What shall we do with a cheating player?
What shall we do with a cheating player?
Into the brazen bull with him
Early in the morning.
1. Take them to the side and talk to them like an adult. Explain why the cheating is bad for everyone's enjoyment and that if it happens again, you'll kick them.
2. If it happens again, kick them.
This guy
Pull out your CCW and point it at his face with your finger on the trigger.
Aweigh-hay up she rises!
Weigh hay and roll the dices!
Weigh hay and roll the dices!
Err-lye in tha mooornin
Call them out on it. If it persists you kick them.
It's not fucking hard OP.
Shave his belly with a rusty razor!
Then rack the slide to show you're not fucking around. Of course, your dumb ass should have had a round in the chamber to begin with.
Came here to say that.
Tell him to stop, if he doesn't, kick him.
But what do you do with a cheating GM? I think I'm going to stop attending to his games, seems talking to him and being passive-agressive after he ignored me didn't work.
Shave his belly with a rusty razor!
Tell 'is wife so that she'll leave 'im.
Shave his belly with a rusty razor!
Early in the mornin!
Put the Quantum Ogre in his bedroom!
Put the Quantum Ogre in his bedroom!
Put the Quantum Ogre in his bedroom!
Early in the morning!
Make him stand on a buncha d4s!
Make him stand on a buncha d4s!
Make him stand on a buncha d4s!
Ear-lye in the moorrrnin'!
Your question makes no sense, GMs can't cheat.
Rap e him
Sure they can. Ignoring rules or reason to arbitrarily force drama on players is the most common way they do it.
Rule 0. GM can and should ignore the rules when they don't serve a purpose or prove to be a hindrance to the game - for instance, there is often no reason to strictly enforce encumbrance rules(at least, as long as the players don't overly abuse such leniency). What you're describing is bad GMing, not cheating.
They're cheating players out of a good tabletop experience. Rule 0 only applies if they're doing it for the purpose of a net improvement.
Would you also say a GM would be cheating if he followed the rules when it would probably be best to have ignored them?
Our GM was caught rolling d20s till he got a nat20 to kill a PC.
Same GM was caught adding +20 to damage to a monster, +infinite to hit, the ability (that in the game doesn't exist) of ignoring the rule that you can't crit on enemies with concealment.
Same GM lied about a monster having an ability that rendered useless certain features from a PC (such ability doesn't exist in the system) just so he could kid said PC
Yeah, GMs can cheat.
What? No. I'm strictly talking about GMs who ignore rules or the internal reason of the scenario to force their own railroady drama to the detriment of the players' experience. I feel I was quite clear about that.
Call it whatever you want, cheating is when you act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.
In this case when he wants to beat the players and humiliate them and uses """rule""" 0 as an excuse of his powertrip.
You mention three incidents that would make any self respecting group of players drop a GM.
Yet you managed to be there for all three of them, why?
>‘Davy, why do you go there—don’t you know the game is crooked?’ ‘Of course it’s crooked,’ said he, ‘but, damn it, it’s theonly game in town!’
Are you still in that group our have you pulled the cock out of your ass? If yes, fucking do something about it, take the good players and form a new group, go to the game finder threads.
Refuse to accept this shit, you need and deserve better.
I'm not even that user, I'm just inferring what his reasoning could most likely be.
Maybe he lives out in the sticks where tabletop groups are hard to find.
>you need and deserve better
You don't know either of those things. Especially the latter.
Chuck him in to the Tomb of Horrors!
Chuck him in to the Tomb of Horrors!
Chuck him in to the Tomb of Horrors!
Ear-lye in the moornin'!