pajeets here have $100?
Shit dude, I'm not a pajeet and even I don't have $100.
Are poorfags even human?
its a 100 xrb buy limit retarded... its a 10 XRB min withdrawl.
whats the equivalent of the 21 btc in raiblocks?
i got 500 xrb am i in the club ?
it aint dumpin on Binance so many chinks will buy it they will gladly buy your bags ill have some spare shit around if there is a dip ill just buy more I aint selling nothing tho
I wish I had a 100% answer for the future. I'm all in here... ;_;
133 Raiblox
so much denial on this board its crazy just hold this coin for three- six months and it will be triple digits easily
$200 now ;-)
no pajeet, try again
That will mean that I make it and I will never make it.
ok, am trusting you user.
buy and hold
if im a pajeet then that makes your mom a pajeet lover
nice one pajeet, so you admit you were wrong?
a whole 10XRB a little out of your comfort zone?
poorfags I swear
I will think about buying some after it hits binance and loses 90%
lol yea prolly have more money then you seeing ive been in XRB since .60 last month ..tell me what coin did you invest in that made you more money then me? Suck a dick stay broke dumb nigga
yea your gonna be waiting on that one for a while bud
im waiting here ? what coin? Still trying to research some coin you don't own to sound cool?
suck a bag of dicks
exactly shut the fuck up
No because I'm too lazy to use an exchange that isn't binance.
it's funny how everyone who has XRB is just holding it. they say it's because they believe in the long term future of the coin, but it's actually because they seriously can't even trade it for BTC on their shitty exchange, lol. it's all just paper gains.
im holding it cuz its gonna be the easiest money ive ever made in my life. but do you
Guys can somebody with a brianed explain to me how Raibitcoins can go onto binance if there are no coins left available?
people send it there amd start trading.
Sold all my XRB to the ride ECA moon rocket a while ago
Some people unironically believe in this coin, it's only difficult to sell this shit when 50k+ XRB