Since GW has gone full digital sculpt, why haven't they got a nice female model?
>a) they hire incompetent sculpts.
>b) they don't want any sexy female because SJW Will scream sexism if that happens.
>c) the player base is so autistic that the mere sight of a woman, even in plastic;, would trigger them, so they make all their Women look like menos.
I go for C
Since GW has gone full digital sculpt, why haven't they got a nice female model?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because plastic sisters soon
The Escher models look decent, if you're not the kind of player who's just looking for something to masturbate to while he rolls dice
You can't just start a thread by asking a question and answering correctly.
You need to bait us with a wrong answer so you can get 50 posts of people correcting you and 250 posts of GW fanboy rage.
So i actually know a forgeworld sculpture. He used to work at another miniature company that made pretty cool female minis so i know they have capable sculptures. I asked him and the answer i got was this : gdubs doesn't know what the fuck the fanbass wants. If they make sexy females they alienate one half of the playerbase. Go the opposite way and make badass fully armored females and upset the other half. They really don't know what the fuck to do to make anyone happy
>If they make sexy females they alienate one half of the playerbase
The absolute state of 2017.
it will be over soon, just 3 more weeks
Anyone who doesn't want good-looking Sisters of Battle probably doesn't play 40k anyway so who gives a shit about their opinion? I'm so tired of joyless dykes having sway over the direction of hobbies they're not even a part of.
I choose C alongside a good chance for A
I, for one, want sexy Slaaneshi demons back. Also badass armoured sisters with attractive faces would be nice. And sexy flagellants and penitent engines.
Basically, why do they not just do both? The in-universe canon supports both.
>half the GW playerbase
>They really don't know what the fuck to do to make anyone happy
I'd say beef armor up a little, to be more "power-armory" and it would be ok.
The Celestine kit seems like a pretty good baseline.
No, this, but with better faces.
>platform heels
Fuck you and everyone who supports that retarded design.
Fuck the guy who designed greyfax especially.
Remember when Veeky Forums wasn't full of redditors posting conspiracy theories about Gloria Steinem?
he's not talking about women...
>>b) they don't want any sexy female because SJW Will scream sexism if that happens.
Man, the thing about SJWs is really dumb. Even they aren't a hivemind. I have a feminist friend who is not into miniatures at all, but liked the look of Sisters art I've sent her, and she and her friends loved Daktari from Infinity, despite her being a pin-up catgirl.
Not to mention that SJWs are simply not GW's target, so their opinion really shouldn't matter. Hopefully GW does not go full WotC.
Also IMO the recent Escher models are attractive enough for GW aesthetic. They give me hope for Blood Bowl Amazons, though I hope the blitzers are of a more strongfat body type, while Catchers/Throwers are leaner.
Look what happened to marvel
I think, when I start my business, each of my products will come with a personalized survey code. That way I can get feedback from the people who are actually buying my product on what they would like to see in the future. Then for someone to have major influence in decision making, they would have to buy a lot of my product, so it's a win-win for me.
d). Heroic scale and sexy doesn't mix that well
With so of the ither options mixed in as well.
>Look what happened to marvel
I'm a traveling /co/mrade, you need not remind me.
That's why I don't want GW to be infected like this. I mean, what has playing with plastic soldiers to do with feminism? It's a game, it's not even narrative.
If they pushed for plastic Sisters, some fem-Guardsmen and a head or two with African features in 40k human troop boxes (like pic related, Infinity again), since those boxes usually have more heads than possible figures to build anyway, I'd agree. Personally I'm kind of cross all the Farseers are male, despite all the ones in DoW being female. But if they make vague statements about "toxicity" or just scream for female Space Marines, fuck off, you're not interested in the game, you just want a new podium to spout your bullshit from.
I know Marvel Movies are doing well still. Are the books going into the shitter? Got any sales figures?
These are really good way better than
What stuff does he sculpt? I know someone at FW said he wanted to do a Female mechanicum magos. Is it him?
A while ago one of Marvel's heads said that "diversity" has caused a sales slump, but when you google it now, the results are mostly articles protesting that notion.
Ask /co/ for sales figures or search archive, it's bad. Movies are what keeps Marvel afloat.
They are not interested in the game. They are just following a political agenda and it is their mission to force that agenda to the every corner of the world.
Thye dont care about the settin,g they dont care about the lore they dont care about anything.
They only care if they can force their demands on other peopel till the breaking point.
That is why you will never appease these people.
I am all in for female guardsman and sisters of battle. Hell i even bought third party raging heroes stuff to get female guardsman.
But these people dont want that.
They are outright pushing for female space marines for no other reason than the fact that they are the only ones radical enough to do so.
If no one cared about female guardsman for example they would be pushing for that and moving on to fem marines later.
These people dont buy miniatures they dont read lore.
Their only purpose is to spread their political agenda.
If people are sceptical about what i am writing you can check out feminist 40k FAQ, where they admit that they are following an agenda dictated by another force on them.
So, I went and did some research and I'm not seeing it. Marvel wavers between 36% and 40% of the market and is currently sitting just above 36% this year. What does look like it's decreased this year is overall sales, which is down around $200m across all comic books sitting at around $380m this year. That's a pretty big impact, for sure, but Marvel still heads the pack. So it's not that customers are abandoning Marvel, it's that people are abandoning comics altogether.
Here's the data I looked at.
I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it seems relatively so.
The lack of female guardsmen is ridiculous
There's no fucking way the IMPERIUM OF MAN would pass up an entire half a population of cannon fodder
Women are babymakers only.
Also factory workers (unless there's servitors), farmers / field hands, teachers, you name it.
Are you from Australia?
>you can check out feminist 40k FAQ
Arch linked it in the description in his video but when following that link content seems to be removed.
You can skim through it by looking at the vid here. Arch put screenshots of it while he was analysing it.
Wait, the Necro minis are digital sculpts? Even the Orlocks? That's pathetic if true.
Somebody's gotta pump out the babies so there are guardsmen at all, genius.
There are almost Perry twins terrible (& one of them only has one hand).
Delet dis
I guess it comes down to which half of the playerbase to alienate, sadly.
Or you know, this. Most 'sexy armour is bad' complaints I see stem from there not being many alternatives. Give us practical female guardsmen and then super-oiled muscular topless amazon Catachans, and only those completely without hope will really complain.
Boobplate & heels, but at least it's not dreadful.
Still a couple of boobplates but that barely matters. Nice models.
Speaking as a SJW who moves almost entirely in SJW circles, it's a fucking stupid label that gets applied to every POV from "GW should make more female models" to "we need to eradicate the male sex" and "you're only a women if you able to be impregnated"
Like, fuck. With the number of times I hear "bring back sisters of battle" and "lol manlet marines" you'd think 40k fans would be used to the idea of people complaining about the models.
>Go the opposite way and make badass fully armored females and upset the other half.
god 2017 is a shitshow
Marvel never shows sales, only units shipped, which is much higher than actual sales they often ship more than requested.
Their best seller (not certain, what to say it's spiderman) ships around 100,000 copies, which is around a 8th of their peak in the 80s.
Quite a few get cancelled after 6 issues.
>Hinata with a sword
>and in those leggings
Seriously, though, the Byakugan's 360-degree X-ray vision would be pretty OP for a dungeon-delver.
>upset the other half.
>other half
Who gets upset by fully armoured females?
You see, about half of all sperglords want plate bikinis, the other half want women in cool armour.
Those two poles are what dictates action, it seems, rather than the not-sperglords.
Enough that they aren't in the game yet.
Is that official art? Her right leg is too small!
People want plate bikinis where they make sense.
If you make plate bikini super sexy dark eldar that is fine and no one will object to that.
If you make cool armor sisters ( just the standar sister armor ,you only need to update the faces really) no one will object again.
But if you put dark eldar in armor and put sisters on bikini you are doing it wrong.
What would an armored burka look like?
>So i actually know a forgeworld sculpture
this seems real legit
The sperglords who were busy calling Celestine and the new Eschers fat, to begin with.
Celestine is qt and thicc.
Eschers are just fat.
>amazonian musclegirls
Musclefat is still fat.
>But if you put dark eldar in armor and put sisters on bikini you are doing it wrong.
anyway, why would anyone choose normal style models over cheesecake?
The Escher girls at least give the illusion of being fat because of what dumpy proportions they have.
Just look at that thing, she's about 5.5 heads tall.
Compare that to the KD model OP posted which is 6.5-7 heads tall, and that particular character is supposed to be one of their more youthful looking models.
They became a successful movie franchise with legions of fans?
Are you saying we should get 40k movies? Because I'm actually kind of okay with that, user.
Is that thing seriously a digital sculpt?
Women are capable of having multiple children over their lifetime, and even if you took 50% of a planet's population of child bearing women, that still leaves the other 50% to continue reproducing and who could easily replace those numbers considering how Tithing works in 40k.
But if you have more women you can have more babbs more quickly. This is important when Tyranids can show up when the fuck ever and won't wait for you to raise another generation to fight them.
Or just have 100% of them breeding so there are even more recruits who aren't going to be shitty soldiers and not a disruptive presence generally.
I mean under that shitty logic what's the point of having Sisters of Battle anyway. They're shitty soldiers and a disruptive presence generally and GW doesn't bother supporting them anymore, so it's better to just retcon them out of existence and imply all women in the Imperium are axtotl tanks.
you still need to feed and equip all those children and guess who does all the heavy labor (hint: it's not the women)
if there's more babbs there's more material for the nids to consume u dumb dumb.
Women are perfectly capable of farming and the equipment comes from forgeworlds, though as you should know from the world wars women are also perfectly capable of operating factories.
don't AdMechs just use gestating tanks
I don't like SOB either. It's a retarded idea but some neckbeards like that kinda thing I guess. An all female organization isn't going to have the same problems, obviously.
Yes, but other than Krieg, most planets produce guardsman the old fashioned way.
Really though? I feel like pic related, with the hips... isn't in the spirit of 40k. I think GW will do it though, considering they are sculpting more primarchs and even the emperor (as a child resurrection...) It's ok though, I'm old now. Feel sorry for the new guys.
The Guard needs women in it so they can repopulate the regiment while deployed. Where did you think White Shields came from, the stork?
Hmm, the midrif doesn't look like it's armored.
> Complaining about lack of utilitarian realism in 40k
Do Space Marines mack even a tiny bit of sense? Why does rule of cool applied to sexy armour suddenly become contentious?
SoB were always BDSM Nun fetish-bait and that's cool. My only complaint bout this obvious "homage" model's platform heels is that they aren't also flamers so they can stamp on faces and set them on fire.
>Women are perfectly capable of farming and the equipment comes from forgeworlds, though as you should know from the world wars women are also perfectly capable of operating factories.
As someone who grew in a rural Easter European country i can assure you women aren't as good at farming.
So you can either keep all women home where they'll do a subpar job in agriculture and industry, or send them to war where they'll do a subpar job in waging war
Yeah they pretty much do everything well. I would be pissed if they just sat around all day looking pretty.
>Yeah they pretty much do everything well.
Babies are going to violate your butthole.
Why put child bearing women on the front line?
Do older women have the needed strength or endurance to effectively support?
The implication is they are in the background supporting things, but we get no art or writing (other than occasional BL garbage) to flesh this out. Makes sense since it is a war game, and I like that they leave it (it being the state of women in society at large) open for you to interpret. You can imagine both the best (nuclear families) and the worst (clone farms) to your hearts desire.
Or am I just a giant, sexist, homophobe
>eastern euro
>uses real lif logic into fucking fiction, 40k non less
You and all your people are fucking subhuman, including me.
There's no way to create a worse race than both of us, it's just not fucking possible.
This GW, this. Let's keep it as space nuns, nut buns
>You and all your people are fucking subhuman, including me.
no because i'm not a disgusting s(c)lav
Canonically they are a thing, but actual sculpts are rare.
Pic related goes for ridiculous prices on ebay.
It's like anything else, right? Just because you're doing digital sculpting doesn't mean you're going to be good at it. I don't personally believe because GW's CAD-era models tend to be signified by overwhelming minor details and samebody. There are a few great sculpts there but I wouldn't say GW is leading the pack in digital design.
Infinity also uses digital sculpting and I think they have less problems with it, producing a general higher quality of miniatures (but less customisable) and they can definitely do a female sculpt. But that comes with its own problems: I think CB does a good range of male and female miniatures from the sublime to the ridiculous, but combat heels do pop up on a lot of female units and while the pilot models are meant to be cheesecake, sometimes they throw in random cheesecake variants as the actual default model.
Cause maybe the in war they'll be fighting replacement birth rates won't be a factor?
Maybe the setting has canonically 100'000'000'000'000 humans?
Loads of reasons to be honest. Reducing women down to reproductive tools for society is sexist yes. But like, it's not a big deal, shit happens, now you know.
Isn't the model you posted one of the old hand-sculpted ones?
Here's a new, digital one.
That's what all of this SJW pandering is about. They saw what Marvel did with a nitch market (piled on so much crap that the original, unpalatable comics became palatable), and now GW wants in. Expect total PC overhaul with gay, female, space marines made by the lost female primarchs who suddenly return and reincarnate the emperor.
But long before the tabletop and GWCE (GW cinematic universe) combine for female space marine emperor wank (as Marvel is doing now, at least for E616), we will slowly see more mainstream stuff to prepare us for that day. I don't get why they think this will work but...
I for one, like girls and painting
Disagree vehemently. SoB were always fetish bait. Always. Only someone who has ben aware of them since they were a kid can't see that.
They are an all female order of beautiful space nuns who ritualistically punish one another and wear bondage gear ffs.
Falling on the ol' "It's just a fictional universe, man!" thing I see.
GW has more shekels than the others so you'd think they'd hire the best.
That still seems fine to me? Like here's a new release for this month.
I don't think it's just about hiring, it's about what the models are for.
I think GW will have a hell of a time including female rights into an apocalyptic future of the scale of 40k without having the imperium require reverence of natural birth. Again, it is implied although by the Emperors reverence for "natural" genetics. There is precedent.
God look how shit this looks compared to this
There's no excuse. Plus they're STILL carrying on with heroic scale/ proportions. It sucks.
I think it was an honest attempt by GW to include women in the hobby! Honestly!
Don't you believe me?
Your right though, it was 20 years ago.
No, let's do mental jew gymnastics to rationalize why a civilization tens of thousands of years into the future would share present day norms that have their genesis in the deranged minds of bitter communists from the middle of the 20th century.
Not sure what you are saying? Sexism must be canonical cause of internal consistency?
That's moronic. There is no internal consistency in 40k, and there doesn't have to be any sexism in a fictional world if the creators prefer there not to be.
Some might WANT there to be canonical sexism, for whatever reason, but applying logic to 40k to defend it is plainly selective given nothing else in the setting is logical.
The Imperium is designed to be pretty apolitical due to it's size. Planetary Administrations have such incredible power a gender-discriminatory Governor could do almost anything.
You can have canonical suffrage or sexism, but there is no reason to demand one over the other beyond personal taste or politics.
"Heroic scale" is probably the biggest failing of GWs sculpts.
Can't they just hire some competent sculptors who understand anatomy and posing?
Considering that GW has already said, repeatedly, that the Imperium does not care how individual planets deal with their societies so long as they obey the law, and the Imperium itself does not force a gender divide, nor care to afford to, both of you are pretty stupid.
Fanboys will just bitch about "b-but they are supposed to be underhive amazons!", even though CB nailed amazon musclegirls much better.
I applaud you b8 you son of a bitch. Get fucked.