What's Veeky Forums's opinion on this system?

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on this system?

I'm cautiously excited about it, because I like the idea of a dedicated cosmic/angelic/Gnostic system, which I don't think is done well in any other system.

Played the former edition. The less your players know about the setting, the better it gets as the world unfolds before them. The new edition has a class system which destroys this option completely.

the system in the new Kult is PBtA, which is a controversial system for fa/tg/uys; you either love it or hate it and find it necessary to tell people your opinion either way.

How did the old system work?

Is that worth getting over the new one?

>The less your players know about the setting, the better it gets as the world unfolds before them.

Jesus Christ that’s fucking retarded. IN Forge games you could only play one kind of story, but at least you could play it as many times as you wanted. This shit gets spoiled after the first campaign!

The fuck?

If anyone wants to read more into.

ya I saw that, but it's only the alpha. Like every other kickstarter, It takes them two years after their proposed finish date before the actual thing finally comes out.

D20 point-buy-system plus you chose a "dark secret", which is something you only your GM knows about and your character would never tell another player. Your "dark secret" is only limited by your imagination.

The new system lets you chose a class and then you chose a "dark secret" from a list which is determined by your class.

Of course, it works only the first time, but the players it will be an amazing first time. They get to discover a whole new layer of reality.

That's what happens when you give cokeheads millions of kroner.

So I guess for all intent and purpose, as the GM I can stop the new system for being so restrictive then.

I actually have moneyz, and I want to get an actual copy of the system, so I'm trying to figure out which one would be the best/easiest to get my hands on.

You could talk with your players about what they want to play and just tell them their class and skill, which are just abstract versions of real-life jobs anyway. For example, if your player wants to be a rockstar he would get the class "Artist". The dark secrets could be anything.

I just glanced over the new rulebook one time since I don't want to spoil myself. I just stumbled across the new edition while I was searching for the old splats for my GM.

Well, when I played it it was heavily Basic Roleplaying influenced wit Paranoia-like damage rules and I enjoyed it. PBtA (assuming it’s a good patch) seems like an appropriate system for it.

>2.7 MSEK


Also, a box of pretty edgy ideas but hey, who didn’t read Clive Barker back then.

Want to play / 10

All I know about Kult is that reality is a trap set for your mind. And you can overcome it and punch God in the dick so hard you can be come God(s).

If I'm wrong, don't tell me. If I'm right, don't tell me any more.

Pretty much, except as far as I know there isn't a base god, but innumerable god like entities.

If anyone has played it, how did you run it? what worked and what didnt?

>And you can overcome it and become the play things of horrible motherfuckers that exist to fuck your shit up, for all eternity.
Also new edition is shit, old school or bust.

Which edition is old to you?

>If I'm wrong, don't tell me. If I'm right, don't tell me any more.
Reading comprehension is at an all time low.

are her nipples bleeding

Yeah, looks like foreplay was too rough. Or the baby teethed.

awareness of your own stupidity is regretfully lacking.

Don't Worry buddy, you'll get there one day!

He's going to die before the third book of The Art comes out, and that's going to be just about the most terrible thing to happen in my life (not really.)

god i hate the "success with drawbacks" shit. an example for combat is, honest to god, "you run out of ammo"

setting seems pretty cool tho

Any before the most recent PBtA one but second edition is the last one I knew anything about so maybe third sucked too, no idea.

I hate to see someone wallowing in ignorance by choice. That's no way to live.

>The new system lets you chose a class and then you chose a "dark secret" from a list which is determined by your class.

The "list which is determined by your class" is literally a list of suggestions. You're free to make your own.

Anything after the shitty unformated piles of printouts distributed to GMs at LinCon 1991 is shit. (Seriously, I like 1ed, didn’t even try to read those “rules”)