/swg/ - Star Wars General

Hungarian Edition
Last Thread: Post about FFG, WEG D6, Saga/d20, Lego, X-wing, Armada, Legion, and anything else SW Related

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ SW RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
Other FFG SW Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)
FFG Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the SW RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older SW Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)
>Someone reported the Mega, it's gone now, RIP.

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

Other urls found in this thread:


>Star Wars General
You done fucked up son

>"Star Wars" in the OP at this time of year
You fool, you've doomed us all.

>Star Wars in title
>the week of new film release
why have you done this

You've done a good thing OP.

Shut up. Hiding the thread is dumb and makes us look like a cabal.

Anyone with a working pair of eyes can tell this is a Star Wars thread by reading the content, the mouthbreathing shitposters from /tv/ don't know tabletop and pass it over. OP has doomed us all.

It's a regionals day again!

Georgia and Michigan are playing Armada. Presumably other games are being played in places too.

From Michigan, we're hearing it's 17 Imperials / 9 Rebels in the first round (32 players total with 6 byes); with the Imperials most popular commander being Sloane, with Motti and Jerjerrod just behind.

(pic mostly unrelated)

The thread is only hidden from people scanning the Veeky Forums catalog for the words "Star Wars".

Any thread regular, or any person wondering "is there a Veeky Forums thread for [Armada/WEG/X-Wing/FFG RPG/other Veeky Forums on topic item]?" would find the thread without inconvenience.

We ARE a cabal!

>cute droids
Wrong, the seperatists and empire both have objectivly better droids

Whelp we're going to be getting a shit storm today it seems

It's just self-defence.



it's the most interesting and experimental thing to happen to Star Wars in years and you can't take that away from me


star wars with bizarre sexual and oedipal themes

why contain it

What the hell am I looking at?

The most magical of realms.

I agree

Yay, it's old Hungarian SW poster time!

A leaked children's book

Old Hamill has taken to making Star Wars more Lynchian.

Mark Hamill joins Death Stranding When?

>Punished Luke

Still wondering what would have happened if Lynch directed RoJ.

I've been playing Armada since it came out, and apparently unlike X-wing, I have never seen a repaint of an Armada ship that actually looked good. They are all almost uniformly hideous. I have a few theories as to why, mostly related to putting bright colors on Imperial ships and violating the aesthetics.

Oh look it's a member of /tv or some other shithole who doesn't mind when the thread gets shit up by movie and other BS. We're here to discuss minis and RPGs, not whether this particular CGI pixel makes the prequels suck or not.

Since I'm being so negative about everything, I'll just say I had good success with the PS10 Kimogila against Kylo on my first few tries. The ability really fucks with him, and the bullseye arc in fun to think about and fly. Makes me wish there was a way to give it to older ships, X-wings would love it.

Also threat tracker is legit awesome and makes running Kylo at PS9 or Blackout at PS7 a functional possibility.

>I've been playing Armada since it came out, and apparently unlike X-wing, I have never seen a repaint of an Armada ship that actually looked good. They are all almost uniformly hideous. I have a few theories as to why, mostly related to putting bright colors on Imperial ships and violating the aesthetics.

My guess would be more along the line of higher per-box prices (more people will try their hand repainting a $20 ship than a $50 one) alongside lower duplicate purchases (fewer people own many copies of a given ship) and smaller player base.

>"Wedge, I'm already a demon"

Compared with X-wing, what went wrong and what went right with Armada?

>objective based gameplay rather than deathmatch
>upgrades mostly improve built-in values (speed, dice, etc) rather than altering core mechanics or increasing action economy (makes for much better balance)
>list-building kept straightforward (no cost reducing upgrades, no upgrades that interact with other upgrades, etc)

>huge initial buy-in due to the $100 core set being both dual-faction and yet providing less than half a fleet for each faction
>extremely hot/cold release cycles - core set came out in March 2015, wave 1 in May, then nothing until 5 SKUs at once in November; then nothing again until 4 SKUs in August 2016 and 5 more SKUs in December 2016; then only 2 SKUs in all of 2017 in July

>slower, more strategic, more space/time consuming - these feed into what makes the game so good, but also reduce its mass appeal
>there are much fewer iconic capital ships in Star Wars than fighters - most casual fans might only really recognize the CR90 and ISD, and therefore be less drawn in

It's, in my opinion, by far the better game. Part of that though is because it's more niche - there's really nothing like Armada out there, the very strategic bent to gameplay isn't for everybody.

Hey I made a quick and dirty writeup for where I am setting my AoR game tonight oh god I am super not ready. Would you guys mind giving it a quick glance over to see if there are glaring problems?


>I was raised on a sandy world. I was only nineteen when we were raided by stormtroopers. IMPERIAL Stormtroopers.

>"Star Wars General"
>A week before the movie

Why would you do this?

>doesn't flip over to cause you to take 5 hull damage

Because that’s the name of this general. This thread is about Star Wars tabletop games.

looks good, maybe consider just vaguely its location or interest to the big crime factions (hutts or some other crime cartels) and if there are any points of interest neighbouring it, as in the empire has their big regional supply depot one sector away or the like. Also, if sith stuff means ancient temples, consider having a big excavation craze going on funded by secret benefactors

I've been going crazy trying to pick a place to put this planet but you are right on the money about needing to better define what crime syndicates are there and what they are doing.

thank you for the input though

There will be much digging. Perhaps even too deep and too greedily.

me I don't actually put it in a real sector usualy, I just say, "close to hutt space" or "former confederacy territory" or "key hyperspace lane connectiong x to y" but I know the agony of placing shit all too well

Surely this will end well.

Jude is underrated.

>Mfw i found an Alpha Class while browsing shit for christmas

Didn't the deathstar have recreational parks on it and shit?

What types of lists can deal with a pair of HLC+Crack Alpha Class Starwings (AKA GUNBOAT)

I'm not actually sure if 2 Gunboat+Ace can actually kill Low+Biggs+Miranda's Miranda in 1 round- which of those 3 ships should I target first?

Considering how fucking big it is it better have at least one bloody theme park in it. It would probably be something shitty like "Palpatine Land" or something though.

Emperor Palpatine's Officer Relaxation Assembly Center

The second Death Star was actually supposed to look the way it did because all those "unfinished" sections were where the water slide was going to go.

Well yeah. It was a massive space station intended for long-term assignment and tours of duty. IIRC it had food courts, officer spas, sports areas (including space basketball and tennis), and bars.

Presumably, especially if you consider that little Death Star builder online game to be canon.

And here is where we put the snack bars
>Death snacks
>Deep fried death snacking for all
>In whalodon oil

Has anyone ever done an internal layout for the Lancer Pursuit Craft?

Impfag to other Impfags (or even non-Impfags): what's your favorite iteration of the Galactic Empire?

please try to leave good/evil debates out of it

Mine is Pellaeon's, foremost because it's basically the British Empire and Pellaeon is among the best EU characters we ever got.

The empire in Legacy before the one sith ruined it

Fel Empire, pre-all-of-the-stuff-that-happens-in-Legacy.
It relates to my feelings on Legacy as a whole. It's a bunch of cool ideas, ruined by bad execution and a TERRIBLE protagonist.

This. Fel's empire kicks so much ass. The imperial Knight prestige class in Saga was pretty cool too, at least as far as d20 stuff goes

As an actual faction: Pellaeon's Remnant

Though as a campaign setting, I love the Balkanized Warlord Free-for-All

First Order

Yeah Cade is an edgy dickwaffle but at least everyone in the universe calls him out on his dumb bullshit. The real hatred in my heart is for Draco or whoever who is just as much an edgy douche especially in Legacy War but has no ramifications for it.

Ah, Heavy Rho-Boats eh? Well, High PS arc dodgers for one. So, yeah, Aces are back.
Miranda and Dash variations probably could as well. Imperial Alpha and RAClo probably could.
Triple Wookie's might struggle though.

I mean, to be honest pretty much anything popular right now should sweep the Rho's off pretty easily. It depends what else you toss in with them.

Like, say, Blackout with VI, FCS, Threat Tracker and Autothrusters. That leaves you with 1 point to spend either as an initiative bid, or as a spare Jamming Beam or Tractor on a Rho-Boat so he can use it whilst SLAMMING.

Blackout in that build is a genuine goddamn nightmare to K-Wings and Dash Rendar especially.

>You have moved before I do so you don't know where to SLAM or BR to definitely avoid me
>I don't care if you have parked onto a debris field or behind an asteroid
>I shoot before you do
>I do so with a FCS's Target Lock, and you receive no benefit for trying to evade at range 2 behind an obstacle at all. In fact you roll one dice less.
>When you try to shoot I might spend that TL to boost into RB1 of you, thus taking me inside your donut. Or I will BR/Boost out of your front arc so I have Autothrusters. Maybe even within your TLT's minimum range so you have to use primaries.
>Next turn I will drive in front of an asteroid and TL you. I will then use Threat Tracker after I have fired to BR away from it.
>I am Blackout. And I am your private Liam Neeson.

> talking with friend over our ideas for a star wars campaign
> since his game is coming up, he gives me a basic break down how it's gonna be the clone wars mixed with typical JRPG and anime cliches and ideas
> Main story being we're all part of a third party of criminals that is fighting both the Republic and CIS
> asks about my idea for a campaign
> tells him about an idea where the PCs are uncovering a conspiracy within the Mandalorian culture during an alternate timeline where the Hyperspace wars never ended
> The current Mandalore is an insane fundamentalist that used Sith arts and alchemy to ,in basic terms, bring the Mandalorian concept of their afterlife, to this realm of existence
> His plan would be to slowly infect most if not all Mandalorians and then have their souls and minds merged as one soul and conscience to transcend this realm of falseness/sloth and material plane and reunite with the rest of the Mandolarian gods and heroes
> PCs can either help or try and stop him and the general tone/style of the campaign would focus more on investigations and less action based
> Friend hates the idea since it's over complicated and since he believes Mandalorians during the Old Republic weren't religious at all

What do you guys think?

Can someone help me figure out some math for an X-wing game?

I'm flying

2x Crack+HLC Rhos
VI Standard Vader

I'm wondering if I get into a r3 engage with Lowhrick (Draw Their Fire), Standard missile+TLT+Bomblet Miranda, and Biggs, who I should go for first.

I know conventional wisdom would be to go for Miranda, as if I can drop her, the game is over (Biggs and Lowhrick can't beat vader, and those gunboats can outmaneuver both)

The issue is that 9 health, Lowhrick's evade, and Draw Their Fire mean she will probably survive

Even then, say Vader pulls a HHC attack on his first shot, which is only a 56% chance (37% chance of 2 damage results. If miranda blanks, that's only 1 damage after Lowhrick and DTF.

This specific scenario is a 35% chance.

Then I would need to get the 77.24% chance both times of 4 with HLC and not get any crits. (crack shot negates her 1 dice)- That's only a 20% chance of this exchange occuring, and that's assuming HLC means no crits.

More likely, my expected damage outputs are

1.148 from Vader
3.54x2 from each Gunboat (I can get crits, although unlikely)

(Bonus 1.44 missing DTF shields onto Lowhrick)

Negative 1 damage from Lowhrick (unless he fucks up badly and spends it on a Gunboat when miranda didn't get a natural evade).

That's a typical result of 7 damage, which means that Miranda is still unfortunately alive and will probably have 4 health by the time the gunboats can shoot her again (biggs next round, etc) Hell, if vader did damage, she could TLT and Regen instead of missile-firing. On the other hand, if she is a retard and pumps the missile, I could very likely kill her that round.

The next option is going after Lowhrick, but I'm unsure if killing him is a good idea- Miranda could be a serious problem for Vader in a 1v1, and I'm not sure I could win that. On the other hand, if I can drop Lowhrick, my gunboats can 2-round her fairly easily.


I think he needs to do his research/open his mind

Biggs seems like a trap- He can't really do that much to me, and due to R4-D6, my Gunboats are kinda "meh" at killing him. Do I go fuck him up if he has R2-D6 and Selflessness though?(Mathematically, he dies super-fucking hard, taking more than 7 damage on average)

I'm thinking that I should take my initial TL's on Miranda, and if an opportunity presents itself to kill something else, go shoot stuff with the Linked rerolls?

Or do I TL Biggs/low with my Long Range Scanners and pretend to not understand how Fat Miranda works and hope they fall for it (and I shoot Miranda anyways) ?

Hell, assuming that I do do a typical exchange, and I end up with a low-health gunboat, a fresh Gunboat, and Vader vs a missing-a-shield Low, a full health Biggs and a 2 health Miranda that already spent the missile at R3-2 of each other, what the fuck do I do the next round? 3 bank SLAM and then leave, trying to turn around (since Miranda can't regen unless she can shoot) and then take cannon shots while trailing at r3?

1-forwarding seems like a bad idea since they can and will pop biggs at the first opportunity.

Am I thinking about this wrong? Do I swtich to VI Quickdraw for a better matchup against 100-point-Miranda, but a worse matchup against Kylo?

Hey /swg/ I just had my first game with the new ships. I'm actually surprised that it went as well as it did for me- we ran the clock until it buzzed and played two more rounds before calling it a draw.

Here's what I flew:

TIE Silencer - Test Pilot Blackout (31)
-Trick Shot (0)
-Fire Control Systems (2)
-Autothrusters (2)
-Advanced Optics (2)

Alpha-class Star Wing - Lieutenant Karsabi (24)
-Adaptability (0)
-Advanced SLAM (2)
-XG-1 Assault Configuration (1)
-Heavy Laser Cannon (7)

Alpha-Class Star Wing - Rho Squadron Veteran (21)
-Adaptability (0)
-Advanced SLAM (2)
-OS-1 Arsenal Loadout (2)
-Cluster Missiles (4)

Total: 100 pts

Here's what he flew:

TIE Defender: · Colonel Vessery (35)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Tractor Beam (1)
TIE/D (0)

TIE/fo Fighter: · "Omega Leader" (21)
Juke (2)
Comm Relay (3)

Alpha-Class Star Wing: Major Vynder (26)
Push the Limit (3)
Advanced SLAM (2)
OS-1 Assault Configuration (2)
Harpoon Missiles (4)

Total: 100 pts

I'm thinking about switching the Clusters for Harpoons/Concussion Missiles, or even Proton torpedoes. I also advised my opponent to ditch the TIE/D and take /x7 instead, and use the spare 3 pts to take Proton rockets


yeah, I do have 36 points to play with though, and much like the Crack Swarm, the burden of Execution is on the ace player- If they fuck up once, the HLC Crack Gunboat can and will eat them alive, even through token stacks.

To the point that an Autothrusters Focused ship at r3 still takes 2-3 damage on average.

*Arsenal Loadout, not Assault config

The silencer needs to reposition to live.- Switch Trick Shot Optics on Blackout to

- FCS VI Threat Tracker

PTL Asensors Primed Thrusters

Remember, due to how MoV works (tiebreakers) having a really expensive Silencer that doesn't do much besides survive actually makes you win the game.

If you have a Gunboat and it's carrying a torp or missile, it really should be Harpoon missile, and here's why-

- Better mathematic odds of getting maximum hits and punching through damage
- Not spending the TL means you can Slam, Reload, and come back around without getting another TL (Remember, Gunboats are Action starved)
- The splash damage and bonus damage cards it hands out are mean

The alternative is to go with a Cannon- Throw on Linked Batteries,and LRS (or maybe Aslam if you are Lt. Kar ) and go fuck people up- Just remember you have -meh- Time on Target, although you aren't super action hungry, and you are maneuverable.

If you are trying to run an Os1 that is action starved, run Expertise and refuse to spend your TL (using Harpoons obviously) unless it will kill them- Your shots won't be as hard-hitting, but you will make up for it with your improved Time on Target.

I'm gonna be honest with you here user, they both suck ass.

I would play in neither game, and think less of anyone I know for running such awful plot lines.

What will be a better way to expand the rebel half of core set - Assault Frigate Mark II or Fighter Squadrons I and Transports?

Depends on what you want to do.

If you want to play a competitive game, the fighters and transports get you there quicker. They're powerful and something from those two products show up in just about every rebel list. Assault frigate can be a better centerpiece and support engaging gameplay better though, since having something to match a VSD makes the game more engaging for most people. I like assault frigates, put a lot of time in with them, and they're great generalist ships that will help hold a newer player's hand while they get used to certain rules and start developing an understanding of just how durable ships are in the game. Sadly generalists aren't amazing in the current game so they aren't used much in modern lists.

Ultimately up to you.

I know what you're thinking /swg/, another X-Wing list

Beyond chucking it all in the trash for Armada, I play with a local group where we do a 3 Player FFA match with all three factions--I represent Scum and Villainy. So an older swg thread suggested I run all tractor beams to sprinkle delicious tokens on other targets to get them popping shots on each other while causing as much asteroid mischief on the board. The problem, the list needs more cowbell. Especially the party bus. We run our lists to 150, so how can we help make these token machines a bigger nuisance?

Zuckuss (28/4)
-Veteran Instincts (1)
-Fire Control System (2)
-Mist Hunter (0)
-Tractor Beam (1)

Assajj Ventress (37/13)
-Push The Limit (3)
-Engine Upgrade (4)
-Latts Razzi (2)
-Shadow Caster (3)
-Black Market Slicer Tools (1)

Moralo Eval (34/12)
-Tractor Beam (1)
-Engine Upgrade (4)
-Ketsu Onyo (1)
-Dengar (3)
-Tactician (2)
-Internal Dampeners (1)

Unkar Plutt (17/4)
-Spacetug Tractor Array (2)
-Pattern Analyzer (2)


Those sound great, thanks!

It's been lovely posting with all of you, I'll be back when I can get around to seeing Last Jedi.

Two questions:

1. Around the time of R1/ANH, how strong are the Rebel defenses around Mon Calamari (how many capital ships, fighters, orbital defense platforms, etc.)?
2. What equivalent force would an Imperial admiral need to assemble in order to successfully conquer the planet?

Stop being the Empire, man.

Not a whole lot of nucanon info, but if we assume the Mon Cal are as competent and well-armed as their Legends counterparts, the Wook has this:
>During this time of war, the Mon Calamari and Quarren of Dac lived under the constant threat of an attack by Imperial fleets. The Alliance maintained a strong presence in the star system, including enough capital ships to defend against a standard Imperial battle line or perhaps even a squadron, but the Alliance and the Mon Calamari didn't have enough firepower in the system to repel a full Imperial attack squadron. The main Alliance fleet was considered too precious to risk in such a dangerously exposed position.[14]. As early as 1 ABY Imperial Intelligence Operations sent operatives to the planet in preparation for Imperial strikes on the planet's floating cities.[15]

That looks like someone stuck their chewed up gum all over the Galactica and then smoothed it out with some grey paint.

Doesn't that imply all white men should root for the Empire?

If rooting for the Empire means I get to be as far away from possible from that guy, I'd stop being a rebfag in a heartbeat.

Would it be too petty to use Wendig as a minor NPC antagonist in a campaign?

Even plenty of non-whites would root for the Empire just to spite Wendig. Hell, one of the most iconic supporters of the Empire is a damn dirty blue.

You pitch a campaign if you're so great


>First scene of Luke meeting the emperor is replaced with the emperor molesting him while explosively threatening him with profane metaphors

He'd need at least as many ISD-classes as there are MC-80s, to make up for the probably orbital defense platforms the Rebels will have. A few picket vessels at the sides to screen the inevitable swarm of fighters and/or bombers. On the other hand an SSD and a grouping of ISDs could do it depending on how many MC80s the Rebels have to throw at Imperial lines. An encirclement would be the best option to make up for what will likely be superior Rebel numbers and heavily-armed defense stations, forcing the Rebel ships out of their defense position to try to break through the Imperial encirclement or take long-range bombardment. It will boil down to whether or not the Imperials can destroy most of the Rebel fleet or if the Rebels can overwhelm the Imperials in attritioning waves.

He doesnt deserve the attention, don't let his existance influence you at all

Why did we need to bring this into the new thread?

Wendig's politics are fine, but he's a shitty writer because he doesn't understand nuance, among other reasons.

>Wendig's politics are fine

Fuck no they aren't.

>please ignore the actual outcome of my politics
>just keep voting for welfare checks and open borders, g-guys

Palpatine did NOTHING WRONG!

He let the Bothans live.

Def the Stalinist nightmare that had to have been Isard's reign.

Or maybe the Citruic Hegemony and Generalissimo Krennic thinking he'll overthrow the NR with an interdictor and pair of ImpStar deuces.

posted this in the last thread, anyone else play Destiny?
should I take out one of the troopers so I can use Kylo's extra die?

>Wendig's politics are fine

>AT-AT crew includes 2 "deck officers"
What are these guys' jobs? Are they just supposed to help babysit the infantry in the back and assist with maintenance/repair?

>fuck wipipo on principal
>in anyway 'fine politics'

Probably. Need somebody to open the hatches and help the grunt rappel down to the ground. And to ready/maintain the speeder bikes as necessary.

The thing that pisses me off is that “They” is a perfectly acceptable gender neutral pronoun and is used quite a lot already without much thought, until someone argues that it isn’t, that is.

Yes, but then they can't feel like they're unique and special, which is the whole point.

i can almost defend chuck windig off an ISD because while his writing's fucking horrid it does get mildly better with the next two (nothing herkily jerkily tier at least) and the actual plot meat and interludes are alright
but everything about that bitch iis just fucking

Anyone else kinda irritated that the IG-2000 has a large base, while the similarly sized K-Wing and Scurrg H-6 Bomber are small based ships?

Depends. Smaller base means smaller firing arc, but also less chance of bumping, bombing yourself, etc. SLAM with a large base and the K-Wing dial would be pretty brutal tho.

As evidenced by the Silencer, it's very much a strategic decision.

Tbh, I’m queer as fuck and pre hormonal trans, and people like that who use zhe/xhe/other nonsense are only marginally less annoying as otherkin/agekin/trans racials. Makes you feel trivialized and that it’s making you look like a joke